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102 Cards in this Set

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What are the two of lice?
chewing and biting
What order are chewing lice?
What order are sucking lice
Where are lice found?
hair coat or feathers
Are lice host specific?
very host specific
Do lice have wings?
What shape are lice?
dorso-ventrally flattened
What type of life cycle do lice have?
incomplete metamorphosis (nymph look like miniature adult)
How are lice transmitted?
direct contact; bedding can be fomite
Where does tick life cycle occur?
entire life cycle is on host
What is body appearance of chewing lice?
width of head greater than head
How many tarsal claws do mammalian lice have?
one (except for Heterodoxus spiniger)
How many tarsal claws do avian lice have?
two claws
Do chewing lice have eyes?
Where are chewing lice mandibles located
Trichodectes canis common name
Dog Biting Louse
Trichodectes canis host?
dogs, coyotes
What are distinctive features of Trichodectes canis?
rounded forehead & 3 segmented antennae
Where is Trichodectes canis found on its host?
head, neck & tail
Trichodectes canis can be an intermediate host for...
Dipylidium caninum
What is the general name for Felicola subrostratus
"Cat Louse"
What is the only louse found on cats?
Felicola subrostratus
What are distinct features of Felicola subrostratus?
triangular head w/ ventral groove; 3 segmented antennae
What is the distinctive feature of Bovicola?
dark banding on abdomen
Bovicola limbatus general name?
Angora Goat Biting Louse
What is the host of Bovicola limbatus?
What can Bovicola limbatus cause damage to?
What is the common name for Bovicola bovis?
"Cattle Biting Louse"
What is the host of Bovicola bovis?
Where is Bovicola bovis found on its host?
shoulders and dorsal midline of cattle
When is Bovicola bovis mostly a problem?
What is the common name for Bovicola equi?
"Horse Chewing Louse"
What is the only species of biting louse found on horses?
Bovicola equi
What effect does Bovicola equi cause?
motorized dandruff
What is the common name for Heterodoxus spiniger?
"Dog Louse"
What are the hosts for Heterodoxus spiniger?
dogs & coyotes
What are the distinctive features of Heterodoxus spiniger?
triangular head w/ 2 ventral spines ("vampire teeth"); hidden antennae
Is Heterodoxus spiniger only a chewing louse?
mostly chewing louse but does feed some on blood
How many tarsal claws do bird lice have?
What is the common name for Goniocotes gallinae?
"Fluff Louse"
What are the hosts of Goniocotes gallinae?
chickens, pheasants, pigeons
Where is Goniocotes gallinae found on its host?
in fluff at feather base
What are distinctive features of Goniocotes gallinae?
two long setae (hairs); antennae projected (stick out)
What is the common name for Goniodes gigas?
"Large chicken Louse"
Where is Goniodes gigas found on its host?
on body & feathers
What are distinctive features of Goniodes gigas?
three long setae at margin of temporal lobe
What is the common name for Chelopistes meleagridis?
"Large Turkey Louse"
What is the host of Chelopistes meleagridis?
wild & domesticated turkeys
Where is Chelopistes meleagridis found on its host?
on neck & breast features
What are distinctive features of Chelopistes meleagridis?
1 long setae at end of temporal lobes
What is the common name for Menopon gallinae?
"Shaft Louse"
What are the hosts of Menopon gallinae?
chickens, ducks, pigeons
How do Menopon gallinae lay their eggs?
in clusters
What are distinctive features of Menopon gallinase?
no spines under head but setae at end of lobe; less hairy than body louse (but still has hair)
What is the common name for Menacanthus stramineus?
Chicken Body Louse
What are the hosts for Menacanthus stramineus?
chickens, turkey, peafowl, & pheasant
What are distinctive features of Menacanthus stramineus?
two short spines on underside of head; yellow colored, very hairy abdomen
Where on their hosts are Menacanthus stramineus?
on areas of the body that is not heavily feathered
What is distinct about Menacanthus stramineus eggs?
have filaments on anterior shells
What age group of birds are most susceptible to Menacanthus stramineus?
young birds
What is the suborder of sucking lice?
What do sucking lice feed on?
tissue fluids & blood
What is the body shape of sucking lice?
small thorax, large abdomen, robust legs (whatever that means)
How many tarsal claws do sucking lice have?
Are there sucking lice of birds?
What is the common name of Heamatopinus asini?
"Horse Sucking Louse"
What is the host of Haematopinus asini?
Where is Haematopinus asini located on its host?
head, neck, back & inner thighs
What are the clinical signs of Haematopinus asini?
(esp in undernourished horses) unthriftiness, rough hair coat, irritation
Does Haematopinus asini have eyes?
No, ocular tubercles
What is the common name of Haematopinus suis?
Hog Louse
What is the host of Haematopinus suis?
What are the clinical signs of Haematopinus suis?
rubbing which causes skin damage & hair loss
When are Haematopinus suis in greatest numbers?
Does Haematopinus suis have eyes?
no, ocular tubercles
What is Haemtopinus suis a vector of?
Mycoplasma haemosuis
What is the common name of Haemtopinus quadripertusus?
Cattle Tail Louse
What are the hosts of Haemotopinus quadripertusus?
Where is Haematopinus quadripertusus found on its host?
tail switch & eye lashes
Does Haemtopinus quadripertusus have eyes?
no, ocular tubercles
What is distinctive about Haemtopinus quadripertusus's tarsal claws?
first set is small
What is the common name of Linognathus vituli?
"Long-Nosed Cattle Louse"
What is a distinctive characteristic of Linognathus vituli?
spiracles are flush to body (not raised on tubercles)
What is the host species of Linognathus setosus?
dogs & foxes
What can occur w/ Linognathus setosus?
anemia due to huge population of lice
What is the common name of Solenoptes capillatus?
"Little Blue Louse"
What is the host species of Solenoptes capillatus?
cattle (found on their face & body)
What is a distinctive characteristic of Solenoptes capillatus?
abdominal spiracles on raised tubercles (stick out)
Can human lice only populate humans?
no, they can be found on other hosts
Do human lice have eyes?
What is the common name for Pediculus humanus?
"Human Head Louse"; "Human Body Louse"
What is the body shape of Pediculus humanus?
short head, short neck region, eyes, long abdomen, legs are all equal size. slender tarsal claws
What is the common name for Pediculus humanus capitus?
"Head Lice"
What is the most common host for Pediculus humanus capitus?
school children
How is Pediculus humanus capitus transmitted?
direct contact; fomites of combs/clothes
What is the common name for Pediculus humanus humanus?
Body Lice
How are Pediculus humanus humanus transmitted?
thru clothing
What is Pediculus humanus humanus associated with transmitting?
Rickettisa prowazekki (murine typhus) & Bartonella quintana (trench fever)
What is the common name for Pthirus pubis?
Crab Louse (amongst other things)
What is the body shape of Pthirus pubis?
short head, no neck, eyes, & heart shaped body, wide thorax, short abdomen; legs w/ large claws
Where is Pthirus pubis found on humans?
pubic or facial hairs
How is Pthirus pubis transmitted?
direct contact; bedding as fomite.