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26 Cards in this Set

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What will hapen to naive B cells if they are not activated by antigen binding?
they will die
What do cytokines help B cells to do?
help them switch to antibody isotype with appropriate function
What will happen to naive T cells if not activated by binding MHC/peptide?
they will die
Cytokines produced by activated CD4+ T helper cells help activate what?
What does CD28 bind to?
What does the integrin LFA-I bind to?
What does VLA-4 bind to?
What happens to the affinity state of LFA-I after chemokine exposure?
it changes to a higher one
What will happen if the APC does not express B& and secrete cytokines?
T cells will not receive the "second signal" and will not become activated
What does receptor clustering do?
activates a kinase which phosphorylates ITAMS on CD3 and zeta chain in the TCR complex
Signaling results in the secretion of what?
Signaling results in the expression of new receptors by the T cell which are..?
CD40 ligand, IL-2, IFN-y, IL-4, IL-2R
TH1 makes what?
IL-2 and IFN-y
TH2 makes what?
Why is IL-2 important for T cells?
it is a very important growth factor
How do CD4+ T cells help activate CD8+ T cells?
cytokines from THI help prime CD8+ T cells
B cell activation complex contains what?
CR2, CD19, and CD81
ITAM on what provides "signal two" for B cell activation?
What is the role of antibody feedback mechanism?
prevents unnecessary B cell activation
When a T cell is activated what happens to the expression of CCR7 and CXCR5?
CCR7 decreases and CXCR5 increases(B cells to the opposite causeing a meeting near the edge of B cell follicles)
When TCR on T cell binds MHC II on a B cell, T cell begins to express what?
CD40 ligand
What is required to help proliferation/differentiation of a B cell?
CD40L interaction between B and T cell, and cytokines
How is CD40L involved in isotype formation?
It is required for B cells to switch from initial production of IgM to another isotype
Switching to IgGI ot IgG3 is stimulated by what?
Switching to IgE is stimulated by what?
Switching to IgA is stimulated by what?