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28 Cards in this Set

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Which is the least important?
Length. Not accurate.
At what point on the growth curve should you reevaluate / get a 2nd opinion?
> 95th
Weight Over Time
- Describe weight pattern in first six weeks
Lose 10% of BW in first week
Gain 20 - 30 grams / day
Should gain 700 - 1000g by 6 weeks.
- What is small?
- Growth in first six weeks?
- < 32 cm = concerning
- 0.5cm / week
Neonatal Sepsis: Presentation
- nonspecific
- rare
-25% mortality
Neonatal Sepsis: Risk Factors
GBS test +ve mum
Male (6-7 x)
perinatal asphyxia
bad smelling fluid or baby
maternal UTI in labour
Neonatal Sepsis: Signs and Symptoms
1. Poor feeding
2. vomiting
3. lethargy
4. Resp distress
5. low tone
6. fever > 37.8 or persistent hypothermia
7. petechiae / cyanosis
8. seizures
When to Investigate?
Delay in Dx = bad outcome
Central Cyanosis:
How to Recognize?
How to distinguish from acrocyanosis?
When is it normal?
Blue coloured membraned, nail beds, skin
DeOxy Hb at 50g / litre
Acrocyanosis = extremities only
Central Cyanosis: Never Normal
Central Cyanosis: Causes (5)
1. Airway Obstruction
2. Chest compression of lungs
3. Lung disease
4. Cardiac
5. CNS: hypoventilation
Respiratory Distress: Signs and Symptoms
RR > 60 breaths / min
substernal / intercostal retractions
feeding difficulty
grunt, stridor, wheezing, crackles
nasal flaring
HR > 160
Respiratory Distress: Causes
- immediate period
- later
- after first few days
Immediate: TTN, RDS, Pneumonia, Meconium aspiration, congenital
Later: infection / sepsis, metabolic, cardiac, cranial bleed
After first few days: Infection and Cardiac
Upper Airway Obstruction: Causes
1. Choanal atresia / stenosis
2. Micrognathia
3. Trachea: tracheomalacia, clefts, webs, goiter
4. Nasal stuffiness
5. Cleft palata
6. Masses: tongues, tumors, encephalocele
- Cause and Tx
- Decreased surfactant
(prematurity, gest diabetes and sepsis increase risk)
- Give surfactant
Respiratory Distress: Cardiac causes
1. CHD (cyanotic or acyanotic)
2. arrythmia
3. Inc IV volume
4. High output vailure: AVM, hyperthyroidism
5. Cardiomyopathy
6. Pneumopericardium
GI Issues: Urgent Signs
Tense Distension
Bile stained vomit
Blood per rectum
Absent bowel sounds
Vomiting (persistent) , poor weight gain and dehydration
How common?
What is it?
90% of newborns
Non-forceful reflux of food due to week cardiac sphincter
Persistent Vomiting: Causes
Congenital: malrotation, volvulus, strictures
Pyloric stenosis
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Less common: infection, allergy
Pyloric Stenosis
- when?
- consequences?
Common cause of persistent non-bilious vomiting.
Often begins 2-3 weeks of age.
Baby can show poor weight gain and dehydration.
Jaundice: Causes
Hemolysis due to ABO incompatibility, Rh disease
Pathologic Jaundice: Causes
Sepsis, hepatitis
Anatomic: biliary atresia, choledochal cyst
What is kernicterus?
CNS damage due to elevated BR.
Affects BG and can cause CP
Tx for HyperBRemia
Phototherapy. Tx depends on age, size, cause of jaundice, and risk factors.
Jaundice Post Week 1
If recurrent, may be physiological and may need no Tx
If onset post one week, must r/o pathologic jaundice
Jaundice Beyond First Week
Causes - Unconjugated
Breast milk jaundice
Hemolysis due to Hbopathy, RBC defect
Metabolic (Gilberts, Craigler- Najir)
Jaundice Beyond First Week
Causes - Conjugated
Viral hepatitis
Metabolic: CF, galactosemia, tyrosemia, a1antitrypsin def
What is Breast Milk Jaundice?
What is the mechanism?
Significant unconjugated hyperBRemai in breast fed baby 7 days age or older; NO other etiology
Mechanism: ??? Breast milk inhibits glucoronyl transferase which is needed to conjugate BR
If not sure, stop breast feeding for 48 hrs.
Rarely causes kernicterus.