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21 Cards in this Set

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Camillo di Cavour
19th century
Prime Minister of Piedmont
Kicked the Austrians out of Italy using nationalism (with a little help from France)
Unified Italy – he came down from the North, Garibaldi and Mazzini came up from the South, met in Rome. Kingdom of Italy is established in 1861, but is not recognized by the Pope until 1920s.
Significant as a triumph of Nationalism. By unifying with the rest of the country, it became a more powerful nation and established Italy as a major player.
Otto Von Bismarck
19th Century
Prime minister of Prussia under William I
Member of the Prussian landowning nobility. Highly educated, wealthy, well travelled.
Wants to unify Germany through war & nationalism.
Realpolitik – solve issues with action, not discussion. “blood & iron”
Fights Austria in 1866 to show superiority after Austria got most of the credit for defeating Denmark.
Spanish throne drama – William I vs Napoleon III, William backs down, and Bismarck “rewrites” a conversation between William & the French ambassador. Starts a war – Bismarck was ready because he moved the army to the border with France. They lay siege to Paris and capture Napoleon.
William I becomes king of a unified Germany in Versailles 1871– very insulting to France.
Significant because he unified Germany.
Use action to solve issues, not discussions. “Blood and Iron”
Not just saying schools have to teach the government’s material, but also going in and removing teachers not doing so.
Significant as the foundation of Bismarck’s actions in unifying Germany.
Teachers have to have college degrees. Priests/ministers also have to have degrees in theology.
Most Catholic Priests went to seminary and not college, so they did not have degrees. Bismarck’s men would show up during mass & ask to see the degree – locked up & closed the churches.
At first, other religions liked this, but then they realized something like this could happen to them, and they worried. So they decided to stand “with their Christian brothers”. Protestants specifically. They fight against the Kaiser (ruler of German Empire), who does not want to get rid of Bismarck, so he tells him to get rid of the laws. Catholics compromise and agree to dedicate a few hours per school day to teach what the government requires them to.
Significant because it built a foundation for required courses in schools. First time that the government has a say in education. Step in the direction of public schools & private school regulation.
Communist Manifesto
Written by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.
Don’t ask for the factory owners to treat the workers better, but to rise up & revolt.
Critique of capitalism
In support of communism. Recognized as one of the most influential political manuscripts.
Presents an analytical approach to the class system. Contains theories about the nature of society and politics. Features ideas of how capitalist society would eventually be replaced by socialism and then into communism.
Proletariat (working class that will rebel against the bourgeoisie) will take control of the factories.
Finally a critique that sought change coming from the workers, not coming from the factory owners.
Significant because it influences people like Lenin, Mao, and Che. Also empowering for workers and led to very powerful labor unions. Marx was blamed for revolutions of 1848.
Seneca Falls (NY) movement – Elisabeth Stanton – demanding rights for women. National womens’ party.
In Europe, John Stewart Mills
In 1893, New Zealand grants women the right to vote.
Women would go on hunger strikes. Jumped in front of a racehorce to draw attention. Wiling to give up a lot.
Movements – organized reasonable demands, using economic models to argue why they contribute such a significant amount to the well being of society, and therefore why they should be allowed to vote.
Women in 1918 (Britain) get the right to vote – age 30.
Lord Byron
Poet, “soldier”
Into Romanticism – reviving of the glorified & sanitized middle ages. Where they re-write history so it’s fuzzy and frilly.
Believed that when humans try to play god (scientific revolution), they create monsters like Napoleon.
Big supporter of Greek war for independence against the Ottomans. He goes to fight, and dies almost immediately from a fever.
Friends with Mary Shelley, who wrote Frankenstein.
Club foot!
Significant because his literature was incredibly influential.
Late 19th Century
Anti-semitism was rampant.
No matter what Jews do, they will never be totally assimilated
The Jewish State – written by Theodore Herzl. Only solution is a Jewish homeland where they can live by themselves.
Israel is currently controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Alternatives are presented – space in Africa/Americas?
Significant because it created massive amounts of problems between the Jews and the Palestinian Arab community. Also resulted in the establishment of Israel.
Congress of Vienna
Meeting that takes place after the decline of Napoleon between Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain.
Discussing how to deal with changes made during the French Revolution & changes made by Napoleon. Kept the metric system.
No more HRE.
Austria is given Hungary, Poland is gone.
Southwest France & Northern Italy are made into the Kingdom of Sardinia. Created to serve as a buffer state between France & Italy.
Significant because conservatism and liberalism emerged from these meetings. Also because they make a vow to stop any uprisings they see by military invasion in order to prevent “another French Revolution”.
Irish Famine
Late 1840s
Corn laws – food is put in storage rooms to stop the market from flooding & prices from going down. England had TONS of food stored up, but wouldn’t share it…
A fungus attacks the potato which is the primary crop for the Irish.
Even though they had food stores, they did not have anywhere near enough to last them the three years the famine lasted.
England refused to help, saying it’s not their job to feed the people.
Significant because it led to intense nationalism in Ireland – only Irish people should rule Ireland. Anger & resentment.
Boer War
Boers are descendants of Dutch colonists in Africa.
They believe that God gave them land. They have lots of weapons. The Boer land is sitting on top of gold & diamond mines. The British are aware of this and want this. The British attack the Boers. The Boers have been there for a long time, so they know how to fight against the British. Brits are losing, so they take the families & children of the Boers soldiers, and put them in concentration camps with poor hygiene and little food. Forces the Boers to surrender.
Enclosure Acts
With the inventions of the agricultural revolution, people are seeing record profits and want more land.
Parliament began to reclaim public land, dividing it up and selling it as private land.
People had used this land to herd their sheep, farm food for themselves, etc.
It is taken away and purchased by the wealthy.
Significant because this greatly lowers the standard of living for the lower classes.
Peterloo Massacre
Takes place in St. Peter's field, outside of Manchester.
Rally with people giving speeches to the working class on how to unite, demand better wages, etc. Thousands of workers attend.
Highly publicized - lots of media coverage - journalists.
Speakers were NOT telling them to rise up, destroy factories, etc - just that they should unite.
Factory owners are very angry - many of these workers had just up & left their jobs to attend. Factory owners tel the constable the rally is encouraging workers to "rise up", and the soldiers come and attack them.
Because of the journalists present, there are very clear accounts of what happened. Soldiers attacked first.
Significant because it created a new vision of the working class - changes the perception of working class from instigators/Luddites to victims. Puts pressure on Parliament.
Early 19th century
Liberals - Freedom & Reform. Mostly educated - middle & lower upper-class people who believe the Enlightenment was a good thing. Believed the French Revolution had a lot of good things - Napoleonic Code could serve as a good basis for government. Good Foundation. Continue sharing power, etc.
Conservatives - restore the traditional order. Return to the time before the French Rev. Map may look different, but the aristocracy can continue to be at the top of society. Rejecting the Enlightenment, Napoleon, & French Rev.
These two major political ideologies emerged after the Congress of Vienna.
Great Reform Bill of 1832
Great Britain.
Introduced by the Whigs because they believed in moderate reform as opposed to reactionary intransigence. Lowered property qualifications so that most upper-middle class men could vote. Redistributed electoral districts, giving more power to underrepresented cities.
Significant because it led to broader democracy - conservative landed aristocracy was no longer completely dominant. More liberal property owners (bourgeoisie) rose to power. Step in the direction of universal men's suffrage.
Paris Commune
Socialist government that ruled France from March to May. They were elected as the city council (but then declared their authority over all of France) as a result of an uprising after France lost the Franco-Prussian war.
During their short time ruling, they implemented numerous "decrees" such as the separation of church and state, appropriated all church land to the public, and removed religion from schools.
When they fell, having supported them was a criminal offense, and many were killed.
Significant because many leftists have viewed the commune as a model for a "liberated society". Also significant because it resulted in thousands of deaths during The Bloody Week, and led to Paris being under martial law for the five years following.
19th Century
French Revolution gave birth to Nationalism because it redrew the map of France - you were no longer from a traditional territory - you were now from FRANCE. Did away with regional distinctions.
The French began winning, and people noticed the pride in the country, and realized that was a major factor.
Cultural Nationalism was used in non-unified countries to unify people of one culture.
Significant because it was used as a tool to unify Italy and Germany.
Social Darwinism
Late 19th Century
If, as Darwin says, humans are the product of evolution, then clearly some humans are further evolved than others. Those that are farthest away from Africa were the first to leave and are therefore more evolved.
Gave a pretext, an excuse for attitudes of superiority.
Even within Europeans, there was debate as to which Europeans were the most evolved. People even go so far as to say the rich & wealthy are the most evolved - let the poor starve, clean the gene pool.
Significant because this kind of thinking is what led to Hitler. And because this was used as an excuse for imperialism.
Origin of Species
Darwin came to the conclusion that evolution was caused by natural selection.
The idea of evolution had been around for about 100 years as a product of the Enlightenment/Deism. Many had already written essays about this. What was unique about this was that Darwin put forth ideas about HOW evolution happens, which no-one else had been able to do. Passed down traits will become the dominant traits in a species. Explained what he saw in his voyages. Same species looked entirely different in different parts of the world. Animals adapt to thrive in different environments through generations.
Overall, very well received by the scientific community and general public.
Significant because he was the first to pose ideas about how evolution happens.
Spanish-American War
Americans had their eyes on Cuba - sugar was a lucrative crop. Americans figured instead of continuing to buy sugar, why not just take over Cuba!
Problem was that Cuba belonged to Spain. Through powerful sugar lobbying, congress sends the Maine to the harbor in Havana. The Maine explodes due to a boiler explosion, but people blame the Spanish and they go to war over this. The war lasted about 1 year. The Philippines & Puerto Rico helped the US win the war.
Significant because the US doesn't keep the promises it makes, Puerto Rico becomes a colony (and still is), the Philippines keep an American governor, and in Cuba, the US installs a corrupt and friendly regime.
A monopoly occurs when a single person or business is the sole supplier of a commodity.
The lack of competition means the company or person can completely control the price of their commodity.
An example of a monopoly was the East India Company - they had a monopoly on trade.