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60 Cards in this Set

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Vulva contians the consists of

labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule of the vagina, vaginal opening and bulbs of the vestibule


the inferior boundary of the vestibule of the vagina

The four main structures that open into the vestibule are



2 secretory ducts from bartholin's gland

Vulva and vagina berve innervations and sens to pain

L1–2 and S2–4 nerve roots, is sensitive to noxious stimuli but the vagina is not sensitive to pain

Contact dermatitis

Topical creams, soaps, perfumes and other toilet

products irritate the vulva easily


predominant cause of vulvar problems

If a dermatosis is suspected, check the skin on the body.

Vestibular hypersensitivity

Vestibular hypersensitivity (vulvar vestibular syndrome) is a distressing, reasonably common condition that gives superfi cial dyspareunia. Diagnosis is by an abnormal response to light touch, even by a cotton bud.

Pearly papules on vestibule

(the equivalent of pearly penile papules) that look like tiny regular warts—they are normal

Candida albicans commensal

Approximately 20% of women carry Candida albicans as genital flora but less than 5% suffer from repeated or intractable clinical candidiasis.

Itching and burning of the vulva and vagina

Not all itching and burning of the vulva and vagina is Candida infection. Swabs should be taken for diagnosis before committing to treatment empirically.

Dermatitis classic presentaiton

classically present with itching, burning and soreness initiated by scratching.

Causes of vulvar dermatitis

• atopic dermatitis

• irritant contact dermatitis

• allergic contact dermatitis

• seborrhoeic dermatitis

• corticosteroid-induced dermatitis

• psoriasis

Mx of vulvar dermatitis

• Take an appropriate history, including atopy, skin diseases.

• Check allergens and irritants (e.g. panty liners, soap, bubble bath, perfumed toilet paper, douches, perfumes, condoms, tea-tree oil).

• Check for heat and friction (e.g. synthetic or tight underwear, tight denim jeans, sporting costumes/tights, sweating, vigorous activity—bicycle riding).

• Check gynae–urological history (e.g. oestrogen status, faecal or urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, ‘thrush’).

• Check psychosexual history (e.g. dyspareunia,

partnership issues, depression).

• Carefully inspect the vulva plus the rest of the skin, scalp and nails. Look for lichenification.

• Appropriate investigations: vaginal swab, PAP

smear, perhaps patch testing and vulval biopsy

for a rare, premalignant or suspected malignant condition.

White patches on vulva

Lichen simplex

(lichenifi cation)

Lichen sclerosus

Lichen planus



Erosions and ulcers on vulva

Herpes simplex virus

Lichen sclerosus

Lichen planus


Various uncommon


Excoriated scabies

Intertrigo on vulva

Atopic dermatitis

Candida albicans

Seborrhoeic dermatitis




Treatment of vuvlar dermatitis

• Provide supportive education and counselling.

• Correct underlying factors (e.g. tight clothes,

incontinence, anal discharge, overused topical

medications and cosmetics).

• Treat any secondary infection.

• Use aqueous cream moisturiser as cleanser.

• Start with potent class III topical steroid (50-100time more ptoent that hyrocortision)and follow with 1% hydrocortisone.

Vulval psoriasis

Psoriasis can affect the genital or perianal area (especially the natal cleft) and appears as a glazed, beefy red plaque without the classic scale seen elsewhere. There may be minimal or no sign of psoriasis on the skin of the body.

The main symptom is itching. It is usual to take

swabs to rule out infection.

Treating vulval psoriasis

• Avoid irritants and use a soap substitute.

• First apply a potent topical steroid (e.g.

methylprednisolone aceponate)—continue until resolution of rash.

• Second (when controlled) apply LPC 2% in aqueous cream bd, slowly increasing the strength up to 8%. If not tolerated, use ichthammol 2% in aqueous cream.

Note: Maintenance with topical steroids—

hydrocortisone 1% or resume potent agent for a flare-up.

Lichen planus

Genital lichen planus is relatively uncommon but may affect both the vulva and vagina and can occur in association with oral lesions. Vulvar lesions appear as whitish reticulated papules and plaques. A delicate white lacy pattern at the periphery of the lesion is a distinctive feature. Erosions may occur.

Symptoms of lichen planus

pruritus, vaginal discharge, dyspareunia (if erosions) and postcoital bleeding.

DDx if vulvar lichenplanus

include other causes of desquamative and erosive lesions, such as lichen sclerosus, pemphigus vulgaris, bullous and cicatricial pemphigoid and erythema multiforme

Tx of Lichen planus

A biopsy is required to make the diagnosis. Treatment is diffi cult. Potent topical steroids provide symptomatic relief and there is a variety of treatment trials, including the encouraging topical cyclosporin

Lichen sclerosus

uncommon chronic infl ammatory

dermatosis of unknown aetiology (perhaps an

autoimmune disorder) presents as well-defi ned white, fi nely wrinkled plaques that almost exclusively affect the anogenital skin, although they can occur anywhere on the body. Lichen sclerosus spares the vagina. It can run a chronic and complicated course with development of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in about 4% a concern. The differential diagnosis is atrophic vaginitis

genital pruritus + soreness + white wrinkled

plaques =

lichen sclerosus

Clinical features of Lichen sclerosus

• Bimodal peak: prepubertal girls, perimenopause

• Mean age of onset in adult women is 50 years

• Pruritus is main symptom

• Soreness, burning, dyspareunia

Examintion of Lichen sclerosus

• Variable distribution

• White wrinkled plaques

• Purpuric and ulcerated areas

• May show fi gure of 8 pale perianal and perivaginal area

Complications of untreated lichen sclerosus

• Vulval atrophy and labial (even clitoral hood) fusion

• Lifetime risk of SCC 2–6%

Mx of lichen sclerosus

• Best in consultation with a dermatologist.

• Confirm diagnosis by biopsy (tend to avoid in


• Based on potent topical corticosteroids (e.g.

betamethasone dipropionate 0.05% ointment or cream applied bd for 4 weeks, then daily for 8 weeks, with applicator—show patients where to apply, using a mirror).

• Reduce to a potent topical steroid once daily for next 3 months, then reduce to hydrocortisone 1% ointment or cream applied daily for long term.

• Lifelong surveillance with 6-monthly check-up.

• A similar topical program is used in children.

Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis

This is different from acute candidiasis and remains difficult to treat because there may be a localised hypersensitivity to Candida.

Clincal features of CVC

• Chronic vulval itch–scratch cycle

• Burning, swelling—premenstrual exacerbation

• Dyspareunia

• Discharge not usually present

• Aggravated by courses of systemic antibiotics

Mx of CVC

• Swab—low vaginal—with each suspected episode, especially if discharge

• Aim for symptom remission with continuous

antifungal treatment:

— topical vaginal antifungals (imidazoles or nystatin),


— daily oral antifungals (monitor liver function tests) until symptoms clear—ketoconazole 200 mg/day or fl uconazole 50 mg/day, or itraconazole

100 mg day (then weekly for 6 months)

• Relieve itching with hydrocortisone 1% (do not use stronger preparations)

• Use nystatin pessaries in pregnancy

Streptococal vulvovaginitis

Swabs from the vulva or vagina can fi nd streptococcal species or Staphylococcus aureus, which are treated accordingly. Streptococcus infection may cause a vaginal discharge. It usually presents as an acute beefy red, sore vulva and vagina or a low-grade vulvitis

Tx of Strep vulvovaginitis

phenoxymethylpenicillin 250 mg (o) 6 hourly for 10 days


oral antibiotic as indicated on sensitivity testing

(e.g. amoxycillin or roxithromycin)

• Topical mupirocin may help prevent recurrences


Tinea causes an annular spreading rash with an active border that spreads from the labia to the thigh (see tinea cruris, Chapter 114, pages 1126–7). A problem is the development of tinea incognito from the application of topical steroids. This lacks central clearing but the active margin can be seen. Skin scrapings are necessary for diagnosis. Treatment is with a topical imidazole (avoid nystatin) or oral agents if resistant or extensive

Pruritus vulvae

CAUSES of an itchy vagina

• candidiasis (rash, cottage cheese discharge):

— broad-spectrum antibiotics

— diabetes mellitus

— contraceptive pill

• poor hygiene and excessive sweating

• tight clothing

• sensitivity to soaps, bubble baths, cosmetics and

contraceptive agents

• overzealous washing

• local skin conditions:

— psoriasis

— dermatitis/eczema (uncommon cause)

• post-anal conditions (e.g. haemorrhoids)

• infestations:

— threadworms (children)

— scabies

— pediculosis pubis

• infections (other than candidiasis):

— Trichomonas

— urinary tract infection

— genital herpes, genital warts

• menopause: due to oestrogen defi ciency

• topical antihistamines

• vulval carcinoma

• psychological disorder (e.g. psychosexual problem, STI


General advice to patients with an itchy vagina

• Attend to hygiene and excessive sweating.

• Avoid overzealous washing.

• Take showers of no more than 5 minutes duration.

• Avoid water too hot (lukewarm preferable).

• Avoid toilet soap—use a soap alternative (e.g.

aqueous cream, Cetaphil lotion) and wash it off with water only.

• Use soap alternatives (e.g. Dove, Neutrogena) for rest of body.

• Pat the skin dry after the shower (avoid harsh drying).

• Keep the genital area dry and wash thoroughly at least once a day.

• Do not wear tight pantyhose, tight jeans or tight underwear, or use tampons.

• Do not use vaginal douches, powders or


• After the toilet, wipe gently with a soft, non-coloured, non-perfumed toilet paper or baby wipe (e.g. Dove).

• Apply a good moisturiser (e.g. Hydraderm or 5% peanut oil in aqueous cream).

General treatment for an itchy vagina

• For pruritus, apply cool moisturising cream (kept in refrigerator) when there is an urge to scratch.

• Apply prescribed steroid ointment to the rash.


Vulvovaginitis is the most common gynaecological disorder of childhood. It can affect women of any age but is particularly common in girls, especially between the ages of 2 and 8 years. It is a type of dermatitis of the vulva and the vagina.

Mild vulvovaginitis Sx

• discomfort and soreness

• vulval itching

• redness

• discharge—usually a slight yellow discharge on the underwear

• dysuria

Causes of vulvovaginitis

• thin vaginal mucosa (the normal prepubescent state)

• dampness from synthetic fi bre underwear, tight clothing, wet bathers, obesity

• lack of hygiene

• frequent self-handling, especially with irritation

• irritants (soap residue, bubble baths, antiseptics, chlorinated water)

• ‘sandbox’ vaginitis: girls sitting and playing in sand or dirt may develop irritation from particulate matter trapped in the vagina

Managment of vulvovaginitis

• Explanation and reassurance to parents

• Avoidance of the above causal factors, especially wet bathers, synthetic underwear, bubble baths, perfumed soaps and getting overweight

• Attention to good, supervised toileting practice

• Attention to bathing and drying

• Regular warm baths (rather than showers)

It is worth soaking the child in a warm shallow bath containing half a cup of white vinegar.

Alternatively, bicarbonate of soda (10 g/10 L water) can be used.

Soothing creams such as soft paraffi n creams and nappy rash creams such as zinc and castor oil cream should be applied three times daily as a short-term measure. If a powder is required, use zinc oxide (e.g. Curash).

Moderate/persistent vulvovaginitis


• ‘Sandbox’ vaginitis

• Skin disorders, especially atopic dermatitis and lichen sclerosus (look for skin problems elsewhere on body)

• Foreign body: consider if a bloody, malodorous vaginal discharge

• Candidiasis—uncommon but consider if antibiotic therapy or possibility of diabetes

• Sexual abuse (uncommon but must not be missed)

• Pinworm infestation (Enterobius) (see Fig. 15.5 in Chapter 15)

• Sexually transmissible organisms—usually


Examining moderate/persistent vulvovaginitis

Aspirate vaginal secretion with a medicine dropper for appropriate cultures.

A Pap smear is advisable for a persistent problem since a sarcoma is a possibility.

A rectal examination may be performed to try to feel for suspected foreign bodies in the vagina

Taking a swab

If the discharge is profuse and offensive, take an introital swab (do not take a vaginal swab). Infective vulvovaginitis in girls is almost always due to a

Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus.

Treat with an appropriate antibiotic.

Treatment of vaginal dermaititis

Most cases of vulval dermatitis will respond to short courses 1% hydrocortisone ointment or cream, provided aggravating factors are removed.

Labial adhesions (labial agglutination)

Labial fusion is caused by adhesions considered to be

acquired from vulvovaginitis after which sometimes

the medial edges of the labia minora become adherent.

The adhesions are certainly not present at birth. Labial

fusion is regarded as a normal variant and usually

resolves spontaneously in late childhood. Provided

the child is able to void easily, no treatment other than

reassurance is needed.

Treating significant labial adhesions

• <18 months—using EMLA cream. Separate with a blunt instrument. This can be distressing for the child and is followed by a high risk of recurrence.

• >18 months—separate adhesions under general anaesthetic followed by application of Vaseline and/or oestrogen cream.

However, these measures are not generally



Vulvodynia describes the symptom of pain (burning, rawness or stinging) and discomfort, where no obvious cause can be found. NO ITCH.

- vestibular hypersens.

- infections (HSV)

- dermatitis

Vestibular hypersensitivity definition

Vestibular hypersensitivity is severe vulvar or vestibular pain on touch or entry into the vagina.

Vestibular hypersensitivity causes

In many instances the cause of

the primary condition is not apparent and a history of

possible sexual abuse or other psychological provoking

factors should be diplomatically elicited

most common cause of dyspareunia in premenopausal women

young + nulliparous + dyspareunia

Diagnostic triad


Clinical features of VVS

• Delayed diagnosis (average 2–3 years)4

• Sexually active women in 20s and 30s

• Pain provoked by intercourse, tampon insertion, tight


• Superfi cial ‘entry’ dyspareunia

• Sexual dysfunction

• Tender vestibule on light pressure

• Erythema (usually minute red spots) around

Bartholin’s duct openings (consider Candida)


Inappropriate tenderness to light touch with a

cotton bud.

Mx of VVS

50% GO AWAY on their own

• Investigate underlying cause and treat it

• Patient education, counselling and support

• Physiotherapy—rehabilitation of pelvic fl oor

musculature by increasing awareness and increasing

elasticity of the tissues of the vaginal opening

• Reassure that the condition is self-limiting

• Encourage use of oil-based lubricants

• Use bland emollients or 2% lignocaine gel prior to


• If Candida present, treat with fl uconazole 150 mg (o)

weekly for 6 weeks


• Biofeedback technique

• Tricyclic antidepressants (start low, e.g. amitriptyline

10–20 mg nocte)

• Gabapentin

• Intralesional therapy:

— triamcinolone

— interferon

• Vestibulectomy (last resort):

— excise tender vestibular tissue

Dysaesthetic vulvodynia

The typical patient with this neuropathic pain problem is a middle-aged to elderly woman who presents with a constant burning pain of the labia. It typically builds up during the course of the day. Examination is often unrewarding. The underlying cause may be pudendal neuralgia (may be secondary to pudendal nerve block), referred spinal pain or simply unknown.

What needs to be excluded before a dysaesthetic vulvodynia dx


Tx of dyaesthetic vulvodynia

antidepressants and gabapentin

Bartholin's cyst

A Bartholin’s gland swelling follows obstruction of the duct and presents as a painless vulval swelling at the posterior end of the labia majora, close to the fourchette. A simple, non-infected cyst can be left alone and may resolve spontaneously. If it becomes infected an abscess may result, causing a painful, tender, red vulval lump.

Tx of bartholin cyst

It may resolve with antibiotics or discharge

spontaneously. Otherwise drain and perform a micro and culture. The usual organism is E. coli. If the cyst persists and becomes large, a surgical marsupialisation procedure, which allows permanent drainage, can be performed