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24 Cards in this Set

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1. High
reaching up a great distance.
2. Every
each member or part of a group.
3. Near
to, at, or within a short distance from a person or thing.
4. add
to put on or with something else to make it larger or better.
5. food
anything that living creatures eat
6. best
better than all others.
7. next
coming just after; following.
8. else
different; other
9. checked
to look at something in order to make sure that it is right or correct.
10. grand
of the highest rank; very important.
11. stand
to hold your body upright by using your legs and feet, or to move to this position.
12. energy
the ability to have force or power or to do work.
13. matter
all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
14. forms
to make, build, or give a shape to.
15. value
the worth or importance of something.
16. notation
a system of signs used to stand for numbers, words, or musical notes.
17. between
in the area that separates
18. own
belonging to oneself or itself alone.
19. below
in or to a lower place; beneath.
20. country
a large area of land where people live under the same government or have the same culture; nation.
21. plant
a living thing that has leaves, makes its own food, and has roots that usually grow in the earth.
22. slip
to slide suddenly on a slippery surface.
23. lunch
a light meal eaten in the middle of the day.
24. pond
a small body of still water.