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100 Cards in this Set

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(adj) proud /praʊd/, (v)(n) pride /praɪd/
adjective, noun, verb
a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or got something good
concern /kənˈsɜːn/
verb, noun
to cause worry to someone
The state of my father's health concerns us greatly.
withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔː/
to take or move out or back, or to remove
Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
expose /ɪkˈspəʊz/
verb, noun
to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen SNY:exhibit, display
2. a public report of the facts about a situation, especially one that is shocking or has been kept secret
(adj) flippant /ˈflɪp.ənt/; (n) flippancy
adjective, noun
not serious about a serious subject, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever
interlace /ˌɪn.təˈleɪs/
to join different parts together to make a whole, especially by crossing one thing over another or fitting one part into another
recoup /rɪˈkuːp/
to get back money that you have spent or lost
during = unknow point in time.
by = before
until = used for continuous action
during, by, until
(un)biased /ʌnˈbaɪəst/
1. (adj with (un)) able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions
2. (v) showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions
(v) contemplate
/ˈkɒn.təm.pleɪt/; (n) -tion; (adj) -tive.
consider (SNY: examine, look sth carreful) sth peaceful
(v) approve /əˈpruːv/; (n) approval; approving (adj) glance
verb, noun, adjective
to have a positive opinion of someone or something, to accept, allow or officially agree to something
endless /ˈend.ləs/
never finishing, or seeming never to finish
consumer /kənˈsjuː.mər /
a person who buys goods or services for their own use
found /faʊnd/
to build a support in the ground for a large structure such as a building or road
asset /ˈæs.et/
something valuable belonging to a person or organization which can be used for the payment of debts
dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/
verb, noun
to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose
(v) hesitate /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/; (n)-tion; (adj) hesitant
to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it
inhibit /ɪnˈhɪb.ɪt/
to prevent someone from doing something, or to slow down a process or the growth of something
succinct /səkˈsɪŋkt/
adjective SNY: concise
said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words
(adj) eloquent /ˈel.ə.kwənt/; (n) eloquence
giving a clear, strong message
reserved /rɪˈzɜːvd/
describes people who do not often talk about or show their feelings or thoughts
(v) ramble /ˈræm.bl/; (adj)(n) rambling
to talk or write in a confused way, often for a long time
too long, confused and not articulate
verb, noun
1. to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way
2. to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury
(n)(v) neglect; (adj) ful
verb, noun, adjective
when you do not give enough care or attention to someone or something, or the state of not receiving enough care or attention
arise /əˈraɪz/ arose, arisen
to happen
Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last meeting?
reveal /rɪˈviːl/
to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.
adjust /əˈdʒʌst/
to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable
slick /slɪk/
verb 1. operating or performing skilfully and effectively, without problems and without seeming to need effort
noun 2. an oil slick
respectfully disagree
firing /ˈfaɪə.rɪŋ/
opp. hiring /ˈhaɪə.rɪŋ/
(v) appraise /əˈpreɪz/
(n) appraisee a person who is being appraised
(n) appraiser a person who appraises someone or something
(n) appraisal
verb, noun
when you examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs
steady /ˈsted.i/
adj 1. happening in a smooth, gradual and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly
adj 2. fixed and not moving or changing suddenly
verb 3. to become calm and controlled, or to make someone do this
provide /prəˈvaɪd/
to give someone something that they need
This booklet ...... useful information about local services.
quit /kwɪt/
to stop doing something or leave a job or a place
I'm going to .... smoking.
(v) postpone /pəʊst ˈpəʊn/, (n) -ment
verb, noun SNY: delay
to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or time
to beat about the bush
If someone doesn't say clearly what they mean and try to make it hard to understand
We would appreciate it if you could (please) do it.
I am pleased / delighted / happy to tell / inform / advise you that ...
good news
I regret / am sorry to tell / inform / advise you that
bad new
I am writing in connection with / With reference to / With regret to ...
We are unable / able to; We have been forced to ...
saying what I can / can't do / have to do
This is as a result of; is because + noun phrase or "the fact that" + sentence
If sth is coused by problems beyond our control, then we will not do any thing within 6 mouth
if this problem, we are unable to do any thing
I should / would like to remind you that
I hope it is not necessery to remind you that
remanding (formal direct)
to be currently looking for
looking for sth right now
stationery /ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/
the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils and envelopes
stationary /ˈsteɪ.ʃən.ər.i/
not moving, or not changing
premises /ˈprem.ɪ.sɪz/
plural noun
the land and buildings owned by someone
no name - Your faithfully
named - Your sincerely
email - Best regard
type the different ends of letters
unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/
2. to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried
loose /luːs/
adjective, verb
1. not firmly fixed in place
2. (of clothes) not fitting closely to the body
frazzled /ˈfræz.l ̩d/
extremely tired in a nervous or slightly worried way after a lot of mental or physical effort
acute /əˈkjuːt/
sharp pain or illness, problem
intimate /ˈɪn.tɪ.mət/
adjective, noun, verb
likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship
evolved /ɪˈvɒlv/
to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually
commute /kəˈmjuːt/
1. to make the same journey regularly between work and home
chronic /ˈkrɒn.ɪk/
(especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time
(verb with un) 1. to release suddenly a strong, uncontrollable and usually destructive force
verb, noun 2. take sb/sth on the ..... - a piece of rope, chain, etc. tied to an animal
anger /ˈæŋ.gər /
(noun) 1. a strong feeling which makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or hurtful that has happened
(verb) 2. to make someone angry
weave /wiːv/
verb, noun
to make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (= special frame)
tiral /traɪəl/
verb, noun
to test something in a formal way to discover how effective or suitable it is
(adj) sophisticated
/səˈfɪs.tɪ.keɪ.tɪd/; (n) -tion
adjective, noun
having a good understanding of the way people behave and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion
I don't suppose I have any books that would suit your .... tastes.
wound /wuːnd/
noun, verb
a damaged area of the body (or feeling), such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon
enquiren /ɪnˈkwaɪər/ (inquire)
to ask for information
Shall I ..... about the price of tickets?
submissive /səbˈmɪs.ɪv/
adjective opp. dominant
describes someone who allows themselves to be controlled by other people
be prone to sth/do sth
likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic
She's .... to exaggerate
spare /speər/
adjective, verb, noun
1. it is available to use because it is extra
verb 2. to give time, money or space to someone especially when it is difficult for you
provided that / providing
if, or only if
He's welcome to come along, .... he behaves himself.
likely /ˈlaɪ.kli/
adjective opp. unlikely
describes something that will probably happen or is expected
defective /dɪˈfek.tɪv/
describes something that has a fault in it and does not work correctly
with a deferred payment;
(v) defer; (n) -ment
to delay payment
concerning /kənˈsɜː.nɪŋ/
edible /ˈed.ɪ.bl ̩/
SNY: eatable opp: inedible
suitable or safe for eating
sound /saʊnd/
1. not broken or damaged; healthy; in good condition
2. showing good judgment; able to be trusted
(v) betray /bɪˈtreɪ/; (n act) -al: (n pers) -er;
verb, noun
to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies
(v) irritate /ˈɪr.ɪ.teɪt/; (n obj) irritant; (n act) -tion; (adj) -able
verb, noun, adjective
to make angry or annoyed
(v) escalate /ˈes.kə.leɪt/;
(n) -tion
verb, noun
to make or become greater or more serious
an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle
(v) mediate /ˈmiː.di.eɪt/;
(n) mediator
verb, noun
to talk to two separate people or groups involved in a disagreement to try to help them to agree or find a solution to their problems
necessity /nəˈses.ɪ.ti/
something that you need, especially in order to live
comply /kəmˈplaɪ/
obey sth according to an order, especialy without willing
prioritise /praɪˈɒr.ɪ.taɪz/
to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first
assume /əˈsjuːm/
1. to accept something to be true without question or proof
2. to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to express a feeling falsely
objective /əbˈdʒek.tɪv/
opp. subjective /səbˈdʒek.tɪv/
drop the ball
to make a mistake, especially by doing something in a stupid or careless way
(v) propose /prəˈpəʊz/; (n) proposal
verb, noun
to offer or state a possible plan or action for other people to consider
(n) intent /ɪnˈtent/
(n) -tion /ɪnˈten.ʃən/;
(adj) -tional (adv) -tionalliy
noun 1. you eager and determined to do sth
noun (tion) 2. something that you want and plan to do
adj/adv 3. to do sth puposely
enumerate /ɪˈnjuː.mə.reɪt/
to name things separately, one by one
relevant /ˈrel.ə.vənt/
correct or suitable with what is happening or being discussed
cite /saɪt/
to mention sth or sb's speach as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened
reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/
1. to take or demand back something that was yours
2. to make land, such as desert or areas covered by water, suitable for farming or building
assess /əˈses/
to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something
The insurers will need to .... the flood damage.
priceless /ˈpraɪ.sləs/
describes an object which has such a high value, especially because it is rare, that the price of it cannot be calculated
resign /rɪˈzaɪn/
to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving
2. In the game of chess, you resign when you cannot see any way to avoid being beaten
dismiss /dɪˈsmɪs/
to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
gain /geɪn/
verb, noun
to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time
based on
on grounds of (law)
vote /vəʊt/
to express your choice or opinion, especially by officially writing a mark on a paper or by raising your hand or speaking in a meeting
silly /ˈsɪl.i/
showing little thought or judgment; foolish