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25 Cards in this Set

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The detective wanted to ascertain what happened at the scene.

find(something) out for certain, to make sure of

Synonym: Find out, discover, understand
Antonym: Disprove, invalidate

find(something) out for certain, to make sure of

Synonym: Find out, discover, understand

Antonym: Disprove, invalidate

The young hedonist quit his job, left his family, and paraded away with the love of his life.

Someone who believes finding happiness is the most important thing in life

Synonym: pleasure seeker
Antonym: puritan

Someone who believes finding happiness is the most important thing in life

Synonym: pleasure seeker

Antonym: puritan

The too-wide smile was an aberration on the young child's face.

a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that's unwelcome

Synonym: Abnormality, defect, monstrosity
Antonym: Normal

a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that's unwelcome

Synonym: Abnormality, defect, monstrosity

Antonym: Normal

Ignoring the wizard's ominous presage, the hero went off on her wayward adventure.

A sign/warning that something, probably bad, will happen

Synonym: Omen, prophecy, sign
Antonym: luck

A sign/warning that something, probably bad, will happen

Synonym: Omen, prophecy, sign

Antonym: luck

She was surfeited with boys at this point.

To cause someone to no longer want something because of having consumed/done it to an excess

Synonym:Overabundance, overindulgence
Antonym:lack, want

To cause someone to no longer want something because of having consumed/done it to an excess

Synonym:Overabundance, overindulgence

Antonym:lack, want

He presented a grand benefaction to the dragon, outdoing anything else in its hoard.

A donation/gift

Synonym:contribution, aid
Antonym: loss

A donation/gift

Synonym:contribution, aid

Antonym: loss

The mysterious baseball player seemed to need an ablution after what he did to everything and everyone.

Washing oneself 

Synonym: purification, bath, cleansing
Antonym: dirtying, corruption

Washing oneself

Synonym: purification, bath, cleansing

Antonym: dirtying, corruption

The protagonist revealed himself as more baneful than the audience previously believed.

Destructive and harmful

Synonym: harmful, wicked, deadly
Antonym: helpful, beneficial

Destructive and harmful

Synonym: harmful, wicked, deadly
Antonym: helpful, beneficial

The respite was just what they needed after returning from the battle.

A period of rest from something difficult or unpleasant

Synonym: hiatus, relief, relaxation
Antonym: continuation, punishment

A period of rest from something difficult or unpleasant

Synonym: hiatus, relief, relaxation

Antonym: continuation, punishment

He tarries at the cemetery gates for a while, staring in with melancholy eyes, before swiftly continuing on.

To stay longer than expected.

Synonym: Procrastinate, wait
Antonym: advance, continue, depart

To stay longer than expected.

Synonym: Procrastinate, wait

Antonym: advance, continue, depart

The castigation was too much for the children, forcing them off to their rooms with the sound of a dozen slammed doors.

To criticize severely; punishment in order for correction

Synonym: discipline, scolding
Antonym: award, pardon

To criticize severely; punishment in order for correction

Synonym: discipline, scolding
Antonym: award, pardon

The venerable captain couldn't help but slip out a chuckle as he heard the news.

Commanding respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character

Synonym: distinguished, honored
Antonym: unimpressive, unrespected

Commanding respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character

Synonym: distinguished, honored
Antonym: unimpressive, unrespected

The blight seemed to condemn the whole town to a suffering death, and having no cure in sight made it all the worse.

Something that spoils or damages things

Synonym: affliction, decay, rot
Antonym: prosperity, health, cleanliness

Something that spoils or damages things

Synonym: affliction, decay, rot
Antonym: prosperity, health, cleanliness

The soothsayer warned them of what was to come, but they all seemed to ignore her, looking at her nothing more than some cheap, fake psychic.

Someone who can see the future

Synonym: oracle, psychic, prophet
Antonym: Real, physical

Someone who can see the future

Synonym: oracle, psychic, prophet
Antonym: Real, physical

The vehement man rarely seemed to cool down, always jumping around like a puppy at every little thing he saw.

Showing strong feeling.

Synonym: Forceful, passionate, intense
Antonym: Calm, cool, mild

Showing strong feeling.

Synonym: Forceful, passionate, intense

Antonym: Calm, cool, mild

He was always disheveled, with messy hair and wrinkled clothes, seeming to not look much into appearance compared to his brother.

Appearing untidy or disordered

Synonym: Messy, dirty, rumpled
Antonym: Clean, neat, orderly

Appearing untidy or disordered

Synonym: Messy, dirty, rumpled
Antonym: Clean, neat, orderly

She was covetous, always mooching off of her friends and even stealing from her associates.

A large desire for wealth or possessions

Synonym: Greedy, 
Antonym: Generous

A large desire for wealth or possessions

Synonym: Greedy,
Antonym: Generous

He goads her on regularly, always daring her to make the jump.

Provoke or annoy someone to get a reaction

Synonym: Drive, impulse, pressure
Antonym: Block, restraint

Provoke or annoy someone to get a reaction

Synonym: Drive, impulse, pressure
Antonym: Block, restraint

His insolence awarded him a stern scolding as well as a detention.

Rude and disrespectful behavior

Synonym: audacity, incivility
Antonym: manners, respect

Rude and disrespectful behavior

Synonym: audacity, incivility

Antonym: manners, respect

The austere instructor was taken seriously by everyone, she appeared much to strong-willed to be messed with.

Severe/strict in manner, attitude, or appearance

Synonym: Formal, rigid
Antonym: Gentle, encouraging

Severe/strict in manner, attitude, or appearance

Synonym: Formal, rigid
Antonym: Gentle, encouraging

He was far from jocular, with his head always found in some dark spell book and a seemingly permanent scowl darkened his face.

Joking, humorous, or playful

Synonym: Cheerful, jolly, lighthearted
Antonym: Gloomy, sad, serious

Joking, humorous, or playful

Synonym: Cheerful, jolly, lighthearted
Antonym: Gloomy, sad, serious

His indolence had him up late, surviving only with his large supply of coffee and energy drinks.

Avoidance of activity; laziness

Synonym: procrastination
Antonym: diligence

Avoidance of activity; laziness

Synonym: procrastination
Antonym: diligence

He always acted haughtily around people, but I think he just likes to hide his self loathing and poor self esteem.

To act with superiority

Synonym: snobbishly
Antonym: humbly

To act with superiority

Synonym: snobbishly
Antonym: humbly

He supplicated to The Order, but to no avail, they seemed to have had their minds made up before he even uttered a word.

Ask for something humbly

Synonym: Appeal, beg, desire
Antonym: give

Ask for something humbly

Synonym: Appeal, beg, desire
Antonym: give

His various addictions were palliative at best, but everyone knew, including him, that they would just be a bigger problem down the road.

Relieving a pain or problem without curing it (finding the cause)

Synonym: Soften, ease
Antonym: Intensify, irritate

Relieving a pain or problem without curing it (finding the cause)

Synonym: Soften, ease
Antonym: Intensify, irritate