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22 Cards in this Set

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a person who founds or establishes (our cuntry)
a system of political administration that governs a state or nation
a person who came to america under contract to work for someone to play off a debt
Indepentured servant
able to supply your own needs with out outside help
self sufficient
1) representatives form 12 of 13 colonies meet in philadelphia in sep 1774 to protest the Intolerable Acts

2) representatives from 13 colonies meet in philadelphia on may 10th 1775 to diside how to fight the amerrican revolution war and break away from Ingland
1st and 2nd continental congress
rights that people are born with and that no government can take away such as the right of life, liberty, and property
natural rights
keep peace, protect the country, provide serveses, make laws, and enforse laws
porpus of government
a wild primitive state untuched by civilization
state of nature
a government in witch citizens elect representatives to make laws
the well being of all members of saciety
common good
a form of government in which laws are made directly by the citizens
direct democrocy
a form of government were representatives are elected to govern the nation
representitave democracy
the habits and ways of life that is best for the community as a whole
civic virtue
a government in whitch citizens elect representatives to make laws
the branch of government responsible for executuing or enforcing the laws
execative branch
a body of law based on judges decisions
common law
the division of power between the states and federal, or national, government
the quorts and the judges
judicial branch
a document signed by king jhon of england that took some athority away from the king and gave it to the England barons
magna carta
a document that states the right and privileges of the people
local governments with in the 13 colonies that were formed to send info about the british to each other
committees of comesponclance
a document giving permission to create a government and providing a plan as to how government should work
sons of liberty