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21 Cards in this Set

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Abeyance (uh bay uhns)

Temporary suppression or suspension

The baseball game was held in abeyance while it continued to rain.

Adulterated (uh duhl tuhr ayt)

To make impure

The restaurateur made his ketchup last longer by adulterating it with water

Affected (uh fehk tihd)

Phony; artificial

The affected hairdresser spouted French phrases, though she had never been to France.

Amalgamate (uh maal guh mayt)

To combine; mix together

Giant Industries amalgamated with Mega Products to form Giant-Mega Products Incorporated.

Analogous (uh naal uh guhs)

Similar or alike in some way; equivalent to

His mother argued that not going to college was analogous to throwing his life away.

Arbitrary (ahr bih trayr Ee)

Determine by chance or impuse

When you lack thr information to judge what too next, or will be forced to make an arbitrary decision.

Arbitrate (ahr bih trayr)

To judge a dispute between two opposing parties

Since the couple could not come to an agreement, a judge was forced to arbitrate their divorce proceedings.

Audacious (aw day shuhs)

Fearless, daring

The audacious peasant dared to insult the king's mother.

Austere (aw steer)

Severe or Stern in appearance; undecorated

The lack of decorations makes Zen temples seem austere to the untrained eye.

Axiom (aak see uhm)

Premise; postulate; self-evident truth

Adage, apothegm, aphorism, maxim, rule

Banal (buh naal)

Predictable, clichéd, boring his conversation consisted if banal phrases like 'have a nice day' or 'another day, another dollar'.

Belfry (behl free)

Bell tower; room in which a bell is hung

🔔, spire, steeple

Bombastic (bahm baast ihk)

Pompous in speech and manner

Bloated, declaratory, Gustin, grandiose, magniloquent

Boor (bohr)

Crude person; one lacking in manners or taste

Clod, loud, oaf, vulgarism

Coalesce (koh uh lehs)

To grow together to form a single whole

Amalgamate, blend, condense, consolidated, fuse, unite

Convoluted (kahn vuh loo tehd)

Intricate and complicated

Byzantine, complex, elaborated, knotty, labyrinthine

Crescendo (kruh sheen doh)

Steadily increasing in volume or force

Acme, capstone, climax, crest, culmen, meridian

Deference (deh fuh ruhn(t)s)

Respect; courtesy

Courtesy, homage, honor, obeisance, respect, reverence, veneration)

Demagogue (deh muh gahg)

A rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice

Agitator, inciter, instigator

Dilettante (dih luh tahnt)

Someone with a amateurish and superficial interest in a topic

Amateur, dabbler, superficial, tyro

Discern (dihs uhrn)

To precive or recognize

Catch, description, detect, differentiate, espy