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33 Cards in this Set

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verb (used without object), equivocated, equivocating.1.to use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitmentor in order to mislead; prevaricate or hedge:When asked directly for his position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.


verb (used without object), waned, waning.1.to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.:Daylight waned, and night came on. Her enthusiasm for the cause is waning.2.to decline in power, importance, prosperity, etc.:Colonialism began to wane after World War II.3.to draw to a close; approach an end:Summer is waning.4.(of the moon) to decrease periodically in the extent of its illuminated portion after the full moon.Compare wax2(def 2).

noun 5.a gradual decrease or decline in strength, intensity, power, etc.6.the drawing to a close of life, an era, a period, etc.7.the waning of the moon.8.a period of waning.9.a defect in a plank or board characterized by bark or insufficient wood at a corner or along an edge, due to the curvature of the log.


adjective 1.generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness:to be magnanimous toward one's enemies.2.high-minded; noble:a just and magnanimous ruler.3.proceeding from or revealing generosity or nobility of mind, character,etc.:a magnanimous gesture of forgiveness.


verb (used with object), postured, posturing.7.to place in a particular posture or attitude.8.to position, especially strategically:to posture troops along a border.9.to develop a policy or stance for (oneself, a company, government,etc.):The White House postured itself for dealing with the fuel crisis.10.to adopt an attitude or take an official position on (a matter):The company postured that the court's ruling could be interpreted as being in its favor.verb (used without object), postured, posturing.11.to assume a particular posture.12.to assume affected or unnatural postures, as by bending or contorting the body.13.to act in an affected or artificial manner, as to create a certain impression.


noun, ( used with a singular verb)1.Linguistics.the study of meaning. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.2.Also called significs. the branch of semiotics dealing with the relations between signs and what they denote.3.the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc.:Let's not argue about semantics.


noun 1.a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge.


noun 1.the cherishing or pursuit of high or noble principles, purposes, goals,etc.2.the practice of idealizing.3.something idealized; an ideal representation.


noun1.(in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display;bombast.2.the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech.3.the study of the effective use of language.4.the ability to use language effectively.5.the art of prose in general as opposed to verse. 6.the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory.7.(in classical oratory) the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience.


noun 1.the main seating area of a stadium, racetrack, parade route, or the like, usually consisting of tiers with rows of individual seats.2.the people sitting in these seats.verb (used without object), grandstanded, grandstanding.3.to conduct oneself or perform showily or ostentatiously in an attempt to impress onlookers:The senator doesn't hesitate to grandstand if it makes her point.

adjective 4.situated in a grandstand:grandstand seats.5.having a vantage point resembling that of a grandstand:From our office windows on the third floor, we had a grandstand view of the parade.6.intended to impress an onlooker or onlookers:a grandstand catch.


noun 1.character or conduct that emphasizes practicality.2.a philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.


adj. capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure, etc.; sturdy; strong:hardy explorers of northern Canada. 2.(of plants) able to withstand the cold of winter in the open air. 3.requiring great physical courage, vigor, or endurance:the hardiest sports. 4.bold or daring; courageous:hardy soldiers. 5.unduly bold; presumptuous; foolhardy.


adjective 1.obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.

2.acting in a stealthy way.

3.obtained by subreption; subreptitious (subreption is the act of getting something by concealing important information/facts OR a fallacious (misleading) representation or inference from it).


adjective 1.showing deference; deferent; respectful.


adjective 1.free from reserve, restraint, or dissimulation; candid; sincere. 2.artless; innocent; naive. 3.Obsolete. honorable or noble.


adjective, curter, curtest. 1. rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner. 2. brief; concise; terse; laconic. 3. short; shortened.


adjective 1. expressed in few words; concise; terse. 2. characterized by conciseness or verbal brevity. 3. compressed into a small area, scope, or compass.


adjective 1. abrupt in manner; blunt; rough: A brusque welcome greeted his unexpected return.


noun. 1. a firm decision to do or not to do something. "she kept her resolution not to see Anne anymore" synonyms: intention, resolve, decision, intent, aim, plan;

a formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote."the conference passed two resolutions" synonyms: motion, proposal, proposition, resolve "the committee passed the resolution" ; the quality of being determined or resolute. "he handled the last French actions of the war with resolution" synonyms: determination, purpose, purposefulness, resolve, resoluteness,single-mindedness, firmness, firmness of purpose;

2. the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter. "the peaceful resolution of all disputes" synonyms: solution to, answer to, end to, ending to, settlement of, conclusion to"a satisfactory resolution of the problem"


1. a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type."she looked the epitome of elegance and good taste" synonyms: personification, embodiment, incarnation, paragon;

2.a summary of a written work; an abstract.


noun: acme; plural noun: acmes

the point at which someone or something is best, perfect, or most successful."physics is the acme of scientific knowledge" synonyms:peak, pinnacle, zenith, height, high point, crown, crest, summit, top,apex, apogee;



noun: hiatus; plural noun: hiatuses

a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process."there was a brief hiatus in the war with France "synonyms: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, intermission, interlude, interruption, suspension, lull, respite, time out, time off, recess

PROSODY GRAMMAR: a break between two vowels coming together but not in the same syllable, as in the ear and cooperate. synonyms: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, intermission, interlude, interruption, suspension, lull, respite, time out, time off, recess


verb 1.calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements."the rhythm of the boat lulled her to sleep" synonyms: soothe, calm, hush; rock "the sound of the bells lulled us to sleep"

noun 1. a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity. "for two days there had been a lull in the fighting "synonyms: pause, respite, interval, break, hiatus, suspension, interlude,intermission, breathing space


adjective: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters."Polonius is portrayed as a foolish, garrulous old man" synonyms: talkative, loquacious, voluble, verbose, chatty, chattering, gossipy;

antonyms: taciturn, reticent, concise


adj. (of a person) fond of company; sociable. "he was a popular and gregarious man" synonyms: sociable, company-loving, convivial, companionable, outgoing, friendly, affable, amiable, genial, warm, comradely; informal: chummy "he was fun-loving and gregarious"


adjective: (of a person)reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

synonyms: untalkative, uncommunicative, reticent, unforthcoming, quiet, secretive, tight-lipped, buttoned-up, close-mouthed.



(of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable. (of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial. synonyms: friendly, genial, affable, amiable, congenial, agreeable, good-humored, cordial, warm, sociable, outgoing, gregarious, companionable, clubby, hail-fellow-well-met, cheerful, jolly, jovial, lively


adjective: not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily. "she was extremely reticent about her personal affairs" synonyms: reserved, withdrawn, introverted, inhibited, diffident, shy



adjective. tending to talk a great deal; talkative.

synonyms: talkative, voluble, communicative, expansive, garrulous, unreserved,chatty, gossipy, gossiping;

antonyms: reticent, taciturn


verb. enliven or animate. "outings vivify learning for children"


(of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop. synonyms: droop, sag, become limp, flop

antonyms: flourish, thrive

(of a person) lose one's energy or vigor. synonyms: languish, flag, droop, become listless, tire, wane "we wilted in the heat" antonyms: perk up


verb.mark (an item) for attention or treatment in a specified way. "“greatfully” would be flagged as a misspelling of “gratefully.”" synonyms: indicate, identify, point out, mark, label, tag, highlight "flag the misspelled words"

draw attention to. "problems often flag the need for organizational change"

FOOTBALL: charge (a player) with a penalty by dropping a penalty flag. "a play in which he was flagged for being offside"

2.direct (someone) to go in the specified direction by waving a flag or using hand signals."have him flagged off the course"

signal to a vehicle or driver to stop, especially by waving one's arm. "she flagged down a patrol car"

(of an official in football, soccer, and other sports) raise or throw a flag to indicate a breach of the rules."the rookie cornerback managed to get flagged for three penalties in one game"


verb. formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime. "his former manager was indicted for fraud" synonyms: charge with, accuse of, arraign for, take to court for, put on trial for, bring to trial for, prosecute for;



verb. toprevent or hinder the progress of. "the changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments"