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32 Cards in this Set

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An exaggerated response by the immune system to a foreign substance.
Allergic reaction
An unusual or exaggerated allergic reaction to a foreign protein or other substance. Anaphylaxis means the opposite of phylaxis, or protection.
Any of an order of highly specialized insects such as bees and wasps.
The body system responsible for combating infection.
Immune system
Complex of events within the body that works toward the destruction or inactivation of pathogens, abnormal cells, or foreign molecules.
Immune response
A disease-producing agent or invading substance.
Any poisonous chemical secreted by bacteria or released following destruction of the bacteria.
Immunity resulting from a direct attack of a foreign substance by specialized cells of the immune system.
Cellular immunity
Immunity resulting from attack of an invading substance by invading substance.
Humoral immunity
Principal agent of a chemical attack of an invading substance.
Alternative term for antibody.
Immunoglobulin (Ig)
Any substance that is capable, under appropriate conditions, of inducing a specific immune response.
Initial, generalized response to an antigen.
Primary response
Response by the immune system that takes place if the body is exposed to the same antigen again; in secondary response, antibodies specific for the offending antigen are released.
Secondary response
Genetically predetermined immunity that is present at birth; also called innate immunity.
Natural immunity
Immunity that develops over time and results from exposure to an antigen.
Acquired immunity
Immunity that begins to develop after birth and is continually enhanced by exposure to new pathogens and antigens throughout life.
Naturally acquired immunity
Immunity achieved through vaccination given to generate an immune response that results in the development of antibodies specific for the injected antigen; also called artificially acquired immunity.
Induced active immunity
Acquired immunity that occurs following exposure to an antigen and results in the production of antibodies specific for the antigen.
Active immunity
Acquired immunity that results form administration of antibodies either from mother to the infant across the placental barrier (natural passive immunity) or through vaccination (induced passive immunity)
Passive immunity
Initial exposure of a person to an antigen that results in an immune response.
An unexpected and exaggerated reaction to a particular antigen. It is used synonymously with the term allergy.
A hypersensitive state acquired through exposure to a particular allergen.
A hypersensitivity reaction that takes place after the elapse of some time following reexposure to an antigen. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions are usually less severe than immediate reactions.
Delayed hypersensitivity reaction
A hypersensitivity reaction that occurs swiftly following reexposure to an antigen. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions are usually more severe than delayed reactions. The swiftest and most severe of such reactions is anaphylaxis.
Immediate hypersensitivity reaction
A substance capable of inducing allergy of specific hypersensitivity. Allergens may be protein or nonprotein, although most are proteins.
Type of white blood cell that participates in allergic responses.
Specialized cell of the immune system which contains chemicals that assist in the immune response.
Mast cell
A product of mast cells and basophils that causes vasodilation, capillary permeability, bronchoconstriction, and contraction of the gut.
Marked edema of the skin that usually involves the head, neck, face, and upper airway; a common manifestation of severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
Angioneurotic edema
Substance release from basophils and mast cells that causes spasm of the bronchiole smooth muscle, resulting in an asthmalike attack and occasionally asphyxia.
Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A)
The raised areas, or wheals, that occur on the skin, associated with vasodilation due to histamine release; commonly called "hives."