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28 Cards in this Set

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a change or addition to a legal document
judicial review
power of the courts to determine constitutionality of a gov’t act
delegated powers
powers entrusted by individuals to the government for specific and limited purposes
party system
concept where political parties control government
support given by a person or institution to a person or group in need
list of policies or priorities of a political party
political party
organization seeking political power through electing members to office
incitement to rebellion
presidential and vice presidential candidates are chosen together
opponents of slavery wishing to put an end to the institution
grandfather clause
citizens were allowed to vote if their grandfathers were allowed to vote
literacy test
citizens had to prove knowledge of government and ability to read in order to vote
poll tax
voters were charged money in order to be eligible to vote
act of states leaving the Union
adversary system
court trials are contests between accuser and accused
due process of law
in matters of life, liberty and property individuals must be treated fairly by the government
fundamental rights
basic rights such as life, liberty and property
process of applying the due process clause of the 14th Amendment to limit state government
inquisitorial system
trial system where set of officials act as both prosecutor and judge
procedural due process
principle that government cannot treat persons in an unreasonable, unfair or arbitrary fashion
substantive due process
content of law must be fair and reasonable
equality of condition
equality of all aspects of life: wealth, standard of living, medical care
equality of opportunity
right against discrimination in employment, education, housing or credit
rational basis
lowest level of scrutiny applied by courts deciding constitutional issues in judicial review
separate but equal
segregation policy set forth in Plessy v. Ferguson
strict scrutiny
nearly the highest level of scrutiny by the courts in determining constitutional issues
giving the right to vote to a group or individual
right to vote