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39 Cards in this Set

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multi-cellular eukaryotic photosynthetic autotrophs
four groups of land plants(embyrophytes)
bryophytes, seedless land plants, gymnosperms, angiosperms
nonvascular mosses, dont produce seeds
seedless vascular plants
vascular, ferns, no seeds
vascular conifers(pines, spruce, cedar trees), true seed plants
vascular, modern flowering plants, true seed plants
land plants evolved from _______
ancestral algae(carophycean green algae-most closely related)
land plants and carophycean green algae have shared traits:
have similar peroxisome enzymes, rosette-shaped cellulose synthesizing complex, similar sperm structure, formation of phragmoplast,
peroxisome enzymes in carophycean green algae and land plants________
are the same but different in other types of algae
formation of phragmoplasts?
after nuclear division takes place and before cytokenesis bundles of micrutubules line up along the midline and associated with those microtubules are vesicles produced by the golgi apparatus(these are called phragmoplasts)
land plants (did/did not) evolve from carophytes
did not....they share a common ancestry
differences between embryophytes and carophytes
apical maristems(in LP), alternation of generations (in LP), gamatangia(in LP), multicellular embryos (in LP), spores (LP)
land plants aka apical maristems(in land plants not algae) are....
regions of rapid cell division in the tips of shoots and roots in land plants
alternation of generations(LP)
gametophyte generation(haploid), sporophyte generation(diploid)(alternating generations)
multicellular gamatangia organs resposible for producing gametes
male (antharydia/um)
female (archagonia/um)
sporophytes produce____
spores that have a protective wall surrounding them
bryophytes(moss)are important because
common to wetland ecosystems-provide(habitats) for other organisms, act as a carbon storage system, stabalizes soil by minimizing amount of nitrogen leeched out of soil by water. bryophyetes have three phyla(one being bryophyta(mosses))
life cycle of a moss
separate haploid male and female gametophytes, both have gamatangia(antharydia M(tip of gametophyte), archagonia F), fertilization in archagonia, diploid zygote goes through mitosis into sporophyte on the end of gametophyte,(sporophyte dependent on gametophyte)
three structural components of sporophyte
foot (attaches sporophyte to gametophyte), threadlike ceta, capsule (spore producing organ or sporangium)
sporangium produces....
spores(haploid: diploid to haploid) through meiosis
haploid spores produces by sporangium mature into
female and male gametophyte
dominate phase of moss life cycle
male and female gametophytes attached to the substrate(soil) ____
by structures called rhizomes(not roots cuz non-vascular)
bryophytes are only a few cell layers thick because
they get water through diffusion....no vascular system
seedless vascular plants are...
thought to provide insight into the evolution of plants
seedless land vascular were....
the dominate form of life a long time ago and they made coal to fuel the industrial evolution and energy production
seedless vascular plants have ___ phyla
two (one of ferns and one of quillworts)
seedless vascular plants have a system of tubes or conduits that are used to
transport water and nutrients; tubes that transport water are called cylum and system that transport nutrients is called flow * check channel names*
water conduits have a polymer....
called lignin that make tubes structurally strong(allows for thicker plants)
gets energy from inorganic oxidation
obtain carbon from themselves
get energy from light
obtain carbon from somewhere else
mature gametophyte of fern is (hap/dip)
sporangia on the underside of a fern are clustered into a ____
pl. sori
dominate phase of life cycle in fern
gametophyte in ferns is ____ and ___-_____
independent and free-living
a seed is defined by having
a diploid embryo, a food supply, and a protective seed coat
seed plants have ____ and ______
seeds and pollen