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13 Cards in this Set

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Breaking DES
-Brute Force=2 ^56

-Linear Crypt Analysis=2^43

-Differential Crypt Analysis = 2^47

3DES with 3 keys
- 2^168 possible keys

- c= E(K3, D(K2,E( K1,P1)))

PGP Encryption
-use Symmetric or shared key to Encrypt pay load

-Use Asymmetric key to encrypt the Symmetric Key

-Both the above are trasmitted

Pretty Good Privacy
issues with 3DES
Since 2DES is an encryption with K1 followed by a decryption with K2 can be cracked using "Meet in the middle" attack.
Birthday attack math
if we try [1.2 * Sqrt( number of possible occurrences)] times we will get a collision
Dictionary Attack
Using a list of most common words as password.
- binary to text encoding scheme

- not a complicated encryption

- used in email

- Convert non printable characters to printable chars

How is Base 64 done ?
- Use 24 bit buffer or 3 bytes. use ASCII to convert text to base 10 and then to binary)

- divide 24 bits into 4 6 bit groups

- each 6 bit is converted into base 10 equivalent

- map the base 10 to base 64 character set

- base 64 char set - [A-Za-z0-9+/]

- after 76 chars , add a new line

- when filling buffer, at the end of the message if there is not enough bytes to make it 24 bits(3 bytes or chars), pad the text with "="( or 00 binary)

Key's used in ATM
K base D - daily Key

K base M - machine Key

K base T - transaction key - per transaction

MAC(Message authentication Code) - For the first time, bank would use the daily key to encrypt the message. Verifies the integrity of the message.

Transaction key for the response will be calculated by (original K base T) XOR (message MAC)

Blow Fish
initializing the Key take 521 execution. very very inefficient.

DK=KDF(Key, Salt, Iterations)

DK= Derived Key

KDF = Key Derivation Functions

Properties of KDFs
- Intentionally slow

- Not slow such that it impacts daily use

- Good at hiding password

- hard to crack