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75 Cards in this Set

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apiary (n.)
place where bees are kept
think about apes getting honey from hives
aviary (n.)
place where birds are kept
badger (v.)
tease; annoy; nag
what cruel people do to trapped badgers
halcyon (adj.)
calm; peaceful
a halcyon is a bird thought to calm waves
lionize (v.)
to glorify and elevate in importance
menagerie (n.)
place where a veriety of fauna is contained and trained
molt (v.)
shed feathers, skin, hair, etc.
sounds like "melt," which can be compared to shedding
ornithology (n.)
study of birds
"orn" sounds like "horn," similar to beak
parasite (n.)
animal, plant, or person living on others; freeloader
"para:" try to take control
parasitic (adj.)
living at the expense of another; sponging
parrot (v.)
to repeat someone's speech incessently and robatically
scavenger (n.)
one who crawls around looking for objects and things to keep from refuse and decay
antidote (n.)
a substance used to cure illnesses
astringent (n.)
substance that shrinks tissues and checks flow of blood
"strings" that pull tissues together
astringent (adj.)
1. severe/stern
2. causing contraction
"strig" sounds like "strict" which is like "serious"
benign (adj.)
not causing harm
convalesce (v.)
recover health after illness; recuperate
"conv" sounds like "conf" as in "regain confidence"
convalescent (n.)
person recovering from sickness
fester (v.)
form pus; rankle; rot; putrefy
hypochondriac (n.)
one who is morbidly anxious about personal health, or suffering from imagined illness
sounds crazy, they are
ant.: malignant
immunity (n.)
resistance to a disease; freedom from an obligation
immunize (v.)
give treatment to someone as to prevent from illness
lesion (n.)
injury; hurt
pretty basic... what's this unit?
malignant (adj.)
very harmful
not just harmful...
morbid (adj.)
disgusting; remaniscent of death and deacy
pestilential (adj.)
bothersome, morally troubling, having to do with disease
not as strong as morbid
regimen (n.)
set of rules to improve health
think regiment + health, okay!
ant. malignant
salubrious (adj.)
sebaceous (adj.)
stems from sebum: fatty matter secreted by glands in the skin
theraputic (adj.)
assistence to gently releive illness or stress
toxic (adj.)
deadly; poisonous
unguent (n.)
salve; ointment
sounds kind of like it feels
viral (adj.)
having to do with viruses
virulent (adj.)
extremely poisonous; deadly; venomous
even more extreme than malignant
virus (n.)
1. disease causing substance too small to be seen through a microscope
2. corruptive force
applt it to the micro and macro scales
acclaim (v.)j.)
welcome with approval; applaud loudly
more of an event
encomium (n.)
statement written to glorify something or someone; tribute; eulogy; panegyric
eulogize (v.)
praise; extol; laud; glorify
kudos (n.)
fame of praise to to acheivement
more extensive than you thought
laudable (adj.)
worthy of praise
laudatory (adj.)
acting with great amounts of praise for someone else
plaudit (n.)
(used in plural) applause; enthusiastic praise; acclaim
think plural...
ant. eulogize
calumnious (adj.)
falsely and maliciously accusing; defamatory; slanderous
more extreme...
derogatory (adj.)
imputation (n.)
charge, esp. an unjust or false charge; insinuation; accusation
think court system...
libel (n.)
printed information falsified to cause harm to others
libelous (adj.)
falsified to cause harm to others
malign (v.)
speak evil of; vilify; traduce
ant. derogatory
slander (n.)
a falsified, injurious spoken statement; calumny
stigma (n.)
universalized negative impression attatched to a specific mannerism
stigmatize (adj.)
to attatch a stigma to something
banter (n.)
jokingly mean conversation between two friends; raillery
caricature (n.)
impression of someone designed to be amusing or funny by exagerating defects or peculiarities
droll (adj.)
odd and laughter-provoking
trolls are odd and sometimes funny
facetious (adj.)
slightly sarcastic
flippant (adj.)
humorous bordering on offensive
harlequin (n.)
buffoon; clown
parade of harlequins
hilarious (adj.)
very funny
hilarity (adj.)
the charateristic of being funny; noisy gaity; mirth; jollity; glee
ironic(al) (adj.)
humorous stemming from an unexpected result
irony (n.)
funny due to enexpected or reversed circumstances
jocose (adj.)
playfully humorsous
a funny athlete
levity (n.)
lack of proper seriousness
alesia, not marcy
ludicrous (adj.)
parody (n.)
a humerous work intended to poke fun of some sort of human nature
sarcasm (n.)
drawing humor through poking fun or treating others as inferior
sarcastic (adj.)
done with the use of sarcasm
sardonic (adj.)
bitterly sarcastic; mocking; sneering
sarcastic and then some
satire (n.)
a work that subtly draws humor out of a type of human activity
satiric(al) (adj.)
using satire
travesty (n.)
making something serious into mockery in a ridiculous manner
its a type of switch...