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107 Cards in this Set

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Contractions of smooth muscle in the wall of the tube crush, mix and move contents
Transport water, ions and nutrients from lumen, across epithelium and into blood
Delivers enzymes, mucus and ions into the lumen (and hormones into blood)
Organization of the gut wall

(Name the layers...starting with lumen)
Mucosa (epitheliuma and lamina propria)
Muscularis mucosa
Muscularis externa (2 -3 layers)

(Basic Sxr, Fxn)
passageway for rough bolus of food

(nonkeratinized) stratified squamous epithelium

glands in submucosa for lubrication

(Basic Fxn)
produces secretions required to convert food into chyme;

mucosa comprises multiple types of secretory cells.

Mechanical actions require greater smooth muscle
Small Intestine

(Basic Fxn)
provides additional digestive enzymes (some from extramural glands) and

absorbs amino acids, sugars, fats and other molecules liberated by digestion;

mucosa includes both secretory and absorptive cells
Large Intestine

(Basic Fxn)
completes absorption (especially reabsorption of water and ions) and

compacts non-digestible waste for elimination;

some absorptive cells and goblet cells to produce lubricating secretions
In contrast to the rest of the GI tract, this layer of muscle is not just smooth muscle in the esophagus...
the Muscularis Externa contains a variable amount of striated muscle

- proximal esophagus = striated muscle

- distal esophagus = smooth muscle
What is the outer most layer of the esophagus?
esophagus is not free as it courses through the thoracic cavity... it is embedded in connective tissue

the outer tunic is ADVENTITIA , not serosa
Does absorption or secretion occur in the esophagus?
No absorption in esophagus

Secretions lubricate the luminal surface to facilitate movement of the food bolus

Secretions provided by subepithelial glands
esophageal cardiac glands
occur in lamina propria of lower (and sometimes upper) esophagus; produce neutral mucus that helps neutralize stomach acid
What innervates the muscularis externa of the esophagus?
CN X (vagus nerve) produces peristaltic movements
What do the submucosal glands of the esophagus produce?
acidic mucus that lubricates the luminal wall
Esophageal Sphincters
Esophagus bounded by two physiologic sphincters (formed from inner circular layer of muscularis externa)

Upper esophageal sphincter closely associated with larynx; during swallowing pulls larynx forward to help rout food into esophagus

Lower esophageal sphincter where esophagus joins stomach.

Normally upper and lower sphincters closed except during swallowing to prevent entry of air from the oral cavity or reflux of stomach contents
What occurs with the sphincters in GERD?
In heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) lower sphincter does not close properly so acid refluxes into esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest /throat and even coughing and sensation of choking.
What are the components of the submucosa in the esophagus?
mucus glands

lymphoid cells

blood vessels

elastic fibers
Esophagogastric junction
Transition from esophagus to stomach normally more discrete in mucosa (squamous epithelium to invaginating columnar epithelium) than in deeper layers

Esophagogastric sphincter (in muscularis externa) less prominent than sphincter between stomach and small intestine
Stomach: four basic functions that assist in early stages of digestion and prepare for further processing
1. Short-term storage reservoir – meal consumed quickly but dealt with over extended period

2. Substantial enzymatic digestion is initiated, particularly of proteins

3. Contraction of smooth muscle grinds food and mixes with gastric secretions; liquefaction of ingesta prerequisite for delivery to small intestine

4. Ingesta slowly released into the small intestine for further processing
Absorption in the stomach
Stomach absorbs few substances
- Small amounts certain lipid-soluble compounds (including aspirin and other NSAIDs)
- Ethanol

These substances recognized causes of gastric irritation; use/overuse commonly associated with development of gastritis
Muscle layers of the stomach

(inner to outer)
Oblique muscle layer (overlying mucosa)

Cicular muscle layer

Longitudinal muscle layer
Four major secretory products of gastric epithelium
1. acid

2. mucus

3. proteases

4. hormones

Other enzymes secreted by gastric epithelial cells include a lipase and gelatinase

Intrinsic factor (glycoprotein secreted by parietal cells) necessary for intestinal absorption of vitamin B12

Stomach Secretion
Mucous cells cover lumenal surface and extend into the glands (mucous neck cells)

Secrete bicarbonate-rich mucus; coats/lubricates surface, protects epithelium from acid

Stomach Secretion
HCl secreted by parietal cells into the lumen

Acidic environment important for activation of pepsinogen and killing microorganisms

Stomach Secretion
Pepsinogen (inactive) secreted by chief cells; activated by acid into protease pepsin, initiates digestion proteins

In young animals chief cells also secrete chymosin (rennin), protease that coagulates milk proteins so retained longer in the stomach

Stomach Secretion
Principal hormone from the gastric epithelium is gastrin, influences acid secretion and gastric motility

secreted from enteroendocrine cells
Six cell types in the gastric epithelium
- Non-secretory
Stem cells (throughout GI tract)

- Secretory
2. Surface mucous cells
3. Mucous neck cells
Acid and Intrinsic Factor:
4. Parietal cells (oxyntic cells)
5. Chief cells (peptic cells)
Peptides (endocrine/paracrine factors):
6. Enteroendocrine cells (found throughout GI tract)
Stem cells in the Stomach
Epithelial Renewal

Dividing stem cells primarily in isthmus region of gastric glands

Most new cells become surface cells (live 3-5 days)

Other cell types have longer lifespans (up to 150-200 days for parietal cells) but all are replaced from the stem cells
Surface mucous cells in Stomach
Each contains mucinogen granules forming “mucous cup” apically; when released the mucinogen forms viscous coat that adheres to epithelial surface

Provides mechanical protection and, because of high bicarbonate concentration, protects epithelium from acidic gastric juice
Mucous neck cells in Stomach
Shorter than surface cells, located among groups of parietal cells in neck region of gastric glands

Contain less mucinogen and no prominent mucous cup

Produce more soluble mucous, under the control of vagal stimulation
Chief Cells in Stomach
Protein secreting cells

Abundant rER basally, so basophilic

Eosinophilic apically due to presence of secretory (zymogen) granules containing enzyme precursors

Secrete pepsinogen (converted to pepsin on contact with gastric juice) and a weak lipase
Parietal Cells in Stomach
oval shape

eosinophilic cytoplasm

“fried egg” appearance with prominent central nucleus

“secrete” HCL
Acid Production by parietal cells
Hydrogen ion concentration in parietal cell secretions is 3,000,000-fold higher than in blood

Chloride is secreted into lumen against both a concentration and electric gradient

Ability parietal cells to secrete acid dependent on active transport and ATP

Key player is H+/K+ ATPase ("proton pump“) in cannalicular membrane

Acid production controlled in part by rapid regulation of the extent of plasma membrane over which ions can be moved between cytoplasm of parietal cells and lumenal fluid
HCl Secretion by parietal cells

(the steps)
- Dissociation water yields hydrogen ions
- Hydroxyl ions formed and rapidly combine with carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate (catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase)
- Bicarbonate transported out of the basolateral membrane in exchange for chloride
- Chloride and potassium ions transported from cytoplasm into the lumen of the cannaliculi by passive conductance channels.
- Hydrogen ions pumped out of the cell and into the lumen in exchange for potassium through the action of the proton pump (ATPase); potassium is thus recycled back into the cytoplasm
- Accumulation of osmotically-active hydrogen ions in the cannaliculus generates osmotic gradient across membrane; get outward diffusion H2O
- Acid production dependent on ATP; large numbers mitochondria account for eosinophilia of parietal cells
Regulation of acid production
Parietal cells bear receptors for three stimulators of acid secretion, reflecting three-way neural, paracrine and endocrine control:
- Acetylcholine (muscarinic type receptor)
- Gastrin
- Histamine (H2 type receptor)

Histamine from enteroendocrine cells primary modulator but get additive interaction of multiple signals

Low amounts histamine, gastrin or ACh released constantly from cells in the gastric mucosa

Individually only weakly stimulate acid secretion but when all are present acid secretion is strongly activated
What is the extent of canaliculli and microvilli in parietal cells?
Extent of canaliculli and microvilli is not constant

membrane from tubulovesicular system is inserted into plasma membrane and proton pumps are inserted under appropriate physiological stimulation; histamine influences movement of H+/K+ ATPase from cytoplasm into plasma membrane
Enteroendocrine Cells in the Stomach
Present throughout gland but most prominent at base

Apex often does not reach lumen (although some processes may)

Secrete basally

Granules small; usually poorly preserved and palely stained

Appears each cell specialized for one type of secretion
Stomach Glands by region

(cardiac, fundic/corpus, pyloric)
Glands in cardiac and pyloric regions contain a larger proportion of mucus producing cells and fewer parietal cells

Cardiac: moderately deep pits; tortuous, loosely packed tubular glands

Fundic/corpus: shallow pits; long, straight tubular glands

Pyloric: deep pits; coiled and branched glands
Submucosa of Stomach
No glands in submucosa, just connective tissue with lymphoid cells, blood vessels
Epithelium of Stomach
simple columnar epithelium covers luminal surface and invaginates into lamina propria to form gastric glands
Outer most layer of stomach
Serosa: connective tissue covered by simple squamous epithelial cells
Gastroduodenal Junction
Mucosa: change from gastric pits and glands to intestinal villi (V)

Submucosa: appearance of Brunner’s glands (B)

Muscularis externa: thicker in pyloric stomach (MEP), particularly where it forms the pyloric sphincter (PS); muscularis externa much thinner in the duodenum (MED)
Function of Small Intestine
Small intestine site of absorption virtually all nutrients

In small intestine macromolecular aggregates exposed to pancreatic enzymes and bile, enables digestion to molecules that are ready (or almost ready) to be absorbed

Final stages of digestion occur on the surface of the small intestinal epithelium.

Net effect of passage through small intestine is absorption of most water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium) and essentially all dietary organic molecules (e.g., glucose, amino acids and fatty acids)

Small intestine provides nutrients to the body and helps regulate water and acid-base balance
What does the duodenum have that the ileum and jejunum lack?
Brunner's glands
What is the pH of the Brunner's Glands secretions in the duodenum?
8.1 - 9.3

(a mixture of glycoproteins and bicarbonate ions that neutralize chyme as it is delivered from the stomach, making it close to the optimal pH for pancreatic enzymes)
Layers of the Small Intestine

Plicae Circularis
involve both submucosa and overlying mucosa
Layers of the Small Intestine

represent evaginations of the mucosa
Layers of the Small Intestine

Crypts (glands)
represent invaginations of the epithelium into the underlying lamina propria
Layers of the Small Intestine

formed by glycoproteins projecting from apical plasma membrane of absorptive cells provides additional surface for absorption and includes enzymes needed for the final digestion of proteins and sugars
Layers of the Small Intestine

Absorptive cells (enterocytes) bear microvilli on their apical surface that increase the area of the apical cell membrane
Six cell types in the small intestinal epithelium
1. Stem cells (found throughout GI tract)
2. Intermediate cells (differentiating cells)
3. Enterocytes (aka absorptive cells)
3. Enterocytes (produce digestive enzymes)
4. Goblet cells – produce mucus
5. Paneth cells – produce lysozyme
6. Enteroendocrine cells – produce peptides (hormones, etc., found throughout GI tract)
transportation across tight junctions between epithelial cells for absorption

tight junctions are impermeable to organic molecules
transportation across the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells for absorption

organic molecules (amino acids and glucose) transported transcellularly
Features of the Ultrastructure of Absorptive Cells
Microvillous (brush) border: Microvilli contain actin microfilaments that extend into the apical, terminal web cytoplasm.

Extensive apical SER: Involved in packaging some nutrients for transport through cytoplasm

Cells tightly opposed apically; intercellular space is wider basally
What is critical to enterocyte function?
the establishment of an electrochemical sodium gradient across the epithelial cell boundary

- cells must have low intracellular [Na] to remain viable
How mcuh sodium is tranported out of each small intestinal enterocyte per minute?
About 150,000 sodium pumps per small intestinal enterocyte allow each cell to transport about 4.5 billion sodium ions out of each cell per minute

This flow and accumulation of sodium is ultimately responsible for absorption of water, amino acids and carbohydrates.
Absorption of Fatty Acids
Most products of lipid digestion (fatty acids and monoglycerides) enter enterocyte by diffusion across plasma membrane (fraction enters via specific fatty acid transporter )

Once inside enterocyte fatty acids and monoglycerides transported into ER, used to synthesize triglyceride

Beginning in ER and continuing in the Golgi, triglyceride packaged with cholesterol, lipoproteins and other lipids into chylomicrons.

Chylomicrons extruded from Golgi into exocytotic vesicles, which are transported to the basolateral aspect of the enterocyte; vesicles fuse with plasma membrane and undergo exocytosis, dumping chylomicrons into extracellular space
How does the structure of enterocytes vary?
Structure of enterocytes varies with functional state (may not be apparent light microscopic level

In “active” enterocyte on there is extensive sER in apical region, large membrane-bound vesicles in middle portion cell, and chylomicrons discharged in extracellular space basalaterally
How is transportation of lipids into circulation different rom transportation of sugars and amino acids?
Lipids enter the lymphatic capillary in the core of the villi as chylomicrons

Chylomicron-rich lymph drains into the lymphatic system and then ultimately into the blood

Sugars and AAs drain into the blood capillaries
What is the function of goblet cells in the intesetinal epithelium?
Produce mucus that contributes to barrier functions:

- Carbohydrates on mucin molecules bind bacteria; helps prevent colonization and causes aggregation, accelerating clearance

- Reduced diffusion hydrophilic molecules in mucus (compared aqueous solution) retards access of many damaging chemicals, including gastric acid, to epithelial surface
Paneth Cells
- Provide defense against microbes (functionally similar neutrophils)

- Produce alpha-defensins

- Secrete defensins when exposed to bacteria or bacterial products
secrete lysozyme and phospholipase A2 (antimicrobial activity)

- In intestinal crypts identified by basophilic basal cytoplasm and intensely acidophilic apical secretory vesicles
interact with phospholipids in cell membranes and form pores to disrupt membrane function and kill cells - bacterial membranes have higher concentrations of negatively-charged phospholipids than vertebrate membranes so intestinal cells are protected
Which part of the small intestine has the greatest development of lymphoid tissue?
Ileum (peyer's patches)
What is the main site of absorption?
Jejunum (most extensive development of plicae and most complex villi)
Are there glands in the submucosa of the small intestine?
only in the duodenum
Small Intestine Mucosa
Simple columnar epithelium covers luminal surface and invaginates into lamina propria to form glands (crypts of Lieberkuhn)
Recovery water and electrolytes in LI
by time ingesta reaches terminal ileum 90% of water absorbed but some water and electrolytes like sodium and chloride remain and must be recovered by absorption in large intestine
Formation/storage of feces in LI
as ingesta moved through large intestine is dehydrated, mixed with bacteria and mucus, and formed into feces
Microbial fermentation in LI
large intestine all species filled with microbes; produce enzymes capable of digesting many molecules that to vertebrate cells are indigestible (e.g., cellulose) - extent and nutritional benefit of fermentation varies among species
is a blind-ended pouch, in humans terminates in worm-like extension called vermiform appendix
constitutes majority of the length of the large intestine
is short, terminal segment of the digestive tube, continuous with anal canal
Histology of Large Intestine
Mucosa has smooth surface (no villi) although crypts are present and extend down to the muscularis mucosa.

No submucosal glands are present.

The outer longitudinal layer of the muscularis externa is thinner than the inner circular layer except where the outer layer forms the tenia coli
Teniae coli
Outer longitudinal layer muscularis externa exhibits three equally-spaced bands called teniae coli (TC, in rectum outer band uniformly thick, as in small intestine)
What cell is in the epithelial intestinal glands of the small intestine, but not the large intestine?

What cells are there in spades?
Paneth cells

Large bowel contains higher percentage goblet cells than small intestine but absorptive cells still predominate over goblet cells except in the distal colon near the rectum

Absorptive cells absorb water and electrolytes as waste is compacted
Mucosa of the Large Intestine
Crypts (glands) in large intestine straight and unbranched with regularly-spaced openings to surface epithelium

Absorptive cells most common apically, goblet cells predominate deeper in glands (where enteroendocrine cells (E) may be present)

Plasma cells (P, antibody-producing cells) often present in lamina propria

In contrast to small intestine lymphatic capillaries generally absent from lamina propria large intestine
When do the goblet cells secrete mucus in the colon?
Goblet cells abundant in the colonic epithelium and secrete mucus in response to tactile stimuli from lumenal contents, as well as parasympathetic stimuli - mucus as lubricant protects epithelium and helps bind dehydrated ingesta to form feces
Absorption and secretion in the Colon
Water absorbed in response to osmotic gradient ; mechanism essentially identical to that in small intestine – Na+ transported from lumen across epithelium to basolateral extracellular space by virtue of active sodium pumps on basolateral membranes and means of absorbing sodium through lumenal membrane

Chloride absorbed by exchange with bicarbonate at apical surface; resulting secretion of bicarbonate ions into lumen aids in neutralization of acids generated by microbial fermentation

mucus secretion
Key cell types in the epithelium of the large intestin
Absorptive cells in surface epithelium (absorb mostly water and ions)

Many goblet cells (mucus secreting)

Stem cells (deep in crypts)

Enteroendocrine cells
Key cell types in the Lamina Propria of the large intestine

Many scattered lymphocytes (mostly T cells); often small lymphoid nodules containing (mostly) B lymphocytes


Could the appendix have a purpose?
recent evidence suggests that the appendix is a sanctuary for beneficial gut bacteria
How does the appendix change as we age?
greatly increased lymphoid tissue in children

greater connective tissue in aubmucosa in adult
Vermiform Appendix
- Blind-ending tubular extension of cecum
- Structure similar to that of colon but smaller diameter and taeniae absent
- Mucosa similar to colon - straight glands with absorptive cells, goblet cells and some enteroendocrine cells
- Lamina propria and submucosa may contain abundant lymphoid tissue (even confluent nodules); lymphoid tissue accumulates during childhood then progressively disappears so only traces evident in adults
- As the lymphoid tissue atrophies is replaced by fibrous connective tissue
What are the 3 zones of the anal canal?
colorectal zone

anal transitional zone

squamous zone
colorectal zone of anal canal
upper 1/3

simple columnar epithelium (as in rectum)
anal transitional zone of anal canal
middle 1/3

transition from simple columnar to stratified squamous epithelium (which continues to the cutaneous zone)

muscularis mucosa ends here
squamous zone of anal canal
lower 1/3

stratified squamous epithelium that is continuous with perineal skin
Peyer's Patches
lymphoid follicles located in mucosa and extending into submucosa small intestine (especially ileum).

In adults, B lymphocytes predominate but T cells also present.

maller lymphoid nodules found throughout intestinal tract
Lamina propria lymphocytes
lymphocytes scattered in lamina propria of mucosa

most are IgA-secreting B cells
Intraepithelial lymphocytes
Lymphocytes positioned in basolateral spaces between lumenal epithelial cells (beneath tight junctions)
Immune function in the GI system –GALT
Lumen of GI tract populated with potentially pathogenic microorganisms

Immune system maintains strong presence at mucosal boundary with lymphocytes, macrophages and other immune cells

Lymphoid tissue in gut collectively referred to as gut-associated lymphoid tissue or GALT, represented by three primary populations:
- peyer's patches
-lamina propria lymphocytes
- intraepithelial lymphocytes

In addition to GALT the lymph nodes that receive lymph draining from gut (mesenteric nodes) and Kupffer cells (phagocytic cells in liver) help protect against invasion
Lymphoid follicles
Lymphoid follicles contain both B- and T-cells, generally in discrete zones

Germinal centers of secondary follicles contain replicating and maturing B-cells

Lymphoid follicles do not have afferent lymphatic vessels but have efferent lymphatics.

Epithelium overlying Peyer’s patches (dome epithelium) has cuboidal rather than columnar cells and also many intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL)

Some epithelial cells are microfold cells (M cells), can transfer antigens (by endocytosis) between lumen and Peyer’s patch
Microfold (M) cells

(sxr and location)
are epithelial cells with apical folds instead of microvilli

Have deep recesses within which lymphocytes sit in close apposition to lumen of small intestine

Bear MHC II molecules and present antigens to T lymphocytes within their recesses (see box 16.5, p. 509 for further description)
M cell function
Microfold cells endocytose protein and peptide antigens; instead of digesting proteins M cells transport them into underlying tissue

Interact with dendritic cells to help coordinate immune response

Are exploited by some infectious agents to gain access

Function is altered when rest of mucosal barrier is altered by pathology (as in inflammatory conditions)
Role of Auonomic Nervous System in GI Function
sympathetic stimulation causes inhibition of gastrointestinal secretion and motor activity (and contraction of gastrointestinal sphincters and blood vessels)

parasympathetic activation typically stimulates digestive activities
Lymphoid follicles
Lymphoid follicles contain both B- and T-cells, generally in discrete zones

Germinal centers of secondary follicles contain replicating and maturing B-cells

Lymphoid follicles do not have afferent lymphatic vessels but have efferent lymphatics.

Epithelium overlying Peyer’s patches (dome epithelium) has cuboidal rather than columnar cells and also many intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL)

Some epithelial cells are microfold cells (M cells), can transfer antigens (by endocytosis) between lumen and Peyer’s patch
Microfold (M) cells

(sxr and location)
are epithelial cells with apical folds instead of microvilli

Have deep recesses within which lymphocytes sit in close apposition to lumen of small intestine

Bear MHC II molecules and present antigens to T lymphocytes within their recesses (see box 16.5, p. 509 for further description)
M cell function
Microfold cells endocytose protein and peptide antigens; instead of digesting proteins M cells transport them into underlying tissue

Interact with dendritic cells to help coordinate immune response

Are exploited by some infectious agents to gain access

Function is altered when rest of mucosal barrier is altered by pathology (as in inflammatory conditions)
Name the 3 types of Neurons in the enteric plexuses
Sensory Neurons

Motor Neurons

NTs secreted by enteric neurons
Acetylcholine generally excitatory; stimulates smooth muscle contraction, intestinal secretions, release of enteric hormones and dilation blood vessels

Norepinephrine (from extrinsic sympathetic neurons) is generally inhibitory (opposes ACh)

of the enteric nervous system
integrate information from sensory neurons and relay it to motor neurons
Motor neurons

of the enteric nervous system
control GI motility and secretion (possibly absorption)

act on smooth muscle, secretory cells (chief, parietal, mucous, enterocytes, pancreatic exocrine cells) and enteroendocrine cells
Sensory neurons

of the enteric nervous system
Receive information from sensory receptors in mucosa and muscle

Respond to mechanical, thermal, osmotic and chemical stimuli;

Collectively provide information on gut contents and state of GI wall
- Chemoreceptors sensitive to acid, glucose and amino acids "taste“ lumenal content
- Sensory receptors in muscle respond to stretch and tension
Components of the Submucosal and Myernteric plexi
axons and postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
What doe the nervous system influence in the GI tract

ion transport (associated with secretion and absorption), and

gastrointestinal blood flow
Myenteric Plexus
located between longitudinal and circular layers of muscle in tunica muscularis; exerts control primarily over digestive tract MOTILITY
Submucosal plexus
within submucosa; principal roles include
1. sensing environment within lumen,
2. regulating gastrointestinal blood flow, and
3. controlling epithelial cell function (sparse in esophagus where these functions less relevant)