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10 Cards in this Set

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What does newtons first law of motion state?

A body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion

Newtons first law of motion is also considered the definition of what term?


What is newtons 2nd law of motion?

Unbalanced on a body produces or tends to produce acceleration in the direction of force

Which law of newton laws best explains why a jet engine produces forward thrust?

3rd law

What 2 words can best sum up newtons third law of motion?

Action and reaction

What does boernoulli's principle state?

Increase in a gases speed causes a decrease in pressure and decrease in speed causes a increase in pressure

What type of duct is used to decrease pressure and increase velocity?


How does the design of an airfoil influence pressure above and below the airfoil to produce lift?

Increase of velocity above the foil decreases pressure and decrease in velocity below the foil increases pressure

What is defined as the ability to do work?


Define what is the tendency of an object to maintain its direction and speed?
