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23 Cards in this Set

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acceptable use policy
a statement of expectations for how students and faculty will use school resources, procedures that they are expected to follow, and consequences when expectations and procedures are violated; this policy is most commonly associated with the use of computers and Internet resources
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee
also known as the Individual Educational Program (IEP) team; a committee whose members: (1) determine eligibility for special education services [Admission] (2) create, review, and modify the child's IEP [Review], and (3) may decide the child no longer requires special services [Dismissal]
Child Protective Services (CPS)
any suspected abuse or neglect of a child must be reported to his agency with 48 hours of suspicion
commissioner of education
the chief educational officer in the state of Texas who is appointed by the governor and has administrative responsibility fo rthe Texas Education Agency (TEA) and for overseeing the implementation of legislation into school and district operations
corporal punishment
physically punishing a child by paddling, 'giving licks', etc.; to employ, the district and parents must approve, and strict guidelines and due process must be followed
due process
teachers and schools must follow procedures set up ahead of time (rather than arbitrary actions) when disciplinary actions (such as expelling or suspending children) occur; special education guidelines allows parents due process to follow regarding their children's programs
Educator's Code of Ethics
standards of ethical conduct for educators developed by the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC), violation of which may subject educators to disciplinary action
excessive force
when disciplining or restraining a child, only appropriate force can be used so that a larger, stronger, teacher does not injure a child intentionally or unintentionally
Fair Use doctrine
a component of federal law related to copyrights that allows specified copying privileges of a copyrighted work for teaching purposes
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
relates to a family's and a child's right to confidentiality concerning school information and records
Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
the provision of IDEA that guarantees special education and related services to children with disabilities at public cost
refers to the philosophy and resulting practice associated with the education of special education students in regular educational classrooms (or settings) to the greatest extent appropriate for each special education child; often referred to as 'mainstreaming'
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
a plan or program developed by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee or IEP team for meeting the specific educational needs of each individual student placed in special education
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
a far-reaching federal law that requires the provision of special eduction and services for children with disabilities
Least restrictive environment (LRE)
a principle outlined in IDEA that requires students in special education to be educated in a regular classroom or other regular educational setting to the greatest extent possible; placement decisions are decied by the ARD committee
local school board
the community elected board of trustees that oversees the operation of schools in the local school district; a number of specific responsibilities set out in law referred to policy adoption and budgetary areas
a teacher who neglects his or her duty and a child is hurt can be found at fault and held liable
person responsible for an individual school; head master
Public Law 94-192
(Education for All Handicapped Children Act) provides for a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for children who qualify
State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)
an agency within the TEA that has responsiblity for all rules related to educator certification, teacher preparation programs, and the Educators' Code of Ethics
State Borad of Education (SBOE)
the state-level elected body that has specific areas of responsibility for education in the state
the chief educational leader employed by the local school board who has responsibility for the provision of quality educational offerings in the district in compliance with all laws, regulations, and policies
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
the administrative state agency, directed by the commissioner of education, that assists in the development and enforcement of regulations required by education laws