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51 Cards in this Set

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What does the muscular component of the diaphragm attach to "centrally"?
Central tendon of the diaphragm
What passes through the diaphragm @ the level of the 19th thoracic vertebral body?
What other structure accompanies it?
Vagus Nerve
What is the effect on diaphragm function if the right phrenic nerve is damaged?
Right hemidiaphragm is paralyzed-expansion of lung on affected side more difficult.
What are the two muscles in the posterior abdomen that form the chief flexor of the thigh?
Iliacus and psoas
Where does the kidneys originate during development?
In the pelvis
What is the order of structures at the hilum of the kidney? (looking from inside if cut open)
Vein, artery, ureter/renal pelvis
What are the major structures in the kidney medulla?
Renal pyramids
Into what structure does the renal papillae empty urine?
Minor calyx
What is the name of the fatty "encasement" that surrounds the kidney?
perirenal fat
Why are accessory/aberrant renal arteries common?
During its ascent out of the pelvis, the kidneys lose & re-establish their arterial supply and thus may have multiple branches rather than just one renal artery to each kidney.
How can accessory. aberrant renal arteries lead to hydronephrosis?
Accessory arteries to the inferior pole of the kidney can compress the ureter, this restricting urine flow and eventual dilation of the collecting system w/in the kidney w/ backed up urine
What are end arteries and give 4 examples?
Arteries that do not anastomose w. other arteries. Examples are vasa recti, segmental renal arteries, segmental hepatic arteries, segmental pulmonary arteries, and the appendicular artery (which is a named vas recti).
What is the shape of the left suprarenal gland?
Where is the hilum of the suprarenal gland?
Where the suprarenal vein exits the gland
Name the 5 different paired arteries off the abdominal aorta, from superior to inferior?
-Inferior phrenic artery
- testicular/ovarian
- lumbar
- common iliac
At what lumbar level does the aorta bifurcate?
Into what venous structure does most of the veins of the retroperitoneum drain on the right vs the left side?
Left-left renal vein
On the left side, what does the left renal vein pass over to reach the IVC?
What nerves of the lumbar plexus are involved in the cremaster reflex?
Cremaster refles tests integrity of L1-L2 spinal corde level. By stroking the skin over the femoral triangle, the cremaster muscle reflexly contracts, raising the testicle. Nerve involves is mostly the genitofemoral nerve, but some sensory from ilioinguinal nerve.
What are the two lumbar plexus nerves that innervate the thigh?
Femoral and obturator
What nerve gives parasympathetic innervation to most of the GI tract?
What is the result of parasympathetic innervation to the gut?
Increased peristalsis, increased secretion of digestive juice, sphincter control.
What are visceral afferents and what is the characteristic of the pain associated with them compared to somatic afferents?
Sensory nerves of the GI tract. Visceral afferents that carry pain perception are though stretch receptors. In it perceived as dull, achy, poorly localized pains over general areas either referred to the midline or over the affected solid organs.
In the gut, what does increased sympathetic tone result in the GI tract?
Vasoconstriction of vessels to the gut.
In the abdominal cavity, the GI tract drains into which set of lymph nodes?
Preaortic or intestinal nodes
The retroperitoneum and lower extremities drains into which set of lymph nodes?
Para-aortic or lumbar nodes
In general, the lymphatic drainage of the abdomen and its contents follow the path of what other system?
Blood vessels
Into which lymph nodes do the testes/ovary drain?
Para-aortic/lumbar nodes
Into which lymph nodes does the scrotum initially drain into?
Superficial inguinal nodes
What is the key characteristic of the lumen of the esophagus following barium swallow?
Monotonously smooth
When the patient is lying on his/her back, what part of the stomach is most posterior and thus fills
with barium after a partial barium swallow?
What internal structures are obvious on partial emptying of the stomach?
What characteristic shape does the first part of the duodenum exhibit on barium filling?
Arrow head or Christmas tree
Where is the anatomical location of the duodeno-jejunal junction?
Posterior to the stomach
What is the characteristic appearance of the lumen of the jejunum on barium swallow study?
The ileum is mostly located in the lower abdomen and loops fall into the........?
pelvic cavity
On barium enema of the large intestine what are bulges/segments of the gut called?
Because of the motility of the sigmoid colon, it is often _____________ on itself and rectum on
barium study.
To study the lining of the large intestine, a small amount of barium is used to coat the gut lining
when placed under ____________.
Pressurized gas
The normal liver appears as a ________ mass in the upper right abdominal cavity.
The pancreas appears as a lightly__________ elongated tissue that stretches across the left
posterior and middle abdominal wall.
_______is considered the radiologist’s “friend” because it provides a dark outline to most soft tissue
The ________ can be seen on the posterior abdominal cavity wall on the left upper quadrant.
The kidneys lie in the posterior abdominal region in a ____________ position, surrounded by
radiolucent _______________.
1. retroperitoneal
2. perirenal fat
On excretory or retrograde cystogram, the contents of the bile duct and pancreatic duct can be seen
emptying into the ______________.
On Ultrasound gallstones appear as ____________ objects surrounded by __________
1. white (hyperechoic)
2. dark (anechoic)
On SMA arteriogram, the intestinal branches are mostly found ________ of the midline.
Arteriogram reveals that the two largest branches of the celiac artery are the _____________ and
1. common hepatic
2. splenic arteries
IMA arteriogram revealed that the _____________ is a continuation of the IMA after the
sigmoidal arteries come off.
superior rectal
Venogram of the IVC shows that there are ______ hepatic veins that drain the liver to the IVC.
On excretory urogram the __________ is also normally filled with excreted dye.
urinary bladder