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24 Cards in this Set

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David Held’s proposals for “global social democracy”

Shift in resource allocation; global institutions focused on welfare and poverty relief; life-long learning and skills acquisition; recognition the political agenda is a matter of choice; economic development as a means to an end; reinvention of community

Really Good Leopards Can Escape Cars

“culture talk” (Mahmood Mamdani)

reference to essentialism following 9/11; “culture talk has turned religious experience into a political category”

What, according to Mamdani, is the friction between state building and culture?

“political units are territorial – culture is not”

How do Mamdani and Philip Golub express modern attitudes toward minority religion/cultures in secular society?

Mamdani: tension between universalizing and tolerance; Golub: reappearance of assimilation

In what way did the CIA support/create Islamization? (Mamdani)

Actively supported “terrorist” groups such as the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union


Lessons (Mamdani)

“we must learn to forget (ie move on) but not forget to learn”

Like Mamdani’s Good Muslim, bad Muslim argument, how does Slavoj Zizek turn the torture discussion around?

its ok for Western media to contemplate it (in the abstract) but what if the same discussion was occurring in Arab media…

What turn in biopolitics does Zizek observe?

A para-legal field in which administrative measures are gradually replacing the rule of law

Homo sacer (Agamben)

“someone who could be killed with impunity and whose death had, for the same reason, no sacrificial value”

Paradox of the war on terror

the enemy is criminalized if he defends himself

How is the war on terror different to traditional war (Zizek)

No longer wars in the old sense in the new global order but wars between homo sacer in which Western humanitarian aid is delivered and direct attacks on the US and other representatives of the new global order by “unlawful combatants”

What does Zizek label the all-encompassing approach of the war on terror?

Coincidence of opposites

What must be avoided regarding the discussion around torture? (Zizek)

Elevating individual cases to universal principle

Einbildungskraft : (Kant)

the transcendental power of the imagination

Point de capiton : (Lacan)

quilting point: the knotting together of the signified and the signifier ie the fixing of the fluid identity of the enemy; combining of the terrorist enemies of reactionary fundamentalist and Leftist resistant

What case does Zizek site to suggest a way forward from performative enemy “construction”?

sites refusal of some members of the Israeli Defence Force to continue humiliating Palestinians in the Occupied Territories simply “because the alternative is too hard”

How has the modern conception of globalization facilitated terror? (Elleke Boehmer)

Constructs post-colonial expressions of dissent as terrorism; seeks to universalize the world in a Western image (Lacan: mirror stage)

Mirror stage

Allen Feldman: terror as ante-modern and post-modern

embracing sacrificial aspects such as televised assassinations aswell as mediatized warfare and surveillance


War on Terror as keeping the status quo

Americans aren’t interested in changing the world, they wanna keep the world from changing them

changing the world

Problem of ignorance (Negin Farsad)

Middle East as one big brown violent blob; Tunisia? No thanks I’ll take my hamburger with ketchup



Secularism: Discriminating against religious minorities under the rubric of secularism (France)

War on Terror / Arab Spring

recodification by counter-revolutionaries in order to justify themselves


9/11 as resolving an identity crises

The Cold War “other” of the Soviet Union was no longer, 9/11 gave rise of the Islamic “other” against which the West could define itself


How does Judith Butler describe the language around the war on terror?

Hegemonic grammar