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33 Cards in this Set

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Is stridor a noise of inspiration or expiration?
More commonly inspiration but can be both.
What is a barking cough suggestive of?
subglottic or tracheal obstruction
What is the DDx of Acute Upper Airway obstruction?
Bacterial tracheitis
Foreign body
What is a common cause of chronic upper airway obstruction?
Congenital, i.e. laryngomalacia
What is the peak age range, clinical picture and causative agent in...

H flu B (+++) or GAS (+). Age 2-6 years.
Toxic, severe, drooling in tripod sit, signs of difficulty breathing.
What is the peak age range, clinical picture and causative agent in...
6 mos - 4 yrs (M>F)
Viral parainfluenza, RSV
Non toxic, stridor, barking cough, hoarsness, coryza
What is the peak age range, clinical picture and causative agent in...
Bacterial tracheitis
any age
S. aureus, pneumococcus, H. influenzae

Toxic: croup like cough; stridor
Management: Croup (mild)
Avoid agitation
po fluids, humidity (?)
cold air
What is an indication for hospitalization with Croup?
Stridor at rest.
Management severe croup
Dexamethasone po / IV
Racemic epinephrine by mask inhalation (requires observation for rebound)
Epiglottis: Management
Keep child calm.
No invasive exam!
Anesthesia / ENT / intubation
IV antibiotics
What is Tx of laryngomalacia?

Of laryngeal web?
Often nothing.

Web: remove w/ laser.
What are the three most common causes of wheeze / cough in infants / young children?
Recurrent aspiration
Asthma Def'n
Chronic inflammatory disorder of lower airways causing recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness etc.
Why should normal pCO2 be taken warily during asthma episode?
Could be
a) normal b/c no problem
b) normal b/c rising from low C02 hyperventilatory state to normal C02 / hypoventilatory state due to fatigue
Rank in order of severity and in reverse order of onset:
nasal flaring, indrawing, tracheal tug
1) flaring (only in kids)
2) tracheal tug
3) indrawing
What are some signs of severe asthma?
- dyspnea
- silent chest / feeble effort (no wheezing if airflow is low)
Evidence of pneumothorax (e.g. SC emphysema)
Management: Asthma
Oxygen (humidified)
Consider ABGs / CXR
Asthma Management: Severe / In Hospital
1. Nebulized B2 agonist + / - nebulized ipratropium
2. O2 / fluids
3. IV steroids
4. No response: IV B2 agonists + / - assisted ventilation.
Asthma Management: Moderate / ER
1. Nebulized B2 agonist / ipratropium
2. Respond: home on B2 agonist and oral steroid
No response: see previous card
What is the blue puffer?
Ventolin = B2 agonist (Salbutamol)
DDx of Chronic Cough

Acute Chronic
Foreign body
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
DDx of Chronic Cough

Chronic Chronic
Infections, chronic; e.g. TB
Cough variant asthma
Anatomical, e.g. TEF
Post nasal drip / sinusitis etc
Cystic Fibrosis

When did screening start?
Should negative screening test reassure clinician who suspects CF?
April 2008.
Not used to r/o CF!
What is a classic newborn sign of CF?
Meconium ileus.
What are three bacteria which often cause infection leading to bronchiectasis in CF?
H. influenza
Why does rectal prolapse occur in CF patients?
Bulky stool leading to straining.
Low sphincter tone.
Dx CF: Sweat Chloride Ranges
> 60 = positive
30 - 59 = gray zone
< 30 = negative
What is the newborn screening test?
Immunoreactive trypsinogen, tested by heel prick. +ve screen--> genetics
What is the most common CF mutation?
deltaF508 (75%)
CF Management

Pancreatic enzymes and ADEK
Caloric intake
CF Management

Abx / chest physio 2x / day
CF Management

Follow up