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On Site Commander (OSC) for emergencies because of his continuous availability and plant knowledge. In this case, he will appear ahead of the manager or other more senior company executives in the emergency reporting system.


N a period of freezing or extremely cold weather 冰冻期; 严寒期

next of kin

Next of kin is sometimes used to refer to the person who is your closest relative, especially in official or legal documents. 近亲 (尤用于官方或法律文件) [正式]


V-T If you notify someone of something, you officially inform them about it.

通知 [正式] /ˈnəʊtɪˌfaɪ/

The use of tables and simple graphics is recommended, to make it easier to recognize and understand the steps to be followed, or persons to be notified.


If a bad situation escalates or if someone or something escalates it, it becomes greater in size, seriousness, or intensity.

使…加剧; 加剧/ˈɛskəˌleɪt/

The plan must also be designed as an escalating phase response (Table 3), which allows the OSC to assess his decisions and actions before proceeding with the next activity.


V-T If people evacuate a place, they move out of it for a period of time, especially because it is dangerous. (尤指因为危险而) 撤离 /ɪˈvækjʊˌeɪt/

For example, after the OSC has evacuated the plant and mobilized firefighters, he must decide if the situation is under control, or if other measures are necessary.


If you mobilize support or mobilize people to do something, you succeed in encouraging people to take action, especially political action. If people mobilize, they prepare to take action.

动员; 动员起来 /ˈməʊbɪˌlaɪz/

V-T If you mobilize resources, you start to use them or make them available for use. 调动

For example, after the OSC has evacuated the plant and mobilized firefighters, he must decide if the situation is under control, or if other measures are necessary.


消防队员 /ˈfaɪəˌfaɪtə/

For example, after the OSC has evacuated the plant and mobilized firefighters, he must decide if the situation is under control, or if other measures are necessary.

cannot be over-emphasized


The importance of clear communication in emergency situations cannot be over-emphasized. This includes reference materials, drawings, diagrams, maps and pictures that can be used by emergency responders to describe the situation, plan their next response activity, or provide instruction or information to the front line response team.

front line

第一线; 前线

The importance of clear communication in emergency situations cannot be over-emphasized. This includes reference materials, drawings, diagrams, maps and pictures that can be used by emergency responders to describe the situation, plan their next response activity, or provide instruction or information to the front line response team.


A protocol is a set of rules for exchanging information between computers.
(计算机间交换信息的) 协议/ˈprəʊtəˌkɒl/

Radio communication is also required during emergencies - correct protocol should be used to ensure efficiency and clarity.


N-UNCOUNT Clarity is the quality of being clear in outline or sound.

(指轮廓、声音等) 清晰 /ˈklærɪtɪ/

Radio communication is also required during emergencies - correct protocol should be used to ensure efficiency and clarity.


Something that is comprehensive includes everything that is needed or relevant.
全面的;综合的 /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/

To provide adequate environmental protection in an emergency situation, the plan developer must have comprehensive knowledge of the location's physical environmental conditions.

revailing wind

The prevailing wind in an area is the type of wind that blows over that area most of the time.
[气象] 盛行风/prɪˈveɪlɪŋ/

Such factors as the prevailing wind direction, surface and sub-surface soil conditions, drainage patterns, and areas of extreme sensitivity (like rivers, lakes and ponds), must be taken into account.


N-UNCOUNT Drainage is the system or process by which water or other liquids are drained from a place. 排水; 排水系统 /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/

Such factors as the prevailing wind direction, surface and sub-surface soil conditions, drainage patterns, and areas of extreme sensitivity (like rivers, lakes and ponds), must be taken into account.


Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject. 相关的 [正式] /ˈpɜːtɪnənt/

The plan developer should collect all pertinent environmental data available from previous Environmental Impact Studies (EIS), federal and provincial government sources, design and construction engineers, and previous occupants of the site.


N-COUNT The occupants of a building or room are the people who live or work there.
(建筑、房间的) 居用者/ˈɒkjʊpənt/

climatic condition

气候条件 /klaɪˈmætɪk/

In addition to site environmental knowledge, a clear understanding of the local climatic conditions is helpful. These must be addressed in the plan, to ensure proposed responses are viable under all seasonal conditions.


Appendices is a plural form of .

appendix的复数形式 /əˈpɛndɪsiːz/

N-COUNT An appendix to a book is extra information that is placed after the end of the main text. 附录

Appendices to the plan should include the following:

escape routes


Building details showing escape routes.


of or relating to phonetics 语音的/fəˈnɛtɪk/

International phonetic alphabet.

International phonetic alphabet



N-COUNT An extract from a book or piece of writing is a small part of it that is printed or published separately. 摘录; 选段 /ˈɛkstrækt/

Extracts from applicable legislation and regulations.


N-COUNT A directive is an official instruction that is given by someone in authority.
官方指示 /dɪˈrɛktɪv, daɪ-/

Company policy and directives.


A committee is a group of people who meet to make decisions or plans for a larger group or organization that they represent.

委员会 /kəˈmɪtɪ/

Acceptance of an emergency response plan starts at the most senior management level and ends with the shop foreman and workers' safety committee.


V-T If a device or process is activated, something causes it to start working. 激活 /ˈæktɪˌveɪt/

It is the responsibility of the OSC to activate the command centre and perform the subsequent notifications (for example, to the police).


You use subsequent to describe something that happened or existed after the time or event that has just been referred to.

随后的 [正式] /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/

It is the responsibility of the OSC to activate the command centre and perform the subsequent notifications (for example, to the police).


N-COUNT A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to understand. 图表 /tʃɑːt/

Notification lists and charts must be site-specific. When they are initially created, they must be exercised and tested to ensure their effectiveness.


Notification lists and charts must be site-specific. When they are initially created, they must be exercised and tested to ensure their effectiveness.

set out

to present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in speech or writing 阐述; 提出

The Occupational Health and Safety Code Part 7 (2006) sets out the minimum requirements for the contents of the Emergency Response plans.


N-COUNT A rescue is an attempt to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation. 营救行动/ˈrɛskjuː/

Procedures for rescue and evacuation.


疏散;撤离 /ɪˌvækyuˈeɪʃn/

Procedures for rescue and evacuation.


N-COUNT An inventory is a written list of all the objects in a particular place such as all the merchandise in a shop. 清单 /ˈɪnvəntərɪ/

If you have large chemical or mixed chemical storage areas, then an inventory and map should be included that identifies the classification and location of the chemicals on site.

on site


If you have large chemical or mixed chemical storage areas, then an inventory and map should be included that identifies the classification and location of the chemicals on site.


N a uniformed doorman at a hotel, theatre, etc (酒店、剧院等的)门警 /kəˌmɪʃəˈnɛə/

The Security Officer (SO) is responsible for ensuring security of the site and safety of personnel. This could be a commissionaire or senior administrative assistant.


V-T If someone briefs you, especially about a piece of work or a serious matter, they give you information that you need before you do it or consider it. 介绍; 提供 (信息)

Briefing senior management.


continuing to exist or develop

进行中的 /ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ/

Monitoring the ongoing emergency and response situation.


If a country or armed force demobilizes its troops, or if its troops demobilize, its troops are released from service and allowed to go home. 遣散 (军队等) /diːˈməʊbɪˌlaɪz/

Demobilizing the assistance.

media personnel


Company media personnel are responsible for the formulation and release of information about the emergency (to management, employees, and other appropriate agencies and organizations).


You can refer to television, radio, newspapers, and magazines as the media. 媒体/ˈmiːdɪə/

Company media personnel are responsible for the formulation and release of information about the emergency (to management, employees, and other appropriate agencies and organizations).


N-VAR A formulation is the way in which you express your thoughts and ideas.

表述方式 /ˌfɔːmjʊˈleɪʃən/

Company media personnel are responsible for the formulation and release of information about the emergency (to management, employees, and other appropriate agencies and organizations).

liaison personnel

联络人(员) /lɪˈeɪzɒn/

Liaison personnel are responsible for helping arrange assistance from cooperating industries, towns and government agencies.

logistics personnel

后勤人员; 物流人员 /lɒˈdʒɪstɪks/

Logistics personnel are responsible for providing facilities, services and material in support of the emergency response actions.


If you refer to the logistics of doing something complicated that involves a lot of people or equipment, you are referring to the skilful organization of it so that it can be done successfully and efficiently. 后勤 /lɒˈdʒɪstɪks/

[uncountable] (business) the business of transporting and delivering goods 物流

Logistics personnel are responsible for providing facilities, services and material in support of the emergency response actions.

in support of


Logistics personnel are responsible for providing facilities, services and material in support of the emergency response actions.


N-UNCOUNT Competence is the ability to do something well or effectively. (同competence)
能力 /ˈkɒmpɪtənsɪ/

Emergency response training schedules for personnel should be reviewed on a regular basis to maintain an appropriate level of competency.


a practice of what to do in an emergency, for example if there is a fire

(应付紧急情况的)演习 /drɪl/

Conducting emergency response drills will help to evaluate your plan and identify any areas of weakness. While a tabletop exercise is somewhat effective, a mock emergency drill should be conducted on a yearly basis.

tabletop exercise


Conducting emergency response drills will help to evaluate your plan and identify any areas of weakness. While a tabletop exercise is somewhat effective, a mock emergency drill should be conducted on a yearly basis.


the top or the surface of a table桌面 /ˈteɪblˌtɑp/

Conducting emergency response drills will help to evaluate your plan and identify any areas of weakness. While a tabletop exercise is somewhat effective, a mock emergency drill should be conducted on a yearly basis.

a mock emergency drill


Conducting emergency response drills will help to evaluate your plan and identify any areas of weakness. While a tabletop exercise is somewhat effective, a mock emergency drill should be conducted on a yearly basis.


that is a copy of something; not real

模拟的;模仿的 /mɒk/

Conducting emergency response drills will help to evaluate your plan and identify any areas of weakness. While a tabletop exercise is somewhat effective, a mock emergency drill should be conducted on a yearly basis.


a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event 观众 /spɛkˈteɪtə/

It may be necessary to patrol the zone to keep spectators at a safe distance.

at a safe distance


It may be necessary to patrol the zone to keep spectators at a safe distance.


n. 逆风;adj. 逆风的;adv. 逆风地/ˌʌpˈwɪnd/

Approach from upwind to avoid coming in contact with vapours. Keep in mind that many vapours and gases are odourless, colourless and heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas.


Vapour consists of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air, that appear as mist.

蒸汽 /ˈveɪpə/

Approach from upwind to avoid coming in contact with vapours. Keep in mind that many vapours and gases are odourless, colourless and heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas.


An odourless substance has no smell.

无气味的 /ˈəʊdəlɪs/

Approach from upwind to avoid coming in contact with vapours. Keep in mind that many vapours and gases are odourless, colourless and heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas.


Something that is colourless has no colour at all. 无色的 /ˈkʌləlɪs/

Approach from upwind to avoid coming in contact with vapours. Keep in mind that many vapours and gases are odourless, colourless and heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas.


(of land)not high, and usually fairly flat adj. 低洼的

Approach from upwind to avoid coming in contact with vapours. Keep in mind that many vapours and gases are odourless, colourless and heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas.


N-COUNT A placard is a large notice that is carried in a march or displayed in a public place.
标语牌; 布告 /ˈplækɑːd/

Placards and/or labeling symbols will provide information as to the type of hazard involved.

as to

used when you are referring to something


Placards and/or labeling symbols will provide information as to the type of hazard involved.


N-COUNT lines, colors, or shapes painted on roads, vehicles, etc.

Other markings, such as the rail car number or vehicle license plate number, may be used to trace the shipment and determine the contents.

rail car


Other markings, such as the rail car number or vehicle license plate number, may be used to trace the shipment and determine the contents.

vehicle license plate


Other markings, such as the rail car number or vehicle license plate number, may be used to trace the shipment and determine the contents.


V-T To determine a fact means to discover it as a result of investigation. 查明 [正式] /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/

Other markings, such as the rail car number or vehicle license plate number, may be used to trace the shipment and determine the contents.


Terrain is used to refer to an area of land or a type of land when you are considering its physical features. 地形 /təˈreɪn/

What is the terrain like?



Is diking necessary? What resources (human and equipment) are required and which are readily available?


ADV You also use readily to say that something can be done or obtained quickly and easily. For example, if you say that something can be readily understood, you mean that people can understand it quickly and easily.

容易地; 迅速地 /ˈrɛdɪlɪ/

Is diking necessary? What resources (human and equipment) are required and which are readily available?

in the immediate area


The first duty is to consider the safety of those people in the immediate area, including your own safety.


You use immediate to describe an area or position that is next to or very near a particular place or person. 紧邻的 /ɪˈmiːdɪət/

The first duty is to consider the safety of those people in the immediate area, including your own safety.



The stopboard of a short-put circle is a circular arc 1.22 m in length.The radius of the circle is 1.06 m. What is the central angle (in degrees)?



The stopboard of a short-put circle is a circular arc 1.22 m in length.The radius of the circle is 1.06 m. What is the central angle (in degrees)?

circular arc


Something that is circular is shaped like a circle. 圆形的 /ˈsɜːkjʊlə/

The stopboard of a short-put circle is a circular arc 1.22 m in length.The radius of the circle is 1.06 m. What is the central angle (in degrees)?

drill bit


A drill bit 9.53 mm in diameter rotates at 1260 r/min. What is the linear velocity of a point on its circumference (in mm/s)?


N-UNCOUNT The circumference of a circle, place, or round object is its edge. 周边 /səˈkʌmfərəns/

A drill bit 9.53 mm in diameter rotates at 1260 r/min. What is the linear velocity of a point on its circumference (in mm/s)?

a guy wire

n. 拉线;牵索

The angle of elevation from the point where a guy wire is anchored into the ground to where the wire is anchored to the top of a tower is 52.0.


N-COUNT The coordinates of a point on a map or graph are the two sets of numbers or letters that you need in order to find that point.

坐标 /kəʊˈɔːdɪˌneɪts/

Sketch on full cycle of the following functions. Label the axes s that it is possible to see the coordinates of five critical values. (Assume all angles are in radians)


N-COUNT A culvert is a water pipe or sewer that crosses under a road or railway. 排水管 /ˈkʌlvət/

A straight 120−m culvert is built down a hillside that makes an angle of 54 with the horizontal. Find the height of the hill.


N-COUNT The perimeter of an area of land is the whole of its outer edge or boundary.
周长;周边; 周界/pəˈrɪmɪtə/

Find the perimeter of a regular octagon (equal sides with equal interior angles) that is inscribed in a cricle (all vertices of the octagon touch the circle) of radius 10 cm.


N-COUNT An octagon is a shape that has eight straight sides. 八边形 /ˈɒktəɡən/

Find the perimeter of a regular octagon (equal sides with equal interior angles) that is inscribed in a cricle (all vertices of the octagon touch the circle) of radius 10 cm.


内切 /ɪnˈskraɪb/

Find the perimeter of a regular octagon (equal sides with equal interior angles) that is inscribed in a cricle (all vertices of the octagon touch the circle) of radius 10 cm.


顶点(vertex的复数) /ˈvərt̮əsiz/

Find the perimeter of a regular octagon (equal sides with equal interior angles) that is inscribed in a cricle (all vertices of the octagon touch the circle) of radius 10 cm.


恒等式 /aɪˈdɛntɪtɪ/

Find the perimeter of a regular octagon (equal sides with equal interior angles) that is inscribed in a cricle (all vertices of the octagon touch the circle) of radius 10 cm.


occurring at the same time; contemporaneous 同时的 /ˈsɪŋkrənəs/


(of two or more objects or events) not existing or happening at the same time异步的 /eɪˈsɪŋkrənəs/


If something is frequent, it happens often. 频繁的 /ˈfriːkwənt/

Inspections must be a frequent and ongoing part of a worker's daily routine.


Ultimately means finally, after a long and often complicated series of events. 最终 /ˈʌltɪmɪtlɪ/

Ultimately, the manager with the most control of the work site is held accountable for making sure that inspections are completed, analyzed and that corrective action is taken to reduce or eliminate any problems found.


the manager with the most control of the work site

Ultimately, the manager with the most control of the work site is held accountable for making sure that inspections are completed, analyzed and that corrective action is taken to reduce or eliminate any problems found.


to admit or to be aware that something exists or is true /ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz/

Most people have the ability to recognize when something is out of place, when something is in poor working order, or when someone is performing a task dangerously.

out of place

not in the correct place不在适当的位置

Most people have the ability to recognize when something is out of place, when something is in poor working order, or when someone is performing a task dangerously.


V-LINK You use grow to say that someone or something gradually changes until they have a new quality, feeling, or attitude. 变得

However, sometimes a worker can grow to take certain practices for granted.

take for granted


However, sometimes a worker can grow to take certain practices for granted.

become blind to


Statements such as "That's the way it has always been done" or "That is a standard industry practice" may be indicators that people have become blind to unsafe conditions or procedures.

to an extent


This can be avoided, to an extent, by having more than one person perform an inspection, by alternating inspection teams or by rotating personnel. Fresh eyes are more likely to identify hazards.

fresh eyes


This can be avoided, to an extent, by having more than one person perform an inspection, by alternating inspection teams or by rotating personnel. Fresh eyes are more likely to identify hazards.



Severity refers to how much an incident will cost the company.


the loss of customer respect

Other costs are difficult to determine, such as the loss of customer respect if you have a toxic chemical released to the environment. Generally, for every dollar spent on a loss, there's two to three dollars more in costs that are hidden.


what is the probability that the spill will be large?

If there is a spill, what is the probability that the spill will be large?


V-T When people plot a strategy or a course of action, they carefully plan each step of it. 制订 /plɒt/

You then take the identified hazard and plot it on a table.

immediate attention


Any hazard that is less than 6 does not need immediate attention but will eventually need to be addressed.

evaluate against

Each hazard you identify while conducting an inspection needs to be evaluated against the amount of risk it poses to the company and their workers.

be competent to

有能力的;胜任 /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/

and you may be inspecting as a team until you are competent to complete them on your own.


V-T If you overlook a fact or problem, you do not notice it, or do not realize how important it is.
忽视 /ˌəʊvəˈlʊk/

Standards overlooked during design.


V-I If a machine or system is functioning, it is working or operating. 运转

Hazards not discovered during job/task analysis. These items often become more apparent when inspecting a functioning workplace.

wear and tear

n. 磨损;日久耗损

Equipment deficiencies caused by normal wear and tear, or by abuse and misuse.
Improper or substandard employee activities and procedures.


A substandard service or product is unacceptable because it is below a required standard.
低于标准的; 不合格的 /sʌbˈstændəd/

Equipment deficiencies caused by normal wear and tear, or by abuse and misuse.
Improper or substandard employee activities and procedures.

cumulative effects


The effects of changes to processes or materials. Changes often occur gradually and their cumulative effects can easily go unnoticed.


If a series of events have a cumulative effect, each event makes the effect greater.


The effects of changes to processes or materials. Changes often occur gradually and their cumulative effects can easily go unnoticed.

go unnoticed


The effects of changes to processes or materials. Changes often occur gradually and their cumulative effects can easily go unnoticed.


A dramatic change or event happens suddenly and is very noticeable and surprising.
突然引人注目的 /drəˈmætɪk/

Other changes are dramatic and may result in the need for a complete process hazard analysis, or HAZOP review.


Employees work within their knowledge or skill level. 在他们的知识或技能水平内


V-T If you question something, you have or express doubts about whether it is true, reasonable, or worthwhile. 怀疑

However, workers must be comfortable in questioning and rethinking the procedures and rules that apply to their jobs, especially if they believe that the rules do not properly address the hazard, or in itself creates a hazard.


V-T If you rethink something such as a problem, a plan, or a policy, you think about it again and change it. 重新考虑

However, workers must be comfortable in questioning and rethinking the procedures and rules that apply to their jobs, especially if they believe that the rules do not properly address the hazard, or in itself creates a hazard.

Under most legislation

Under most legislation, it is the workers' right and responsibility to refuse work that they feel is unsafe or that they are not competent to perform.


Someone who is adept at something can do it skilfully. 熟练的;擅长…的/əˈdɛpt/

Hazards can be difficult to identify but with training and experience, you can become more adept in recognizing hazard indicators.



They do not require a formal report, although some record of their completion should be noted in a logbook or journal.



They do not require a formal report, although some record of their completion should be noted in a logbook or journal.

on the spot


In these inspection cases, information or feedback is given verbally on the spot, and may be noted in writing at a later date.

at a later date


In these inspection cases, information or feedback is given verbally on the spot, and may be noted in writing at a later date.

go a long way (toward)


a few words of praise can go a long way toward creating a healthy and safe workplace.



Informal inspections are not systematic, and they may miss items that take extra effort to examine.


V-T If you spot something or someone, you notice them. 发现

However, by raising their own awareness, employees can learn to spot potential problems as they go about their regular activities.

raise one’s awareness



A checklist is a list of all the things that you need to do, information that you want to find out, or things that you need to take somewhere, which you make in order to ensure that you do not forget anything. 清单 /ˈtʃɛkˌlɪst/

A checklist is an effective way to keep records and document inspections.


V-T If a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier. 转发 /ˈfɔːwəd/

Completed copies of the worksite inspection checklist and worksite inspection report must be forwarded to senior management, the health and safety committee, and the supervisors of the area

components of machinery


Critical parts or items are the components of machinery, equipment or structures that will cause major problems when they are worn, damaged or misused.


Worn is used to describe something that is damaged or thin because it is old and has been used a lot. 用旧的; 用坏的/wɔːn/

Critical parts or items are the components of machinery, equipment or structures that will cause major problems when they are worn, damaged or misused.


N-VAR Apparatus is the equipment, such as tools and machines, which is used to do a particular job or activity. 设备 /ˌæpəˈreɪtəs/

For example, a plant may use a critical parts inspection to check once a week on the availability and functionality of fire-fighting equipment, personal gas detection equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus, or other items critical to worker health and safety.


生产力 /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪtɪ/

This helps ensure that everything in the workplace contributes to maximum productivity, safety and cost control.



A general inspection is a comprehensive, regularly scheduled walk-through inspection of an entire worksite.


You use entire when you want to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something, for example, the whole of a place, time, or population. 全部的; 整个的 [强调] /ɪnˈtaɪə/


V-T If you uncover something, especially something that has been kept secret, you discover or find out about it. 找出,发现 /ʌnˈkʌvə/
Inspectors examine everything and talk to workers in the area to uncover potential hazards.


Someone who is observant pays a lot of attention to things and notices more about them than most people do. 善于观察的 /əbˈzɜːvənt/

Inspectors prepare themselves to be observant and vigilant.


Someone who is vigilant gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be. 警惕的 /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt/

Inspectors prepare themselves to be observant and vigilant.

beyond normal eye level

Inspectors look beyond normal eye level - around, behind, beneath, and above all operating activities.


V-T If you document something, you make a detailed record of it in writing or on film or tape. 记录

Findings and recommendations are formally documented and reported.



Findings and recommendations are formally documented and reported.


Sound advice, reasoning, or evidence is reliable and sensible. 可靠的

When preparing for an inspection tour: Start with a positive attitude and a sound workplan. Area plans or equipment layouts. Flashlight and camera (if permitted in the area).





Remember to look for out-of-the-way items and hazards.


V-T If you locate something or someone, you find out where they are. 找到,定位 [正式] /ləʊˈkeɪt/

Specifically, the inspector should:
Describe and locate each hazard or item of concern.
Identify items that seem unnecessary and that add to clutter.

item of concern


Specifically, the inspector should:
Describe and locate each hazard or item of concern.
Identify items that seem unnecessary and that add to clutter.

add to clutter


Specifically, the inspector should:
Describe and locate each hazard or item of concern.
Identify items that seem unnecessary and that add to clutter.


V-I If you intervene in a situation, you become involved in it and try to change it. 干预 /ˌɪntəˈviːn/

When conducting the inspection, inspectors must intervene immediately if they observe any worker in a dangerous situation.


V-T If you observe someone or something, you see or notice them. 观察到 [正式] /əbˈzɜːv/

When conducting the inspection, inspectors must intervene immediately if they observe any worker in a dangerous situation.

fall arrest system


If you witness this worker not using the fall arrest system, stop your inspection and address it immediately.

undermine one’s authority

V-T If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods. (通常以间接方式) 动摇 (某人的地位或权威) /ˌʌndəˈmaɪn/

You do not want to undermine the supervisor's authority by telling workers what to do. Doing so would create tension and change the inspection process from finding hazards to punishing the workers.



You do not want to undermine the supervisor's authority by telling workers what to do. Doing so would create tension and change the inspection process from finding hazards to punishing the workers.


N-VAR A justification for something is an acceptable reason or explanation for it.
正当的理由 /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/

When considering remedial actions, the critical factors are: Justification for the control measures recommended.
Timing of when the corrective action is to be completed, based on the severity of the hazard and the likelihood that an injury may result.

Timing of when..


V-T If you time something for a particular hour, day, or period, you plan or decide to do it or cause it to happen at this time. 为…安排时间


If you summarize something, you give a summary of it. 总结 /ˈsʌməˌraɪz/

A report must be written to summarize the inspection and recommend follow up action. It should contain the following information:

follow up action


A report must be written to summarize the inspection and recommend follow up action. It should contain the following information:



An audit is a process used to evaluate the design and effectiveness of a system or program. Employees provide input concerning the implementation and practicality of the system.


Input consists of information or resources that a group or project receives. 信息; 资源 /ˈɪnˌpʊt/

An audit is a process used to evaluate the design and effectiveness of a system or program. Employees provide input concerning the implementation and practicality of the system.



An audit is a process used to evaluate the design and effectiveness of a system or program. Employees provide input concerning the implementation and practicality of the system.

on a worksite

An inspection is used to visually identify physical hazards on a worksite. It usually relies on some form of checklist that assists the inspectors.

rely on




Which of the following is not a housekeeping hazard?
a) Tangled air hose. b) Inadequate signage. c) Snow on the step. d) Overflowing garbage.


If something is tangled or tangles, it becomes twisted together in a messy way.

使缠结; 缠结 /ˈtæŋɡəl/

Which of the following is not a housekeeping hazard?
a) Tangled air hose. b) Inadequate signage. c) Snow on the step. d) Overflowing garbage.


V-I If a place or container is overflowing with people or things, it is too full of them.


Which of the following is not a housekeeping hazard?
a) Tangled air hose. b) Inadequate signage. c) Snow on the step. d) Overflowing garbage.

Overflowing garbage



N-COUNT A snapshot is a photograph that is taken quickly and casually. 快照 /ˈsnæpˌʃɒt/

[usually singular] a short description or a small amount of information that gives you an idea of what something is like简况; 大致印象

Worksite inspections have limitations, as they provide only a snapshot in time:
a) True. b) False.


N-VAR Perils are great dangers.

极大危险 [正式] /ˈpɛrɪl/

Physical hazards are perils that can harm workers by causing motor injuries via mechanical effects on the body.

as a last resort

If you do something as a last resort, you do it because you can find no other way of getting out of a difficult situation or of solving a problem. 作为最后手段 /rɪˈzɔːt/

However, there is a good reason why the OHS legislation requires PPE to be used as a last resort.

in conjunction with

If one thing is done in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together.
与…一起 (做、用) /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən/

Most PPE is used in conjunction with other hazard control methods.


n. 制造商;[经] 厂商/ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃərə/

The employer MUST train you to the specific manufacturer requirements for each piece of equipment.


If you are versed in or well versed in something, you know a lot about it. 精通的 /vɜːst/

Both employers and employees should become fully versed in all areas of OH&S legislation pertaining to PPE.

pertain to

V-I If one thing pertains to another, it relates, belongs, or applies to it.

与…相关; 属于; 适于 [正式] /pəˈteɪn/

Both employers and employees should become fully versed in all areas of OH&S legislation pertaining to PPE.


A headband is a narrow strip of material which you can wear around your head across your forehead, for example to keep hair or sweat out of your eyes. 头箍 /ˈhɛdˌbænd/

The standards have specifications outlined, such as the Canadian Standards Association Can/CSAZ94.1-92, which includes an adjustable headband and suspension system to keep the hat from resting directly on the head. It may protect against both lateral impact (hit on the side of the head) and overhead impact, depending on the hazards at the worksite.



The standards have specifications outlined, such as the Canadian Standards Association Can/CSAZ94.1-92, which includes an adjustable headband and suspension system to keep the hat from resting directly on the head. It may protect against both lateral impact (hit on the side of the head) and overhead impact, depending on the hazards at the worksite.


Lateral means relating to the sides of something, or moving in a sideways direction.

侧面的; 横向的 /ˈlætərəl/

The standards have specifications outlined, such as the Canadian Standards Association Can/CSAZ94.1-92, which includes an adjustable headband and suspension system to keep the hat from resting directly on the head. It may protect against both lateral impact (hit on the side of the head) and overhead impact, depending on the hazards at the worksite.


N-VAR An impact is the action of one object hitting another, or the force with which one object hits another. 撞击; 撞击力,冲击 /ˈɪmpækt/

The standards have specifications outlined, such as the Canadian Standards Association Can/CSAZ94.1-92, which includes an adjustable headband and suspension system to keep the hat from resting directly on the head. It may protect against both lateral impact (hit on the side of the head) and overhead impact, depending on the hazards at the worksite.


You use overhead to indicate that something is above you or above the place that you are talking about. 头顶上的 /ˈoʊvərˌhɛd/

The standards have specifications outlined, such as the Canadian Standards Association Can/CSAZ94.1-92, which includes an adjustable headband and suspension system to keep the hat from resting directly on the head. It may protect against both lateral impact (hit on the side of the head) and overhead impact, depending on the hazards at the worksite.

head clearance


Figure 1 shows the recommended head clearance for hard hat suspension.


the amount of space or distance that is needed between two objects so that they do not touch each other 余隙,间隙 /ˈklɪərəns/

Figure 1 shows the recommended head clearance for hard hat suspension.


If something hard cracks, or if you crack it, it becomes slightly damaged, with lines appearing on its surface. 使…破裂; 破裂 /kræk/

If a hat cracks, sustains an impact from an object or receives any other damage, it is unacceptable for use and must be replaced.


V-T If you sustain something such as a defeat, loss, or injury, it happens to you.

遭受 [正式] /səˈsteɪn/

If a hat cracks, sustains an impact from an object or receives any other damage, it is unacceptable for use and must be replaced.

bump cap


These could include a rider helmet for mobile powered vehicles such as All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) or a bump cap for use in crawl spaces.



The lenses (of Safety glasses) are made of shatter-resistant plastic.


A contoured surface has curves and slopes on it, rather than being flat. 波状外形的 /ˈkɑntʊrd/

Goggles are contoured to provide full facial contact around the eyes and eye sockets, providing much better protection from flying objects, dust, mists and liquid splashes.

eye socket


Goggles are contoured to provide full facial contact around the eyes and eye sockets, providing much better protection from flying objects, dust, mists and liquid splashes.

foundry worker

铸造工 /ˈfaʊndrɪ/

Goggles used by welders and foundry workers are the same as those shown in Figure 3, with specially tinted lenses to filter glare.


N-COUNT A foundry is a place where metal or glass is melted and formed into particular shapes. 铸造(金属或玻璃的)工厂 /ˈfaʊndrɪ/

Goggles used by welders and foundry workers are the same as those shown in Figure 3, with specially tinted lenses to filter glare.

hearing impairment

听力损伤 /ɪmˈpɛəmənt/

Continuous exposure to excessive industrial noise can result in serious hearing impairment or even deafness.


N-VAR If someone has an impairment, they have a condition that prevents their eyes, ears, limbs or brain from working properly.

(身体机能的) 损伤 /ɪmˈpɛəmənt/

Continuous exposure to excessive industrial noise can result in serious hearing impairment or even deafness.


N-UNCOUNT Discomfort is a painful feeling in part of your body when you have been hurt slightly or when you have been uncomfortable for a long time. 不舒服 /dɪsˈkʌmfət/

There are numerous types of earplugs, from the personally moulded type to disposable styles. Earplugs can be uncomfortable and ineffective if they do not fit correctly. Other discomforts can also occur; for example, ear infections can result if earplugs are not clean and used correctly.

ear infection


There are numerous types of earplugs, from the personally moulded type to disposable styles. Earplugs can be uncomfortable and ineffective if they do not fit correctly. Other discomforts can also occur; for example, ear infections can result if earplugs are not clean and used correctly.

a false sense


The biggest problem with wearing ear plugs is that most workers are not trained to insert them properly and therefore do not have the level of protection earplugs are supposed to provide. This can create a false sense of protection while exposing the worker to excess noise.

ear canal

耳道,耳孔 /kəˈnæl/

Hold the ear plug in place while it expands to fit your ear canal.


If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger. 扩大; 膨胀 /ɪkˈspænd/

Hold the ear plug in place while it expands to fit your ear canal.


N-UNCOUNT Footwear refers to things that people wear on their feet, for example, shoes and boots. 鞋类,鞋子 /ˈfʊtˌwɛə/

Safety footwear should be designed to prevent the toes from being crushed and the soles from being punctured.

Safety footwear


Safety footwear should be designed to prevent the toes from being crushed and the soles from being punctured.


V-T To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces. 压扁; 压碎 /krʌʃ/

Safety footwear should be designed to prevent the toes from being crushed and the soles from being punctured.


N-COUNT The sole of your foot or of a shoe or sock is the underneath surface of it. 脚掌; 鞋底; 袜底

Safety footwear should be designed to prevent the toes from being crushed and the soles from being punctured.


V-T If a sharp object punctures something, it makes a hole in it. 刺破 /ˈpʌŋktʃə/

Safety footwear should be designed to prevent the toes from being crushed and the soles from being punctured.


N-COUNT Your torso is the main part of your body, and does not include your head, arms, and legs. 躯干 [正式] /ˈtɔːsəʊ/

If there is a danger of injury to workers’ hands, arms, legs or torso, the employer must ensure that workers wear properly fitting hand, arm, leg or body protective equipment.



This type of protective equipment includes hand gloves designed to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, cuts, burns and electric shock. Gloves may be made of latex, leather, asbestos, rubber or many other types of material.



This type of protective equipment includes hand gloves designed to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, cuts, burns and electric shock. Gloves may be made of latex, leather, asbestos, rubber or many other types of material.

electric shock


This type of protective equipment includes hand gloves designed to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, cuts, burns and electric shock. Gloves may be made of latex, leather, asbestos, rubber or many other types of material.


N-UNCOUNT Latex is a substance obtained from some kinds of trees, which is used to make products like paint, rubber, and glue.

胶乳 /ˈleɪtɛks/

This type of protective equipment includes hand gloves designed to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, cuts, burns and electric shock. Gloves may be made of latex, leather, asbestos, rubber or many other types of material.



This type of protective equipment includes hand gloves designed to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, cuts, burns and electric shock. Gloves may be made of latex, leather, asbestos, rubber or many other types of material.



Other examples of PPE in this category include rubber or leather aprons, shin protectors and foot top protectors.



Other examples of PPE in this category include rubber or leather aprons, shin protectors and foot top protectors.


If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important. 至关重要的 /ˈkruːʃəl/

Eye wash equipment is crucial on the job site. Which of the following is NOT part of the required eye was equipment? Black, pirate eye patches.

pirate eye patch


Eye wash equipment is crucial on the job site. Which of the following is NOT part of the required eye was equipment? Black, pirate eye patches.

icy cold


The best temperature for eye wash water is:
a) Icy cold. b) Lukewarm. c) Bathwater hot. d) Steaming hot.


微温的 /ˌluːkˈwɔːm/

The best temperature for eye wash water is:
a) Icy cold. b) Lukewarm. c) Bathwater hot. d) Steaming hot.



The best temperature for eye wash water is:
a) Icy cold. b) Lukewarm. c) Bathwater hot. d) Steaming hot.

steaming hot


The best temperature for eye wash water is:
a) Icy cold. b) Lukewarm. c) Bathwater hot. d) Steaming hot.


Glasses are sometimes referred to as spectacles. 眼镜 /ˈspɛktəkəl/

Metallic spectacle frames should not be worn if you work where electrical contact, arching or sparks can happen.

From time to time


From time to time, workers may have to use safety belts or harnesses for protection from falling.


N-COUNT A harness is a set of straps which fit under a person's arms and fasten around their body in order to keep a piece of equipment in place or to prevent the person moving from a place. 背带; 安全带/ˈhɑːnɪs/

From time to time, workers may have to use safety belts or harnesses for protection from falling.



The lifelines used in conjunction with safety belts and harnesses should be made of a material that is capable of withstanding any shock load that may be applied.


V-T If something or someone withstands a force or action, they survive it or do not give in to it.
抵御 [正式] /wɪðˈstænd/

The lifelines used in conjunction with safety belts and harnesses should be made of a material that is capable of withstanding any shock load that may be applied.

shock load


The lifelines used in conjunction with safety belts and harnesses should be made of a material that is capable of withstanding any shock load that may be applied.

a rope grab


The diameter of the rope should be large enough that a rope grab, when used, will operate properly. The rope should be checked for fraying or other damage.



The diameter of the rope should be large enough that a rope grab, when used, will operate properly. The rope should be checked for fraying or other damage.


If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance. 磨损

The diameter of the rope should be large enough that a rope grab, when used, will operate properly. The rope should be checked for fraying or other damage.


Airborne means in the air or carried in the air. 空气中的 /ˈɛəˌbɔːn/

Workers are or may be exposed to an airborne contaminant or a mixture of airborne contaminants in a concentration exceeding their occupational exposure limits.


N-COUNT A contaminant is something that contaminates a substance such as water or food.
污染物 [正式] /kənˈtæmɪnənt/

Workers are or may be exposed to an airborne contaminant or a mixture of airborne contaminants in a concentration exceeding their occupational exposure limits.


[木] 锯屑,[木] 锯屑/ˈsɔːˌdʌst/

Many industrial operations involve air contaminants. For example, dust generated by handling materials such as coal, ashes, flour, cement and sawdust are referred to as nuisance dusts. They are neither poisonous nor capable of producing fibrous tissue in the lungs, but they do create discomfort. Figure 8 shows a respirator that accepts filter cartridges of various types and designs to match the expected hazard.


滋扰粉尘N-COUNT If you say that someone or something is a nuisance, you mean that they annoy you or cause you a lot of problems. 令人讨厌的人或事物; 麻烦的人或事情 /ˈnjuːsəns/

Many industrial operations involve air contaminants. For example, dust generated by handling materials such as coal, ashes, flour, cement and sawdust are referred to as nuisance dusts. They are neither poisonous nor capable of producing fibrous tissue in the lungs, but they do create discomfort. Figure 8 shows a respirator that accepts filter cartridges of various types and designs to match the expected hazard.

fibrous tissue

纤维组织 /ˈfaɪbrəs/ /ˈtɪsjuː/

Many industrial operations involve air contaminants. For example, dust generated by handling materials such as coal, ashes, flour, cement and sawdust are referred to as nuisance dusts. They are neither poisonous nor capable of producing fibrous tissue in the lungs, but they do create discomfort. Figure 8 shows a respirator that accepts filter cartridges of various types and designs to match the expected hazard.

filter cartridge


Many industrial operations involve air contaminants. For example, dust generated by handling materials such as coal, ashes, flour, cement and sawdust are referred to as nuisance dusts. They are neither poisonous nor capable of producing fibrous tissue in the lungs, but they do create discomfort. Figure 8 shows a respirator that accepts filter cartridges of various types and designs to match the expected hazard.


N-COUNT A cartridge is part of a machine or device that can be easily removed and replaced when it is worn out or empty. (机器或装置中可替换的部分) 套筒 /ˈkɑːtrɪdʒ/

Many industrial operations involve air contaminants. For example, dust generated by handling materials such as coal, ashes, flour, cement and sawdust are referred to as nuisance dusts. They are neither poisonous nor capable of producing fibrous tissue in the lungs, but they do create discomfort. Figure 8 shows a respirator that accepts filter cartridges of various types and designs to match the expected hazard.

Mineral dusts


Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.


二氧化硅, /ˈsɪlɪkə/

Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.

free silica


Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.


Sandstone is a type of rock which contains a lot of sand. It is often used for building houses and walls. 砂岩 /ˈsændˌstəʊn/

Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.



Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.



Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.


n. [医] 矽肺;硅肺病 /ˌsɪlɪˈkəʊsɪs/

Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.


石棉肺;石棉沉滞症 /ˌæsbɛsˈtəʊsɪs/

Mineral dusts and mists containing free silica, such as those from sandstone, flint and quartz, can convert and degenerate healthy lung tissue into fibrous or scar tissue. This causes a disease known as silicosis. A related disease arising from asbestos dust is asbestosis.


Fumes are the unpleasant and often unhealthy smoke and gases that are produced by fires or by things such as chemicals, fuel, or cooking. (难闻且常有害的) 烟气/fjuːm/

Figure 9 shows an industrial gas mask that is used for protection against gases, vapours or chemical fumes.


校准器, 调节器/ˈrɛɡjʊˌleɪtə/

To prevent unnecessary loss of air, the regulator has an automatic shutoff that reduces airflow while the user is putting on or taking off the mask or when the facepiece is dislodged.



To prevent unnecessary loss of air, the regulator has an automatic shutoff that reduces airflow while the user is putting on or taking off the mask or when the facepiece is dislodged.


to force or knock something out of its position 拿开 /dɪsˈlɒdʒ/

To prevent unnecessary loss of air, the regulator has an automatic shutoff that reduces airflow while the user is putting on or taking off the mask or when the facepiece is dislodged.


气流 /ˈɛəˌfləʊ/

To prevent unnecessary loss of air, the regulator has an automatic shutoff that reduces airflow while the user is putting on or taking off the mask or when the facepiece is dislodged.



If it is necessary to escape from the contaminated atmosphere, the air line can be detached and the supply from the 5-minute cylinder opened, allowing the user to escape the contaminated area unimpeded by an air hose.


V-T If something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful. 污染 /kənˈtæmɪˌneɪt/

If it is necessary to escape from the contaminated atmosphere, the air line can be detached and the supply from the 5-minute cylinder opened, allowing the user to escape the contaminated area unimpeded by an air hose.


If you detach one thing from another that it is attached to, you remove it. If one thing detaches from another, it becomes separated from it. 拆卸; 分离 [正式] /dɪˈtætʃ/

If it is necessary to escape from the contaminated atmosphere, the air line can be detached and the supply from the 5-minute cylinder opened, allowing the user to escape the contaminated area unimpeded by an air hose.


If something moves or happens unimpeded, it continues without being stopped or interrupted by anything. 未受阻止的; 未受妨碍的 [正式] /ˌʌnɪmˈpiːdɪd/

If it is necessary to escape from the contaminated atmosphere, the air line can be detached and the supply from the 5-minute cylinder opened, allowing the user to escape the contaminated area unimpeded by an air hose.

uniform magnetic field

均匀磁场 /ˈjuːnɪˌfɔːm/






Something that is stationary is not moving. 静止不动的 /ˈsteɪʃənərɪ/

The stationary part is called the stator

perpendicular line


When a conductor is cut by perpendicular lines of magnetic force, current is induced in the conductor.

slip ring

[电] 滑环;集电环

The loop conductor, which is called a rotor, is connected to a load by slip rings.


示波器 /ɒˈsɪləˌskəʊp/

coupled circuit


A transformer is a A transformer is a magnetically coupled circuit


二极管 /ˈdaɪəʊd/


锗 /dʒɜːˈmeɪnɪəm/


掺杂 /dəʊp/

Semiconductor materials can be “doped”. That is…impurities added to the material to change its overall characteristics


N-COUNT Impurities are substances that are present in small quantities in another substance and make it dirty or of an unacceptable quality. 杂质 /ɪmˈpjʊərɪtɪ/

P (+) doped (trivalent impurities are added- Aluminum ) Creates a P material


having a valency of three 三价的 /traɪˈveɪlənt, ˈtrɪvələnt/
P (+) doped (trivalent impurities are added- Aluminum ) Creates a P material


having a valency of five 五价的 /ˌpɛntəˈveɪlənt/

N (-) doped (pentavalent impurities are added- Arsenic) Creates an N material


砷 /ˈɑːsənɪk/


阳极 /ˈænəʊd/


阴极 /ˈkæθəʊd/

Forward bias


Reverse bias


Knee voltage


Schmitt trigger

施米特触发器 /ʃmit/

propagation delay time

传输延迟时间 /ˌprɑpəˈɡeɪʃn/


铬 /ˈkrəʊmɪəm/

Toxic dusts originate from poisonous materials such as lead, arsenic and chromium or their compounds.


When you inhale, you breathe in. When you inhale something such as smoke, you take it into your lungs when you breathe in.

吸入; 吸气 /ɪnˈheɪl/

Whether inhaled or ingested, these dusts dissolve and enter the bloodstream, causing injury to body organs.


to take (something, such as food) into your body : to swallow (something) 摄取 /ɪnˈdʒɛst/

Whether inhaled or ingested, these dusts dissolve and enter the bloodstream, causing injury to body organs.


If a substance dissolves in liquid or if you dissolve it, it becomes mixed with the liquid and disappears. 使溶解; 溶解 /dɪˈzɒlv/

Whether inhaled or ingested, these dusts dissolve and enter the bloodstream, causing injury to body organs.


Your bloodstream is the blood that flows around your body. (体内循环的) 血流 /ˈblʌdˌstriːm/

Whether inhaled or ingested, these dusts dissolve and enter the bloodstream, causing injury to body organs.



Mists are wet fogs that may have toxic or lung-damaging particles suspended in them. The most common examples are mists caused by spray coating with paints, enamels or glazes.


A particle of something is a very small piece or amount of it. 微粒 /ˈpɑːtɪkəl/

Mists are wet fogs that may have toxic or lung-damaging particles suspended in them. The most common examples are mists caused by spray coating with paints, enamels or glazes.

spray coating


Mists are wet fogs that may have toxic or lung-damaging particles suspended in them. The most common examples are mists caused by spray coating with paints, enamels or glazes.


搪瓷 /ɪˈnæməl/

Mists are wet fogs that may have toxic or lung-damaging particles suspended in them. The most common examples are mists caused by spray coating with paints, enamels or glazes.


釉彩;釉料 /ɡleɪz/

Mists are wet fogs that may have toxic or lung-damaging particles suspended in them. The most common examples are mists caused by spray coating with paints, enamels or glazes.


A nick is a small cut made in the surface of something, usually in someone's skin. 划痕

The sealing surfaces should also be checked for cracks and nicks that could prevent a proper seal between the respirator and the face.



N-COUNT A canister is a strong, metal container. It is used to hold gases or chemical substances. 强固金属罐

In these environments, a mask that uses cartridges or canisters containing activated chemicals must be used.


something that is required as part of an agreement 规定;约定;条款;契约/ˌstɪpyəˈleɪʃn/

OH&S Code Part 18 contains the following stipulations: Maintained in a clean and sanitary condition,


clean; not likely to cause health problems


OH&S Code Part 18 contains the following stipulations: Maintained in a clean and sanitary condition,


标准尺寸;容量规格 /ɡeɪdʒ/

AWG- American Wire Gauge


N-COUNT A gasket is a flat piece of soft material that you put between two joined surfaces in a pipe or engine in order to make sure that gas and oil cannot escape. 垫圈;密封垫 /ˈɡæskɪt/


[安全] 面具, 面罩


N-COUNT A buckle is a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is used to fasten it. (皮带等的) 带扣 /ˈbʌkəl/

Waist belt straps with buckles


External is used to indicate that something is on the outside of a surface or body, or that it exists, happens, or comes from outside. 外部的; 外来的; 外在的 /ɪkˈstɜːnəl/

The fact that the pressure of supplied air inside the facepiece is greater than the external contaminated air pressure ensures that, in the event of a leak in the facepiece, contaminated air will not enter a workers' breathing air.

in the event of

you use in the event of, in the event that, and in that event when you are talking about a possible future situation, especially when you are planning what to do if it occurs. 倘若发生…

The fact that the pressure of supplied air inside the facepiece is greater than the external contaminated air pressure ensures that, in the event of a leak in the facepiece, contaminated air will not enter a workers' breathing air.


When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.

使减少; 变少 /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/

The regulator also contains a warning device that alerts the user to a diminishing air supply. This alert is usually transmitted by both sound (alarm) and feel (vibration), which is especially important when working in a high noise environment.


V-T If an object or substance transmits something such as sound or electrical signals, the sound or signals are able to pass through it. 传导 (声音、电子信号等) /trænzˈmɪt/

The regulator also contains a warning device that alerts the user to a diminishing air supply. This alert is usually transmitted by both sound (alarm) and feel (vibration), which is especially important when working in a high noise environment.



CSA regulations regarding breathing apparatuses make regular maintenance and sanitization mandatory.


N-COUNT A coefficient is a number that expresses a measurement of a particular quality of a substance or object under specified conditions. 系数 /ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃənt/


a short book or computer program that gives information on a particular subject or explains how something is done /tuˈtɔriəl/

academic honesty awareness tutorial


a description of what could possibly happen


Once you have completed the quiz, use the “Next” button to navigate through the scenarios, beginning with plagiarism.


an act of plagiarizing something; something that has been plagiarized /ˈpleɪdʒəˌrɪzəm/

Once you have completed the quiz, use the “Next” button to navigate through the scenarios, beginning with plagiarism.


careful to use or give only a little of something


“SAIT’s policy is that any material or ideas incorpated from other souces must be used sparingly.”


V-T To disguise something means to hide it or make it appear different so that people will not know about it or will not recognize it.

掩饰 /dɪsˈɡaɪz/

When you cut and paste a report like Aled did, you are disguising potential problems with your writing.


Something that is hazardous is dangerous, especially to people's health or safety.

有危害的 /ˈhæzədəs/

This module is designed to help you understand the requirements of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and its application to the worksite.


Territory is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler. 领土,地区/ˈtɛrɪtərɪ/

WHMIS is Canadian law. What you learn in this module applies in all territories and provinces.


To import products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country. 进口 /ɪmˈpɔrt; ˈɪmpɔrt/

This means that every controlled product sold or imported into a Canadian workplace must have a supplier label on the package or container and an MSDS must be provided to the employer.


Nightclothes are clothes that you wear in bed. 睡衣 /ˈnaɪtˌkləʊðz/

Prohibited – may not be bought or sold into Canada. Examples of these products are jewelry with a high lead content, and flammable material once used in children’s nightclothes;


An adhesive is a substance such as glue, which is used to make things stick firmly together. 黏合剂 /ədˈhiːsɪv/

Restricted - includes products such as adhesives and bleaches with specific packaging and container requirements;


Bleach is a chemical that is used to make cloth white, or to clean things thoroughly and kill germs. 漂白剂 /bliːtʃ/

Restricted - includes products such as adhesives and bleaches with specific packaging and container requirements;


If someone or something is exempt from a particular rule, duty, or obligation, they do not have to follow it or do it. 免除 (规则、职责、义务等) 的 /ɪɡˈzɛmpt/

Exempt and partially exempt products;


V-T If a company recalls a product, it asks the stores or the people who have bought that product to return it because there is something wrong with it. 召回 (产品) /rɪˈkɔl/

The federal government produces a list of chemicals that may not be brought into Canada, and if any of these chemicals are in the imported product, the product will be classified as prohibited and entry will be refused, or if the product is already in Canada, will be recalled.

fall (under)

V-I If you say that something or someone falls into a particular group or category, you mean that they belong in that group or category. 属于, 被归入, 被列为

These products could also fall under WHMIS requirements if used in the workplace.


Disclosure is the act of giving people new or secret information. 公开 /dɪsˈkləʊʒə/

The Ingredient Disclosure List, issued on January 20, 1988 under the Hazardous Products Act, contains the names of chemicals that must be identified on a material safety data sheet if they are ingredients of a controlled product and present above a specified concentration.


V-T If you disclose new or secret information, you tell people about it.

公开;揭露;透露 /dɪsˈkləʊz/

The Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, passed on June 30, 1987, establishes the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, which is the federal agency that rules on claims for exemption from disclosing confidential business information. The Act also defines the type of information that a supplier or employer can withhold from a label or material safety data sheet.


Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private. 保密的,机密的 /ˌkɒnfɪˈdɛnʃəl/

The Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, passed on June 30, 1987, establishes the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, which is the federal agency that rules on claims for exemption from disclosing confidential business information. The Act also defines the type of information that a supplier or employer can withhold from a label or material safety data sheet.


V-T to refuse to provide (something) /wɪðˈhəʊld, wɪθ-/

The Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, passed on June 30, 1987, establishes the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, which is the federal agency that rules on claims for exemption from disclosing confidential business information. The Act also defines the type of information that a supplier or employer can withhold from a label or material safety data sheet.


N-UNCOUNT The validity of something such as a result or a piece of information is whether it can be trusted or believed. 可信性 /vəˈlɪdɪtɪ/

the criteria that the Commission will use in assessing the validity of a claim for exemption


V-T When someone files a report or a news story, they send or give it to their employer. 提交

the fees to be paid when filing a claim for exemption or appealing a decision of the Commission


V-T If you appeal a decision to someone in authority, you formally ask them to change it. 申诉 /əˈpiːl/

the fees to be paid when filing a claim for exemption or appealing a decision of the Commission

prior notification

事先通知 /ˈpraɪə/

enter and inspect workplaces without prior notification

close down

if a company, store, etc.closes, or if you close it, it stops operating as a business (=close)

close down operations if they see evidence of imminent danger


N-COUNT An offence is a crime that breaks a particular law and requires a particular punishment.
违反,犯罪行为 /əˈfɛns/

Fines for not complying with the legislation can range from $500,000 and six months in jail for a first offence to a maximum of $1,000,000 and two years in jail for subsequent offences.

six months in jail


Fines for not complying with the legislation can range from $500,000 and six months in jail for a first offence to a maximum of $1,000,000 and two years in jail for subsequent offences.


N-COUNT A penalty is a punishment that someone is given for doing something which is against a law or rule. 刑罚/ˈpɛnəltɪ/

N-COUNT Thepenalty that you pay for something you have done is something unpleasant that you experience as a result. 惩罚

So far, no company in Alberta has been fined the maximum. There are provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for alternative penalties. These are assigned by the court and may involve donating money to STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) or other such organizations or to develop a safety workshop related to the offence. These penalties are in addition to a fine imposed by the court (at an amount below the maximum).


V-T If you donate something to a charity or other organization, you give it to them. 捐赠 /dəʊˈneɪt/

So far, no company in Alberta has been fined the maximum. There are provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for alternative penalties. These are assigned by the court and may involve donating money to STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) or other such organizations or to develop a safety workshop related to the offence. These penalties are in addition to a fine imposed by the court (at an amount below the maximum).


V-T If you impose something on people, you use your authority to force them to accept it. 强制实行 /ɪmˈpəʊz/

So far, no company in Alberta has been fined the maximum. There are provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for alternative penalties. These are assigned by the court and may involve donating money to STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) or other such organizations or to develop a safety workshop related to the offence. These penalties are in addition to a fine imposed by the court (at an amount below the maximum).


a place where things are made or repaired车间 /ˈwɜːkˌʃɒp/

So far, no company in Alberta has been fined the maximum. There are provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for alternative penalties. These are assigned by the court and may involve donating money to STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) or other such organizations or to develop a safety workshop related to the offence. These penalties are in addition to a fine imposed by the court (at an amount below the maximum).

be in addition to


So far, no company in Alberta has been fined the maximum. There are provisions in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for alternative penalties. These are assigned by the court and may involve donating money to STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) or other such organizations or to develop a safety workshop related to the offence. These penalties are in addition to a fine imposed by the court (at an amount below the maximum).



The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a system for dealing with the identification of controlled products and their hazards and for the delivery of that information to the Canadian workplace. This is a condition of sale or importation.



WHMIS is essentially workers’ right-to-know legislation. It requires specific hazard information to be provided at every workplace that uses controlled products. It also deals with the training needs of workers handling such products.

inherent hazards


Supplier and workplace labels provide for the identification of controlled products by requiring labels with specific content. This is the first step in creating immediate awareness of the inherent hazards of such products.

colour coding


The labelling system includes marking requirements for packages and containers and extends to the identification of piping and vessels and similar process equipment. This may be in the form of colour coding or similar types of visual identification.


V-T If you decant a liquid into another container, you put it into another container. 倒入 [正式] /dɪˈkænt/

The workplace label extends controlled product identification to products that are decanted at the workplace.


the scientific study of poisons adj. 毒物学的 /ˌtɑksɪˈkɑlədʒi/

It includes information about the product’s physical and toxicological properties and about how to store, use, handle and dispose of it.

toxicological properties


It includes information about the product’s physical and toxicological properties and about how to store, use, handle and dispose of it.



A supplier is the manufacturer, processor, or packager of a controlled product or a person who imports or sells controlled products.


Current means happening, being used, or being done at the present time. 当前的 /ˈkʌrənt/

Employers are responsible for ensuring that all containers of controlled products are properly labeled, MSDS’s are current and available to the workers and that an effective worker education program is in place.


V-T When you conduct an activity or task, you organize it and do it. 组织并实施 /kənˈdʌkt/

Conduct an inventory of the Controlled Products that are used or produced in the workplace.


适当 /ˈædɪkwəsɪ/

Guidelines must be developed that include regular follow-up and review of ALL the components of WHMIS in the workplace, including the tracking, maintenance and availability for MSDSs, the worker education program, and the adequacy of existing labels and hazard identifiers.



Guidelines must be developed that include regular follow-up and review of ALL the components of WHMIS in the workplace, including the tracking, maintenance and availability for MSDSs, the worker education program, and the adequacy of existing labels and hazard identifiers.


甲醇 /ˈmɛθəˌnɒl/

Employees are responsible for attending WHMIS training and applying the training. This means if the employer has developed safe work procedures for handling methanol, you must follow them. Since this is required by law, if you fail to follow the set procedures, theoretically you could face fines under the Occupational Health and Safety Code for not following them.

the set procedures


Employees are responsible for attending WHMIS training and applying the training. This means if the employer has developed safe work procedures for handling methanol, you must follow them. Since this is required by law, if you fail to follow the set procedures, theoretically you could face fines under the Occupational Health and Safety Code for not following them.


理论上 /ˈθiːəˌrɛtɪklɪ/

Employees are responsible for attending WHMIS training and applying the training. This means if the employer has developed safe work procedures for handling methanol, you must follow them. Since this is required by law, if you fail to follow the set procedures, theoretically you could face fines under the Occupational Health and Safety Code for not following them.


N-VAR An explosive is a substance or device that can cause an explosion. 炸药; 爆炸物 /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv/

An explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act (Canada).

with the meaning of


An explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act (Canada).


N-COUNT Cosmetics are substances such as lipstick or powder, which people put on their face to make themselves look more attractive. 化妆品 /kɒzˈmɛtɪk/

A cosmetic, device, drug or food within the meaning of the Food and Drug Act (Canada) or the Pest Control Products Act (Canada).


N-COUNT Pests are insects or small animals that damage crops or food supplies. 害虫; 有害的小动物 /pɛst/

A cosmetic, device, drug or food within the meaning of the Food and Drug Act (Canada) or the Pest Control Products Act (Canada).


放射性的,有辐射的 /ˌreɪdɪəʊˈæktɪv/

Radioactive materials controlled within the meaning of the Atomic Energy Control Act (Canada).

spray paint


Consumer products such as WD-40 and spray paint if purchased at a retail outlet.

at a retail outlet


Consumer products such as WD-40 and spray paint if purchased at a retail outlet.


N-COUNT An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer. 专卖店; 直销店

Consumer products such as WD-40 and spray paint if purchased at a retail outlet.


丙酮 /ˈæsɪˌtəʊn/

For example, if you have a flammable safety can that you put 1 litre of methanol and 1 litre of acetone in, you must have a label that identifies 1 litre of methanol and 1 litre of acetone.


烟草;烟叶; 烟草制品;/təˈbækəʊ/

manufactured articles

机器制成品;机器制品; 工业品

manufactured articles such as refrigerators


N-COUNT You can refer to objects as articles of some kind. 物品

manufactured articles such as refrigerators


氧化剂;助燃剂 /'ɔksi,daizə/

manufactured articles such as refrigerators


生化危害的 /baiəu'hæzədəs/

Biohazardous Infectious


A disease that is infectious can be caught by being near a person who has it 传染的 /ɪnˈfɛkʃəs/

Biohazardous Infectious


A corrosive substance is able to destroy solid materials by a chemical reaction. 腐蚀性的 /kəˈrəʊsɪv/

liquefied gases


This class includes compressed gases, dissolved gases and gases liquefied by compression or refrigeration.



This class includes compressed gases, dissolved gases and gases liquefied by compression or refrigeration.

with care


when handling Class A materials:
1. handle them with care and do not drop the container
2. keep the container away from potential sources of ignition
3. store the container in designated areas

sources of ignition

火源 /ɪɡˈnɪʃən/

when handling Class A materials:
1. handle them with care and do not drop the container
2. keep the container away from potential sources of ignition
3. store the container in designated areas

designated areas


V-T If something is designated for a particular purpose, it is set aside for that purpose. 指定 [usu passive] /ˈdɛzɪɡˌneɪt/

when handling Class A materials:
1. handle them with care and do not drop the container
2. keep the container away from potential sources of ignition
3. store the container in designated areas


adj. 氧乙炔的;n. 氧乙炔 /ˌɒksɪəˈsɛtɪˌliːn/

Examples: gas cylinders for oxyacetylene welding or breathing air for SCBA

oxyacetylene welding


Examples: gas cylinders for oxyacetylene welding or breathing air for SCBA


Relatively means to a certain degree, especially when compared with other things of the same kind. 相对地 [ADV adj/adv] /ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ/

may burn at relatively low temperatures; flammable materials catch fire at lower temperatures than combustible materials


A combustible material or gas catches fire and burns easily. 易燃的; 可燃的 /kəmˈbʌstəbəl/

may burn at relatively low temperatures; flammable materials catch fire at lower temperatures than combustible materials


自发地;自然地 /spɒn'teɪnɪəslɪ/

may spontaneously burst into flames in air or may release a flammable gas on contact with water

on contact with water


may spontaneously burst into flames in air or may release a flammable gas on contact with water

burst into flames

If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly. 突然猛烈燃烧起来

may spontaneously burst into flames in air or may release a flammable gas on contact with water


/ˈfrɪkʃən/ 摩擦

may cause a fire when exposed to heat, sparks or flames, or as a result of friction


磷 /ˈfɒsfərəs/

Examples: white phosphorus, acetone and butane. Flammable liquids such as acetone are more easily ignited than combustible liquids such as kerosene.


丁烷 /ˈbjuːteɪn/

Examples: white phosphorus, acetone and butane. Flammable liquids such as acetone are more easily ignited than combustible liquids such as kerosene.


煤油,火油 /ˈkɛrəˌsiːn/

Examples: white phosphorus, acetone and butane. Flammable liquids such as acetone are more easily ignited than combustible liquids such as kerosene.

come into contact with


This class includes materials that provide oxygen or similar substances and that increase the risk of fire if they come into contact with flammable or combustible materials.

in the presence of


pose a fire and/or explosion risk in the presence of flammable or combustible material

upon contact


may burn skin and eyes upon contact


If a process or an action is reversible, its effects can be reversed so that the original situation returns. 可逆的 /rɪˈvɜːsəbəl/

The effects of a Class D1 exposure can affect the body with a single exposure or with repeated exposure over a 24-hour period. With the exception of death, all of the immediate and serious toxic effects are fully reversible.

with the exception of death


The effects of a Class D1 exposure can affect the body with a single exposure or with repeated exposure over a 24-hour period. With the exception of death, all of the immediate and serious toxic effects are fully reversible.

through skin contact


Class D, Division 1 materials: are potentially fatal poisonous substances; may cause permanent damage if inhaled or swallowed or if they enter the body through skin contact;

long-term effects


This division includes materials causing immediate eye and/or skin irritation as well as those that can cause long-term effects in a person repeatedly exposed to small amounts.


N-COUNT An irritant is a substance that causes a part of your body to itch or become sore. 刺激物 [正式] /ˈɪrɪtənt/

Division 2 materials: may be a skin or eye irritant; may be a sensitizer that produces a chemical allergy; may cause birth defects or sterility.


致敏物质 /'sensitaizə/

Division 2 materials: may be a skin or eye irritant; may be a sensitizer that produces a chemical allergy; may cause birth defects or sterility.


过敏物质; 过敏 /ˈælədʒɪ/

Division 2 materials: may be a skin or eye irritant; may be a sensitizer that produces a chemical allergy; may cause birth defects or sterility.

birth defects


Division 2 materials: may be a skin or eye irritant; may be a sensitizer that produces a chemical allergy; may cause birth defects or sterility.



Division 2 materials: may be a skin or eye irritant; may be a sensitizer that produces a chemical allergy; may cause birth defects or sterility.

well-ventilated areas


avoid inhaling by working in well-ventilated areas and/or wearing respiratory equipment


N-COUNT A carcinogen is a substance which can cause cancer. 致癌物质 [医学] /kɑː'sɪnədʒ(ə)n/

Examples: acetone (irritant), asbestos (carcinogen), methanol and gasoline



This division includes materials that contain harmful micro-organisms.


污染 /kənˌtæməˈneɪʃn/

when handling Class D, Division 3 materials: take every measure to avoid contamination

diagnostic specimen

诊断用标本 /ˌdaɪəɡˈnɒstɪk/

Examples: cultures or diagnostic specimens containing salmonella bacteria or the hepatitis B virus.


N-COUNT In science, a culture is a group of bacteria or cells which are grown, usually in a laboratory as part of an experiment. 一组培养菌; 一组培养细胞 [技术]

Examples: cultures or diagnostic specimens containing salmonella bacteria or the hepatitis B virus.

salmonella bacteria


N-UNCOUNT Salmonella is a disease caused by bacteria in food. You can also refer to the bacteria itself as salmonella. 沙门氏菌感染; 沙门氏菌

Examples: cultures or diagnostic specimens containing salmonella bacteria or the hepatitis B virus.

eat through


Class E materials are acid or caustic materials that can destroy the skin and/or eat through metals.

if subjected to heat


Class F materials can undergo dangerous reactions if subjected to heat, pressure or shock or allowed to contact water.


subject someone/something to something
[often passive] to make someone or something experience, suffer, or be affected by something, usually something unpleasant 使经受;使遭受

Class F materials can undergo dangerous reactions if subjected to heat, pressure or shock or allowed to contact water.


防火的;耐火的 /ˈfleɪmˌpruːf/

when handling Class F materials: store the material in a cool, flameproof designated area



Examples: plastic monomers such as butadiene and some cyanides.


N-COUNT A commodity is something that is sold for money. 商品 [商业] /kəˈmɒdɪtɪ/

Consumer product exemptions occur for commodities that are included in Part II of Schedule I of the Hazardous Products Act and are packaged as consumer products.

household cleaners


Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.

paint strippers


Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.


a substance or tool that is used for removing paint, etc. from something

Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.


Varnish is an oily liquid that is painted onto wood or other material to give it a hard, clear, shiny surface. 清漆/ˈvɑːnɪʃ/

Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.



Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.



Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.


松脂;松节油 /ˈtɜːpənˌtaɪn/

Examples of such products are household cleaners readily available at retail outlets, such as certain types of oven cleaners, bowl cleaners, drain cleaners, paint and wax strippers, ammonia, bleaches and certain detergents. Other typical consumer products include enamels, varnishes, BBQ lighter fluid, lamp oils, varsol, turpentine and camp stove fuel.

gasoline bulk dealers


A drum of gasoline, even though often available through retail outlets such as gasoline bulk dealers, does not fit the above criteria and is a controlled product if used at the workplace.


A fluorescent surface, substance, or colour has a very bright appearance when light is directed onto it, as if it is actually shining itself. 荧光的 /ˌflʊəˈrɛsənt/

In fluorescent lights, they are part of the ballast circuit.

fluorescent lights


In fluorescent lights, they are part of the ballast circuit.

ballast circuit


In fluorescent lights, they are part of the ballast circuit.


N-UNCOUNT Circuitry is a system of electric circuits. 电路;电子线路/ˈsɜːkɪtrɪ/

On power systems, they are part of the protection circuitry used to control short-circuit currents during faults.

Faraday’s Law


Faraday’s Law states that voltage is induced in a circuit whenever the flux linking the circuit is changing and that the magnitude of the voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the flux linkages.



Faraday’s Law states that voltage is induced in a circuit whenever the flux linking the circuit is changing and that the magnitude of the voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the flux linkages.

flux linkages


连接于线圈之间所产生的磁场,此乃为称之 为磁通量(flux),而磁场中的磁力线可称之为磁通链(flux linkages)

Lenz’s Law


Lenz’s Law states that the polarity of the induced voltage is such as to oppose the cause producing it.


to try to stop or defeat (something) /əˈpəʊz/

Lenz’s Law states that the polarity of the induced voltage is such as to oppose the cause producing it.



The proportionality constant is L, the self-inductance of the coil.


透磁率,导磁系数 /ˌpɜːmɪəˈbɪlɪtɪ/

µ is the permeability of the core.



Di/Dt is the slope for currents which can be described with straight lines.

tuning circuits


Variable Inductors:Used in tuning circuits





For non-ideal inductors, the resistance of the windings must be taken into account.


(of two things) happening or following one after the other regularly 交替 /ˈɔːltəneɪt/

Voltages of ac sources alternate in polarity and vary in magnitude.


of or relating to a sine curve 正弦曲线的 /ˌsaɪnəˈsɔɪdəl/

A sinusoidal ac waveform starts at zero, increases to a positive maximum, decreases to zero, changes polarity, increases to a negative maximum, then returns to zero.

be measured in units of time

It is measured in units of time.


倒数 /ɪnˈvɜːs/

It is the inverse of frequency.

ride on top of

If a sine wave rides on top of a dc value, the peak is the sum of the dc voltage and the ac waveform amplitude.


Something that is instantaneous happens immediately and very quickly. 即刻的;瞬时的 /ˌɪnstənˈteɪnɪəs/

Em is the maximum voltage and a is the instantaneous angular position of the rotating coil of the generator.

at any instant of time


These equations may be used to compute voltages and currents at any instant of time.


An instant is an extremely short period of time. 瞬间; 刹那/ˈɪnstənt/

These equations may be used to compute voltages and currents at any instant of time.

phase shift


If a sine wave does not pass through zero at t = 0, it has a phase shift.


a rotating vector representing a quantity, such as an alternating current or voltage, that varies sinusoidally 相量 /ˈfeɪzɔː/

A phasor is a rotating line whose projection on a vertical axis can be used to represent sinusoidally varying quantities.


N-UNCOUNT The projection of a film or picture is the act of projecting it onto a screen or wall. 投映;投影


V-T When someone plots something on a graph, they mark certain points on it and then join the points up. (在曲线图上) 绘制 /plɒt/

A sinusoidal waveform can be created by plotting the vertical projection of a phasor that rotates in the counterclockwise direction at a constant angular velocity w.


逆时针 /ˌkaʊntəˈklɒkˌwaɪz/

A sinusoidal waveform can be created by plotting the vertical projection of a phasor that rotates in the counterclockwise direction at a constant angular velocity w.

Phase difference


Phase difference is the angular displacement between waveforms at the same frequency.


位移 /dɪsˈpleɪsmənt/

If the angular displacement is 0°, the waveforms are in phase; otherwise they are out of phase.

in phase


If the angular displacement is 0°, the waveforms are in phase; otherwise they are out of phase.

out of phase


If the angular displacement is 0°, the waveforms are in phase; otherwise they are out of phase.

in terms of

If you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspect of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are considering it. 从…角度来看

It (Effectiv Values) tells how many volts or amps of dc that an ac waveform is equal to in terms of its ability to produce the same average power.


to wind or fold (something) around something else 缠绕

By wrapping a single conductor into a coil the individual forces created by one wire can be multiplied by the number of turns in the coil.

In the same manner


In the same manner we can use magnetism to create electricity

mechanical force


We can use magnets to produce mechanical force upon other magnets or magnetic materials.

Like poles repel


Like poles repel

Unlike poles attract


magnetic pole


Magnetic materials are attracted to a magnetic pole


磁极 /pəʊl/

Magnetic materials are attracted to a magnetic pole


N a coil of wire, usually cylindrical, in which a magnetic field is set up by passing a current through it 螺线管/ˈsəʊlɪˌnɔɪd/


N a revolving structure in an electric motor or generator, wound with the coils that carry the current 电枢 /ˈɑːmətjʊə/

Holding contacts

Holding contacts are always in parallel with START switch.

magnetic flux lines


The total number of magnetic flux lines from north to south pole constitutes the magnetic flux.
Symbolized by letter phi (F)
Measured in Webers (Wb)
Comparable to current in electricity



Comparable to current in electricity

Magnetomotive Force


Magnetomotive Force
Must be present to establish a field or flux
Symbolized by FM
Comparable to voltage in electricity


causing a magnetic flux 磁势的 /mæɡˌniːtəʊˈməʊtɪv/

Magnetomotive Force
Must be present to establish a field or flux
Symbolized by FM
Comparable to voltage in electricity


磁阻 /rɪˈlʌktəns/

Reluctance is the property of opposition to the establishment of a magnetic field or flux intensity
Symbolized by RM
Measured in At / Wb
Opposite of permeance
Comparable to electrical resistance



Permeance is the property that allows the establishment of the field or flux
measured in Wb / At
Symbolized by PM
Comparable to electrical conductance
Iron or Ferrite has high permeability

Flux intensity


Flux intensity = MMF / Reluctance
F = FM / RM….. = FM x PM
This is called Weber’s Law

direct relationship

The number of turns or wraps ( N ) of wire in the coil, direct relationship.
The magnitude of current ( I ) through the coil, also direct relationship.
FM = N x I

Cross-sectional area



电阻率;电阻系数 /ˌriːzɪsˈtɪvɪtɪ/

These differences change the resistivity (r).

inversely proportional


The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the conductor.


to show, mark, or be a sign of (something) /dɪˈnəʊt/

The American Wire Gauge is the primary system to denote wire diameters.

Stranded Wire


AWG 10 stranded is thicker than AWG 10 solid

helix wrap


Stranded wires will be longer conductors because of the helix wrap


N-COUNT A helix is a spiral shape or form. 螺旋形 /ˈhiːlɪks/

Stranded wires will be longer conductors because of the helix wrap



There are specific tables for Stranded and Solid


线性的 /ˈlɪnɪə/

This increase is relatively linear.


有两极的,双极的 /baɪˈpəʊlə/

Bipolar Junction Transistors


晶体三极管 /trænˈzɪstər/

Bipolar Junction Transistors

analog amplifiers



模拟 /ˈænəˌlɒɡ/


扩音器;放大器 /ˈæmplɪˌfaɪə/


N-UNCOUNT Saturation is the process or state that occurs when a place or thing is filled completely with people or things, so that no more can be added. 饱和 /ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃən/

Saturation circuit conditions

zener diode



A requirement is a quality or qualification that you must have in order to be allowed to do something or to be suitable for something. 必备条件; 要求/rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/

Supplier labels are a requirement of sale or importation and are normally prepared by the manufacturer of the product.


N-COUNT A distributor is a company that supplies goods to stores or other businesses. 配销商; 批发商 [商业] /dɪˈstrɪbjʊtə/

Distributors of controlled products may occasionally replace original supplier labels with their own.

a responsibility equally shared by


Workplace labelling and marking is a responsibility equally shared by employers and employees

take the form of


Workplace identification of decanted or in-process controlled products usually takes the form of actual labels or signs or specific colour-coding.

piping system


Colour coding is more practicable for piping systems and large process equipment than labels.


able to be done; likely to be successful可行的;行得通的 /ˈpræktɪkəbl/

Colour coding is more practicable for piping systems and large process equipment than labels.

large process equipment


Colour coding is more practicable for piping systems and large process equipment than labels.

be affixed to


Controlled products imported into Canada for the purpose of use at a workplace and controlled products sold to a workplace require a supplier label to be affixed to the package or container.


(formal) to stick or attach something to something else 粘上;贴上 /əˈfɪks/

Controlled products imported into Canada for the purpose of use at a workplace and controlled products sold to a workplace require a supplier label to be affixed to the package or container.

common name


The name of the product, which can be any one of the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name.

generic name

通用名称; /dʒɪˈnɛrɪk/

The name of the product, which can be any one of the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name.


A generic drug or other product is one that does not have a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer's name. 非注册商标的 (药等产品) /dʒɪˈnɛrɪk/

The name of the product, which can be any one of the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name.

trade name

A trade name is the name which manufacturers give to a product or to a range of products. 品牌名称;商标名

The name of the product, which can be any one of the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name.


to make someone aware of something /əˈlərt/

A reference to a material safety data sheet, which is a statement alerting the user of the controlled product that more information is available. Examples include:
• See Material Safety Data Sheet, or
• Consult Material Safety Data Sheet.


matching or connected with something that you have just mentioned 相应的/ˌkɔrəˈspɑndɪŋ/

Each WHMIS class has a corresponding hazard symbol, except for Class D, which has 3 hazard symbols, 1 for each of its Divisions.

In general


In general, the label should include a hazard symbol for each WHMIS class that the controlled product falls into.

fall into


There is one exception to this general rule, namely, when a controlled product falls into both Divisions 1 and 2 of Class D, only the hazard symbol for Division 1 is required on the label (section 19(5) of the regulation).


ADV You use namely to introduce detailed information about the subject you are discussing, or a particular aspect of it. 即;即是 /ˈneɪmlɪ/

There is one exception to this general rule, namely, when a controlled product falls into both Divisions 1 and 2 of Class D, only the hazard symbol for Division 1 is required on the label (section 19(5) of the regulation).


The wording of a piece of writing or a speech are the words used in it, especially when these are chosen to have a particular effect. 措辞

The exact wording of the risk phrases is up to the supplier.


Precautionary actions are taken in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening. 预防的 [正式] /prɪˈkɔːʃənərɪ/

Precautionary measures, which are short statements describing the precautions to be taken when handling a controlled product. Examples of precautionary measures include:


N-COUNT A precaution is an action that is intended to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening. 防范行动;预防 /prɪˈkɔːʃən/

Precautionary measures, which are short statements describing the precautions to be taken when handling a controlled product. Examples of precautionary measures include:

be specific to

Something that is specific to a particular thing is connected with that thing only. 针对于;仅限于;特定于 /spɪˈsɪfɪk/

The statements should be specific to the product.


a sign that shows the condition or existence of something 指示物 /ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtə/

Remember that the supplier label is the first indicator of the hazards of a product.


If something is sufficient for a particular purpose, there is enough of it for the purpose. 足够的 /səˈfɪʃənt/

They must be sufficiently durable and legible and must be prominently displayed.



They must be sufficiently durable and legible and must be prominently displayed.


Legible writing is clear enough to read. (字迹)清晰可辨的;清晰的 /ˈlɛdʒəbəl/

They must be sufficiently durable and legible and must be prominently displayed.


prominent:easily seen 显著的 synonym noticeable /ˈprɑmənənt/

They must be sufficiently durable and legible and must be prominently displayed.

the hazards inherent in the product


The basic principle of a supplier label is to supply an initial warning to the worker about the hazards inherent in the product.


Something that is distinctive has a special quality or feature which makes it easily recognizable and different from other things of the same type.与众不同的;特别的 /dɪˈstɪŋktɪv/
There are three immediate warning signs on the supplier label in Fig. 3:
1. The distinctive WHMIS border.
2. The hazard symbol for acute toxicity.
3. The hazard symbol for corrosive materials.

acute toxicity



甲苯 /ˈtɒljʊˌiːn/

An example is toluene, which is highly flammable (Class B) and toxic (Class D2).

highly flammable


An example is toluene, which is highly flammable (Class B) and toxic (Class D2).


Highly is used before some adjectives to mean "very." 非常

An example is toluene, which is highly flammable (Class B) and toxic (Class D2).

skull and crossbones symbol


Remember, in case of acute and chronic toxicity, only the skull and crossbones symbol is displayed, not both!


头盖骨,脑壳 /skʌl/

Remember, in case of acute and chronic toxicity, only the skull and crossbones symbol is displayed, not both!


交叉骨头 /ˈkrɒsˌbəʊnz/

Remember, in case of acute and chronic toxicity, only the skull and crossbones symbol is displayed, not both!