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89 Cards in this Set

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(mm) strong, quick, discontinuous voluntary
(mm) strong, quick, continuous, involuntary
(mm) weak, slow, involuntary
Footballs in bubblegum
Striated, intercalated discs, central nuclei
H & E stained muscle fibers have dark....
A bands
H & E stained muscle fibers have light...
I bands
Striated, peripheral nuclei
Where does skeletal muscle of the body come from?
Somite -> Dermatome + myotome
Where does skeletal muscle of the head come from?
Neural crest
Sometimes muscles will not form where they normally do, this is what
mm agenesis
Absence of pectoralis minor & some major in
Poland syndrome
Absence of abdominal muscles and severe kidney problems in
Prune belly syndrome
Dorsal muscle mass ->
Anterior muscle mass ->
Limb bones come from
lateral plate mesoderm
innervates most flexors in the forearm (originating from medial epicondyle), the muscles of the thenar emminence, and the first two lumbricals
median nerve
Cutaneous innervation covers the anterior palm digits 1, 2, 3,and ½ of 4
median nerve
In what 3 places can there be Compression of the brachial plexus and axillary vessels
Elevated first rib
Compression by clavicle
Pectoralis minor pulling coracoid process of scapula inferiorly
innervates two muscles of the anterior compartment of the forearm, the flexor carpi ulnaris, and the ulnar head of the flexor digitorum profundus. The ulnar nerve also innervates most intrinsic muscles of the hand.
ulnar nerve
what two mm's of the forearm does the ulnar nerve inervate?
flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnar head of the flexor digitorum profundus
Travels through medial epicondyle (nerve)
Cutaneous innervation covers the anterior and posterior surfaces of ½ of the 4th digit and all of the 5th
ulnar nerve
innervates the muscles of anterior compartment of the arm. Flexes elbow
musculocutaneous nerve
Cutaneous innervation covers the lateral forearm.
musculocutaneous nerve
innervates deltoid & teres minor muscles. Flexes, extends & abducts shoulder
axillary nerve
innervates the arm’s posterior compartment, containing the triceps muscles. Extends elbow.
radial nerve
what two joints are not radial nerve
pip and dip
innervates all extensors of the wrist, hand, & digits as well as the anconius and supinator muscles
radial nerve
A injury to the brachial plexus caused by the superior trunk getting torn or stretched.
Erb-Duchenne Palsy
Erb-Duchenne Palsy affects what mm's?
nerve to the subclavius, suprascapular, axillary and musculocutaneous nerves
Injury to the inferior parts of the brachial plexus, typically the inferior trunk.
Klumpke Paralysis
innervates the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata. Abducts the lower limb and resists pelvic tilt during normal gait.
superior gluteal nerve
innervates the gluteus maximus, which extends the hip when climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, etc.
inferior gluteal nerve
Injury to which gluteal nerve causes leg swinging
inferior gluteal
injury to which gluteal nerve causes Trendelenberg gait
superior gluteal nerve
These muscles flex the hip and extend the knee (in abdomen)
psoas and iliacus muscles
innervates the muscles of the anterior thigh and also psoas and iliacus mm's
femoral nerve
sensation from the medial thigh, leg, and heel
sensation of the femoral nerve is via what?
saphenous nerve
innervates the adductor muscles in medial compartment of the thigh
obturator nerve
cutaneous innervation of medial thigh
obturator nerve
composed of the bundled tibial & common fibular nerves
sciatic nerve
innervates hamstring muscles
tibial nerve
these mm's extend the hip and flex the knee
hamstring muscles
innervates the short head of the biceps femoris
common fibular nerve
This helps to flex the knee (in thigh)
short head of the biceps femoris
also innervates the muscles of the deep and superficial posterior compartments of the leg
Plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle
muscles of the deep and superficial posterior compartments of the leg
contributes to the sural nerve which innervates overlying skin
The tibial nerve ends as
medial and lateral plantar nerves
These innervate the plantar muscles and the overlying skin
medial and lateral plantar nerves
innervates the lateral compartment of the leg and muscles on the dorsum of the foot
superficial fibular
It everts the ankle and is sensory to the dorsum of the foot.
superficial fibular
innervates the muscles of the leg’s anterior compartment
deep fibular nerve
Primarily dorsiflexes the ankle and extends the toes. Innervates the web of skin between the first and second toes
deep fibular nerve
Oxidative metabolism
Resistant to fatigue
Slower myosin ATPase
Type 1 mm fiber
color of type 1 fiber
Function primarily in postural muscles, paraspinal & limb muscles.
type 1
Fast-twitch for rapid movement
Glycolytic metabolism
Easily fatigued
Precise actions
Quicker myosin ATPase
type 2
color of type 2
Found in extraocular muscles but also mixed with slow twitch fibers in limb & paravertebral muscles
type 2
Normal muscle tone is controlled by
mm spindle fibers
They provide information regarding degree of muscle tension and adjust tone to prevent injury
mm spindle fibers
Stretching a muscle also stretches muscle spindle fibers inside. They signal the spinal cord to
increase tone to the stretched muscle
When Golgi Tendon Organs fire, they signal the spinal cord to
decrease tone to agonist muscles
increased reflexes
upper motor neuron lesions
decreased reflexes
lower motor neuron lesions
increased tone
upper motor neuron
The interface between a motor nerve axon & the muscle it innervates is the
motor end plate
The Ach is removed from the synaptic space by
binds the Tn complex to tropomyosin
inhibits the binding of actin to myosin
calcium binding subunit
encircles the Z disc of each sarcomere and connects them to the sarcolemma
Muscular Dystrophy is due to mutation of
dystrophin protein
No functional dystrophin gene is present in cells.
Early onset (pre-teen)
Severe progression to early death
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Slightly functional dystrophin is made.
Later onset (usually occurs in early 20’s)
Symptoms less severe but ultimately fatal
Beckers muscular dystrophy
attach periosteum into bone
Sharpey's fibers (type I collagen)
Dense, outer layer of bone
Immediately deep to periosteum
compact bone
Forms a trabecular mesh in the interior
spony bone
Flattened cells on inner layer of periosteum & cells lining marrow cavity. Become osteoblasts
Osteoprogenitor cells
Secretes collagen, ground substance & osteoid (unmineralized bone). Cuboidal/polygonal in shape - found as single cells in regions where bone is being formed
Osteoblasts that become surrounded by osteoid and bone are
Bone is not only laid down, but also re-absorbed. This is done by
depression in bone created by osteoclast
howship's lacuna
Ears, epiglottis, trachea
elastic cart
IV discs, pubic symphysis
these are fractures involving the growth plates before they fuse to the metaphysis
Salter-Harris fractures