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61 Cards in this Set

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What mechanical stimuli for initiate extrauterine respirations?
Once the face is delivered, amniotic fluid can be expelled from the lungs. Delivery of chest creates a negative pressure for first breath. amniotic fluid is further expelled via absorption throught the lymphatic system and crying.
What is the ductus venous?
for fetal circulation, it connects the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava.
When does the ductus venous close?
closes by day 3
Explain circulatory changes in the neonate.
closure of shunts after birth. Ductus venous - btwn umbilical vein and the inf vena cava. Ductus arteriousus - btwn pulm artery and descending aorta. Foraman ovale - btwn L and R atria.
What influences the closure of fetal shunts?
Changes in pressure leads to changes in directional flow. Unused passages become obsolete and close. Dec Pulm vasc reisistnace, inc of systemic vascular resistance.
What stimulates the first breath of neonates, chemically?
increase in CO2 is primary driving chemical factor
What keeps alveoli open at the end of expiration?
Surfactant decreases surface tension of alveoli, keeping them from collapsing (surf tension due to water)
What is the function of brown adipose tissue?
for nonshivering thermogenesis. for neonates and mammals to generate heat since they can't shiver.
What prevents cold stress in neonates?
a neutral thermal environment (envir temp to maintain body temp)
By what mechanisms can a neonate lose heat?
Radiation (indirect), Conduction (direct), Convection (wind), Evaporation
What are symptoms of cold stress?
generally, there is an increased metabolism to generate heat. as a result, inc O2 consumption and depletion of glucose, and dec surfactant. responses of inc heart and resp rate, and resp distress, hypoglycemia.
What is an important risk factor for hypoglycemic neonates?
diabetic mothers. High amts of insulin are produced in response to high maternal glucose, and lasts for a few hours after birth. hypoglycemia ensues.
Avg neonate hematocrit? significance?
60%, much higher than 45% in men, and 37% women.
What is bilirubin?
product of heme metabolism. excreted in bile and urine.
What is direct bilirubin?
aka conjugated bilirubin. in the liver, it is conjugated to glucuronic acid, making it water soluble, excreted through the urine.
What is indirect bilirubin?
unconjugated bilirubin. after hemolysis of RBC in the spleen, breakdown of heme releases a non water solule bilirubin.
Why is Vit K administered to newborns?
newborns have a risk for bleeding due to high HCT and low levels of coagulation factors. Vit K forsynthesis of coagulation factors
where is vit K synthesizsed? significance in neonate?
synth by intestinal flora, which is absent in newborns. this causes low levels of Vit K, and coagulation factors.
Phytonadione. route, dose?
vit K injection, IM 0.5 -1 mg within 1 hour of birth
Describe neonatal stool.
The first stool is black, thick, sticky and odorless (meconium). As baby starts feeding, stool becomes green black, green brown, then green yellow (transitional). Breastfeeding stool is yellow and semiformed, pasty, and has a sour odor.
What does a scaphoind abdomen indicate in a baybayy?
scaphoid = concave abdomen. Bowel sounds in chest indicates diaphragmatic hernia.
antibody against virus and bacteria. crosses placenta for passive immunity.
supplied to neonate via breastmilk. provides protection for respiratory and urinary tracts. (mucosa)
Caput succedaneum vs cephalhematoma
Caput is edema usually due to pressures of being squeezed through cervix. Lies betweeen scalp and periosteum, able to cross sutures. Cephalohematoma is not able to cross suture lines, lies btwn periosteum and skull.
accumulation of fluid outside skull that crosses suture lines.
caput succadaneum
Accumulation of fluid outside skull not able to cross suture lines
Caput succaneum vs subgaleal hemorrhage
both form fluid accumulation within the scalp, and crosses suture lines. no clinical manifestaitons with caput, howver infant may go into shock with subgaleal hemorrhage.
Parent notices persistent flat, bluish area on buttocks of infant.
mongolion spots. not associated with disease. fades over time (gone by adolescence)
Infant presents with rash - red macules with white and yellow papules in center.
erythema toxicum. benign, disappears without treatment.
benign pink and white blotches. response to cold environment
blue hands or feet. response to cold/immature ciruculation
respiratory pattern for neonates
30-60 b/min, slightly irregular.
fluid accumulation in scrotum
pilonidal dimple
small pit in sacral area at top of yo buttcrack. risk for infection
what are signs of congenital hip dislocation?
unequal gluteal folds and positive barlow-ortolani maneuver
What does the barlow-ortolani test?
Tests for congenital hip dislocation.
how to perform barlow-ortolani maneuver
barlow - push down on knees. click may indicate hip dislocation. ortolani - abduct flexed knees and push from posterior to pop hip back in.
what is hypertonia? assoc with?
tightly flexed arms and stiffly extended legs, quivering, associa with possible drug withdrawal.
name neonatal reflexs
moro, startle. Tonic neck, rooting, sucking. palmar grasp, plantar grasp. babiniski, stepping.
What is used to assess pain in neonates?
NIPS - neonatal infant pain scale. PIPP - premature infant pain profile.
erythromycin. indication, route, dose?
prophylaxis of chlamydia and gonococcal disease. 1/4 inch of ointment to lower eye.
vitamin K injection aka
used to prevent chlamydia and gonoccal infections of eye
erythromycin opthalmic
When is jaundice a sign of a pathological process in infants?
on first day or >7 days of jaundice.
benign pink and white blotches
mottling. response to cold environment
blue hands or feet.
acrocyanosis, response to cold/immature ciruculation
fluid accumulation in scrotum
small pit in sacral area at top of yo buttcrack
pilonidal dimple. risk for infection
tightly flexed arms and stiffly extended legs, quiverin
hypertonia. associa with possible drug withdrawal.
white, pearl like epithilial cysts on gum margins and palate
- epstein's pearls
- benign, disappears within few weeks
natal teeth
- benign, assoc with congenital defects
- often loose. remove to decrease risk aspiration
asymmetrical moro reflex
- may be related to birth injury to clavicle, humerus, brachial plexus
startle reflex
- loud sound should stimulate same as moro reflex
- abnormal is possible deafness of neurological deficit
9 mo. infant performs tonic neck reflex.
- usually disappears 6 mo.
- after 6 mo may indicate cerebral palsy
how often should neonates be fed
- at least q4, but may need to be fed more often (q2-q4)
types of neonate stool
- meconium - 1st stool. black and sticky. 24-48h.
- transitional - around 3rd day. black to green black, to green brown, to green yellow.

type of feeding influences stool
- breastfed stool - yellow, semiformed, pasty, sour odor.
- formula stool - drier, more formed, pale brown yetllow unpleasant odor.

diarrhea - loose and green
who poops more often. breastfed or formula?
breastfed poops more
where to perform a heel stick
- either the lateral or medial aspect of the heel
when is hepB vaccine administered
- CDC recommends all neonates be vaccinated for HepB before discharge
- 2nd dose - 4w to 4mo after
- 3rd dose - 6 mo to 18mo after 1st dose
SS of hpyoglycemia
= <40mg/dl in neonate

- jitteriness
- hypotonia
- irritability
- apnea
- lethargy
- temperature instability
neonatal apgar score
- five measurements - Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration

- appearance - color completely pink
- pulse - above 100
- grimace - reflex irritbaility- vigorous cry when stimulated
- activity - muscle tone - active motion, flexed arms resist extension
- respiratory effort - strong cry

- each one mentioned is max score of 2
- so score is from 0-10