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27 Cards in this Set

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I was looking for a car.
Ro'n i'n chwilio am gar.
I was feeling cold
Ro't ti'n teimlo yn oer.
He was organizing a party
Roedd e'n trefnu parti.
She was pony trekking.
Roedd hi'n merlota.
David was swimming.
Roedd Dafydd yn nofio.
The children were collecting books.
Roedd y plant yn casglu llyfrau.
We were moving.
Ro'n ni'n symud.
You (Pl.) were looking for a book.
Ro'ch chi'n chwilio am lyfr.
They were feeling hot.
Ro'n nhw'n teimlo yn boeth.
I wasn't shopping
Do'n i'n ddim yn siopa
You (Sing.) weren't asking.
Do't ti ddim yn gofyn.
He wasn't watching.
Doedd e ddim yn gwylio.
She wasn't losing.
Doedd hi ddim yn colli.
Iolo wasn't smiling.
Doedd Iolo dimm yn gwenu.
The children weren't practicing.
Doedd y plant ddim yn ymarfer.
We weren't traveling.
Do'n ni ddim yn teithio.
You (PL) weren't shoping.
Do'ch chi ddim yn siopa.
They weren't asking.
Do'n nhw ddim yn gofyn.
Was I asking?
Yes, no you weren't.
O'n i'n gofyn?
Wyt, nag wyt.
Were you shoping?
Yes, no I wasn't.
O't ti'n siopa?
O'n, nag o'n.
Was he looking?
Yes, no he wasn't.
Oedd e'n gwylio?
Oedd, nag oedd.
Was she losing?
Yes, no she wasn't.
Oedd hi'n colli?
Oedd, nag oedd.
Was Iolo smiling?
Yes, no he wasn't.
Oedd Iolo yn gwenu?
Oedd, nag oedd.
Were the children studing?
Yes, no they weren't?
Oedd y plant yn ymarfer?
O'n, nag o'n.
Were we traveling?
Yes, no we weren't.
O'n ni'n teithio?
O'n, nag o'n.
Were you (PL) watching?
Yes no we weren't.
Oc'ch chi'n gwylio?
O'n, nag o'n.
Were they losing?
Yes, no they weren't.
O'n nhw'n colli.
O'n, nag o'n.