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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the common cause of hemarthrosis?
Torn ACL
_____ crystals are associated with Gout
_____ crystals are associated with pseudo-gout
Septic arthritis would demonstrate both _____ and ____
WBC > 50,000 with PMNs in synovial fluid

high protein, low glucose in synovial fluid
non-articular dysfunctions are associated with __________
painful active ROM, normal passive ROM; joint is STABLE and WITHOUT CREPITUS
Articular dysfunctions are associated with ....
Both active AND passive ROM are painful, +instability, +/- crepitus
______ is an absolute contraindication to arthrocentesis
Infection over puncture site
In order to prevent accelerated deterioration of bone/cartilage in the joints, steroid injections should be limited to ________
Once every 3 months, 3 max
Large joints have a space capacity of _____ and include which joints?
1-2 ml

KNEE, ankle, shoulder
The causative organism in rheumatic fever is ...
Serotypes M of Group A strep
The most common valve abnormality associated with rheumatic fever is ...
Mitral regurgitation
_______ labs are most useful in dx rheumatic fever
antistreptylysis O
Etiological factors related to the dx of SLE include ...
90% female
Child-bearing age
A key clinical manifestation suggesting a diagnosis of SLE is
Intermittent arthritis with pain out of proportion to exam

Especially in a black female aged 18-45

Maybe swan-neck deformity
SXS of SLE pneumonitis include
Bilateral infiltrates/atelectasis on CXR
SLE pneumonitis can be treated with ...

(Derp! Decreases autoimmune reactivity by depressing immune system)
Most specific lab test for SLE is
Anti-Smith (Sm) antibodies
A non-specific but sensitive test for SLE is ...
Lab results suggesting drug-induced lupus from hydralazine or procainamide include ...
- dsDNA
+ Anti-histone antibodies
The most common presentation of Sarcoidosis is ...

Sxs for months
Lung bullae in sarcoidosis predisposes to infection by ...
90% of CXR are abnormal in sarcoidosis. Type I Sarcoidosis (ACUTE) is ID by
Bilateral hilar adenopathy WITHOUT parencymal changes
Bilateral hilar adenopathy with parenchymal changes is ...
Type II chronic sarcoidosis
The most specific lab abnormality associated with sarcoidosis is
Elevated ACE levels
The tx for ACUTE Sarcoidosis is ..
Chronic sarcoidosis is tx via
supportive care +/- chronic steroid therapy
The pathophys of sarcoidosis is ..
T-helper immune mediated formation of granulomas
Epi factors related to sarcoidosis
Black > white

Presents in 20-40 yoa
Pts with Sjogren's syndrome have an increased risk of
B-cell lymphoma
_____ is found only in primary Sjogren's and thus differentiates it from secondary
Parotid enlargement
Ocular dx of Sjogren's syndrome is made by ..
Slit lamp exam with rose Bengal stain

Shows punctate corneal ulcerations and filamentary keratitis
The most specific lab for the dx of Sjogren's is _____
The tx of Sjogren's is ...
Symptom relief

Dz is treatable, not curable
Systemic sclerosis is ..
Disorder of small arteries, microvellses, and connective tissue with scarring and vascular obliteration
Reynaud's phenomenon is ...
Pallor, Cyanosis, Erythema
The occurence of Reynaud's in patients with systemic sclerosis is ..
95%, very sensitive

not specific
The treatment of Reynaud's is
Prevent vasoconstriction

No smoking
Dress warm
Dihydropyridine Ca-Channel Blockers
Nitro paste to extremities

The dx of Systemic Sclerosis is clinical and consists of ...
non-pitting edema

Hidebound Skin (90%) proximal to MCP
CREST syndrome is ...
Limited Cutaneous Scleroderma and consists of

Calcinosis (Ca-P deposits in skin)

Reynaud's Phenomenon

Esophageal hypomotility


Patients with Scleroderma and HTN or renal failure should be tx with ...
ACE inhibitors