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26 Cards in this Set

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I am going to travel from the library
Dw i'n mynd i teithio o'r llyfrgell.
You are going to walk from the shop.
Wyt ti'n mynd i gerdded o'r siop.
He is going to come to the class.
Mae e'n mynd i ddod i'r dosbarth.
She is going to come from the house.
Mae hi'n mynd i dod o'r ty.
Sian is going to move to the University.
Mae Sian yn mynd i symud i'r brifysgol.
The children are going to arrive in the town.
Mae'r plant yn mynd i gyrraedd i'r dre.
You are going to pony trek.
Dych chi'n mynd i ferlota.
They are going to move to the United States.
Maen nhw'n mynd i symud i'r Unol Daleithiau.
I am not going to pony trek.
Dw i ddim yn mynd i ferlota.
You are not going to walk to Ireland.
Wyt ti ddim yn mynd i gerdded i Iwerddon.
He will not go to the class.
Dydy e ddim yn mynd i'r dosbarth.
She will not be going to come from the library.
Dydy hi ddim yn mynd i ddod o'r llyfrgell
Sian is not going to move to the United States.
Dydy Sian ddim yn mynd i symud i'r Unol Daleithiau.
The children will not go pony treking.
Dydy'r plant ddim yn mynd i ferlota.
We are not going to come.
Dyn ni ddim yn mynd i ddod.
You (PL) are not going to come.
Dych chi ddim yn mynd i ddod.
They are not going to pony trek to the house.
Dyn nhw ddim yn mynd i ferlota i'r ty.
Am I going to travel to Ireland? Yes, no you aren't.
Ydw i'n mynd i deithio i Iwerddon? Wyt, nag wyt.
Are you going to walk to the library? Yes, no I won't.
Wyt ti'n mynd i cerrdded i'r llyfrgell? Ydw, nag ydw
Is he going to pony trek to Ireland? Yes, no he will not.
Ydy e'n mynd i ferlota i Iwerddon? Ydy, nag ydy.
Is she going to go to a library? Yes, no she will not.
Ydy hi'n mynd i fynd i lfyrgell? Ydy, nag ydy.
Is Sian going to move to a house? Yes, no she won't.
Ydy Sian'n mynd i symud i ty? Ydy, nag ydy.
Are the children going to arrive from the class?
Yes, no they won't.
Ydy'r plant yn mynd i gyrradd o'r dosbarth?
Ydyn, nag ydyn.
Are we going to go to the house? Yes, no we won't.
Ydyn ni'n mynd i fynd i'r ty. Ydyn, nag ydyn.
Are you (PL)going to come from the shop?
Yes, no we won't.
Ydych chi'n mynd i ddod o'r siop? Ydyn, nag ydyn.
Are they going to travel to Wales? Yes, no they won't.
Ydyn nhw'n mynd i deithio i Gymru.
Ydyn, nag Ydyn.