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14 Cards in this Set

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Tenuous (adj)

1. Very weak or slight

2. Very slender or fine

1. Tenuous link between interest rates and investment

2. A tenuous cloud

Oligarchy (n)

A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or an institution.

A country governed by an oligarchy

The English aristocratic oligarchy of the 19th century

Preternatural (adj)

Beyond what is normal or natural

Autumn had arrived with a preternatural speed.

Eviscerate (v)

1. Disembowel a person or animal

2. Deprive (something) of its essential content

3. Remove the contents of (a body organ)

1. The goat has been skinned and neatly eviscerated

2. Myriad little concessions that would eviscerate the project

Abrogate (v)

Repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement)

"A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike "

Repeal, revoke, rescind, repudiate, overturn, annul

Petulance (n)

The quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered

A slight degree of petulance had crept into his voice

Glut (v & n)

(v) supply or fill to excess

(n) an excessively abundant supply of something

(v) the factories for recycling paper are glutted

(n) there is a glut of cars in the market

Tepid (adj)

1. Showing little enthusiasm

2. (Especially of a liquid) lukewarm; only slightly warm

1. The applause was tepid

2. Tepid water

Preeminent (adj)

Surpassing all others; very distinguished in some way

The world's preeminent expert on asbestos

Maelstrom (n)

1. A situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil

2. A powerful whirlpool in sea of river

1. The train station was a maelstrom of crowds

2. A maelstrom in the sea

Bespeak (v)

1. Order or reserve in advance

2. (Of an appearance or action) suggest; be evidence of

1. The intention is to avoid bespoke bailouts to companies that could count on them in advance.

2. The attractive tree-lined road bespoke money

Propensity (n)

An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way

A propensity for violence

Excoriate (v)

Criticize or censure severely

The papers that had been excoriating him are now lauding him

Moribund (adj)

1. (Of a person) At the point of death

2. (Of a thing) in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigor

1. The patient was moribund

2. The moribund shipping industry