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45 Cards in this Set

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Gustav Streseman
Leader or the German Govt 1878-1929
Spirit of Locarno
based on unreal hopes of united france, germany, belgium nonmilitary
John Maynard Keynes
General theory of employment, interest, money depression stemmed from decline in demand
National Bloc
rebuild germany- voted out
Roosevelt's employed people to build public works
Benito Mussolini
formed fascists govt in italy
manipulative toatalitarian took by force
Wiemar Republic
Democratic Germany provided env for Hitler and Nazi's to power
Beer hall Putsch
Hitlers push to overthrow the Weimar republic
Mein Kampf
My struggle Hitlers book wrtiin in jail
Hitler over germany
A slogan that promoted Hitler in 50 cities in 15 days by car, train and airplane
The coordination of all institutions under Nazi control
Hitler Jugend
The hitler yough who dedicated their lives to serving hitler
the pure blood german people
A modified version of the old capitalist system in Russia established by Lenin
Joseph Pilsudski
created a military dictatorship in 1926 that established an authoritarian regime in Poland
Oswald Spengler
believer in a decadent west wasready fo fall
Fransisco Franco
senior army officer who led revolt against gov and started brutal and bloody civil war on the popular front
Igor Stravinsky
wrote music in a deinite key
James Joyce
wrote Ulysses exiled irish writer and interio monologue
Where Germany's western borders were guaranteed
Stanley Baldwin
Conservative leader during the prosperous 1920s
Leon Blum
Brime minister for the popular front coalition
March on rome
Action that brought Mussolini to power in Italy
Lateran Accords
Fascists resolution of Italy's religious question
Nazi explanation for eastern expansionsim
Franz Von Papen
Arranged for Hitler to come to power in Germany
Oswald Spengler
Believe a decadent west was ready to fall
Salvador Dali
Pioneer in the surrealist school of modern art
carl jung
spokeman for the collective unconsious
efforts to maintain peace following wwI included
only a weak alliance between france and the little entente
the period of 1924-1929 in Europe saw
a growing optimism that liberal govt would provide peace and prosperity
A major cause of the great depression was
the recall of american loans from european markets
Economist John Maynard Keynes suggested that one way out of the great depression might be a
govt program of public works
One overall effect of the great depression in europe saw
the rise of fascist movements and govts
the 1st popular front govt of France
was led by socialist Leon Blum who instituted a french new deal
The assassination of Giacomo Matteottie by Fascits in 1924
forced Mussolini to make a push for full dictatorship
Which of the following statements best describes Mussolini's Italian fascist state
Fascist propoganda laws and practices forced women to leave the work force stay at home
Mussolini's fascist dictatorship
never acheieved the degree of totaliarianism found in Germany and Russia
the lateran Accords of 1929
recognized catholicism as the sole religion of Italy
From the writing of Adolf Lanz a former monk, Hitler got his
belief in the superiority of the Aryan race
Heinrich Himmler was responsible for
carrying out SS operataions of social and racial terror
Stalin made his way to power in the USSR as
Secretary of Communist party making appts
The spanish civil war eneded with the victory of
General Francisco Franco who established an authoritarian regime
Dopolavaro and Kraft durch fredue were programs designed by fascits govts to
provide civilian recreation and mold public opinion