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60 Cards in this Set

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-Delegates land to make sure King takes care of his people
-Conditional property rights
-Provide protection for those beneath him
-Absolute power
-makes sure everyone worships God
-provide protection for those beneath
-Passed down from Father to Son
In exchange for control of those under them
-Loyal to Monarch
-Owe military service to monarch
-contribute wealth to monarch
In exchange for their little share of land
-owe military service to aristocracy
-take care of roads
-Mouthpiece for news, spreads word
-clergy spread throughout hierarchy
-God is where monarch's power comes from
-made up about 10% of society
-had a contract (charter) with aristocracy
-Not responsible for for housing journeymen or apprentices
-divided shops between towns
-no shop, worked for someone else
-no contract that governs them
-work for a daily wage
sweep floors, dirty work
James VI
Came to England, became James I and practiced Catholicism
Charles I
Took over after James I died, called Parliament to make larger taxes
Triennial Act
Parliament to be called every 3 years by Monarch
Petition of Right
-Only parliament can tax
-Parliament has separate rights from the monarchy
-Charles I hated this
English Civil War (1642-1649)
Cavaliers (loyalists) vs. Roundheads (loyal to Parliament)
-Roundheads led by Cromwell
-Monarchy dead
Charles II
-Came to power after Cromwell's death
-Caters to Parliamentary desires
-Aristocrats had limited property rights
-Charlies II made it possible for absolute property rights
James II
-Came to power after Charles II
Agricultural Revolution
-Seed Driller
-Plough pulled by horse
-Roads built (trade surplus)
Scientific Revolution
-Empiricism (Bacon, Descartes)
-Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton
Enlightenment (1690)
-Locke begins writing
-Old Regime paternalism challenged
-Bentham: "Avoid pain, seek pleasure"
Adam Smith
-Lose economic monopoly structures
-Wealth of Nations
-order to society, wealth to nation
-Competition is good
-freedom of speech, religion, etc.
Consequences of Enlightenment
-Radical ideas -> Revolution
Enlightened Despotism
-Rulers incorporating enlightenment ideas
-Catherine the Great
-Frederick the Great (Germany)
-put law above himself
First Estate
-Clergy (130,000)
-10% land
-no government at national level
Second Estate
-Aristocracy (350,000)
-30% land
-tax increase by 40% Louis XVI
Third Estate
-Everyone else (27.5 million, 22 million of which were peasants)
-60% land
-Peasantry pays taxes to France, but no representation
Assembly of Notables
Louis XVI asked them to appeal to clergy and aristocracy to pay taxes, but they refused
Estates General
-Began sparks of French Revolution
-Each estate gets 300 reps
-met in Versailles
-Tax only peasants
-Third Estate is EVERYTHING (most populous)
-Third Estate grows to 600 reps
-Third Estate renamed National Assembly
July 14, 1789
-Bastille taken over
-Support for French Revolution grows
-King orders Second Estate to join National Assembly
Declaration of Rights of Man
-Similar to Declaration of Independence
-keep king, establish constitutional monarchy
Summer 1791
-Constitution finished, favored aristocracy and monarchy
-Only "Active Citizens" could vote (must make a certain amount of money/certain amount of property)
-Gave power to those who already had power
-Louis XVI flees
September 22, 1792
-Radical Republic
-National Convention declared France a republic
-Universal male suffrage
-Tried to get rid of Catholicism
-destroyed many churches
Second Phase of French Revolution
-Radical phase
-Defend from Austria, Russia, England
-Defend from loyal monarchists
-Industrialization is slow
-End of French Revolution
-Napoleon gained prominence
-Napoleon crowned himself Emperor
-No need for divine right
Napoleonic Code
-Established religious tolerance
-absolute sense of property ownership
-Later decided to boycott England
-Men owned wives
-Napoleon attacks Russia
-Russia burns everything, Napoleon's men have little supplies
-Napoleon loses, exiled to Mediterranean
-Came to power after Napoleon, renamed himself Louis XVII
-keeps Napoleon's administrative reform policies
-Despised Enlightenment, threw Voltaire's remains in a dump as a response
Charles X
-Divine Right
-property to aristocracy
-Charles dissolves Chamber of Deputies
-Succeeded by Louis Philippe
Louis Philippe
-Bourgeois king
-Expanded vote from 100k to 200k
-Lower bourgeoisie didn't get vote
-1848, flees -> Provisional Government
Industrial Revolution
-Development of new sources of energy
-New steam engine, coal fields
-development of factories anywhere
-First and quickest to occur in England
Corn Laws (1815)
-Created an import tax on grain
-made imported grain at least as expensive as domestic grain
-Commoners and middle-class factory owners dislike this
-Bourgeoisie unhappy
1832 Reform Act
-Electorate expanded from 500,000 to 813,000 men
-Anti-Corn Law League
-Richard Cobden led
-1846, Corn Law REPEALED
-Bourgeoisie could not enjoy free trade
-Ideals of the Free Market
-society forms a natural order, individuals could take care of themselves
-Smith: Economic Liberalism
-Mill: Political, Cultural, Economic Liberalism
-Pursue self-interest = good
John Stuart Mill
-Said women should vote, be regarded more equally to men
Six Acts
-Military drilling by anyone other than army or militia FORBIDDEN
-Government able to search houses for guns
-Stamp tax on newspapers
-Wrote charter that included 6 main reform demands
Chartist Demands
1 - Universal Male Suffrage
2 - Annual elections in House of Commons
3 - Equal Electoral Districts
4 - Abolition of property requirement to sit on House of Commons
5 - Salaries for members of House of Commons
6 - Secret Ballot
-Accountability in government
-Equalize voting districts
- People could now see who voted for what
-Electorate expanded from 813,000 to 1.6 million
-Revolutionary against Liberal free market
Natural Workshops
-State supported collectivist group of manufacturing
-manufactured good (furniture)
-Social gathering sessions
-Shift of conservatism
- Felt taxes being paid for nothing, attacked Council
Napoleon III
-began to liberalize gradually
-Remained in power until 1870
-France goes to war against Prussia
Congress of Vienna
-Declared what to do after Napoleon
-Stuck with a lot of Napoleonic decisions
1815-1848 Germany
-very conservative period
-Formed a Balance of Power
-depends on countries being able to defend themselves
1846-1847 Depression
-Fungus attacked crops
-Shit really sucked
Otto von Bismarck
-Committed to serving the state
-Hated Austria