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56 Cards in this Set

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Water Quality and Chemistry
• used to understand contaminants (substances that alter water quality) in the water.
Examples of watershed contaminants
• a lot of sediment
• sewage
• insecticide
• warm water
• falling leaves
• invasive fish species
• diatomaceous earth is harmless in the water
o It is made up of diatom shells tat fall to the ground after diatoms die.
• Parts per billion = ppb = mg/m3
• Parts per million = ppm = mg/L
• Parts per thousand = ppt = 0/00
• Percent % - parts per hundred = 10,000 ppm.
• Dissolved solids
o Substances dissolved and ionized in water.
o TS = total solids
o TDS = total dissolved solids both inorganic and organic
• Normally 50 ppm – 400 ppm
• Globally 120 ppm
• Increased when something is added to the water
• Always measured in mL
• Can be measured by how well electricity is conducted through water, because they ionize.
Specific conductance
o Reciprocal of the specific resistance of a solution measured between two electrodes 1 cm2 in area and 1cm apart
o How well electrons flow between probes
• Resistance is measured in ohms
• Conductivity is measured in mhos or Siemens
o Varies with temperature, use m up to 25 degrees C
o Freshwater vs. low, use micros/cm (S x 0.000001)
o Seawater, use mS/cm (S x 0.001).
• Conductivity
o o Usually 2 times TDS
o Relates to nutrient status and runoff events
o Most important: Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+, HCO3-,SO4--, Cl-
• Good correlation with salinity, especially in seawater.
• Individual ions analyse separately and reported as mg/L (ppm) or mEq/L.
Sources of Dissolved solids in water
o Rock, Precipaptations, Biotic, point and non point source pollution.
Rock (edaphic ions)
• dissolve from surrounding rock
o Geology (igneous vs sedimentary)
o Weather, dissolve; re-dox rxns, pH
o Limestone easily erodes by acid rain.
• Precipitation
o Rain, snow, dust
o Pollution, acid precipitation.
• Biotic
o Orgs use & cycle ions
• Carbon, nitrogen, etc…
• Point and non-point source pollutants
o Sewage
o Industrial runoff
o Point source – can identify the pipe
o Non-point source – comes off of fields, cannot be tracked, gas fumes, etc…
If waterbody is stratified by temperature (density)
then the nutrients can be depleted in some zones, and not mixed with areas where nutrients are still present.
• Name the two
Zones according to whether they use or make oxygen
• Tropholytic zone
o Releases nutrients
o Uses oxygen
o No photosynthesis because it is the bottom layer and can’t absorb the sun’s rays.
o Breaking down food
• Trophogenic zone
o Uses nutrients
o Produces oxygen
o Photosynthesis
o Some phytoplankton can fix nitrogen
o Making food
• Nutrients are at the bottom of the lake
• Stratification is important in the use and availability of ions
• Phosphorus is constantly cycled throughout and never runs out
Oxygen and Other gases.
Solubility of gases differs in water and air
• Name three things the oxygen level is affected by
o Air pressure (lower at high altitudes)
o Temperature (lower at high temperatures)
• TDS (lower at high solute concentration.
How does an increase in temperature affect water temperature and dissolved C02 levels
• Carbon dioxide prefers dissolving in water
But an Increase temperature, reduce ability for water to absorb gases
Releasing the C02 they had stored in them in to the atmosphere , increasing greenhouse gases and water temperatures.
• Ratio of [gas] to potential concentration (at a given temperature, salinity, pressure)
o E.g. [oxygen] si about 15 mg/L at 0 degrees C – [oxygen] of 7 mg/L = 48% saturated
• Supersaturated
o Greater than expected (e.g. from high mixing or photosynthesis).
Determining oxygen concentrations in water
• Determining and interpretation of oxygen using
o Meter
• Must be calibrated
o Titration
o Iron, nitrates, organics can interfere and cause errors in calculations
• The darker the water, the higher the oxygen
• Oxygen in lakes is also dependent on stratification due to temperature… oxygen is renewed at the surface, but may be cut off from bottom
o Can lead to anoxia in lower regions
• Fish kills, die-offs of other organisms.
Sources of Oxygen in rivers/lakes
• Sources
o Diffusion (atm), slow
• Waves speed up
o Photosynthesis
• Phytoplankton (small and floating
• Macrophytes (big plants)
• Periphyton (attached to rock) (big or small)
• Carbon dioxide and water are mixed to produce a release of a sugar an oxygen.
Sources of loss of Oxygen
• Losses
o Respiration (especially at sediment)
o Chemical oxidation
o Temperature effects on solution.
• Littoral zone
o Deep rooted plant area
o Must be rooted in the water
o Based on location.

• Profundal zone
o Based on location
o Deep soft sediment.
• Sublittoral zone
o In between the littoral and profundal zone.
Hypolimnion Epilimnion
o Low oxygen
o High oxygen.
• Nutrient status
• Low nurients
• high oxygen year round, even if stratified

• Main limiting nutrient in fresh water is phosphorus.
• Nutrient status
• High nutrients
• High phytoplankton & plant growth
o Produces oxygen
o Oxygen decrease with increase temperature
o high oxygen at surface, low oxygen at bottom when stratified.
• Nutrient status
• In between oligotrophic and eutrophic.
o Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
• End of season die-off of plants that sink to bottom and decay and use up the oxygen.
o If a nutrient is missing, the growth stops
o If not enough phosphorus, then other nutrients do nothing.
Temperature and oxygen profiles
• As temperature increases, oxygen decreases
o Oxygen is being used up by organisms
• As temperature decreases, oxygen increases.
Seasonal oxygen patterns in lakes
• Relates to temperature patterns
• Temperature stratification patterns
o Spring: unithermal, mixes with wind (rare anoxia)
o Summer: stratified, epilimnion & hypolimnion especially (anoxia)
o Fall: temperature drops; unithermal, mixes with wind (no anoxia)
o Winter: ice-covered, stratifies, epi & hypo sep. (no anoxia)
• If temperature is the same top to bottom, then oxygen is the same
• Oxygen is high in epilimnion because of photosysthesis
• Lake that goes anoxic at some point is eutrophic.
Winter Kill
Seasonal die-off of fish due to anoxia
o Shallow lakes, ponds
o Not as common in rivers because fish move towards the light
o Usually winter, but may also be spring or fall
• Fish, if they detect it, can swim to avoid anoxia
1. Oxygen throughout is below fish requirements
2. Low oxygen at bottom, okay at top; mixed during spring overturn, mixed water too low (too fast for fish to adapt)
3. Autumn: rapid decay of plants use oxygen (algal bloom rapidly using up oxygen)
• If very deep pond it takes more to go anoxic.
• Factors affecting
Primary Productivity (PP)
o Physical: sample depth (light), nutrients, temperature
o Season
o Biotic: zooplankton.
How do we measure Primary Production in water?
Via oxygen concentration in water
• Light and dark bottle method
• Principle
o Light: get photosynthesis (generaties oxygen) plus respiration (uses oxygen)
o Dark: respiration only
• Amount of oxygen produced = LB – DB
o For each mole of oxygen produced, 1 mole carbon dioxide used
• To convert to mg C, multiply by 0.375
o Assumes respiration same in both bottles
• Assumes oxygen can physically increase (not saturated)
• Assumes no animals in sample respiring.
Who are Primary producers in lakes/ponds and rivers/streams
o Lakes/ponds
• Phytoplankton (huge number of photosynthesis) (big producers)
• Littoral macrophytes

o Rivers/streams:
• Epiphytes (attached)
• Macrophytes (big).
What does Primary Production represent?
o Base of food chain (food available to higher trophic levels)
• Primary producers
o Relationship with nutrients entering water body
Relationship with oxygen and BOD (trophic status).
What d we measure to get Primary Production ?
• Gross production : rate of total photosynthesis
• Net production: gross prod. – respiration
• Relates to oxygen through photosysntesis/respiration equation.
Carbon in water… more soluable than in air?
• More soluble in water than in air.
Sources of Carbon to streams
o Rainwater – carbon dioxide from atm
o Sub-surface flow – bacterial resp in soil
o Dissolving carbonate rocks (e.g. limestone)
o Respiration of aquatic orgs
o Leaching from detritus.
Where to find Carbonate HC03—and insoluable salts?
o Hardwater.
Carbon as a buffer in the form of C03-- Buffers (resists change) changes in pH
a. Forms of carbon in water: CO2, HCO3- (bicarbonate ion), CO3-- (carbonate ion), Ca(HCO3)2, CaCO3
b. In pure water may hydrate (add hydrogen ions from water), dissociate (break apart), and complex with cations (e.g. ca++)
Forms different compounds, pH dependent
amt of dissolved CO2 (<1%) is hydrated to form carbonic acid (slow): carbon dioxide plus water releases carbonic acid.
What is the relationship between carbonic acid
bicarbonate and carbonate?. Some of carbonic acid dissociations into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions, and then to carbonate ions, depending on pH:
Carbonic acid plus pH increase, breaks into bicarbonate plus hydrogen ions
Bicarbonate plus pH decrease, breaks into carbonate plus hydrogen ions
pH = 4.5: all carbonic acid, no bicarbonate
pH = 6.4: carbonic acid dissociates to bicarbonate
pH = 8.3: no measurable carbonic acid
pH = 10.4: bicarbonate dissociates to carbonate.
How is carbonate related to Ph?
• Both CO2 and HCO3- can be used in photosynthesis
o If either is present in water, these complex with free hydrogen ions from acids, to buffer change in pH
• If calcium present, combines readily with CO2 to form calcium carbonate (insoluble) and calcium bicarbonate (soluble)
• If CO2 is removed by photosynthesis or other factor… equation moves right producing more insoluble carbon, which precipitates out (vice versa)
• Number of free hydrogen determines pH
• Photosynthesis is highest between pH from 6 – 10.
What happens to carbon dioxide in streams in the daytime?
• photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide and pH rises (carbonic acid decreases).
What happens to carbon dioxide in streams in the nighttime?
• respiration returns carbon dioxide and pH drops (carbonic acid increases).
What Ph suggest a high amount of photosynthesis?
• Ph 6-10.
What is Ph?
• Measurement of the acidity of a stream
• Number of free hydrogen determines pH
• Acidity is influenced by plant & algea production
• Both CO2 and HCO3- can be used in photosynthesis
o If either is present in water, these complex with free hydrogen ions from acids, to buffer change in pH
• If calcium present, combines readily with CO2 to form calcium carbonate (insoluble) and calcium bicarbonate (soluble)
• If CO2 is removed by photosynthesis equation moves right producing more insoluble carbon, which precipitates out .
o Alkalinity is the ability to buffer pH
o Principle
• When acid is added to solution, hydrogen ions complexed by anions and pH decreases ( C03--)
• Similar pattern for OH-
• pH won’t change until each form complexed main buffers are carbonate and bicarbonate compounds (Ca & Mg)
• expressed as “mg/L CaCO3” though could be other anions.
How do you measure alkalinity?
• to measure; titrate with acid & pH indicator.
Carbonate sources
o Canadian shield: v. low alkalinity
• Dominate by granite (igneous rock)
• About 10 for alkalinity
o Sedimentary rocks (prairies, rockies)
• High alkalinity
• Above 100
o Rain and snow water near zero alkalinity must be picked up by dissolving ground materials.
What is the equation to determine Ph?
pH = -log [H+]
negative log of the concentration of hydrogen.
Sources of Hydrogen
o Carbonic acid, humic acids (what leaches from the organic layer)
o Rainwater (pH of normal rain is 5.6)
o Acid precipitation
• Sulfuric acid and nitric acid.
Effects of altered Ph?
o Change form of carbon present (solubility, photosynthesis)
o Changes form of other elements (aluminum becomes toxic to fish)
o Alter internal pH of organisms
• Big fish are less affected because they have low SA:V ratio.
Effects of Acidic Ph conditions of biota
o Orgs can’t produce calcium carbonate for shells
o Many insects can’t reproduce in low pH
o Many sp. Of phytoplankton die off, are replaced by filamentous algae that isn’t good for food for most
o Shift in microbes from bacteria and fungi to mostly bacteria; affects decomposition of detritus
o Many fish dither stop reproducing or immatures cannot deal with osmotic problems from low pH
o Base of food chain dying off, so even tolerant stage begin to starve to death
o Fungi die at acidic pHs.
During Govrn’ments project on low Ph and fish
o Small organisms died off first and there was not much to consume for the next trophic levels so the population declined and decreased predatory populations.
• They did not detect acid effects because only measured pH and not alkalinity (buffering ability)
• Did not detect problems with biota since only measured number of adult fish and not their condition or number of young.
What is;
Types of wetlands that may be low in pH
Organic acids; good buffering capacity
Contain organisms tolerant to low pH
o Bogs, fens, isolated areas w low nutrients.
Where can you find PH depressions in lakes/rivers?
• littoral zones
o can get acid snow from industrial areas
o rapid snowmelt in sprint causes runoff of v. acid water
o pH can drop rapidly in streams and epilimnion of lakes
cat tails don’t like acid.