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40 Cards in this Set

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What is a hydrocarbon?
a compound made up of only carbon and hydrogen atoms
what does a hydrocarbon make up part of?
kerosene, petrolum, gas, oil
Cargo tanks washing at sea:
what do they use as ballast when the oil tanks are empty?
water from the ocean
Cargo tankers washing at sea:
when the tankers are done using water as ballast, what happens to the contaminated water?
the water is put directly back into the ocean
Waste dumpings at sea:
what are they caused by?
waste dumpings at sea:
how many tons of oil per year are added?
500,000 tons
In port oil losses :
what are they caused by?
ships collisions in port, and accidents during the process of loading and un-loading the ships oil cargo
in port oil losses:
How much oil is added
Over one million tons per year
Tanker accidents:
how much publicity do they get and why?
huge publicity due to the immedate affects
tanker accidents;
How big is the problem becomming?
larger as the oil ships become larger
How big is the largest tanker?
as large as the empire state building
Exploration losses:
When do they take place?
during exploration for oil,
Exploration losses:
What causes them to happen?
caused by blowout from oil wells and when there is damage to offshore drilling riggs it can also occure from leaky pipelines that are cracked, punctured, or corrorded
Motor Oil:
how many tons of oil are unaccounted for each year?
over 2 million tons
Motor oil:
what do scientists assume happens to the motor oil
they think it washes up on shore
how much space can 1 gallon of spilled oil cover?
4 acers
as soon as oil spills, what happens?
volatic components evorporate from the oil
within days, how much oil can evorporate?
25% of the oil
what does the remaining oil from the spill go through (its a process)
a process called emulsifacaion, this process turns the oil into a vicious material
what happens to the oil after several days of floating on the ocean surface?
it sinks to the bottom
after 3 months, how much oil is left?
what happens to the ammount of light under the oil spill?
the ammount of light decreases by 90% decreasing the ammount of dissolved oxygen due to less photosynthesis
what is the comparission of oil water to clean water oxygen wise?
clean water has much more oxygen
what can oil do to marine and swimming birds?
it can drown them, degrade natural oil and wax in feathers, causes feathers to mat together making it hard to fly
what effects does oil have on a marine enviorment?
it has toxic chemicals such as , benzene, tolune, xylene, and nearly all types of marine animal are affected
how does oil affect chemical messaging processes, and what is the process?
it can affect it by blocking taste receptors, and mimicking natural stimili. The chemical messing process is used by animal to find mates, find homes, find food and escape
how does oil pass through the food chain?
animals eat the oil, and then get eaten by other animals, passing along the toxins
what do booms and barriers do?
they contain the oil and make it easier to skim
what are skimmers, and how do they wrok?
they are either attached to the side of a ship, or hand held. they seperate oil and water into two different tanks, the water is released back into the ocean. oil is disposed of or reclaimed
what are sorbents, and what do they do?
they are used to soak up and contain oil. Some of these are straw, powered caly, sawdust, ect
waht are chemical dispersants , detergants, and solvents?
they are used to degrade oil, these are toxic to much of the marine life in the oceans
what is a benthic creature?
a bottom dweller
what is a littoral creature?
a land dwelling creature
how are flames used in oil spills?
They burn the oil, causing a black, toxic smoke to be released
what is bioremediation?
IT is where bacteria is put on an oil spill. Fertilizer is given to the bacteria to start its growth. After the fertelizer is eaten, the fungus begins to eat the oil. the oil begins to shrink. These fungi turn the oil into masses of food safe for consumption by other organisms
what is the name of the bacteria used in bioremediation?
how are the bacteria in biororemediation put onto an oil spill?
by ships, planes, or spray bottles
what was the death rate of animals in the exxon spill?
250,000 birds
2,800 otters,
300 seals,
30 whales
how many acers were covered by the exxon?
over 1,000
how much of the exxon spill oil was cleaned up?