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20 Cards in this Set

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Abate (a bate')
(verb) to make less in amount degree etc; to subside, become less to nullify to deduct omit

SYN: Diminish decrease, let up
ANT: Intensify, magnify
Adulation (ad u la' tion)
Noun) Priase or flattery that is excessive
SYN: Adoration , idolization, hero-worshio
ANT: Ridicule, derision, scorn
Anathema (a nath' e ma)
Noun) an object of intense dislikel a curse or strong denunciation
SYN: malediction, imprecation, abomination
ANT: Bendiction, blessing
Astute (a stute')
Adj) Shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom
SYN: acute, sagacious, wily
ANT: obtuse, doltish, empty headed, dumb
Avarice (av' ar ice)
Noun) a greedy desire, particulary for wealth
SYN: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness
culpable (cul' pa ble)
adj) deserving blame, worthy of condemnation
SYN: guilty, delinquent, peccant
ANT: blameless, innocent, laudable, meritorious
Dilartory (Dil' a tory)
adj) tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone
SYN: Stalling, slow, tardy
ANT: Prompt , punctual, speedy
Egrerious (e Gre' Gious)
adj) conspicuous, standing out from the mass
SYN: glaring, flagrant, blatant
ANT: Unnoticeable, paltry, piddling
Equivocate (e quiv' o cate)
verb) to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation to be deliberately vague oor amiguous
SYN: palter, hedge
ANT: to speak ones mine
Evanescent (ev a nes' cent)
Adj) vanishing, soon passing away, light and airy
SYN: Ephermeral, transient, transitory
ANT: Everlasting, immortal, imperishable
Irresolute (irr es' o lute)
Adj) unable to make up ones mind, hesitating
SYN: Indecisive, vacillationg, wavering
ANTL determined, decisive, unwavering
nebulous (Neb' u lous)
adj) cloudlike, resembling a cloud, cloudy in color, not transparent, vague, confused, indistinct
SYN: Hazy, fuzzy, cloudy, vague, murky, opaque, indeterminate
ANT:Definite, disctinct, clear, sharply focused
Novice (Nov' ice)
Noun) one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience
SYN: Neophyte, tyro, trainee, apprentice
ANT: Veteran, past master, pro, expert
Penury (pen' u ry)
Noun) extreme poverty, barrenness, insufficiency
SYN: Destitution, want, indigence
ANT: Affluence, abundance, luxury, opulence
Pretentious (pre ten' tious)
done for show striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustiably, making demands on one's skill or abilities, ambitious
SyN: Inflated, ostentatious, affected
ANT: Unassuming, unaffected, modest
Recapitulate (re ca pit' u late)
Verb) To review a series of facts; to sum it up
SYN: Review, summerize, sum up, go over
Resuscitate (re sus' i tate)
to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence
SNY: revitalize, reanimate, restore, reactivate
Slovenly (slov' en ly)
Adj) untidy, dirty, careless
SYN: unkempt, slatternly, slipshod, lax
ANT: neat, tidy, careful, meticulous
Supposition (supp o sis' tion)
Noun) something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence
SYN: Assumption, presumption, hypothesis
Torpid (tor' pid)
ADJ) inactive, sluggish, dull
SYN: Sluggish, lethargic, otiose, languid
ANT: Energetic, dynamic, vigorous