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40 Cards in this Set

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1. Condition of being temporarily set aside; suspension

2. Condition of underdetermined ownership


1. Give up (rights or claim); renounce

2. Deny (something) to oneself


1. Abolish or do away with, or annul, especially by authority


1. Eating and drinking in moderation

2. Characterized by abstinence or moderation


1. Acuteness of vision or perception; keeness


1. Command or enjoin solemnly, as under oath

2. Appeal to or entreat earnestly


(tr v.) 1. Have an influence on or effect a change

2. Act on the emotions of; touch or move

3. To attack or infect, as a disease

(n) 1. Feeling or emotion, especially as manifested by social expression or body language

2. Disposition, feeling, or tendency


(adj) 1. Constituting or amounting to a whole; total

2. Crowded or massed into a dense cluster

3. Composed of a mixture of minerals separable by mechanical means

(n) 1. Total considered with reference to its constituent parts; a gross amount

2. Mineral materials, such as sand or stone, used in making concrete

(tr v.) 1. Gather into a mass, sum, or whole

2. Amount to; total

3. Collect (content from different sources on the internet) into one webpage or newspaper

(v intr.) 1. To come together or collect in a mass or whole

(idiom) 1. Taken into account as a whole


1. Coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, (such as love/hate) towards a person, object, or idea

2. Uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to follow


1. Object worn around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury


1. One who opposes and contends against another; an adversary

2. Principle characters opposition to protagonist or hero of a narrative or drama

3. Muscles that counteract the actions of another muscle, the antagonist

4. Drug or chemical substance that intervenes with the physiological action of another, especially with combining and blocking it's receptor


1. Questionable authorship or authenticity

2. Erroneous; fictitious


1. Relating to or resembling a tree

2. Living in trees; arboreous


1. Solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in opera

2. An air; a melody


1a. False or damaging accusation or insinuation

1b. Act of slandering or libeling; detaining

2. Sprinkling, especially with holy water


1. Person officially staff of a diplomatic mission to serve in a particular capacity

2. An attaché case


1. Augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds

2. Also auspices protection or support; patronage

3. Sign of indicative of future prospects; an omen

4. Observation and divination from the actions of birds


1a. Cause of harm, ruin, or death

1b. Source of persistent annoyance or exasperation

2a. Fatal injury or ruin

2b. Deadly poison


1. Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament


2. To coax by flattery or wheedling; cajole


(n) 1a. An opening, tear, or rupture

1b. Gap or rift , especially in solid structure

2. Violation/infraction, as of contract, law, legal obligation/promise

3. Breaking up/disruption of friendly relations; estrangement

4. Leap of whale from water

5. Breaking of waves/surf


1a. Put forth new buds, leaves, or greenery; sprout

1b. Begin to grow or blossom

2. Grow/develop rapidly; expand/proliferate


1. Balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory

2. Measure of beat/movement as in dancing/marching

3a. Falling inflection of voice, as at the end of sentence

3b. General infliction of voice

4. Progression of chords moving to harmonic close/point of rest/sense of resolution


(v tr.) 1. Persuade by flattery, gentle pleading, insincere language

2. Elicit/obtain by flattery, gentle pleading,or insincere language

(v intr.) 1. Using flattery, pleading, insincere language in attempt to persuade someone to do something


1. Goodwill and light-hearted rapport between/among friends; comradeship


1. Frankness/sincerity of expression; openness

2. Freedom from prejudice; impartiality


(n) 1. An angular deviation from vertical/horizontal plane/surface; inclination/slope

2. Slanted/oblique surface

3a. Thrust/motion that tilts something

3b. Tilt caused by thrust/motion

4. Outer corner, as of building

(tr v.) 1. Set at an oblique angle/tilt

2. Give slanting edge to/bevel

3. Change direction suddenly

(v intr.) 1. Lean to one side/slant

2. Take oblique direction/course; swing around, as ship


1. Characterized by, arising from, subject to caprice; impulsive/unpredictable


1. Combination of independent business-organizations formed to regulate production/pricing/marketing of goods by members

2. Official agreement between governments at war, especially concerning exchange of prisoners

3. Group of parties/factions/nations united for common cause; bloc


1. Of/relating to the brain/cerebrum

2. Appealing to/requiring use of intellect; intellectual rather than emotional


1. Person who makes up elaborate/fraudulent/often valuable claims to skill/knowledge; quack/fraud


1. To surround (an enemy); enclose/entrap

2. Go around/bypass

3. Avoid/get around by artful maneuvering


1. One to whom secrets/private matters are disclosed

2. Character in drama/fiction (trusted friend/servant), serves as device for revealing inner thoughts/intentions of main character


1. Residence/official premises of consul

2. Office/term of office/jurisdiction of consul

3. Government by consuls


1a. Bring to completion/fruition; conclude

1b. Realize/achieve; fulfill

2a. Complete (marriage) with first act of sexual intercourse after ceremony

2b. Fulfill (sexual desire/attraction) especially by intercourse


1. Given to contention; quarrelsome

2. Involving, causing contention; controversial


(adj) 1. Liable but not certain to occur; possible

2. Dependent upon other conditions/circumstances; conditional

3. Happening by subject/change/incident; unpredictable

4. Only under certain conditions; not necessarily universally true

(n) 1a. Group) detachment, as of troops/police, assigned to aid larger force

1b. Representative selected from bigger group

2. Event/condition likely but not inevitable


(v) 1. Cancel/reverse (previously issued command/order

2. Recall by contrary order

(n) 1. Order/command reversing another one

2. Cancellation of order/command


(n) 1. Binding agreement; compact

2a. Condition in contract (ex:deed/lease) nonperformance violation gives rise to cause of action for breech

2b. Contract

3. In Bible, divine promise establishing/modifying God's relationship to humanity/particular group

4. Agreement supported by Covanenter

(tr v.) 1. Promise by covenant

(intr v) 1. Enter into a covenant


(n) 1a. Gradual increase in volume/intensity of sound in a passage

1b. Passage played with gradual increase in volume/intensity

2a. Steady increase in intensity/force

2b. Climatic moment/point after such progression

(adj) 1. Gradually increasing in volume/force/intensity

(adj) 1. With crescendo