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41 Cards in this Set

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The state of the atmosphere: considering wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, and other factors.
a measurement of the amount of heat something contains
Water Vapor
water in its gaseous state instead of solid or liquid.
clouds that form at ground level
the movement of air caused by uneven heating of the earth by the sun and the differences in air pressure and temperatures
a device used to measure air pressure
where two air masses meet, but do not mix and rain or storms occur
Warm Front
Forms when warm air mass moves up and over a cold air mass. rainy, drizzly weather conditions followed by warm, clear weather
Cold Front
forms when a cold air mass moves under a warm air mass pushing the warm air up. (heavy rains, thunderstorms, snow
Rain Gauge
a device used to measure the amount of precipitation in a given area
water turning from a liquid state into a gaseous state (water vapor)
water condensing, turning from a gaseous state into a liquid state, forms clouds
water being discharged from clouds in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail
Water being released from plants that turns to water vapor through the process of evaporation
Surface Runoff
water running across the earth surface from precipitation.
Ground water
Water that has been absorbed by the ground and is stored (aquifers)
the process of water entering into the ground (being absorbed) when precipitation takes place
water vapor turns to liquid because of cool temperatures and water droplets collect on dust and other particles in the air
high, thin clouds made mostly of ice crystals (wispy like)
clouds that look piled up and fluffy, during fair weather (cotton balls)
Clouds that form in layers that are low in the atmosphere, can form fog. Often produce rain and snow.
large tall clouds often gray in color and bring thunderstorms
the climate of a very small area
Global Warming
the hypothesized rise in Earth's average temperature from excess carbon dioxide
El Nino
a short-term climate change that occurs every two to three years in a specific region
Prevailing Winds
the global winds that blow constantly from the same direction (west to east)
local winds
the winds dependent upon local changes in temperature
Air Mass
a large body of air that has the same temperature and level of humidity throughout
air pressure
the weight of the air in an area
a tool used to measure wind speed
the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other
the movement caused within fluid by tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise and colder, denser material to sink under
Freshwater Storage
water stored in lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and water sheds
Global Winds
bands of winds that move around the earth and are grouped by the direction they blow. (trade winds, prevailing winds)
a tool used to measure humidity
Jet Stream
a narrow, variable band of very strong, predominantly westerly air currents encircling the globe several miles above the earth surface
Land Breeze
at night, the air over the ocean is warmer than the air over land. the warm air over the ocean rises, creating an area of low pressure. the cool air over the land forms an area of high pressure and moves towards the ocean.
sea breeze
during the day, air over the ocean is cool. cool air masses from the areas of high pressure air over the land are warmer, and as it rises, it creates an area of low pressure. The cool, high pressure air over the ocean now flows toward the land.
a tool used to measure the temperature of the air
weather vane
a tool used to measure wind direction
water cycle
the movement of water on Earth that moves between the air, the land, and the oceans. the process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.