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151 Cards in this Set

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What functions does the USAF rely on PA to perform?
(1) To provide trusted counsel to leaders .
(2) Build, maintain, and strengthen Airmen morale and readiness .
(3) Enhance public trust and support.
(4) Contribute to global influence and deterrence and establish
and maintain PA readiness .
To whom must PA provide timely,
accurate, and authoritative DOD and
Air Force information?
service members, the public,
Congress, and the news media
Name the resources PA uses to
increase awareness and understanding
of the Air Force mission.
PA triad, consisting of
photojournalists, bands, and
How does the Air Force establish credibility of
its force, which in turn forms the basis of public
By a policy allowing free flow of information made
available by commanders in a timely, responsive
manner, consistent with security, without censorship
or propaganda
What types of activities should
PA programs not tolerate?
Those that intentionally misinform,
mislead, or deny otherwise
releasable information.
Whom does the director
of PA (SAF/PA) advise?
Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff of the Air
Force, and other principal military and civilian
leaders in the Department of the Air Force.
For what PA programs does SAF/PA
provide direction and policy?
Internal information, community
relations, media relations, and
security review.
Why is it sometimes necessary f or MAJCOMs,
FOAs, and DRUs to organize their PA programs
dif f erently than SAF/PA?
Due to their varied and
specialized missions.
Who establishes and directs the
PA programs at the wing level?
Installation commanders.
What PA activities are typically
performed at the wing level?
Internal information, media
relations, and community relations.
What are the parts of the PA
triad and what is its mission?
Photojournalists, broadcasters, and bands people;
dedicated to executing the PA core competencies
and providing information superiority for the Air Force.
What is PA’s mission statement?
Expanding awareness of and support
for the world’s most respected air
and space force.
What is PA’s responsibility to the
other members of the triad?
Working as a team with bands
people and broadcasters.
PA activities traditionally fall into
what four programs (categories)?
(1) Media relations.
(2) Internal information.
(3) Community relations.
(4) Security review.
What is the purpose of the media
relations program, and why is this
To collect, evaluate, and announce to the public and media unclasified, releasable information about the Air Force, its people, and its activities to ensure a free flow of information to the public, achieving informed public support of the Air Force mission
List the groups considered to be
the Air Force’s internal audience
(1) Active duty.
(2) Guard and Reserve.
(3) Air Force retirees.
(4) Civilian employees and their families.
What PA program allows civilian leaders and the
public at large to have an opportunity to talk directly
to Air Force people and to observe readiness?
Community relations
How do bands promote the
global Air Force mission?
By providing world-class musical products and
services to honor our Airmen, supporting troop
morale and recruiting, and build and strengthen
domestic and international partnerships.
Who is the functional manager
for the Air Force band program?
How are Air Force bands
structured organizationally?
Geographically around the world to support the SECAF’s strategic communication priorities and active duty bands are classified as premier or regional and ANG bands
are numbered and classified as regional.
Within what four broad categories
do Air Force bands’ mission falls?
(1) Deployments to s us tain war- fighter morale.
(2) Ceremonial to render honor to our country and heroes .
(3) Outreach for building partners hips .
(4) Recruiting to reach talented Airmen.
Who has the authority to approve
bands people participation in
overseas public events?
Unified commanders who can further
delegate to subordinate
What is the mission of the AFBS?
Inform and entertain DOD personnel and their
families, and provide information about Air Force
activities overseas to active duty, reserve, and
retired Air Force members and their families.
Who directs the AFBS program?
SAF/PA, through the
commander of the AFNEWS.
What are core competencies?
Why are they important?
The capabilities of an organiz ation that separate it
from other organiz ations. They serve as a basis for
growth and diversification.
Which core competency is the foundation of all
Air Force core competencies and why is it the
f undation?
Airmen morale and readiness
because the Air Force’s most
valuable resource is its Airmen.
How does PA strengthen the bond
between the Air Force and the
Through open, timely, honest dialogue
and programs targeted to communities,
opinion leaders, and the media.
Explain the importance of the public
trust and support core competency.
The American public provides the people who join
our Air Force, the funds that ensure readiness and
quality of life, and the support needed to conduct
operations and training.
What are PA’s five values and
what are they based on?
Leadership, credibility, loyalty, prof essionalism,
and vision and are based on the f oundations
that support the Air Force values.
How are AFSs assigned?
By category, such as operations,
mission support, medical and
List the five different skill levels that
are used as the fourth digit of each
1 – helper, 3 – apprentice, 5 –
journeyman, 7 – craftsman, and 9 –
Identify what each alphanumeric
character of AFSC 3N05X stands
Firs t digit (3) identifies job category (support). Second and third characters (3N0) identify specific career field areas (Photojournalist and Broadcaster. The fourth digit (5) identifies skill level. Fifth digit (1) identifies the specific Air Force specialty (2 for Broadcaster, 5 for Photojournalist). The suffix “N” indicates an e-CDC version.
List three areas involved in print journalism
under the specialty description for the PA
(1) Writing.
(2) Editing.
(3) Publishing activities.
Explain the differences between the
duties of the PA journeyman,
craftsman, and apprentice
They are each the same as apprentice duties, such
as receiving and logging media queries, except for
the level at which they are performed.
How would a PA apprentice handle a news media
query? How would a public affairs craftsman
handle the same query?
An apprentice receives the query and logs it after it
has been answered. The craftsman also coordinates
with the appropriate agencies, calls back the
response, and files the query.
What level of education is all PA
members highly encouraged to
Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Public Affairs (through
What PA role determines the best
medium and message content to
reach target audiences?
PA management
What area of PA plans and manages
the commander’s access channel?
Internal communications
What area of PA responds to
accidents, incidents, and exercises?
Media relations
Describe the duties of personnel
working in the PA environmental
Establish and maintain PA processes to
address environmental issues in accordance
with regulatory requirements
What is the CFETP and
what does it include?
It is a document that is comprehensive and multipurpose covering the entire spectrum of education
and training for a career field, such as Public Affairs
What purpose does the
STS serve?
Defines tasks and knowledge Airmen
in our specialty are expected to
know how to perform
Name the four stages for
conducting training.
(1) Planning and scheduling.
(2) Instructing.
(3) Monitoring.
(4) Certifying.
What is the next step after
supervisors have determined the
education and training requirements?
Plan and schedule the training.
What type of training will a PA
trainee receive most often?
Hands-on training.
What are some factors a supervisor
considers when scheduling OJT?
Work center operational requirements,
trainer and task certif ier availability, and
available external training.
What is AF Form 623, and
what is included in it?
It is a standard folder used as a
training record the must at least
include the CFETP and STS.
What does the supervisor and trainer
use AF Form 623 to determine?
To accurately and realistically determine an
individual’s qualifications and training needs, and to
make assignments and recommendations for
What characteristic of normal, electrically operated
motion-media equipment usually makes it
unacceptable for use with explosive haz ards?
It may not be equipped with adequate
spark-eliminating and static electricity
—grounding provisions
What should you do if, during a prerecording survey
inside a flammable gas storage facility, you
notice a strong, but unfamiliar odor? Why?
Immediately stop the recording and
advise local safety authorities. The
odor could be gas that might explode.
You notice several substances spilled on the floor
and worktables while preparing to shoot a
scene in a location known to contain chemical fire
haz ards. What action should you take?
Do not change or introduce anything unless
it has been coordinated and approved with
onsite safety authorities immediately.
What are the two categories
of exposure hazards?
(1) Health.
(2) Physical.
What are two ways to help you
ensure the hazards are avoided?
(1) Being physically fit.
(2) Inspecting and re-inspecting the
site set-up.
What is “SAPP”?
It’s an acronym for security, accuracy, propriety,
and policy setting the limitations on principle of
What must correspondence leaving
the PA office be free from, above all
Security violations
List the six security areas that
may impact PA releases
(1) Information security.
(2) Personal security.
(3) Industrial security.
(5) OPSEC.
How can you ensure the
accuracy of correspondence?
By making sure all facts are correct before releasing
anything; double- check spelling of names on anything sent out of the office or printed in the newspaper or on the web; never assume information is correct; and release the most accurate information available.
Which SAPP element is the most
subjective, and probably the most
difficult, element of SAPP?
What policies must all
correspondence and news articles
comply with?
US government, DOD, Air
Force, MAJCOM, and local.
What requirements must you follow
when performing a security review?
Policies and procedures
contained in AFI 35–102.
What f ederal law was enacted to guarantee the
public’s right to inf ormation concerning the
government’s activities?
Title 5, USC, Section 552.
What is the purpose of
DOD 5400.7-R?
Set policy for disclosing Air Force records to the public, give procedures for processing FOIA requests, and tell requesters of the decision to release or deny
records requested under the FOIA
What is Joint Publication 3–58?
Joint Doctrine for Military Deception, which states it
is against DOD policy to use misinformation, or
conduct activities intended to deny releasable
information to the American public.
What must you do if you receive a written request
from the public stating the request is made
under FOIA?
Immediately refer the request
to the base FOIA manager.
How much time does the Air Force
have to respond upon receipt of a
FOIA request?
20 workdays.
Why should media FOIA
requests be handled by PA?
FOIA channels take longer due
to administrative processes.
When should you handle a FOIA
request from the media as a normal
FOIA request?
As a last resort. This should only happen when the
FOIA is the only way an agency will release certain
information to the news media.
How should a FOIA request received from a news
media representative be handled in cases
where PA can provide more information than the
FOIA office?
The FOIA and the PA offices
should coordinate responses.
What statute or program states citizens are allowed to review records kept about them by the government and prevents government agencies from excessive dis closure of personal information
to agencies that do not have a need to know?
The PA.
What is your PA role in
Public Affairs?
Achieve good personnel practices and sound records
management by keeping only essential information,
ensuring it is correct, being protected properly, and
using it only for intended purposes.
What is the best source for
collecting information about an
The individual.
When is a PAS used?
Whenever someone is asked to give
information that is to go into a
system of records.
What data collection methods
require the PAS and how do you
include it?
Forms, formats, and personal telephone interviews all
use PASs. The statement can be part of the forms,
included in regulations, placed on posters, or read to
the individuals.
Why is the SSN not a
universal identifier?
Because the intent of the PA was to
restrict using the SSN as a personal
What is slander?
Oral (or spoken) defamation, which
is spoken communication that
damages a person’s reputation.
What is the difference
between slander and libel?
They are both defamation; slander is
oral (or spoken) defamation and libel
is in printed form.
Name three characteristics of libel
that make it more serious than
(1) Intentional.
(2) Widespread.
(3) Permanent.
What is Air Force policy
on libel?
It cannot and will not be tolerated in
Air Force publications, such as
newspapers and websites.
Name three characteristics of libel
that make it more serious than
(1) Intentional.
(2) Widespread.
(3) Permanent.
What is Air Force policy
on libel?
It cannot and will not be tolerated in
Air Force publications, such as
newspapers and websites.
Why does libel pose
problems for military PA?
Because there are no federal laws; there are only
state laws meaning libel is defined and punished
differently in each state.
Name the three elements
of libel
(1) Defamation.
(2) Identification.
(3) Publication.
What is the difference between
libel per se and libel per quod?
Libel per se is a statement clearly and obviously
defamatory in and of itself. A libel per quod statement that may not appear to be defamatory, but may become so when taken in light of other facts .
What is right of privacy?
The right of an individual or
organization to be left alone.
Identify four types of right
to privacy violations.
(1) Disclosure.
(2) False light.
(3) Appropriation.
(4) Intrusion.
The extent to which a person or
organization is protected by right of
privacy depends on what?
The position and or status of
the individual or organization.
What are the two defenses that can
be used against a charge of invasion
of privacy?
(1) Newsworthiness.
(2) Consent.
What is the definition of “copyright”
and what types of material are
The right of the creator to own, control, and profit from
the production of his or her work, taking the form
of original literary, graphic, photographic, audiovisual, or musical work.
What publication governs the
use of copyrighted materials?
AFI 51–303
At what point does an
author own copyright?
From the time a work is first presented in copy, by
any method sufficiently permanent to permit it to be
perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated
for more than a transitory period.
What are the three formal
requirements for copyright ownership
under Title 17, USC?
(1) Registering a claim to copyright.
(2) Depositing copies in the US Copyright Office.
(3) Including a copyright notice on published works.
Generally, how long is a
copyright considered protected?
The life of the author, plus 70 years.
What two publications have
copyright guidelines and identify
exclusions for “fair use”?
(1) AP Stylebook and Libel Manual.
(2) AFI 51–303.
What is the Air Force policy on
using copyrighted material?
To recognize that a copyright owner
has a legally enforceable right.
Who must submit a request to a
copyright owner for permission to
use their materials?
The Air Force activity planning to
use the copyrighted material.
List the five requirements for
sending out a request for permission
to use copyrighted materials.
(1) Request no greater rights than are actually needed.
(2) Fully identify the material.
(3) Explain the proposed us e and the conditions of use.
(4) Submit two copies to copyright owner (or agent).
(5) Include a s elf- addressed return envelope.
Why must inf ormat ion proposed f or a websit e
be cleared and what regulat ions govern t his
Public websites are distributed
globally and are governed by AFI 35–101 and DODD 5230.9.
What local office must coordinate on
all content for public websites prior
to release?
PA, unless if information is used
to conduct electronic commerce.
Who normally has overall authority f or
establishing public websites and releasing public
inf ormation?
Wing commander or
What are the two requirements organiz ations must
satisfy before seeking approval to establish a
public website?
(1) Justify a wide public audience.
(2) Coordinate with local PA and
communications authorities.
What factors must be weighed when
making a decision to establish a
public website?
The mission need and enhancement of USAF public
communication program must be weighed against
the costs and operational security risks.
Define an Intranet site.
Websites that are restricted to
viewing by people at that base or
domain, for example, .mil, and .gov.
How can managing a
website distract PA people?
They may become too concerned with the technical
aspects of maintaining the computer server, which
can distract from PA programs.
Who determines content, design, and operation of
official Air Force websites and serves as a
point of contact for conducting reviews of public web
How does an average Air
Force base use its website?
To keep Airmen, their families, and interested
community members informed of news and
information affecting the unit.
What office, at all levels of
command, has security review as a
What must PA ensure when
conducting security reviews?
That all unclassified information is
released quickly and accurately, and
conforms to established polices.
What is the only basis for
review decisions?
Security and policy
What dictates how a
webpage is designed?
Its content
Identify the basic design
principle for a Web page.
Keep it simple by avoiding cluttered
pages with numerous links and
irregular text sizes.
To whom is the Air Force
accountable? Why?
The public. Taxpayers have a right to know how
their money is being spent and to assess and
understand facts about national security and defense strategy.
Name the four major elements
of public accountability.
(1) Budgets.
(2) Equipment.
(3) Personnel.
(4) Environment.
What two regulations govern how we
deal with members of Congress?
AFPD 90–4 and AFI 90–401.
What is Air Force policy for
congressional inquiries?
To cooperate fully with them and their staffs, and
provide timely, factual answers within the limitations
of security, FOIA, and the PA.
Who may deny a congressional request for
information or deny release of classified information
to a member of Congress?
Only the Secretary of the
Air Force.
What is the Air Force policy on
congressional visits to bases?
They are supported and
What are two restrictions concerning congressional
tours on Air Force bases during election
(1) Only provide tours that are available to the public
on a standard tour.
(2) Provide the same things to all candidates who
request a tour.
All members of PA are subject to deployment in
conjunction with contingency and wartime
operations. What must we be aware of and what Air
Force publication covers this?
The provisions of the laws of armed
conflict (LOAC). AFPD 51-4.
What Air Force publication covers the limitations
of gif ts to employees of the United States
AFI 56–601
What are four ot her legal areas you must be
aware of in PA, in addition t o LOAC and gifts?
Any four of the following:
(1) Labor-m anagem ent relations .
(2) Political participation by m em bers of the arm ed forces .
(3) Standards of conduct.
(4) Fraterniz ation and profes s ional relations hips .
(5) Dealings with contractors .
(6) Sexual haras s m ent.
In PA, what two components
of laws must you adhere to?
Letter and spirit of them.
What programs are included
in information protection?
and physical security.
What is the goal of
information protection?
To protect the availability, integrity,
and confidentiality of information.
Define OPSEC.
The process of identifying critical friendly information
and analyzing friendly actions observable by
potential enemies.
When was the first OPSEC program
introduced and in what region was it
In 1966, directed by the
JCS in Southeast Asia.
What is the primary focus
To control, strictly, information about Air Force
operations and activities, denying our adversaries
any advantage.
Name the three general
categories of OPSEC measures.
(1) Preventing advers aries from detecting critical
information and indicators .
(2) Giving the enemy fals e interpretations of critical
information and/or indicators .
(3) Attacking the advers ary’s information collection s ys tem.
What are the three broad categories
under which most OPSEC
weaknesses fall?
(1) Operations.
(2) Administrative.
(3) Communications.
Name the guidelines you must
follow regarding telephone use.
Never discuss classified information over the phone,
don’t “talk around” a classified topic, don’t allow
yourself to be pressured by time, and don’t be
tempted to use the phone because it’s convenient.
What must you protect information
systems and data against to
minimize OPSEC vulnerabilities?
Accidental or intentional unauthoriz ed disclosure,
modification, or destruction of information systems or
The protection resulting from the proper application of crypto security, emanations security, physical security, and trans m is s ion security measures relating to COMSEC materials and specifically designed to detect and correct procedural weaknesses that could expose valuable information.
How do you select a communication
medium that satisfies both security
and speed requirements?
By considering the classification of
the information and the speed of the
service required.
What does cryptographic
information include?
Encryption keys and any information
about the encryption device used to
encrypt classified information.
What is TPI, and what does it require
during the handling and storage of
COMSEC material?
It is Two-Person Integrity and is a storage and handling system that prohibits individual access to certain COMSEC keying material. It requires at least two authorized
persons be present that know TPI procedures and can detect incorrect or unauthorized security procedures for the task being performed.
What form should you look for when
processing a COMSEC package?
A transfer report, consisting of three
copies of SF 153, COMSEC Material
Define EMSEC
The control of compromising emanations (information
sent out) to prevent the disclosure of official
information about military operations.
Name two duties of the
wing IP office.
(1) Assesses need for EMSEC, determines appropriate countermeasures , advises commander on existing vulnerabilities , threats and risks .
(2) Recommends a course of action to wing commanders .
Why are computers with wireless
technology considered EMSEC
Their signals can be
For what does the Air Force Physical
Security Program provide guidelines?
Protecting mission-essential
resources—those things that are
critical to our war-fighting capability.
Give three examples of
PL2 resources.
(1) Nonnuclear alert forces .
(2) Expens ive, few- in- number, or one- of- a- kind system(s ).
(3) Select command, control and communications s ys tems .
What are the rules for displaying
the restricted area badge?
You must always display your badge while in the
restricted area but always put it away when you
leave the area.
What is the purpose of the
FPCON alert system?
To advise all personnel of an increased level of threat
to DOD equipment, facilities, and personnel so
security measures are put in place to prevent loss,
damage or compromise.
What type of security message is
sent up-channel and usually causes
an FPCON change?
Covered Wagon.
What are the three categories
of classified information?
(1) Top Secret.
(2) Secret.
(3) Confidential.
What is the test for a Top
Secret classification?
Whether the information’s unauthoriz ed disclosure
could reasonably be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to national security.
What is the purpose of the
Privacy Act of 1974 (PA)?
To protect individuals from
unwarranted invasion of their personal information.
What must a person possess before
they can access classified
The appropriate security clearance,
a need to know, and a signed SF 312
What cover sheets can you use to cover classified
information that has been removed from a
secure container?
AF Form 144 for Top Secret, SF 704
for Secret, and SF 705 for
How do you store Secret
In any method already approved for Top Secret, in a
GSA-approved security container or vault without
supplementary controls, or a secure room approved
for Secret storage.
What type of tape must you use to
seal a package when mailing
classified material?
Opaque envelopes or opaque
wrapping paper with mail gum tape.
What base unit must you contact to inquire
about DOD-contracted courier services that are
authorized to handle Secret classif ication?
Base TMO.