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Unit 3 - Legal Research
Learning Outcomes
What is the purpose of legal research
The purpose of legal research is to solve legal problems
What is the importance of legal research
The importance of legal research lies in the skills obtained to carry it out
What is a model for the analysis of a legal research problem
1. Identify the objective
2. Gather relevant facts
3. Identify relevant law
4. Apply law to the facts
5. Identify possible solutions
6. Consider advantages and disadvantages
7. Advise on the most appropriate solution(s)
8. Present solution(s) in appropriate form
Planning legal research
1. Analyse the problem
2. Devise search items
3. Identify appropriate sources
4. Update
5. Present findings in an appropriate format
Explain the importance of choosing appropriate search terms
The importance of appropriate terms refers to obtaining the information you need through the appropriate choice keywords
Explain what sources of legal information are available
What is the difference between primary and secondary materials
What is a Primary Source
These are statements of the law itself
Name categories of Primary Source
Acts of Parliament, Case Law, Statutory Instruments
What is a Secondary Source
Textbooks, encyclopedias and reference works
What is 'legal research'
Legal research can have different meanings for different contexts
practical legal research
refers to the legal researching of cases and statutes
Recording progress
1. Date your research was carried out
2. Titles of sources consulted (and/or web addresses)
3. Keywords during searches
4. Page references for key pieces of information
5. Dates of publication (including the date of the latest release for a losseleaf source)
6. any dates to which the law as stated is claimed to be up-to-date by the publisher
B Research using paper-based sources
Learning Outcomes
What are the key paper based legal sources
(1) Halsbury's Laws
(2)Halsbury's Statutes
(3) Current Law
(4) The Digest
(5) Legal Journals
In what circumstances do you use each of them
Halbury's Laws
for searching areas law where you have no or little knowledge
Halsbury's Statutes
for searching for annotated versiones of all Acts in force in England and Wales
Halsbury's Statutory Instruments
for researching statutory instruments
Halsbury Is it in force
for checking whether statutes are currently in force.
Current Law (paper) Westlaw (online)
for searching areas law where you have no or little knowledge
The Digest
for tracing cases dealing with a particular subject, covers English, Irish, Scottish, Commonwealth and European Community
Legal Journals (General practioners, New Law, Solicitors, Criminal Law Review, Journal of Business Law)
general research
Legal Journals Index
Index for finding articles in legal journals
Using Halbury's Law (steps in sequence)
1. Consolidated Index
2. main volumes
3. Cumulative Supplement
4. Noter-Up
How to find a reference in Consolidated index e.g. Crossbow
CROSSBOW meaning , 11 (2) (4th), 708n or 708
(i) meaning (context)
(ii) 11 (2) (4th) (main volume where discussion appears)
(iii)708n (paragraph footnote)
(iv)708 (paragraph)
Consolidated Index
the consolidated index identifies and gives references to keywords e.g. Crossbow
If your familiar with general subject area of your research
Go directly to the main volume/title which covers general area
go to the table of contents at the front of title, or title index at the back of volume, looking up key words
If you are looking for a particular Act or case
Turn to the Consolidated Tables-Statutes or Consolidated Tables of Cases, and look up the Act or case.
If you are unfamiliar with the subject area of your research
Think of some relevant key words and turn to the Consolidated Index
Updating process
refers to the need to verify facts as some information may have become redundant (two stages)
1. Check the Cumulative Supplement
2. Check the Noter-Up
Cumulative Supplement
refers to a publication which accounts for any changes in the law that occur between publications of the main volumes
The Noter-Up
refers to a monthly publication which updates any very recent changes in law
Using Halbury's Statutes (steps in sequence)
1. Consolidated Index
2. main volumes and current statutes
3. Cumulative Supplement
4. Noter-Up
Finding a reference in Consolidated index e.g. Disorderly conduct
Disorderly conduct, licensed premises, on, 19(3), [629]
(i)licensed premises, on, (context)
(ii) 19(3), (volume)
(iii) [629] (paragraph)
(iv) (s) (search current statutes binder)
Consolidated Index
the consolidated index identifies and gives references to keywords e.g. Crossbow
main volumes
the main volumes cover all areas alphabetically
current statutes
refers to binders (a-f) which supplement the main volumes
If you know the name (or date) of the Act you need
Look up act in consolidated Index
If you locate Act go to volume and paragraph
If you can't locate Act
check the current statutes service binder A: Table of Statutes
If you are unsure of the name (or date) of the Act
Look for the topics which the Act covers in Consolidated Index
If you locate your topic
Go to the volume and page (or binder and page) indicated by the reference in the index
If you can't locate the Act
check the current statutes service binder A: Table of Statutes
Updating process
refers to the need to verify facts as some information may have become redundant (two stages)
1. Check the Cumulative Supplement
2. Check the Noter-Up
Cumulative Supplement
refers to a publication which accounts for any changes in the law that occur between publications of the main volumes
The Noter-Up
refers to a monthly publication which updates any very recent changes in law
Using Current Law
search for the parties in the case ciator index
also check the 'cumulative table of cases' at the back of the Monthly Digest
Read the citations for each report for the case
the entry will also direct you to use the Current Law Year Book for a summary of the case
the entry will also point to other summaries of cases in other yearbooks which will guide you on whether any precedent still stands
Using The Digest
Look up the topic in the paperback Index volumes at the end of the set, volume, subject heading and paragraph numbers
refer to the references to find the summaries, update these cases by following up any references to 'Annotations'
Look up the Cumulative Supplement to check for any developments that may have changed tha cases status
Finally, check the Quarterly Survey for developments since the publication of the Cumulative Supplement