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(be) bound to

If one person, thing, or situation is ~ another, they are closely associated with each other, and it is difficult for them to be separated or to escape from each other. (与…)紧密相连的;(与…)密切相关的;(同…)难以分开的 (/baʊnd/)

We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love...不管是我们讨厌的人还是喜爱的人都一样和我们密切相关。
Economic growth is still bound to the issues of poverty, social justice and conservation.

(be) grounded in

(be) grounded in(sth; grounded on sth)
(to be) based on sth以…為基礎; 基於 (/ˈɡraʊndɪd/)

His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal.
These explanations are not sufficiently grounded in fact.

(be) descended from

to be related to sb who lived a long time ago是某人的後裔 (/dɪˈsend/)

He claims to be descended from a Spanish prince.
The people here are descended from the Vikings. 这里的人是维京人的后裔。


(be) devoted (to sb/sth)
Sb who is ~ a person loves that person very much. 深爱的;挚爱的;忠诚的 (/dɪˈvoʊtɪd/)

...a loving and devoted husband...深情且忠诚的丈夫
50 years on, the couple are still devoted to one another.50 年过去了,这对夫妇仍然深爱着彼此。


(be) devoted (to sb/sth)
If you are ~ sth, you care about it a lot and are very enthusiastic about it. 爱好的;热衷的;致力(于…)的 (/dɪˈvoʊtɪd/)

I have personally been devoted to this cause for many years...多年来我个人一直一心扑在这项事业上。
Horace is so devoted to his garden that he hasn't been away for 10 years...


n.(used especially by and to children) an adult person SYNONYM adult(尤作兒童用語)大人; 成人

If you're good you can eat with the grown-ups.


(of a person) mentally and physically an adult SYNONYM adult成熟的; 成年的; 長大的

What do you want to be when you're grown-up?
She has a grown-up son.


suitable for or typical of an adult適於成人的; 成年人特有的

The child was clearly puzzled at being addressed in such a grown-up way.

go ahead with

to begin to do sth, especially when sb has given permission or has expressed doubts or opposition(尤指經某人允許,或有人表示懷疑或反對後)開始做,着手幹

‘May I start now?’ ‘Yes, go ahead.’
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans

sound equipment


take responsibility for

对…负则 (/rɪˌspɑːnsәˈbɪlәti/)

Here’s what I want readers to take away from my own learning journey: Take responsibility for your own professional development.

shake the foundations of

If an event ~s of a society or a system of beliefs, it causes great uncertainty and makes people question their most deeply held beliefs. 动摇根基(或基础) (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)

run for office


Many in Bangkok would be irate to see the protest leaders run for office.
All presidents run for office promising to change Washington and end up becoming its captives.

reach a compromise

达成妥协 (/ˈkɑːmprәmaɪz/)

Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want..

make compromises

作出让步 (/ˈkɑːmprәmaɪz/)

Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner...时刻准备好并乐意在自己与伴侣的需求之间作出让步


分号(;) (/ˈsemikoʊlәn/)

devotee (of sb/sth)

a person who admires and is very enthusiastic about sb/sth (狂熱的)崇拜者,愛好者 (/ˌdevәˈtiː/)

a devotee of science fiction 科幻小說的狂熱愛好者
He's been a golf devotee for 25 years.

devotee (of sb/sth)

a very religious person who belongs to a particular group (某一宗教团体的)教徒(/ˌdevәˈtiː/)

devotees of Krishna (印度教)黑天的虔誠信徒


the state of having a close personal relationship with sb親密; 密切; 關係密切 (/ˈɪntɪmәsi/)

The old intimacy between them had gone for ever.
...a means of achieving intimacy with another person.与别人建立亲密关系的途径


(formal) sexual activity, especially an act of sexual intercourse 性行為; (尤指)性交 (/ˈɪntɪmәsi/)

Her sunburn made intimacy too painful...她的皮肤晒伤了,使得想要亲热一下都变得很痛苦。
The truth was he did not feel like intimacy with any woman.事实是他不想与任何女人发生性关系。


behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger(行為)不成熟的,不夠老練的,幼稚的 (/ˌɪmәˈtʃʊr/)

immature behaviour


not fully developed or grown OPPOSITE mature未長成的; 發育未全的 (/ˌɪmәˈtʃʊr/)

immature plants


oppisite to maturity (/ˌɪmәˈtʃʊrәti/)


the fact of being the father of a child父親的身分(或地位)(/pәˈtɜːrnәti/)

He refused to admit paternity of the child.


the act of persuading sb to do sth or to believe sth說服; 勸說 (/pәrˈsweɪʒn/)

It didn't take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.我們沒費什麼口舌就讓她說出了他的下落
After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to come.我們沒費什麼口舌就讓她說出了他的下落


able to persuade sb to do or believe sth有說服力的; 令人信服的 (/pәrˈsweɪsɪv/)

I can be very persuasive when I want to be...如果我愿意的话,我会非常有说服力的。
What do you think were some of the more persuasive arguments on the other side?... 你认为对方哪些观点更有说服力?


说服力 persuasive 的名词形式 (/pәrˈsweɪsɪvnәs/)

There is inherent persuasiveness in some voices.有些人的声音天生具有一种说服力。
Huntington's arguments were always made with great force, erudition, and persuasiveness.


a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent (房屋、設備或土地的)租約,租契 (/liːs/)

to take out a lease on a house
The lease expires/runs out next year.


a strong connection between people or organizations or a place. 联系;关系

Quebec has always had particularly close ties to France...魁北克和法国一向关系特别紧密。
I can't find any tie between her and the town...我一点也看不出她和那个小镇有什么联系。


哲学 (/fәˈlɑːsәfi/)

He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。
...traditional Chinese philosophy.中国传统哲学


a particular set or system of beliefs resulting from the search for knowledge about life and the universe 哲学体系;思想体系 (/fәˈlɑːsәfi/)

the philosophy of Jung
the development of different philosophies


a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides sb's behavior人生哲學; 生活的信條(或態度) (/fәˈlɑːsәfi/)

Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.


obstacle (to sth/to doing sth)
a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve sth障礙; 阻礙; 絆腳石 (/ˈɑbstɪkl/)

A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.
So far, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.


an object that is in your way and that makes it difficult for you to move forward障礙; 阻礙; 絆腳石(/ˈɑbstɪkl/)

he area was full of streams and bogs and other natural obstacles.


(in showjumping) a fence, etc. for a horse to jump over障礙柵欄; 障礙 (/ˈɑbstɪkl/)


<地>更新世 (距今 1 万-2 万年,人类出现,猛犸) (/ˈplaɪstәˌsin/)


<地>新生代 (五千多万年前) (/ˌsi:nәˈzәuik/)


showing caring feelings and love for sb SYNONYM loving關愛的; 深情的 (/әˈfekʃәnәt/)

He is very affectionate towards his children.
an affectionate kiss


affectionate的副词 (/әˈfekʃәnәtli/)

William was affectionately known as Billy.


a scientist who studies geology 地质学家 (/dʒiˈɑːlәdʒɪst/)


a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again 寡妇;遗孀 (/ˈwɪdoʊ/)

She gets a widow's pension.


a member of a council 市议员(有时指议员) (/ˈkaʊnsәlәr/) (see also councilman, councilwoman)

Councillor Ann Jones
Talk to your local councillor about the problem.


A ~ is sb who believes in Islam and lives according to its rules. 穆斯林;伊斯兰教信徒 (/ˈmʊzlɪm/)


~ means relating to Islam or Muslims. 穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的 (/ˈmʊzlɪm/)

...Iran and other Muslim countries.伊朗和其他伊斯兰国家


The ~ of sth such as a law or custom is the practice of obeying or following it. (对法律,习俗等的)遵守,奉行 (/әbˈzɜːrvәns/)

Local councils should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws.地方政务委员会应当行使权力以保证人们严格遵守法律。


the 9th month of the Muslim year, when Muslims do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset回曆九月,齋月 (/ˈræmәdæn/)

Women pray together at the edge of the tip at the end of Ramadan. 斋月结束之际妇女们一起聚在垃圾场的边上祈祷。


The ~ of sth such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based 基础;根基 (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)

Best friends are the foundation of my life... 好朋友是我生命的支柱。
The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community... 这个问题严重影响了我们社会的基本根基。


The ~s of a building or other structure are the layer of bricks or concrete below the ground that it is built on. 地基;房基 (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)

The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school.


A ~ is an organization which provides money for a special purpose such as research or charity. 基金会 (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)

...the National Foundation for Educational Research. 全国教育研究基金会


If a story, idea, or argument has no ~, there are no facts to prove that it is true. 依据;根据 (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)

The allegations were without foundation... 这些指控没有根据。
Each complaint is analysed very closely, and if it has no foundation it is rejected.


~ is a skin-coloured cream that you put on your face before putting on the rest of your make-up.粉底霜 (/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/)


abandon 的名词形式 (/әˈbændәnmәnt/)離棄;遺棄;拋棄; 放棄;中止

their childhood abandonment by their mother
the government's abandonment of its new economic policy


covering a large area; great in amount 廣闊的;大量的 (/ɪkˈstensɪv/)

The house has extensive grounds.
The fire caused extensive damage.


including or dealing with a wide range of information SYNONYM far-reaching 廣泛的;廣博的 (/ɪkˈstensɪv/)

Extensive research has been done into this disease.
His knowledge of music is extensive.


extensive的副词 (/ɪkˈstensɪvli/)

a spice used extensively in Eastern cooking
She has travelled extensively.


a person whose job is to take care of a sports field or a park 运动场地管理员;公园管理员


the land, gardens, and LAWN that surround a large house or other building: (建築物周圍的)場地,庭院,花園

the hospital grounds 醫院的院子
She found him wandering around the grounds.


[uncountable] soil on the surface of the earth 土;土地;土壤

fertile ground for planting crops


an area of open land 開闊地;空曠地

The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school.


[C] piece of land (often with associated buildings) used for a particular purpose 场地

The cheers of the fans echoed round the ground as the team appeared. 球队刚一上场, 球迷的欢呼声立即响遍全场
a football ground


relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs and traditions种族[民族,部落]的; 具有种族[民族; 部落]特色的 (/ˈeθnɪk/)

The school teaches pupils from different ethnic groups . 该校教授不同种族的小学生。
ethnic Russians in Estonia 居住在爱沙尼亚的俄罗斯人


to refuse to admit or accept sth拒絕承認;拒絕接受 (/dɪˈnaɪ/)

She denied all knowledge of the incident.
I denied my father because I wanted to become sb else. 我和父亲断绝了关系,因为我想成为一个不一样的自己。


You can refer to a person's children or to an animal's young as their ~ 孩子;子女;后代;(动物的)崽 (/ˈɑːfsprɪŋ/)

Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been. 埃莉诺现在不像以往那样为孩子忧心了。


[countable, usually plural] a supply of sth that a country, an organization or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth資源;財力 (/rɪˈsɔːrs/)

the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources
We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software.


[countable] sth that can be used to help achieve an aim, especially a book, equipment, etc. that provides information for teachers and students有助於實現目標的東西;資料 (/rɪˈsɔːrs/)

The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.
resource books for teachers 教師參考書

convince (sb/yourself of sth)

to make sb/yourself believe that sth is true使確信;使相信;使信服 (/kәnˈvɪns/)

You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.
I'd convinced myself (that) I was right.

convince (sb to do sth)

to persuade sb to do sth說服,勸說(某人做某事) (/kәnˈvɪns/)

I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor.


逗号(,) (/ˈkɑːmә/)


a task or piece of work that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies(分派的)工作,任務 (/әˈsaɪnmәnt/)

You will need to complete three written assignments per semester.
She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.


the act of giving sth to sb; the act of giving sb a particular task(工作等的)分派,佈置(/әˈsaɪnmәnt/)

his assignment to other duties in the same company


A ~ man or woman is one who is fully developed and mature, both physically and mentally. 成年的;成熟的;长大的 (/ɡroʊn/)

Few women can understand a grown man's love of sport...很少有女人能理解一个成年男人对体育的那份热爱。
Dad, I'm a grown woman. I know what I'm doing.爸爸,我不再是个小女孩了,知道自己在做什么。


to look like or be similar to sb or sth 像;与…类似,与…相似 (/rɪˈzembl/)

It's amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other. 布赖恩和史蒂夫两人惊人地相像。
He grew up to resemble his father. 他长大了,像他父亲。


If you say that sb is ~, you are criticizing them because they refuse to change their mind or alter their way of doing things. 顽固的;僵化的 (/ɪnˈfleksәbl/)

His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的反对者们认为他固执,教条,僵化。


an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end 折中;妥协;让步 (/ˈkɑːmprәmaɪz/)

Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want...


冒号(:) (/ˈkoʊlәn/)


that makes sb believe that sth is true OPPOSITE unconvincing令人信服的;有說服力的(/kәnˈvɪnsɪŋ/)

a convincing argument/explanation/case
She sounded very convincing to me (= I believed what she said).


known to be real and genuine and not a copy真正的;真品的;真跡的 (/ɔːˈθentɪk/)

I don't know if the painting is authentic.
authentic Italian food...真正的意大利食品


made to be exactly the same as the original 逼真的 (/ɔːˈθentɪk/)

an authentic model of the ancient town
Take a trip on an authentic Spanish galleon to the famous Papagayo beach.


the act of giving up your job or position; the occasion when you do this辭職 (/ˌrezɪɡˈneɪʃn/)

a letter of resignation
There were calls for her resignation from the board of directors.


[countable] a letter, for example to your employers, to say that you are giving up your job or position辭職信;辭呈 (/ˌrezɪɡˈneɪʃn/)

to offer/hand in/tender your resignation
We haven't received his resignation yet.


A child's ~ arents are the man and woman who caused him or her to be born, rather than other adults who look after him or her. (父母)生身的,亲生的 (/ˌbaɪәˈlɑːdʒɪkl/)

...foster parents for young teenagers whose biological parents have rejected them.被亲生父母抛弃的青少年的养父母


You use ~ to introduce a fact which makes the other part of the sentence surprising.尽管;虽然 (/dɪˈspaɪt/)

Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found...
The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending...


If there is a ~ between two or more things, they are similar to each other 相像;类似;近似 (/ˌsɪmәˈlærәti/)

The astonishing similarity between my brother and my first-born son...我弟弟和我的大儿子长得惊人地相似
There was a very basic similarity in our philosophy...我们的人生哲学在根本上很相似。


Sth that is ~ is the only one of its kind. 唯一的;独一无二的 (/juˈniːk/)

Each person's signature is unique...每个人的签名都是独一无二的。
The area has its own unique language, Catalan.这个地区有自己单独的语言,加泰罗尼亚语。


the state of being legally or officially acceptable (法律的)有效,合法性;(正式的)认可 (/vәˈlɪdәti/)

The period of validity of the agreement has expired.


the state of being logical and true 符合逻辑;正当;正确 (/vәˈlɪdәti/)

We had doubts about the validity of their argument.

on the grounds of

If you do sth ~ of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.根据

The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence...法庭以检控方拒绝出示关键证据为由撤销了那项判决。


曾孙(女) (孙子的儿子) (/ˈɡræntʃaɪld/)

a ten-year-old child

一个十岁的孩子 (注意 ten-year-old 是 adj,year 不能用复数 years)

pass on (to sb)

to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving it or using it yourself轉交;(用後)遞給,傳給

Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.
The Queen is passing the money on to a selection of her favourite charities... 女王要把那笔钱交给她喜欢的一些慈善机构。

bean flour

豆子面 (/ˈflaʊәr/)

Louvre Palace

卢浮宫 (/ˈluːvәr/)

Mona Lisa

蒙娜丽莎 (/'mәunә/)

on one’s own

When you are ~, you are alone. 单独地;独自地

He lives on his own...他独自一人生活。
I told him how scared I was of being on my own...我告诉他我有多害怕自己一个人。

(use) birth control


If you don't want to have children, DON'T use birth control pills.如果你不想要孩子,千万不要使用口服避孕药!
Until your health care provider gives you the green light for pregnancy, remember to use birth control.

run out of

If you ~ sth, you have no more of it left. 用完;耗尽

They have run out of ideas...他们已经想不出任何办法了。
We're running out of time...我们快没有时间了。


mainly SYNONYM chiefly主要地;根本地 (/praɪˈmerәli/)

a course designed primarily for specialists
The problem is not primarily a financial one.


special care, action or treatment 特别照料(或行动,处理) (/әˈtenʃn/)

She was in need of medical attention.
The roof needs attention (= needs to be repaired).


~ is a type of pasta. It looks like long pieces of string and is usually served with a sauce. 意大利式细面条 (/spәˈɡeti/)


~ is a soft, wet, sticky mixture of a substance and a liquid, which can be spread easily. Some types of ~ are used to stick things together. 糊糊;糨糊 (/peɪst/)

He then sticks it back together with flour paste...然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。
Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.往蛋奶沙司粉里加入一点儿牛奶,搅成糊糊。


(包裹食物等用的)锡箔,锡纸 (/ˈtɪnfɔɪl/)


(美国,加拿大的)10 分铸币 (/daɪm/)


to stick out from a place or a surface突出;伸出;鼓出 (/proʊˈtruːd/)

protruding teeth
...a huge round mass of smooth rock protruding from the water...一块光滑的巨型圆石露出水面


阿根廷 (/ˌɑːrdʒәnˈtiːnә/)


可以理解的 (/ˌʌndәrˈstændәbl/)


智利 (/ˈtʃɪli/)


an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads 骡;骡 (/mjuːl/)

He's as stubborn as a mule.


one of three children born at the same time to the same mother 三胞胎中的一个 (/ˈtrɪplәt/)

"Guess what? Katinka had triplets–all healthy." “你猜怎么着?卡金卡生了三胞胎–全都健健康康的。”
In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs.


a small building, usually made of wood or metal, that has not been built well 简陋的小屋;棚屋 (/ʃæk/)

The settlement consists only of shacks; there are no roads, no water, no street lighting.


孤儿院 (/ˈɔːrfәnɪdʒ/)

She was brought up in an orphanage.


in a short time from now; a short time after sth else has happened很快;馬上;不久

We'll be home soon./We'll soon be home.
She sold the house soon after her husband died.


early; quickly早;快

How soon can you get here?
We'll deliver the goods as soon as we can.


a competition in which people try to win sth 比赛;竞赛 (/ˈkɑːntest/)

a singing contest
a talent contest

contest (for sth)

a struggle to gain control or power 争夺,竞争(控制权或权利) (/ˈkɑːntest/)

a contest for the leadership of the party


If you call sb, especially a child, a ~ you mean that he or she behaves badly or annoys you. 尤指被宠坏的小孩

He's a spoilt brat.他是一个被宠坏了的调皮孩子。


enter (for sth; enter sb in/for sth)
to enter sb in a contest 使某人参加竞赛,给某人报名参赛

to put your name on the list for an exam, a race, a competition, etc; to do this for sb 报名 (/ˈentәr/)
1000 children entered the competition.
Irish trainers have entered several horses in the race.


(橡胶或塑料制的)水管,软管 (/hoʊz/)


a large container for holding liquid or gas貯放液體或氣體的)箱,槽,罐

a hot water tank
a fuel tank


when a toilet ~es or you ~ it, water passes through it to clean it, after a handle, etc. has been pressed 冲(马桶) (/flʌʃ/)

She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom.她冲完马桶回到卧室。
...the sound of the toilet flushing.冲马桶的声音


录像机(Video Cassette Recorder) (/ˈsɪlvәrwer/)


objects that are made of or covered with silver, especially knives, forks, dishes, etc. that are used for eating and serving food銀器,鍍銀器皿(尤指餐具)

a piece of silverware


to join two things together using glue SYNONYM stick(用膠水)粘合,粘牢

She glued the label onto the box.
Glue the two pieces of cardboard together.


孟加拉 (/ˌbɑ:ŋglәˈdeʃ/)


a line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip (嘴唇上面的胡须) (/mәˈstɑːʃ/)


to behave badly行為不端;行為不端 (/ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv/)

Any child caught misbehaving was made to stand at the front of the class.
When the children misbehaved she was unable to cope.孩子们调皮捣蛋的时候她管不了。

spank (sb/sth)

to hit sb, especially a child, several times on their bottom as a punishment (also NOUN) 打(小孩的)屁股 (/spæŋk/)

When I used to do that when I was a kid, my mom would spank me.


a little略微;稍微 (/ˈslaɪtli/)

a slightly different version
We took a slightly more direct route.


越南 (/ˌvjetˈnɑːm/)


老挝 (/laʊs/)


黎巴嫩 (/ˈlebәnәn/)

the Philippines

菲律宾 (/ˈfɪlɪpiːnz/)

If the Philippines can do it, can others as well? 如果菲律宾能做到这一点,其他国家也能做到吗?


A ~ is a green fruit that tastes like a lemon 酸橙 (/laɪm/)

Oranges, lemons and limes were found to cure scurvy...人们发现橙子,柠檬和酸橙能治疗坏血病。


a large round yellow citrus fruit with a lot of slightly sour juice 葡萄柚;西柚 (/ˈɡreɪpfruːt/)


山莓 (/ˈræzberi/)


椰子 (/ˈkoʊkәnʌt/)


香瓜,哈密瓜 (/ˈkæntәluːp/)


a thing that you do to help sb幫助;好事;恩惠 (/ˈfeɪvәr/)

Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?
Can I ask a favour?


an opportunity to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success機會;機遇

I got my lucky break when I won a ‘Young Journalist of the Year’ competition.
He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series 'Citizen James'


a free ride in a car, etc. to a place you want to get to 免費搭車;搭便車

I'll give you a lift to the station.
Could I have a lift into town?


A ~ is a very powerful and influential country, usually one that is rich and has nuclear weapons 超级大国 (/ˈsuːpәrpaʊәr/)

The United States could claim to be both a military and an economic superpower. 美国在军事和经济上都称得上是超级大国。


physically strong, fit and active健壯的 (/æθˈletɪk/)

an athletic figure/build
a tall, slim athletic girl


connected with sports such as running, jumping and throwing (= athletics) 體育運動的;田徑運動的(/æθˈletɪk/)

an athletic club/coach


If you describe sth as ~, you mean that it is dull and not exciting or interesting.枯燥的;无趣的;乏味的

The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty...过去这几天似乎比较平淡无聊。
It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday.


A ~ is a march or gathering which people take part in to show their opposition to sth or their support for sth. 示威;示威游行(或集会) (/ˌdemәnˈstreɪʃn/)

Riot police broke up a demonstration by students.防暴警察驱散了示威的学生。
...mass demonstrations.群众性示威

contract (sb to do sth)

to make a legal agreement with sb for them to work for you or provide you with a service與…訂立合同(或契約)(/kәnˈtrækt/)

The player is contracted to play until August.
Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.

sooner than


Sooner than we think, the dollar may be challenged by other currencies, most likely the Chinese renminbi.
When it happens, I wouldn't want to guess, but it will happen sooner than we thought.

running water


I can hear the sound of running water.
a remote cottage without electricity or running water

gas tank


turn on

When you ~ a piece of equipment or a supply of sth, you cause heat, sound, or water to be produced by adjusting the controls 打开(设备);接通(…的供应)

turn on the water 接通水,打开龙头
She asked them why they hadn't turned the lights on.她问他们为什么不开灯。
I want to turn on the television...我想开电视。

sleep behind locked doors


sneak into

adverb/preposition, to go somewhere secretly, trying to avoid being seen SYNONYM creep 偷偷地走;溜(/sniːk/)

I sneaked up the stairs.
Did you sneak into my room while I was asleep?偷偷摸摸地进入

put out

to stop sth from burning or shining 熄灭

to put out a candle/cigarette/light
Firefighters soon put the fire out.

turn (from sth) into (sth)

to become sth

Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare.
In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student.

turn (sb/sth) (from sth) into (sth)

to make sb/sth become sth

A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale...在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。
Ten years of prison had turned him into an old man.

drive (sb) crazy


go through a stage


lead the way


In the early 1990s, Hongkong led the way with 28,825 immigrants to Canada. Poland ranked second, with 16,492 immigrants
I'll lead the way. You just follow. 我来带路, 你们跟着好了。

rank second


India, China, Indonesia, South Africa and Nigeria rank first to fifth respectively in terms of absolute numbers of cases. 就绝对病例数而言,印度、中国、印度尼西亚、南非和尼日利亚排名第一至第五位。

meet (sb) halfway

to reach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want 对…作部分让步;与…妥协 (/ˌhæfˈweɪ/)

The Democrats are willing to meet the president halfway.民主党人愿意向总统作部分让步。
If he was prepared to apologize, the least she could do was meet him halfway and accept some of the blame.

take turns

If two or more people ~ to do sth, they do it one after the other several times, rather than doing it together. 轮流;依次

We took turns to drive the car...我们轮流开车。
Ted and I took it in turns to go into hospital and sit with Emma.我和特德轮流去医院陪护埃玛。

bend over backwards to do

If you say that sb is ~ing to be helpful or kind, you are emphasizing that they are trying very hard to be helpful or kind. 竭尽全力

People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。

give (sb) a hand (with)


Sam's three children had always been expected to give a hand when they were not in school or doing their homework.
Bill, can you give me a hand with this box?

pull together

to act, work, etc. together with other people in an organized way and without fighting 齐心协力;团结起来;通力合作

The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos...
They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.

right-hand man (woman)

a person who helps sb a lot and who they rely on, especially in an important job 得力助手, 左膀右臂

the President's right-hand man
That is why I want you to be my right hand man on the new team. 这就是为什么我要你在我的新小组里成为我的助手。

back (sb/sth) up

to support sb/sth; to say that what sb says, etc. is true支持;證實(某人所言)

I'll back you up if they don't believe you. 如果他們不相信你,我會為你作證。
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. 作者不用實例印證他的看法。

back (sb/sth) up

to provide support for sb/sth支持;支援

two doctors backed up by a team of nurses由一組護士輔助的兩名醫生
The rebels backed up their demands with threats. 反叛者以恐嚇手段要挾

back (sth) up

to prepare a second copy of a file, program, etc. that can be used if the main one fails or needs extra support給(文件、程序等)做備份;備份

It's a good idea to back up your files onto a memory stick.

see eye to eye (with sb) (on sth)

to share the same views as sb about sth 意见一致

Yes, he's a good man. I like him. Although I don't always see eye to eye with him. I still respect him very much.
But they could never see eye to eye , and argued constantly. 可他们俩的意见从来不一致,常常要吵架。

hand in hand

together 联合( if two people are ~, they are holding each other's hand)

They would act hand in hand.他们将携手联合行动。
But in days to come he will walk hand in hand with us.但是在未来的日子里,他会跟我们手拉手地一起走的。

keep one’s word

fullfill a promise, keep one’s promise 守信用;遵守诺言

It is considered a good quality keep one's word.守信被认为是一种良好的品质。
The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.履行诺言的最好方法就是不给(诺言)。

help out (help sb out)

to help sb, especially in a difficult situation幫助某人擺脫(困境)

He's always willing to help out. 他总是急人之难.
When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan.

do a favor (for sb)

If you do sb ~, you do sth for them even though you do not have to. 帮忙 (/ˈfeɪvәr/)

I've come to ask you to do me a favour...我来这儿是想请你帮个忙。
These are gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return.

give and take

to be willing, in a relationship, to accept what sb else wants and to give up some of what you want 互谅互让;相互迁就

You're going to have to learn to give and take.
...a happy relationship where there's a lot of give and take.经常互相体谅的美满爱情

give a break

give a chance

Give him a break.给他一个机会吧。
Linda didn’t have any experience, but the company gave her a break and hired her because they thought she’d learn easily.

come through (for sb)

satisfy one’s need, often with difficulty帮助某人

If you ask him for a loan, he'll come through.如果你向他贷款,他会满足你的要求的。
Bill thought he would have to quit school when he couldn’t find tuition money, but his parents came through for him.

give (sb) a lift somewhere

If you give sb ~ somewhere, you take them there in your car as a favour to them. 让……搭车; 给人搭便车

He had a car and often gave me a lift home.他有车,经常让我搭他的车回家。

break down

If a machine or a vehicle ~s, it stops working. (机器或车辆)出毛病,损坏

Their car broke down.他们的车子出故障了

break down

to lose control of your feelings and start crying情不自禁地哭起來 (Bredan: to lose control)

JB is breaking down.
He broke down and wept when he heard the news.

nine out of ten


time zone


Anne of Green Gables


to a greater or lesser extent


Even the calmest person will sense fear to a greater or lesser extent; and these emotions are very valuable at this time. 即使是最平静的人都会恐惧感或大或小的程度,而这些情绪是很宝贵的时间在此。

make (sth) up

to form sth SYNONYM constitute 组成;构成

Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country...

head out


On a cold and rainy Election Day we head out together to vote. 在一个阴冷又下着雨的选举日,我们一起外出投票。
Among the Garifuna people of Belize, fishermen rise before daybreak to head out to sea.

my place of employment

我上班的地方 (/ɪmˈplɔɪmәnt/)

their places of employment

competitive sports


Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class.

attach importance to


Politically, both sides attach importance to deepening the bilateral all-round strategic partnership. 政治上,双方都重视深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系。

for instance

for example

What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing?

organic foods

绿色食品,有机食品 (/ɔːrˈɡænɪk/)

(be) conscious of

aware of sth; noticing sth 注意到的;意识到的 (/ˈkɑːnʃәs/)

He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of after-shave...他注意到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。
She was very conscious of Max studying her...她非常清楚马克斯在仔细端详她

have only three years of schooling

只上 3 年的学 (/ˈɡrædʒuәt/)

Today the average Canadian is a high school graduate.

a high school graduate


there is a high level of uncertainty about...

高度不确定 (/ʌnˈsɜːrtnti/)

feel pessimistic about

对..感到悲观 (/ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/)

retirement prospects

退休前景 (/ˈprɑːspekt/)


to take control of a country, region, etc, especially by force 兼并,并吞(领土等) (/әˈneks/)

annex a neighbouring state 兼并邻国.
...Indonesia's annexation of East Timor. 印度尼西亚对东帝汶的吞并


annex的名词 (/ˌænekˈseɪʃn/)


to give an official decision about sth 判定;裁定;裁决

The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid...法院裁定议会通过的法律仍然有效。
The Israeli court has not yet ruled on the case...以色列法院尚未对此案作出裁决。


an idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you (/ɪmˈpreʃn/)

Your impression of a situation is what you think is going on.
What were your first impressions of college?...你对大学的第一印象是什么?


安大略省 (/ɑːnˈterioʊ/)


魁北克 (/kwɪˈbek/)


大足野人= Bigfoot (/ˈsæskwɑːtʃ/)


(also Sasquatch) a large creature covered with hair like an ape, which some people believe lives in western N America (plural Bigfeet)


切达干酪 (/ˈtʃedә/)


纽芬兰(岛)(加拿大一省) (/nuːˈfaʊndlәnd/)


To ~ a substance means to obtain it by separating it from other substances using scientific processes 离析;分离 (/ˈaɪsәleɪt/)

We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible...
Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies.


to separate sb/sth physically or socially from other people or things(使)隔離,孤立,脫離(/ˈaɪsәleɪt/)

Patients with the disease should be isolated.
He was immediately isolated from the other prisoners.


A ~ is the triangular part at the top of the end wall of a building, between the two sloping sides of the roof. 三角墙;山墙 (/ˈɡeɪbl/)


河狸 (/ˈbiːvәr/)




a place where money is made 铸币厂

the Royal Canadian Mint




a large deer that lives in N America. In Europe and Asia it is called an elk 麋 (/muːs/) (plural moose)


extremely large in area, size, amount, etc. SYNONYM huge遼闊的;巨大的;龐大的;大量的(/væst/)

a vast area of forest
Canada is a vast country.


of or relating to a region地區的;區域的;地方的 (/ˈriːdʒәnl/)

regional variations in pronunciation /the conflict between regional and national interests
...concern about regional security...对地区安全的担忧



regionally based television companies


very different from each other and of various kinds不同的;相異的;多種多樣的;形形色色的(/daɪˈvɜːrs/)

Jones has a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience.琼斯的观众群更为多样化而且可能更年轻。
...shops selling a diverse range of gifts... 出售各种礼品的商店


despite sth that you have just mentioned YNONYM nonetheless 然而;不过 (/ˌnevәrðәˈles/)

There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.
Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.


the quality of being general rather than detailed or exact一般性;普遍性;籠統 (/ˌdʒenәˈrælәti/)

An account of such generality is of little value.


having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group 典型的;有代表性的 (/ˈtɪpɪkl/)

a typical Italian cafe
This is a typical example of Roman pottery.


the measurement of how tall a person or thing is (人或物的)身高,高度 (/haɪt/)

Please state your height and weight. / I am 5'6'' in height...我身高 5 英尺 6 英寸。
to be of medium/average height


The ~ of a person or thing is how heavy they are, measured in units such as kilograms, pounds, or tons. 重量;分量;体重 (/weɪt/)

What is your height and weight?...你的身高和体重是多少?
This reduced the weight of the load...这减轻了负荷的重量。


You can refer to a heavy object as a ~ especially when you have to lift it. (尤指需举起的)重物 (/weɪt/)

Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure. 用力提重物会导致血压升高。


土司面包片 (/toʊst/)

cheese on toast
a piece of toast


~ or breakfast ~ is a food made from grain. It is mixed with milk and eaten for breakfast. (/ˈsɪriәl/)

I have a bowl of cereal every morning.我每天早上喝一碗麦片。


one of various types of grass that produce grains that can be eaten or are used to make flour or bread. 穀類植物 (/ˈsɪriәl/)

Wheat, barley and rye are all cereals
cereal crops


(also be headed especially in North American English) + adverb/preposition to move in a particular direction朝(某方向)行進

Where are we heading?
Where are you two headed?


to hit a football with your head用頭頂(球)

Walsh headed the ball into an empty goal


(also head up) to lead or be in charge of sth領導;主管

She has been appointed to head the research team.


to be at the top of a list of names or at the front of a line of people位於排行之首;排在前頭

Italy heads the table after two games.
to head a march/procession


to put a word or words at the top of a page or section of a book as a title(頁或篇章的)頂端加標題

The chapter was headed ‘My Early Life’.


work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed 工作;职业;受雇 (/ɪmˈplɔɪmәnt/)

to be in paid employment
full-time/part-time employment


the situation in which people have work 就业 (/ɪmˈplɔɪmәnt/)

The government is aiming at full employment.
Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.


the act of employing sb 雇用 (/ɪmˈplɔɪmәnt/)

The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.


(employment of sth) the use of sth 使用;利用 (/ɪmˈplɔɪmәnt/)

the employment of artillery in the capture of the town


used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other競爭的(/kәmˈpetәtɪv/)

competitive games/sports
Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.

competitive (with sb/sth)

as good as or better than others (與…)一樣好的;(比…)更好的;有競爭力的 (/kәmˈpetәtɪv/)

a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop)
We need to work harder to remain competitive with other companies.


(of a person) trying very hard to be better than others努力競爭的;一心求勝的 (/kәmˈpetәtɪv/)

You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days.


all the people in a country or an area who are available for work (某一国家或地区的)劳动力,劳动人口 (/ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/)

...a country where half the workforce is unemployed.有一半劳动力失业的国家


all the people who work for a particular company, organization, etc. =staff 全體員工 (/ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/)

The factory has a 1000-strong workforce.
Two thirds of the workforce is/are women.


the possibility that sth will happen可能性;希望 (/ˈprɑːspekt/)

There is no immediate prospect of peace.
A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen).


officially connected with a town or city市政的;城市的;城鎮的(/ˈsɪvɪk/)

civic buildings/leaders


connected with the people who live in a town or city市民的;城鎮居民的 (/ˈsɪvɪk/)

a sense of civic pride (= pride that people feel for their town or city)
civic duties/responsibilities


having or expressing a great love of your country 爱国的 (/ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk/)

a patriotic man who served his country well patriotic songs
... but most would not describe themselves as patriotic flag-wavers (沙文主义者,极端爱国主义者).

stand (sb/sth; stand doing sth)

(not used in the progressive tenses) used especially in negative sentences and questions to emphasize that you do not like sb/sth = bear(尤用於否定句和疑問句,強調不喜歡)容忍,忍受

I can't stand his brother. /I can't stand the sight of blood.
She couldn't stand being kept waiting.

first-generation Canadians



the expression of strong national feelings, especially in a way that people disapprove of狂热的爱国主义(注意连读发音)

Tens of thousands of flag-waving activists called for early elections. 数以万计挥舞着国旗的积极分子要求提早进行选举。

drift out of (your) lane


the previous night

头天夜里 (/ˈpriːviәs/)

a breathalyser test

酒精浓度含量测试 (/ˈbreθәlaɪzәr/)

keep in lane


a stretch of motorway

一条高速公路 (/stretʃ/)

It's a very dangerous stretch of road...这是一段非常危险的路。

driver sleepiness

司机嗜睡 (/ˈsliːpinәs/)

criminal lawyer


real estate agent

(also Realtor) a person whose job is to sell houses and land for people房地产经纪人 (/ɪˈsteɪt/)


自检 (/ˌdaɪəɡˈnɑstiks/)

outnumber (sb/sth)

to be greater in number than sb/sth(在數量上)壓倒,比…多 (/ˌaʊtˈnʌmbәr/)

The demonstrators were heavily outnumbered by the police. 示威者人數遠不及警察人數
In this profession, women outnumber men by two to one (= there are twice as many women as men).

impair (sth)

to damage sth or make sth worse損害;削弱 (/ɪmˈper/)

His age impaired his chances of finding a new job.
Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery...


If you ~ two or more things or if they ~, they exist together. 使…结合; 结合 (/kәmˈbaɪn/)

The Church has sth to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.
If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved...


If you ~ two or more things or if they ~, they join together to make a single thing. (使)合并;(使)综合 (/kәmˈbaɪn/)

David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study...
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats...碳、氢、氧化合形成碳水化合物和脂肪。


If sb or sth ~s two qualities or features, they have both those qualities or features at the same time. 兼有;兼备 (/kәmˈbaɪn/)

Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.
The hotel combines comfort with convenience.


If sb ~s two activities, they do them both at the same time. 兼做;同时做(两件事) (/kәmˈbaɪn/)

It is possible to combine a career with being a mother... 兼顾职业女性和母亲这两个角色是可能的。
He will combine the two jobs over the next three years. 今后 3 年,他将同时兼顾这两项工作。


If two or more groups or organizations ~ or if sb ~s them, they join to form a single group or organization. (使)合并;(使)联合 (/kәmˈbaɪn/)

...an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations...
Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets. 不同的州或企业集团可以联合起来以扩大市场。


If sb or sth ~s into a situation, they get into that situation in a way that is not planned or controlled. 无意间进入;不知不觉陷入

We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values...
She and her husband drifted apart and, eventually, they divorced...


a piece of equipment that artificially creates a particular set of conditions in order to train sb to deal with a situation that they may experience in reality such as pilots or astronauts. 模拟装置 (/ˈsɪmjuleɪtәr/)

a flight simulator
...pilots practising a difficult landing in a flight simulator.在飞行模拟装置中练习高难度着陆的飞行员

time for bed


real estate

property in the form of land or buildings 房地产;不动产 (/ɪˈsteɪt/)

My father sold real estate.

real estate

the business of selling houses or land for building 房地产业;房地产销售业 (/ɪˈsteɪt/)

to work in real estate

forest ranger

护林员,林警 (/ˈreɪndʒәr/)

be supposed to

used to say what sb should or should not do, especially because of rules or what sb in authority has said 应该做某事/是某事

We're supposed to check out of the hotel by 11 o'clock. 我们应该在 11 点之前从酒店退房。
I'm not supposed to tell anyone. 我不能告诉任何人的。

be supposed to

used to say what was or is expected or intended to happen, especially when it did not happen本应[本该]做某事/是某事(用于表示某事本应发生而没有发生):

No one was supposed to know about it. 不应该有人知道此事的。
The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we've had to postpone it.

be supposed to

used to say that sth is believed to be true by many people, although it might not be true or you might disagree 被相信[被认为]做某事/是某事:

The castle is supposed to be haunted. 这座城堡据说闹鬼。
'Dirty Harry' is supposed to be one of Eastwood's best films. 《辣手神探》被认为是伊斯特伍德的最佳影片之一。

parking lot

an area where people can leave their cars停车场 (/lɑːt/)

The parking lot next to the office was full, so I had to park two streets away.

security gate

a metal bar or door that stops cars and people from entering an area unless they have permission (/sәˈkjʊrәti/)

The U.S. president lives in the White House, which has security gates at all of the entrances.

key card

(also card key) a small plastic card that can be used in an electronic lock to open a door or gate钥匙卡;钥匙牌

At the World Bank, people must have their key cards with them all the time, so they wear them on strings around their necks.


not very large, expensive, important, etc 些許的;不太大(或太貴、太重要等) (/ˈmɑːdɪst/)

modest improvements/reforms
He charged a relatively modest fee.


happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about SYNONYM prior先前的;以往的 (/ˈpriːviәs/)

No previous experience is necessary for this job.
The car has only had one previous owner.


immediately before the time you are talking about SYNONYM preceding(時間上)稍前的(/ˈpriːviәs/)

I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I'd only seen him the previous day.

spike (sth with sth)

to add alcohol, poison or a drug to sb's drink or food without them knowing 偷偷往(饮料中)搀烈性酒(或毒品)

He gave her a drink spiked with tranquillizers.
...drinks spiked with tranquillisers.被偷偷加了镇静剂的饮料


伏特加酒 (/ˈvɑːdkә/)


(boring) not interesting or exciting SYNONYM dreary枯燥無味的;無聊的;令人生厭

Life in a small town could be deadly dull.
The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.


(light/colours) not bright or shiny 不明亮的;不鮮明的;無光澤的

a dull grey colour
dull, lifeless hair


(weather) not bright, with a lot of clouds SYNONYM overcast 陰沉的;昏暗的;多雲的

It was a dull, grey day.


(sounds) not clear or loud不清晰的;隱約的;低沉的

The gates shut behind him with a dull thud.


(pain)not very severe, but continuous 隱隱約約的

a dull ache/pain


a device used by the police to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath (測量酒精含量的)呼吸分析器 (/ˈbreθәlaɪzәr/)


a section of a wide road, that is marked by painted white lines, to keep lines of traffic separate

the inside/middle lane車道
the northbound/southbound lane

simulate (sth)

to create particular conditions that exist in real life using computers, models, etc, usually for study or training purposes 仿真;模拟 (/ˈsɪmjuleɪt/)

Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed.
Role-playing is a useful way of simulating real-life situations.


A ~ of road, water, or land is a length or area of it. 一片;一段

This stretch of Lost River was broader and deeper.洛斯特里弗的这片水域又宽又深。


an electrical signal in the brain 脑波 (/ˈbreɪnweɪv/)

The device studies patterns of brainwave activity and turns them into a moving image on a computer screen.


(North American English also brainstorm) a sudden good idea靈感;妙計 (/ˈbreɪnweɪv/)

I've had a brainwave!


how well or badly you do sth; how well or badly sth works 表现;性能 (/pәrˈfɔːrmәns/)

It was an impressive performance by the French team. / the country's economic performance 国家的经济状况
high-performance (= very powerful) cars


to become or make sth worse than it was before SYNONYM deteriorate使)變得更壞,變得更糟,惡化 (/ˈwɜːrsn/)

The political situation is steadily worsening.
Her health has worsened considerably since we last saw her.


very noticeable, obvious or strongly expressed. 明显的;显著的 (/prәˈnaʊnst/)

He walked with a pronounced limp.
...a pronounced Australian accent...明显的澳大利亚口音


a very sleepy state; 瞌睡 (/ˈsliːpinәs/)

They include sleepiness, feeling sick or having bad dreams.


connected with a person's job or profession職業的 (/ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃәnl/)

occupational health
an occupational risk/hazard


[usually before noun] (rather formal or law) connected with or involving crime犯罪的;犯法的;涉及犯罪的 (/ˈkrɪmɪnl/)

criminal offences/behaviour
criminal damage (= the crime of damaging sb's property deliberately)


[only before noun] connected to the laws that deal with crime compare civil刑法的;刑事的(/ˈkrɪmɪnl/)

criminal law
a criminal lawyer

congressman (congresswoman)

a member of Congress in the US, especially the House of Representatives <美>国会议员(尤指众议员) (/ˈkɑːŋɡrәsmәn/)


A ~ is a person whose job is to look after a forest or large park. 护林员;公园看管人 (/ˈreɪndʒәr/)

Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. 比尔•贾斯蒂斯是卡尔斯巴德洞窟国家公园的管理员。


a scientist who studies meteorology 气象学家 (/ˌmiːtiәˈrɑːlәdʒɪst/)


the scientific study of the earth's atmosphere and its changes, used especially in forecasting the weather气象学 (/ˌmiːtiәˈrɑːlәdʒi/)

All of this depends on certain assumptions and the meteorology, the geology and the hydrology of the area plus the contours of the land around this particular power plant.电站的周围。


(adv) completely, with everything included, in total (/ˌɔːltәˈɡeðәr/)

That'll be £30 altogether.
It was not altogether her fault.


used after a negative phrase to add emphasis to it = whatever 丝毫(用于强调否定句) (/ˌwɑtsoʊˈɛvər/)

That boy shows no respect for older people whatsoever!
I have no interest whatsoever in politics.


used to say that it does not matter what sb does, or what happens, because the result will be the same不管發生什麼 (/ˌwɑtsoʊˈɛvər/)

We told him we'd back him whatever. 我们告诉他,在任何情况下我们都会支持他.


(used after a noun or number) having, costing or measuring a particular amount each每人;每個;各 (/әˈpiːs/)

Rooney and Walcott scored a goal apiece.
The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece.


(conj) if...not (/әnˈles/)

So I'll see you tomorrow - unless sth changes.
You can't get a good job unless you're well-educated.


conj) used to talk about a choice between two possibilities:

Either me or her - you have to choose.
Either we both go, or none of us goes.


used to compare or contrast two facts (=while) (Note: ~ can have the same meaning and use as while, but it occurs mostly in formal written English and occurs with considerably less frequency than while.) (用以比較或對比兩個事實)然而,但是,儘管 (/ˌwerˈæz/)

Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.
We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy.


(law) used at the beginning of a sentence in an official document to mean ‘because of the fact that…’鉴于 (/ˌwerˈæz/)

Whereas the following incidents have occurred. 鉴于下列事实已经发生,…


(conj) despite what has just been said但是;然而

We were tired and hungry, yet we stayed to the end of the concert.
She is bad to him, yet he loves her.


(pron) not one nor the other of two things or people

(Note: After neither and either you use a singular verb; Neither of and either of are followed by a plural noun or pronoun and a singular or plural verb. A plural verb is more informal:)
Neither dress is good for the occasion. /It was a game in which neither team deserved to win. 那场比赛两个队都不该赢。
Neither candidate was selected for the job. /Neither of my parents speaks/speak a foreign language.


a mark made with a piece of hot metal, especially on farm animals to show who owns them烙印(尤指農場牲畜身上表示所屬的印記)

You can see the brand on the cow's left side.
I wish these cruel and painful brands were out of use.


a type of product made by a particular company品牌

Which brand of toothpaste do you use?
You pay less for the store brand.


to describe sb as being sth bad or unpleasant, especially unfairly(尤指不公正地)醜化(某人),敗壞(某人)名聲

They were branded as liars and cheats.
The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.


to mark an animal with a brand to show who owns it給(牲畜)打烙印

Animals are always nervous after branding, but this is sth they have to go through.

the young

young people considered as a group

It's a movie that will appeal to the young. It's a book for young and old alike.


young animals of a particular type or that belong to a particular mother幼崽;幼獸;幼鳥

a mother bird feeding her young


a group of animals of the same type that live and feed together獸群;牧群 (/hɜːrd/)

a herd of cows/deer/elephants a beef/dairy herd


an animal's skin, especially when it is bought or sold or used for leather(尤指買賣或用作皮革的)皮,毛皮 (/haɪd/)

boots made from buffalo hide /a black hide belt
The hunter removed the hide from the hare(野兔).


a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move around, such as an animal生物;動物 (/ˈkriːtʃәr/)

The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature.
respect for all living creatures / strange creatures from outer space


(especially following an adjective) a person, considered in a particular way (具有某種特徵的)人(/ˈkriːtʃәr/)

You pathetic creature! / She was an exotic creature with long red hair and brilliant green eyes.
He always goes to bed at ten—he's a creature of habit (= he likes to do the same things at the same time every day).


a piece of skin that joins the toes of some birds and animals that swim, for example ducks and frogs蹼

The web helps ducks to swim well.


= spider's web蜘蛛網

A spider had spun a perfect web outside the window.


complicated pattern of things that are closely connected to each other 网

a web of streets /We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
She discovered a web of intrigue in the company.


the Web (also the web) = World Wide Web

I found the information on the Web.


(n) the animals kept on a farm, for example cows or sheep牲畜;家畜 (/ˈlaɪvstɑːk/)

The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。


a particular type of animal that has been developed by people in a controlled way, especially a type of dog, cat or farm animal品種(尤指人工培育的狗、貓或牲畜) (/briːd/)

Labradors and other large breeds of dog a breed of cattle/sheep


[usually singular] a type of person品種(尤指人工培育的狗、貓或牲畜)(/briːd/)

He represents a new breed of politician.
Players as skilful as this are a rare breed.


[uncountable] farm animals, such as cows and sheep, that are kept for their meat, wool, etc家畜;牲畜 (/stɑːk/)

breeding stock


a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop/store (商店的)現貨,存貨,庫存 (/stɑːk/)

We have a fast turnover of stock.
That particular model is not currently in stock.


a share(股份) that sb has bought in a company or business 股份;股票 (/stɑːk/)

stock prices
(North American English) to invest in stocks and bonds

share or stock

A share is one of a finite number of equal portions in the capital of a company,
In financial markets, stock is the capital raised by a corporation through the issuance and distribution of shares. A person or organization which holds share of stocks is called a shareholder.

Shares are basically the same thing as stocks. An easy way to know the difference between the two is that the word ‘stock’ is what you are buying, and ‘shares’ is how much of it you are buying.


"thank goodness it's Friday"; a phrase used on Fridays to show that one is happy that the weekend is coming

This week has been difficult, but this weekend should be a lot of fun. TGIF!


an area of land used for a particular purpose(作某種用途的)一塊地,場地 (/lɑːt/)

a parking lot / a vacant lot (= one available to be built on or used for sth) (especially North American English)
We're going to build a house on this lot.


a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building結構體; (尤指)建築物 (/ˈstrʌktʃәr/)

a stone/brick/wooden structure / About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges..
The house was a handsome four-story brick structure.这所房子是一幢造型美观的四层砖砌建筑物。


an official document that gives sb the right to do sth, especially for a limited period of time許可證,特許證(尤指限期的)(/pәrˈmɪt/)

a fishing/residence/parking, etc. permit /to apply for a permit / to issue a permit
You cannot enter the military base without a permit.


the glass window in the front of a car that lets the driver see where the car is going (汽车的)挡风玻璃 (/ˈwɪndʃiːld/)

A small rock hit Kayla's windshield while she was driving behind a large truck yesterday, but fortunately the glass didn't break.


a piece of identification, usually with a photograph, that shows that a person works at a specific organization or business徽章

/a small piece of metal or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to show that they belong to an organization, support sth, have achieved sth, have a particular rank, etc (/bædʒ/)
If you have a question about sth at a museum, you should look for an employee who's wearing a badge.


(British English) (North American English patch)
a piece of material that you sew onto clothes as part of a uniform (制服上的)标记,标识 (/bædʒ/)

the school badge


a small piece of metal that you carry or wear to prove who you are, used, for example, by police officers證章;警徽 (/bædʒ/)

He pulled out a badge and said he was a cop.


an official document or ticket that shows that you have the right to enter or leave a place, to travel on a bus or train, etc通行證;車票;乘車證

a boarding pass (= for a plane)
There is no admittance without a security pass.

refrain (from sth/ from doing sth)

(formal) to stop yourself from doing sth, especially sth that you want to do 克制;忍住 (/rɪˈfreɪn/)

Please refrain from smoking./ They appealed to the protesters to refrain from violence.
He has refrained from criticizing the government in public.


very happy; causing people to be happy 快乐的;欣喜若狂的 (/ˈdʒɔɪәs/)

joyous laughter
She could now enjoy the joyous prospect of being reunited with him again.


~ is the symbols that you use to divide written words into sentences and clauses. 标点符号 (/ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃn/)

Jessica scanned the lines, none of which had any punctuation. 杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。


(also less frequent well grounded) having good reasons or evidence有根据的;理由充足的;有充分根据的

to cause or support it well-founded suspicions
His fear turned out to be well founded.


a lack of food during a long period of time in a region 饥荒 (/ˈfæmɪn/)

a severe famine
disasters such as floods and famine


very hungry很餓 (/ˈfæmɪʃt/)

Isn't dinner ready? I'm famished.饭好了吗?我都饿坏了。


to use less money, time, etc. than you normally use 节约;节省 (/ɪˈkɑːnәmaɪz/)

Old people often try to economize on heating, thus endangering their health.
We're going to have to economize from now on...从现在开始,我们不得不节约开支。


to decay, or make sth decay, naturally and gradually SYNONYM decompose (使)腐败,(使)腐烂 (/rɑːt/)

rotting leaves
Candy will rot your teeth. 吃糖会蛀坏牙齿。


that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used 腐烂的;腐臭的;腐朽的 (/ˈrɑːtn/)

The smell outside this building is overwhelming — like rotten eggs.这栋大楼外面的气味让人无法忍受——就像臭鸡蛋的味道。
The front bay window is rotten.前面的凸窗腐朽了。


a smell, especially an unpleasant one(尤指难闻的)气味,臭味: (/ˈoʊdәr/)

a foul/musty/pungent, etc. odour / the stale odour of cigarette smoke
(figurative) the odour of suspicion


without a smell 无气味的;无臭的 (/ˈoʊdәrlәs/)

an odourless liquid


likely to decay or go bad quickly (食物)易腐烂的,易变质的 (/ˈperɪʃәbl/)

...perishable food like fruit, vegetables and meat...水果,蔬菜,肉类等易变质的食品
Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking. 生鸡蛋非常容易变质,烹制前后必须冷藏。


formal or literary to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way (正式或文)死亡(尤指惨死或猝死) (/ˈperɪʃ/)

Hundreds perished when the ship went down. 轮船沉没,数百人罹难。

ripe (for sth)

ready or suitable for sth to happen (/raɪp/)

This land is ripe for development. /The conditions were ripe for social change.
Reforms were promised when the time was ripe. / Conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera...霍乱即将暴发。


(of fruit or crops) fully grown and ready to be eaten OPPOSITE unripe成熟的 (/raɪp/)

Pick the tomatoes before they get too ripe.
Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.一定要挑选硬实但已成熟的水果。/...fields of ripe wheat.成熟的麦田


able to take in sth easily, especially liquid易吸收(液體等)的 (/әbˈsɔːrbәnt/)

absorbent paper/materials
The towels are highly absorbent. 这些毛巾很吸水。


interesting and enjoyable and holding your attention completely 非常有趣的;引人入胜的 (/әbˈsɔːrbɪŋ/)

'Two Sisters' is an absorbing read...《姊妹花》的故事情节引人入胜。
Children will find other exhibits equally absorbing.孩子们会对其他展品一样感兴趣。


a natural substance found in food that is an essential part of what humans and animals eat to help them grow and stay healthy. There are many different vitamins 维生素;维他命 (/ˈvaɪtәmɪn/)

Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.黄油,人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维 D。
Healthy people do not need vitamin supplements.健康的人不需要额外补充维生素。


when you ~ food, or it ~s, it is changed into substances that your body can use 消化 (/daɪˈdʒest/)

Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.
You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.


to think about sth so that you fully understand it 消化理解 (/daɪˈdʒest/)

He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.


the process of digesting food 消化 (/daɪˈdʒestʃәn/)

Vegetables are usually cooked to aid digestion.
No liquids are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.


the ability to digest food消化 (/daɪˈdʒestʃәn/)

to have a good/poor digestion


connected with the digestion of food消化的;和消化有關的 (/daɪˈdʒestɪv/)

the digestive system/tract
digestive problems


pain caused by difficulty in digesting food SYNONYM dyspepsia消化不良(症) (/ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃәn/)


food that is needed to stay alive, grow and stay healthy 营养 (/ˈnɜːrɪʃmәnt/)

Can plants obtain adequate nourishment from such poor soil?/ (figurative) As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment. / These seeds can be a great source of nourishment to birds in winter.


in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food 营养不足的;营养不良的 (/ˌʌndәrˈnɜːrɪʃt/)

People who are undernourished also lack reserves of energy when faced with physical or mental crises.
...undernourished children.营养不良的孩子们


蛋白质 (/ˈproʊtiːn/)

Fish was a major source of protein for the working man.鱼肉曾是劳动者的主要蛋白质来源。
...a high protein diet.高蛋白饮食


If you ~ sth somewhere, you open it out or arrange it over a place or surface, so that all of it can be seen or used easily. 摊开;铺开

She spread a towel on the sand and lay on it...她在沙滩上铺了一条毛巾,躺在上面。
His coat was spread over the bed.他的外套摊在床上。


If you ~ your arms, hands, fingers, or legs, you stretch them out until they are far apart. 伸出,张开,叉开(手臂,双手,手指,双腿等)

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as they will go without overstretching.在不要拉伤的前提下将双腿尽量分开。
He stepped back and spread his hands wide. 'You are most welcome to our home.伸开双手。“非常欢迎你到我们家来。”


If you ~ a substance on a surface or spread the surface with the substance, you put a thin layer of the substance over the surface. 涂;抹;敷

Spread the mixture in the cake tin and bake for 30 minutes...将混合物抹在蛋糕烤盘里,烘烤 30 分钟。
A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface...表面涂上了厚厚的一层蜡。


If sth ~s or is ~ by people, it gradually reaches or affects a larger and larger area or more and more people. (使)传播;(使)散布;(使)扩散

The industrial revolution which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe is now spreading across the world.
...the sense of fear spreading in residential neighborhoods...在住宅小区中蔓延的恐惧感


If sth such as a liquid, gas, or smoke ~s or is ~, it moves outwards in all directions so that it covers a larger area. (使)扩散;(使)散开;(使)蔓延

Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded...一辆装有化学品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。
A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt...一块深红色的污渍正在他的衬衫上渗开。


the process of a liquid, gas or other substance being taken in(液體、氣體等的)吸收 (/әbˈsɔːrpʃn/)

Vitamin D is necessary to aid the absorption of calcium from food.


the process of a smaller group, country, etc. becoming part of a larger group or country 同化;并入 (/әbˈsɔːrpʃn/)

the absorption of immigrants into the host country

absorption (in sth)

the fact of sb being very interested in sth so that it takes all their attention專心致志;全神貫注;着迷 (/әbˈsɔːrpʃn/)

His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport.


to make sth seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is夸大;夸张 (/ɪɡˈzædʒәreɪt/)

He thinks I'm exaggerating...他觉得我在夸大其词。
Don't exaggerate...别夸张。


to keep a particular quality, feature, etc; to make sure that sth is kept保護;維護;保留(/prɪˈzɜːrv/)

He was anxious to preserve his reputation./ Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances.


If you ~ food, you treat it in order to prevent it from decaying so that you can store it for a long time貯存;保鮮 (/prɪˈzɜːrv/)

I like to make puree, using only enough sugar to preserve the plums. 我喜欢做果泥,只需要用一点糖把李子腌一下。
...preserved ginger in syrup.用糖浆腌制的姜


If you ~ sth, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay. 保护;保存;维护 (/prɪˈzɜːrv/)

We need to preserve the forest...我们需要保护森林。/Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days — whether it means preserving old buildings, or protecting the environment.


to keep sth in its original state in good condition 保持,维持(原状) (/prɪˈzɜːrv/)

We will do everything to preserve peace. 我们会尽全力维持和平。
...an effort to fit in more students while preserving standards.在保持原有教学水平的同时招收更多学生的努力


made or produced to copy sth natural; not real人工的;人造的;假的 (/ɑrt̮əˈfɪʃl/)

an artificial limb/flower/sweetener/fertilizer
artificial lighting/light


created by people; not happening naturally 人为的;非自然的 (/ˌɑrt̮əˈfɪʃl/)

A job interview is a very artificial situation.
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender


not what it appears to be SYNONYM fake 虚假的;假装的 (/ˌɑrt̮əˈfɪʃl/)

artificial emotion


artifical 的名称 (/ˌɑrt̮əˌfɪʃiˈælət̮i/)

Indeed, there is an element of artificiality about such economic comparisons.事实上,这种经济上的比较存在某种人为因素。
Right? All of those are man-made, artificiality brought into the woods by you, and by the very nature of being


the quality of being real or true真實性;確實性 (/ˌɔːθenˈtɪsәti/)

Archaeological evidence may help to establish the authenticity of the statue.
The authenticity of the letter is beyond doubt.


to prove that sth is true or real 证明(某物)是真的,鉴定(某物)之真实性 (/ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt/)

The painting has been authenticated by experts. 这幅画专家鉴定为真迹。
passwords which can authenticate electronic documents 能够验证电子文档的密码


easy to digest; pleasant to eat or easy to understand OPPOSITE indigestible易消化的;口感好的;易理解的;可領會的 (/daɪˈdʒestәbl/)

Bananas are easily digestible.香蕉很容易消化。


节约(燃料,热力等)装置;节约者,节省的人 (/i(:)ˈkɔnәmaizә/)


a statement or description that makes sth seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is; the act of making a statement like this誇張;誇大;言過其實 (/ɪɡˌzædʒəˈreɪʃn/)

a slight/gross/wild exaggeration
It would be an exaggeration to say I knew her well—I only met her twice.


made to seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is or needs to be 夸大的;夸张的;言过其实 (/ɪɡˈzædʒәreɪtɪd/)

to make greatly/grossly/wildly exaggerated claims
She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance.


the fact of belonging to a particular race種族淵源;種族特點 (/eθˈnɪsәti/)

Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity. 許多因素都很重要,如階級、性別、年齡及民族。

nourish (sb/sth)

to keep a person, an animal or a plant alive and healthy with food, etc 给…提供营养;滋养 (/ˈnərɪʃ/)

All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.
Most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots.

nourish (sth)

(formal) to allow a feeling, an idea, etc. to develop or grow stronger 培养,助长(情绪,观点等) (/ˈnərɪʃ/)

By investing in education, we nourish the talents of our children.
There were hopes that the talks would nourish the fragile growth of good relations between the two countries.



nourishing food
Most of these nourishing substances are in the yolk of the egg.


a substance used to prevent food or wood from decaying 防腐剂;保护剂 (/prɪˈzɜːrvәtɪv/)

The juice contains no artificial preservatives.
(a) wood preservative


to become ripe; to make sth ripe (使)成熟 (/ˈraɪpən/)

I'm waiting for the apples to ripen...我正在等待苹果成熟。
You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.把西红柿放在有阳光的窗台上可以让它们成熟。


n. the process or state of decaying and falling apart腐爛;腐敗變質 (/rɑːt/)

The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result.
Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor...调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。


an area where people live that is outside the centre of a city郊區;城外 (/ˈsʌbɜːrb/)

Is Canada a suburb of the U.S?
a suburb of London / a London suburb hey live in the suburbs.


very small drops of water that are present in the air, on a surface or in a substance 潮气;湿气;水分 (/ˈmɔɪstʃər/)

Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.降雨会影响空气湿度。
When the soil is dry, more moisture is lost from the plant...土壤干燥时,植物会流失更多的水分。


a substance that is needed to keep a living thing alive and to help it to grow養分;養分 (/ˈnutriənt/)

a lack of essential nutrients
Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.


complex machinery複雜的 (/kәmˈpleks/)

the complex structure of the human brain


(grammar) (of a word or sentence) containing one main part and one or more other parts (called affixes or subordinate clauses) (句子)复合的 (/kәmˈpleks/)

In the complex sentence, ‘I'd like to go the beach, if it's warm enough’, ‘I'd like to go to the beach’ is the main clause, and ‘if it's warm enough’ is the subordinate clause.


a person from ancient Persia, or modern Persia, now called Iran波斯人;波斯人

the official language of Iran (/ˈpɜːʒn/)

...the Persian Empire.波斯帝国
...Persian poetry.波斯诗歌


made on a handloom 以手织机编织的 (/ˈhændwәuvәn/)


to make cloth, a carpet, a basket, etc. by crossing threads or strips across, over and under each other by hand or on a machine called a loom (用手或机器)编,织 (/wiv/)

The baskets are woven from strips of willow.
Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.


weave的过去式 (/woʊv/)


weave的过去分词 (/ˈwoʊvn/)


a substance used to make food or drink taste sweeter, used instead of sugar (/ˈswitnər/)
artificial sweetener(s) (人造的)甜味剂


to eat or drink sth吃;喝;飲 (/kәnˈsuːm/)

Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.
a half-consumed loaf of bread


A nature preserve is an area of land or water where animals are protected from hunters. 保护区 (/prɪˈzɜːrv/)

...Pantanal, one of the world's great wildlife preserves.潘塔纳尔,世界上最大的野生动物保护区之一


animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment野生動物;野生生物(ˈwaɪldlaɪf/)

Development of the area would endanger wildlife. a wildlife habitat/sanctuary


a sense of your own importance and value尊严;自尊 (/ˈdɪɡnət̮i/)

It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.


a person who likes making jokes or doing silly things to make people laugh爱开玩笑的人;逗趣的人 (/ˈdʒoʊkər/)

He is, by nature, a joker, a witty man with a sense of fun.他天性是个爱开玩笑的人,说话诙谐,很有幽默感。


a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something: For example, “AIDS” is an acronym for “acquired immune deficiency syndrome.” (/ˈækrәnɪm/)


Sth that is ~ is shaped like a rectangle. 长方形的;矩形的 (/rɛkˈtæŋɡyələr/)

...a rectangular table.长方形桌子


a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, and four angles of 90° 長方形;矩形 (/ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡl/)


in an electronic way, or using a device that works in an electronic way (/ɪˌlɛkˈtrɑnɪkli/)

to process data electronically (= using a computer)


If you talk about a particular ~ of sth, you are talking about a class of things that have particular features in common and that belong to a larger group of related things 种类;类别;品种 (/sɔːrt/)

What sort of school did you go to?...你上的是哪类学校?
There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days 现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇。

tow (sth away)

to pull a car or boat behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain (/toʊ/)

Our car was towed away by the police.


a flat case used for carrying papers and documents 公文包 (/ˈbrifkeɪs/)


a recording of a radio broadcast or a video that can be taken from the Internet (/ˈpɑːdkæst/)

To listen to the podcast, click on the link below.
I download podcasts of radio shows and listen to them in the car.


[only before noun] very high (and higher than usual); of high quality高昂的;優質的 (/ˈprimiəm/)

premium prices/products / At the premium end of the market, business is booming.高端市场业务繁荣。
...the most popular premium ice cream in this country.这个国家最受欢迎的优质冰激凌


[usually before noun] main; most important; basic synonym prime主要的;最重要的;基本的(/ˈpraɪməri/)

The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
Our primary concern must be the children.


following a pattern, especially with the same time and space in between each thing and the next規則的;有規律的;定時的OPPOSITE irregular (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

regular breathing 均勻的呼吸 / regular meetings/ visits 定期會議/訪問
a regular pulse/ heartbeat 正常的脈搏/心跳 / A light flashed at regular intervals. 一盞燈有規律地閃着亮光。


done or happening often頻繁的;經常做(或發生)的OPPOSITE irregular (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

Do you take regular exercise? 你經常鍛煉嗎?
Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families. 在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事


[only before noun] (of people) doing the same thing or going to the same place often 經常做某事的;常去某地的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

our regular customers 老主顧 /regular offenders (= against the law) 慣犯
He was a regular visitor to her house. 他是她家的常客。


USUAL [only before noun] usual 通常的;平常的;慣常的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

I couldn't see my regular doctor today. 我今天找不到平常給我看病的醫生。
On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties. 星期一,他就得回去正常上班了。


EVEN 勻稱 having an even shape均勻的;端正的;齊整的OPPOSITE irregular (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

a face with regular features 五官端正的臉龐
a regular geometric pattern 正幾何圖形


lasting or happening over a long period 持久的;穩定的;固定的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

a regular income 固定的收入
She couldn't find any regular employment. 她找不到任何固定工作。


of a standard size 標準尺寸的;中等大小的;中號的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

Regular or large fries? 中號的還是大號的炸薯條?


[only before noun] ordinary; without any special or extra features 普通的;平凡的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

Do you want regular or diet cola? 你要普通的還是低熱量的可樂?
(approving) He's just a regular guy who loves his dog. 他也不過是個十分疼愛自己狗兒的平凡人。


[only before noun] belonging to or connected with the permanent armed forces or police force of a country 常備軍的;正規軍的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

a regular army/ soldier 正規軍;正規軍士兵


(especially of verbs or nouns)
changing their form in the same way as most other verbs and nouns 規則的;按規則變化的 (/ˈreɡjәlәr/)

The past participle of regular verbs ends in '-ed'. 規則動詞的過去分詞以 -ed 結尾


extremely large SYNONYM huge, immense巨大的;龐大的;極大的 (/ɪˈnɔːrmәs/)

an enormous house/dog ; an enormous amount of time ; enormous interest
The problems facing the President are enormous.


a book that is published every year giving information for that year about a particular subject or activity 年鑒 (/ˈɔːlmәnæk/)

a cricket almanac
The Quigley Poll has been conducted every year since 1932 by the publishers of the International Motion Picture Almanac.


a book that gives information about the sun, moon, times of the tides (= the rise and fall of the sea level), etc. for each day of the year 曆書;年曆 (/ˈɔːlmәnæk/)

He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richard’s Almanac. 此后 25 年间,他每年出版一本,这就是后来我们所熟知的《穷人理查德历书》


a very small light aircraft for one or two people超轻型飞机 (/ˈʌltrәlaɪt/)


pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems (in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines, etc.) 文学;文学作品 (/ˈlɪtrәtʃәr/)

French literature
...classic works of literature.文学经典

literature (on sth)

pieces of writing or printed information on a particular subject (某学科的)文献,著作,资料 (/ˈlɪtrәtʃәr/)

I've read all the available literature on keeping rabbits. sales literature 推销商品的宣传资料


well educated and able to understand and enjoy art, literature, etc. SYNONYM cultivated OPPOSITE uncultured 有教養的;有修養的;文雅的 (/ˈkʌltʃәrd/)

Mrs Ramsay was a cultured woman who travelled a great deal.
He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends. 他是一个有修养的、交友甚广的人。


(of cells or bacteria) grown for medical or scientific study (为医学或科学研究)培养的 (/ˈkʌltʃәrd/)

cultured cells; Although the cost is currently prohibitive, the technology is widely available to produce meat from the cultured cells of animals rather than the animals themselves.


adv. past經過

Just drive by. Don't stop. /He hurried by without speaking to me. Excuse me, I can't get by.
Time goes by so quickly.


adv. in order to visit sb for a short time短暫拜訪

I'll come by this evening and pick up the books.


(of a type of plant, animal, etc.) no longer in existence不再存在的;已滅絕的;絕種的 (/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/)

an extinct species
The red squirrel is in danger of becoming extinct in England.


(of a type of person, job or way of life) no longer in existence in society絕跡的;消亡了的;廢除了的 (/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/)

Servants are now almost extinct in modern societ


connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, beliefs, etc (/ˈkʌltʃәrәl/)

cultural differences between the two communities
economic, social and cultural factors


connected with art, literature, music, etc a cultural event 與藝術、文學、音樂等有關的 (/ˈkʌltʃәrәl/)

Europe's cultural heritage
The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city.


An ~ feeling, idea, or action is one that you have or do without thinking or reasoning. 本能的;天性的;直觉的 (/ɪnˈstɪŋktɪv/)

It's an absolutely instinctive reaction—if a child falls you pick it up...这完全是本能的反应—如果一个孩子摔倒了你会把他扶起来
Ms Senatorova showed an instinctive feel for market economics.谢纳托罗娃女士对市场经济学有一种天生的敏感。


to produce thread from its body to make a web or cocoon吐(絲); 作(繭); 結(網)

a spider spinning a web
A silkworm spins a cocoon that can yield 800 metres of pure silk.


to make thread from wool, cotton, silk, etc. by twisting it紡(線); 紡(紗)

She sat by the window spinning.
to spin and knit wool


to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this(使)快速旋轉

The plane was spinning out of control.
a spinning ice skater






the regular way in which sth happens or is done 模式;方式 (/ˈpætәrn/)

changing patterns of behaviour/ an irregular sleeping pattern
The murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way).


[usually singular] an excellent example to copy 范例;典范;榜样;样板 (/ˈpætәrn/)

This system sets the pattern for others to follow.


a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc. as a design on material, carpets, etc 图案;花样;式样 (/ˈpætәrn/)

a pattern of diamonds and squares
a shirt with a floral pattern


a design, set of instructions or shape to cut around that you use in order to make sth 模型;底样;纸样 (/ˈpætәrn/)

a knitting pattern
She bought a dress pattern and some material.


~ is thick, stiff paper that is used, for example, to make boxes and models 硬纸板;卡纸板 (/ˈkɑːrdbɔːrd/)

...a cardboard box.硬纸箱
...a life-size cardboard cut-out of a police officer.用硬纸板剪出来的,和真人一样大小的警察


a strong fast bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food) 鷹;隼 (/hɔːk/)

He waited, watching her like a hawk (= watching her very closely).


a person, especially a politician, who supports the use of military force to solve problems OPPOSITE dove鷹派分子 (/hɔːk/)


feeling or showing disgust厭惡的;憎惡的;反感的 (/dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/)

I was disgusted at/by the sight.
I was disgusted with myself for eating so much.


disgusted的副词 (/dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/)

‘This champagne is warm!’, he said disgustedly.


disgust (at/with sth)/ disgust (for sb)

a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for sb/sth that you feel is unacceptable, or for sth that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant厭惡;憎惡;反感 (/dɪsˈɡʌst/)

She expressed her disgust at the programme by writing a letter of complaint.
I can only feel disgust for these criminals.


extremely unpleasant SYNONYM revolting極糟的;令人不快的 (/dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/)

The kitchen was in a disgusting state when she left.
What a disgusting smell!


unacceptable and shocking SYNONYM despicable, outrageous令人厭惡的;令人氣憤的(/dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ/)

I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital.
His language is disgusting (= he uses a lot of offensive words).

disgust (sb)

To ~ sb means to make them feel a strong sense of dislike and disapproval. 使厌恶;使憎恶 (/dɪsˈɡʌst/)

He disgusted many with his boorish behaviour. 他的粗野行为让很多人都讨厌他。


章鱼 (/ˈɑːktәpәs/)


(approving) containing a lot of juice and good to eat多汁的;汁液豐富的 (/ˈdʒuːsi/)

The meat was tender and juicy.
The birds come searching for juicy worms and grubs.


cooked in an oven or over a fire烤的;焙的 (/roʊst/)

roast chicken


(a person) from Peru 秘鲁 (/pәˈruːviәn/)


部落,部族 (/traɪb/)


the bone structure that forms the head and surrounds and protects the brain 头盖骨;颅骨;脑壳 (/skʌl/)

a fractured skull


a round roof with a circular base穹頂;圓屋頂 (/doʊm/)

the dome of St Paul's Cathedral


a thing or a building shaped like a dome圓頂狀物;穹狀建築物 (/doʊm/)

his bald dome of a head


(North American English) (in names) 圓頂 (/doʊm/)

a sports stadium whose roof is shaped like a dome the Houston Astrodome 休斯敦阿斯托洛圓頂運動場


A~ is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed. 疤;伤疤 (/skɑːr/)

He had a scar on his forehead.他的前额有一道疤。


a permanent feeling of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after an unpleasant experience(精神上的)創傷;傷痕 (/skɑːr/)

His years in prison have left deep scars.
My husband died four years ago and the scar hasn't healed yet.


sth unpleasant or ugly that spoils the appearance or public image of sth 有損外觀(或公共形象)的地方;污點;煞風景之處 (/skɑːr/)

The town still bears the scars of war. 城裏依舊可見戰爭的瘡痍.
Racism has been a scar on the game. 種族主義行為給這次比賽抹了黑.


n. a red powder used by women for giving colour to their cheeks胭脂 (/ruːʒ/)

Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty. 女人往面颊上涂胭脂,使脸更漂亮。

rouge (sth)

涂胭脂 (/ruːʒ/)

Florentine women rouged their earlobes... 佛罗伦萨的女人在耳垂上涂胭脂。
She had curly black hair and rouged cheeks. 她的头发乌黑卷曲,脸上涂了腮红。


~ is a coloured substance in the form of a stick which women put on their lips. 口红;唇膏 (/ˈlɪpstɪk/)

She was wearing red lipstick.她抹了红色唇膏。
...glossy lipsticks made from natural oils and waxes.由天然的油和蜡制成的亮彩唇膏


a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice香水(/pәrˈfjuːm/)

a bottle of expensive perfume
We stock a wide range of perfumes.


a pleasant, often sweet, smell SYNONYM scent 芳香;香味;馨香 (/pәrˈfjuːm/)

the heady perfume of the roses 玫瑰撲鼻的香味兒


a substance that is forced out of a container such as an aerosol, in very small drops 喷剂;喷雾的液体 (/ˈspreɪ/)

This spray will finish off the insects.这些喷雾剂能杀死这些虫子。
...a can of insect spray.一罐喷雾杀虫剂


吸引力;迷惑力 (/әˈtræktɪvnәs/)


To ~ sth means to put it into a hole in the ground and cover it up with earth. 掩埋;埋藏

They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.他们通过把木材埋到地下缓慢燃烧来获取木炭。
...squirrels who bury nuts and seeds.掩埋坚果和种子的松鼠


To ~ a dead person means to put their body into a grave and cover it with earth 埋葬;安葬

...soldiers who helped to bury the dead in large communal graves...帮忙把死者安葬在大型公共墓地的士兵们
I was horrified that people would think I was dead and bury me alive...


A ~ is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances. 风俗;习俗 (/ˈkʌstәm/)

The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries...点燃奥林匹克圣火的习俗可以追溯到几个世纪前。
Chung has tried to adapt to local customs.钟努力去适应当地的风俗习惯。


(formal or literary) the way a person always behaves SYNONYM habit, practice 个人习惯;习性;惯常行为 (/ˈkʌstәm/)

It was his custom to approach every problem cautiously...他习惯谨慎地处理每一个问题。
As is the custom, police forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.


very silly or unreasonable SYNONYM absurd, ludicrous 愚蠢的;荒谬的;可笑的 (/rɪˈdɪkjәlәs/)

I look ridiculous in this hat.
Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £50 for a T-shirt!


ridiculous 的名称

The ridiculousness of the situation made us laugh.


ridiculous 的副词

The meal was ridiculously expensive.
She was wearing a pair of ridiculously high-heeled shoes.

complicate (sth)

to make sth more difficult to do, understand or deal with使複雜化 (/ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪt/)

I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.
To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock.


if sth is ~, there is not enough of it and it is only available in small quantities缺乏的;不足的;稀少的 (/skers/)

scarce resources / Food was becoming scarce.
Food was scarce and expensive...食物供不应求,而且价格昂贵。


an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage 灾难;灾祸;灾害 (/dɪˈzæstәr/)

an air disaster environmental disasters /Thousands died in the disaster.
a natural disaster (= one that is caused by nature)


a very bad situation that causes problems 不幸;祸患 (/dɪˈzæstәr/)

Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster. /Disaster struck when the wheel came off.
financial disaster


(informal) a complete failure 彻底失败的人或事 (/dɪˈzæstәr/)

As a teacher, he's a disaster. 他當老師壓根兒就不稱職
The play's first night was a total disaster. 這齣戲頭一晚就徹底演砸了


the expression of strong disagreement with or opposition to sth; a statement or an action that shows this抗議;抗議書(或行動);反對 (/ˈproʊtest/)

The director resigned in protest at the decision.
The announcement raised a storm of protest.