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48 Cards in this Set

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Vergence postion = ?
LE position - RE position. (eye position to the left is positive while eye position to the right is negative)
Measuring vergence in prism diopoters.
At 1m, 1cm deviation = 1PD. 1P = .57degrees.
MEasuring Meter-Angle.
1 MA is amount of convergence required to view and object at 1 meter.
What is the near triad?
Convergence accompanied by , accommodation, and pupillary constriction all.
what does puillary constriction help with?
Increases depth of field so there is less accomodation that needs to be done.
A crossed disparity gives...
perception of near, and a stimulus to convergence.
An uncrossed disparity gives...
a perception of far, and a stimulus to divergence
What defines the strength of the accomodative-vergence crosslink?
AC:A ratio
a blur stimulus can drive vergence via...
accomodation-vergence crosslink
A disparity stimulus can drive vergence via..
convergence accomodation crosslink
The convergence assomodation crosslink gets it's stregth from..
CA/C ratio
Besides spiarity and blur, what other cues may drive vergence movements?
Size, texture, looming.
What are size, texture, and looming use for when talking about vergence?
They are used to fine tune eye position following an eye movement.
Another way of saying proximal vergenace?
psychic vergence or voluntary convergence
What is tonic vergence?
Restig state vergence.
LAtency of vergence is..
Do vonverge or diverge faster?
Depends. Convergence may be faster. The speed of divergence depends on the start position before the movement.
During head rotation while fixated on a near target, VOR gain must ____ and the two eye rotate by ______ .
Be greater than 1, different amounts
What causes the VOR gain to be > 1?
Context of viewing a near target.
IS there evidence to suggest that vergence angle or visual information is used to modulate VOR gain?
Phoria adatation changes which type of vergence?
Phoria adaption is fast or slow?
How so we get phoria adaptation? (without prisms)
Prolonged viewing of a near stimulus.
Helmholtz proposed that in vergeance, each eye is conrtolled..
Hering proposed that in vergence that each eye is controlled..
Together. That it is and independent system from conjugate eye movements. That it is a some of vergence and conjugate eye movements.
The movement of the RE =
Conjugate - vergence/2
The movement of the left eye =
Conjugate + vergence/2
According to Hering, where are the conjugate and vergence movements summed?
At the level of the motor neurons.
The midbrain near response cells are located in the ____
suppaoculomotor area, which are 1-2mm dorsolateral to the oculomotor nucleus.
The SOA has direct monosynaptic connections to ____
medial rectus nerurons
What is the (non clinical) evidence that supports Hering's framework?
During vergence movements, neuronal signals were changing in the SOA. There was no change in activity while performing saccades .
What is the clinical evidence supporting Hering?
INO.If you have billateral INO, there is a blialteral lesion of the MLF, so the abducens loses signal from omn. The SOA has connections that arent affecte, so you can still make verngence movements but not saccades.
what are the parts of the brain for disparity encoding?
Other parts of the brain involved in motor control of vergence?
FEF (vergence neruons close to saccades neuron, SEF (predictive eye movements)
What does a lesion in the dorsal vermis do to vergence movements?
esodeviation, variation of alignment with orbital postion, disconjugacy of saccades and problems in phoria adaptation.
Where to the FN and PIN recieve projections from?
The vermis
The do the FN and the PIN project to?
the SOA
FN has neurons related to _____
PIN has neruons related to ____
Flocculus is most likely important for what?
changing VOR gain with vergence angle
prijects to the vermis and also directly to FN and PIN. Vergence cells lie close to SP and Sac
stimulation of rostral part can supress vergence and saccades
What happens to the lens as we age?
Becomes thicker, loses ability to chagne shape.
What happens to the ciliary mucle's ability to contract as we age?
Stays intact
What muscles are under neural control during acomodation?
Only the ciliary muscle. SO there is no antagonist muscle.
Innervation of ciliary musle is mostly from?
Paraympathitei from edinger westfall nucleus amd siliary ganglion.
IS there any sympathetic innveration in acomodation?
maybe provide inhibitory for push pull system..maybe
Monocular drive gets the eye ________ and binocular vergence help _______ the final eye position.
near the target, fine tune