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60 Cards in this Set

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form of mechanical weathering that occurs whenever one rock hits another.
Chemical weathering
form of weathering which decomposes rock; minerals that form at high temperatures and pressures change to minerals that are stable at the Earth’s surface.
Ice wedging
form of mechanical weathering that occurs as water expands as it freezes, wedging apart rock.
process of removing dissolved minerals as they are carried to lower layers in soil.
Mechanical weathering:
form of weathering which disintegrates rock; bigger pieces of rock are broken into smaller pieces of the same composition as the original rock.
Deciduous trees
trees that lose their leaves once a year.
Humus: partially decayed remains of plants and animals; forms the organic portion of soil.
nutrient poor, red, tropical soil which forms in a region with rainforest vegetation
soil texture which forms from a roughly equal combination of sand, silt and clay
fertile, dark soil which forms in mid latitude, forested regions.
slightly less fertile soils which forms in drier, grassland regions.
describes soil, rock, or other object which allows water to move through it easily.
Residual soil
soil that forms from the bedrock upon which it resides or lies.
Soil horizon
individual layer of a complete soil profile; examples include A, B & C horizons.
Soil profile
the entire set of soil layers or horizons for a particular soil.
the B horizon of a soil; the zone where iron oxides and clay minerals accumulate.
the A horizon of a soil; most fertile layer of soil where humus, plant roots, and living organisms are found.
Transported soil
soil formed from components transported by water, wind or ice to a different area.
Alluvial fan
curved top, fan shaped deposit of coarse sediments that forms when a stream suddenly meets flat ground.
Base level
elevation at which a river meets standing water; a stream cannot erode below this level.
Bed load
the largest particles moved by wind or water; move by rolling or bumping along the ground.
measure of the largest particle a stream can carry.
Dissolved load
Minerals carried in a solution by the stream.
broad, flat lying plain surrounding a stream channel; created by the stream.
slope of a stream or hill or any other feature.
water that moves through pore spaces and fractures in soil and rock.
a bend or curve in a stream channel.
Natural levees
coarse grained deposits of sediments that build up along a stream’s banks as it floods.
circular hole in the ground that forms as the roof of a cave collapses.
an icicle like formation of calcium carbonate that forms as saturated water drips from the ceiling of a cave.
rounded, cone shaped formation of calcium carbonate that forms in caves as water drips onto the floor.
Suspended load
solid particles that are carried in the water of a stream or in the air by winds.
Barrier island
long, narrow island, usually composed of sand that serves as nature’s first line of defense against storms.
structure built in the water, parallel to the shore to protect boats or harbor areas from strong waves.
long, narrow piles of stone or timbers built perpendicular to the shore to trap sand.
Sea wall
structure built along the shore, parallel to the shore, to protect against strong waves.
long, narrow bar of sand that forms as waves transport sand along shore.
Wave height
the vertical distance from wave crest to wave trough.
The process of wind removing finer grains of silt and clay; causes the ground surface to subside.
Desert pavement
rocky, pebbled surface created as finer silts and clays are removed by wind.
Desert varnish
dark mineral coating that forms on stable, exposed rock surfaces as windborne clays are deposited.
extremely fine grained, windborne deposit of silts & clays; forms nearly vertical cliffs.
rock carvings formed by cutting into desert varnish of exposed rock surfaces.
movement of sand sized particles by rolling, bumping and jumping along the ground surface.
Sand dune
deposit of sand formed in regions of abundant sand and constant winds.
polished, faceted stones formed by abrasion of sand particles.
End moraine
unsorted pile of glacial till that marks the furthest reach of a glacier’s advance.
Glacial erratic
large boulder with a different rock type or origin from the surrounding bedrock.
Glacial striations
long, parallel scratches carved into underlying bedrock by moving glaciers.
sharp sided, angular peak formed as glaciers move away from a central peak.
Kettle lake
often circular lake formed in the outwash plain by stranded ice.
removal of blocks of underlying bedrock by the glacier as meltwater seeps into cracks & freezes.
Rock flour
fine sediments produced by abrasion of glaciers scrape over bedrock.
paired deposit of light colored, coarser sediments and darker, fine grained sediments.
mass of snow that suddenly moves down a mountain under the influence of gravity
exceptionally slow movement of soil down hill.
volcanic mudflow formed when rain or melted snow combines with volcanic ash and dust.
rapid movement downslope of rock and debris under the influence of gravity.
saturated soil that can flow very rapidly or slowly down a slope depending on the viscosity of the flow.
unable to absorb any additional material: e.g. soil soaked with water, very salty sea water
Talus slope
pile of angular rock fragments formed at the base of a cliff or mountain.