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20 Cards in this Set

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abrasive (e 'bra siv)
(adj.)causing irritation, harsh; grinding or wearing down;
(n.)a substance used to smooth of polish
acclimate ('ak le mat)
(v.)to adapt to a new climate, environment, or situation
chagrin (she 'grin)
(n.)irritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration;(v.)to cause such a feeling.
complacement (kem 'pla sent)
(adj.)self-satisfied; overly content
concur (ken 'ker)
(v.)to express agreement, aprove
defamation (def e 'ma shen)
(n.)slander or libel
explicate ('eks ple kat)
(v.)to make plain or clear, explain; to interpret
fracas ('fra kes)
(n.)a noisy quarrel or brawl
grotesque (gro 'tesk)
(adj.)unnatural, distorted; bizarre
pandemonium (pan de 'mo ne)
(n.) a wild uproar, din, or commotion
raucous ('ro kes)
(adj.)disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly
receptive (ri 'sep tiv)
(adj.)open and responsive to ideas or suggestions
renounce (ri 'nauns)
(v.)to give up or resign someething
repress (ri 'pres)
(v.)to hold back; to put down or check by force
reticent ('ret e sent)
(adj.)not inclined to speak; reserved reluctant
savory ('sav e re)
(adj.)tasty;appetizing; pungent or salty, not sweet;inoffensive, respectable
somnolent ('sam ne lent)
(adj.)sleep, drowsy; inducing sleep
vehement ('ve e ment)
(adj.)intense, forceful, powerful
voluble ('val ye bel)
(adj.0characterized by a ready flow of words; glib, fluent
zealous ('zel es)
(adj.)eager, earnest, devoted