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30 Cards in this Set

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Rain, snow, and hail are examples of
Plants release water into the atmosphere through their leaves using the process called
Spring rains are an example of water in what state?
The glaciers found in Alaska are an example of water in what state?
As heat from the sun causes water to evaporate and turn into water vapor it goes from a liquid state to what state?
The process of evaporation to condensation to precipitation and the repetition of this process is the
water cycle
The process where water escapes from the surface of a liquid and goes into the air is
Clouds are the result of what happening to water vapor?
Water that collects in the cracks and spaces found below the surface of the earth is referred to as
Ground that has small openings for water to pass through is
What is a Biogeochemical Cycle?
Earth's way of recycling natural resources
Water is made of
hydrogen and oxygen
Does the Earth have less, more, or the same amoung of water than it had a million years ago?
the same
How many times has Earth's water probably been recycled?
millions of times
What are the three forms of water?
solid,liquid, gas
When the air is dry, does water evaporate more quickly or less quickly?
more quickly
Which property of water makes molecules stick together?
What process causes water to cool to form clouds?
Condensation causes clouds to form.
Precipitation occurs when
water droplets become too heavy and fall to the ground.
What allows living organisms to live a distance from bodies of water?
water cycle
Which process takes place at the pores of plants?
The amount of water in the ground is
less than in the oceans, 25 times more than all lakes and rivers, and only a quarter of the amount frozen in glaciers.
Which characteristic determines whether ground water will sink into the ground or run off?
slope of the land, level of ground saturation, rate of precipitation
The zone of saturation
is where water circulates underground and feeds rivers and streams.
When does the water table rise?
when precipitation falls
What decreases the rate of runoff?
Permeable ground means
ground that water can pass through
The temperature of ground water increases with increasing
Heated water comes to the surface through natural openings in the ground called
hot springs
How much of Earth is covered by water?
75 percent