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15 Cards in this Set

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Why are aquatic ecosystems significant?

Buoyancy, narrow temperature range, dispersal medium, solvent, greater divesity

What are the three zones in a lake ecosystem in order of depth ?

Littoral, limnetic, profundal

What are the limits on productivity?

Light, temperature stratification, nutrient availability

What defines an oligotrophic lake?

Little shore vegetation

Low concentration of nutrients and plankton in the limnetic zone

Steeply sloping shorelines

Sand, gravel, rock bottom

Sparse fish population including in the profundal zone

What defines a eutrophic lake?

A lot of shore vegetation

High concentrations of nutrients and plankton in the limnetic zone

Dense fish population in the limnetic zone

No life in tue profundal zone

Gently sloping shoreline

Silt, sand, clay bottom

What is significant about coastal and upwelling areas?

Make up 10% of the oceans but make up 99% of the fish caught

List types of water pollution

Suspended particles

Inorganic water soluble chemicals

Organic compounds

Oxygen consuming wastes

Thermal pollution

Disease causing agents

Radioactive compounds

Why are suspended particles a problem?

Shelters are buried, light penetration is limited, organisms removed from rocks

Why are nonpoint source spills a problem?

Hard to identify and control

What is eutrophication?

The addition of plant nutrients to water

How do eutrophic lakes stratify?

Three distinct layers form in summer (warm, thermocline, cool) with the top layer being high in oxygen due to photosynthesising plants and the bottom layer being anoxic due to the BOD of decaying organisms

Why are algal blooms harmful?

Produce toxins that concentrate in the food chain and cause coastal dead zones

How can algal blooms be controlled?

Benthic grazers

Where do demersal fish and pelagic fish live?

Demersal are bottom dwelling and pelagic are surface dwelling

Where are most fish caught?

90% marine of which 50% are in coastal areas and 50% are in upwelling areas