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78 Cards in this Set

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ZPG (Zero Population Growth)
Type of growth experienced in stage 4 countries
Dependency Ratio
Ratio of workers to people too old or too young to work. Ex: The US will have a high
dependency ratio when the baby boomers retire because there will be a lot of older retired people
Demographic Momentum
The idea that, even after the CBR begins to drop, the population continues to rise
Replacement Rate
A TFR (total fertility rate) of 2.1 = having just enough kids to replace your dying population
without growing (occurs when a country is at ZPG)
Brain Drain
The large scale emigration of educated people out of LDCs
Chain Migration
The tendency of similar people (from same family/same town/same ethnicity) to follow
eachother while migrating. Ex: Chinese immigrants migrating into Chinatown
Intervening Obstacle
Anything which blocks migration. Ex: Immigration laws blocking Latin American
Guest Workers
People (usually from Northern Africa, Middle East, or South Asia) who go to an MDC (usually
in NW Europe) to work for a few years before going home. Ex: Turkish workers going to Germany for jobs
Counter-Urbanization: Movement of people from urban areas (cities) to outlying areas (suburbs or rural
areas). Ex: Suburbanization
Relocation Diffusion
When an idea spreads by people physically moving from one place to another and
taking it with them. Ex: Italian immigrants moving to the United States in the 1900s and bringing pizza with
Uniform Landscape
The tendency of everything to look the same due to the spread of pop culture. Ex: Malls
and shopping plazas look the same all over America
Isolated Language
A language which is completely unrelated to any other language. Ex: Basque is not
related to any other language
Compact State
A state (country) which is relatively circular in shape. Ex: Switzerland and Lesotho
Monotheism: Belief in one god. Ex: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are monotheistic because they each
worship only one God
Belief in many gods. Ex: Hinduism is polytheistic because it has many Gods
People who are forced to leave their country and cannot return due to fear of persecution. Ex:
Muslims were forced out of Serbia due to a war and could not return because they would be killed.
Demographic Transition
5 stage model of population growth that all countries go through. Ex: Eastern
Europe is in stage 5 because its population is shrinking
Intervening Opportunity
: When migration is blocked by an equally attractive alternative. Ex: Someone goes
to Busch Gardens instead of Disney because it is closer
International Migration
Migration from one country to another. Ex: When the Irish immigrated into the US
during the 1800s, they were migrating internationally
Intranational Migration
Migration which takes place inside a country. Ex: Moving from New York to
Florida is intranational migration
Hierarchical Diffusion
When an idea diffuses down through levels of power or importance. Ex: The internet
was originally used by the researchers, then scientists, then computer professionals, then colleges and younger
people, and now it is used by everyone
A mixture of French and English. Ex: Saying le weekend instead of le fin du semain
Lingua Franca
A language of international trade. Ex: People in other countries do business in English
because it is more widely known.
Universalizing Religion
: A religion which appeals to different groups of people in different places. Ex:
Christianity is practiced by different types of people all over the world
Ethnic Religion
A religion which appeals to one group of people in one place. Ex: Hinduism is mainly
practiced in India.
When voting districts are drawn to benefit one political party. Ex: North Carolina’s 12th congressional district was drawn so that it would always elect Democrats
Antecedent Boundary
A boundary which is drawn before an area is heavily populated. Ex: When the border between US and Canada was established out west, very few people actually lived there
The idea that an ethnicity should govern itself. Ex: The Basques in northern Spain want
their own country
Ethnic Cleansing
The act of making an area ethnically homogeneous by either forcibly removing (forced
migration) a group of people or killing them (genocide). Ex: Hitler undertook an ethnic cleansing of Jews
during WWII
When an area breaks down and cannot be governed due to conflicts between ethnicities. Ex:
Yugoslavia broke apart due to conflicts among its ethnicities/nationalities
Centripetal Force
A force which acts to unify a state. Ex: Our flag and national anthem instill American
Centrifugal Force
A force which acts to divide a state. Ex: Canada’s two languages and cultures (English
and French Canadian) divide the country into two groups
When banks refuse to loan money to certain areas. Ex: In poor neighbourhoods, the bank won’t
give homeloans
Elongated State
A state which is relatively long and thin. Ex: Chile
Cultural Boundary
A boundary which seperates two people based on culture. Ex: The boundary between
Germany and France is a cultural boundary as well as a political one
The act of a state giving increased power to regional governments or splitting apart entirely. Ex:
In the UK, the Scottish part was given its own parliament in 1998. Sudan voted to split into two completely
separate countries
Pidgin Language
A simplified mix of two languages used for basic communication between two groups. Ex:
A word usage boundary which separates areas in which different words are used. Ex: In the
midwest, people say ‘pop;’ in the east, people say ‘soda.’ The line separating the two is an isogloss
Folk Culture
The type of culture practiced by small, homogeneous groups. Ex: The Amish
Pop Culture
The type of culture practiced by large, heterogeneous groups. Ex: Jeans.
Contagious Diffusion
When something spreads outwards from a central point, hitting everything in its path.
Ex: The chicken pox spreading through a kindergarten classroom
Forced Migration
When people are forced to migrate (turned into refugees), usually due to cultural or
political problems. Ex: Rwandan Tutsis forced to flee persecution from Rwandan Hutus during the ethnic
Distance Decay
: As the distance between two things increases, the amount of interaction between them
decreases. Ex: Few people in Florida have been to the Eiffel Tower, while many people in France have been there
NIR (Natural Increase Rate)
Percent of increase a country experiences. Ex: A country with an NIR of 2 will grow by 2% each year
TFR (Total Fertility Rate)
The average number of kids a typical woman will have during her life. Ex: In Uganda, the average woman has 7 kids
Federal State
A country in which power is shared between central and local government. Ex: The US has a central government in Washington DC and local governments in all the states
Unitary State
A country in which all power is held by the central government. Ex: In France, the central government control the entire country
When three or more countries come together for shared goals and ideas to form an
organization that is above their states. Ex: The European Union is a supranational org for Europe
Superimposed Boundary
A boundary which does not consider the ethnic makeup of an area. Ex: Colonial
boundaries in Africa ignored tribal boundaries
Prorupted State
A state which is relatively compact (relatively circular) except for a part which juts out. Ex: Thailand is a compact state
When the borders of an ethnicity match the borders of a state. Ex: The Japanese country contains the Japanese ethnicity and the Japanese nationality
Multiethnic State:
A state which has two or more ethnicities. Ex: The United States has several different
major ethnic groups
A practice whereby real estate companies convinced people to sell houses based on the belief that housing prices were going to go down.
Hierarchical Religion
A religion which has a strict hierarchy and chain of command. Ex: In Roman
Catholicism things follow a hierarchy of Pope – Archbishop – Bishop - Priest
Autonomous Religion
A religion which does not have a strict governing body. Ex: In Islam, there is not a
single Pope or religious figure which guides the beliefs of Muslims
Push Factor
Anything which induces people to leave a place. Ex: A bad economy caused people to leave the Rust Belt
Pull Factor
Anything which induces people to come to a place. Ex: People are drawn to Florida by its nice
weather and low cost of living
Population Pyramid
A graphical representation of a country’s population. Ex: The population pyramid for a
stage three country looks like a flat-topped pyramid
IMR (Infant Mortality Rate)
The number of babies which die before their first birthday. Ex: In Angola, a bad healthcare system has lead to a high IMR
MDC (More Developed Country)
A country with a developed economy. Ex: The US
An are not organized into a state/not controlled by a government. Ex: Antarctica is a frontier because it is not controlled by any government
The ability to control your internal and external affairs. Ex: When the US was a colony, we did
not have sovereignty because we were controlled by England. When we got independence, we earned sovereignty.
Fragmented State
: A state which is made up of several discontinuous (unconnected) pieces. Ex: The Philippines is a fragmented state because it is a bunch of islands
Perforated State
A state which has another state completely inside it. Ex: The only perforated state in the
world is South Africa, which contains the state of Lesotho inside of it
Subsequent Boundary
A boundary which follows the ethnic makeup of an area. Ex: The boundary between
Czech Republic and Slovakia separates the ethnicities
Geometric Boundary
A boundary which follows a line of longitude or latitude. Ex: North Korea and South
Korea are separated by the 38th parallel.
City State
A city that functions as its own country. Ex: In ancient history, Athens was a city-state that
controlled its own affairs
When a more powerful state controls a less powerful area. Ex: The English controlled colonies in India, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and other areas
Multinational State
A state with more than one nationality. Ex: Belgium is split between the Flemish and
Pride in one’s nation or state. Centripetal forces instill nationalism in your country
A strict adherence to, and interpretation of, your religions. Ex: Mormons who still practice polygamy (more than one wife) are considered fundamentalist
A religious journey to a place. Ex: Muslims pilgrimage to Mecca as a religious observation
Literacy Rate
The number of people who can read in a country. Ex: MDCs with good education system
have better literacy rates than LDCs
When a language is created out of a mix of a colonizer and a colony. Ex: Haitian Creole is a mix of French and African languages
A regional variation of a language that is understood by all speakers of that language. Ex: British and American English are two different dialects