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bad or dangerous 不好的;嚴重的;有危險的 (/ˈsɪriәs/)

a serious illness/problem/offence to
cause serious injury/damage


needing to be thought about carefully; not only for pleasure 需認真思考的;嚴肅的 (/ˈsɪriәs/)

a serious article
a serious newspaper


sincere about sth; not joking or meant as a joke 當真的;認真的 (/ˈsɪriәs/)

Believe me, I'm deadly (= extremely) serious.
Don't laugh, it's a serious suggestion.


[usually passive] to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc举例说明;图解(/ˈɪlәstreɪt/)

an illustrated textbook
His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition.


pump (sth+ adverb/preposition)
to move sth quickly up and down or in and out快速上下或内外运动 (/pʌmp/)

He knew how to climb the monkey bars and pump himself high on the swings

signal (to sb)

to make a movement or sound to give sb a message, an order, etc 发信号;示意 (/ˈsɪɡnәl/)

It wasn’t long before Beaver could signal with one paw and hold on to handlebar with the other.
Don't fire until I signal.


a metal bar, with a handle at each end, that you use for steering a bicycle or motorcycle手把 (/ˈhændlbɑːr)

It wasn’t long before Beaver could signal with one paw and hold on to handlebar with the other.
to hold onto the handlebars


(informal) to tell a lie, usually about sth that is not important撒小谎;撒谎

‘We’re going on a picnic,’ said Bear, ‘Come on.’
‘I’m not hungry,’ Franklin fibbed. He went home to eat lunch, alone.


to go in a particular direction while moving from side to side in an unsteady way 摇摇晃晃 (/ˈwɑːbl/)

Franklin wibbled and wobbled, and teerered and tottered. Then he fell into the flower bed.
He wobbled off on his bike.


to stand or move in an unsteady way so that you look as if you are going to fall 步履蹒跚;摇摇欲坠 (/ˈtiːtәr/)

Franklin wibbled and wobbled, and teerered and tottered. Then he fell into the flower bed. She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes.


to walk or move with weak unsteady steps, especially because you are drunk or ill/sick蹒跚;踉跄 (/ˈtɑːtәr/)

Franklin wibbled and wobbled, and teerered and tottered. Then he fell into the flower bed.
She managed to totter back to her seat.


a child's word for a rabbit兔子(/ˈbʌni/)


休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市) (/'hju:stәn/)


迈阿密(美国佛罗里州达东南部港市) (/mai'æmi/)


底特律 (/di'trɔit/)


开罗(埃及首都) (/'kaiәrәu/)


孟买 (/ˌbɑːmbeɪ/)


莫斯科 (/'mɑsko/)


(pron) used to refer to a specific person who is not known or people who are not known (表示身份不确定)无论是谁 (/huːˈevәr/)

I assure you that whoever did this will be punished.

look at the sunnyside of life

look at the sunny (bright) side of life

a high-functioning alcoholic

a form of alcoholism where the alcoholic is able to maintain their outside life such as jobs, academics, relationships, etc. – all while drinking alcoholically.

have an air-tight relationship

有密切关系 (/ˈertaɪt/)

air-tight: close

hang-up about (sth)

an emotional problem about sth that makes you embarrassed or worried烦恼;担忧

Michal has more hang-ups than George.
He's got a real hang-up about his height.

that looks like fun


On Saturday, Franklin’s friends zoomed by his house. ‘That looks like fun,’ said Franklin’s mother. ‘I can’t ride without my training wheels,’ groaned Franklin.

give (sth) your best effort


‘Did you give it your best effort?’ asked his mother. ‘Well…’ said Franklin. ‘Maybe I could try one more time.’

let go


His mother held on to the seat. ‘Try it. I won’t let go until you tell me to.

come easily


‘It’s too hard for me,’ said Franklin. ‘It was easy for my friends.’ ‘Do you think everything comes easily for them?’ she asked.
And we should have no illusion that progress will come easily," he said.

shooting stars


fair hair

金发 (/fer/)

He's a tall, good-looking man with short, fair hair.

tea kettle

茶壶;平底茶壶 (/ˈketl/)

a formidable task

艰巨的任务 (/ˈfɔːrmɪdәbl/)

simple present


simple past


simple future


present progressive


Tom is sleeping right now.

past progressive


Tom was sleeping when I arrived.

future progressive


Tom will be sleeping when we arrive.

present perfect


Tom has already eaten.

past perfect


Tom had already eaten when his friend arrived.


to move or go somewhere very fast快速移动;迅速前往 (/zuːm/)

On Saturday, Franklin’s friends zoomed by his house. ‘That looks like fun,’ said Franklin’s mother. ‘I can’t ride without my training wheels,’ groaned Franklin.


Likely to tip or tilt: 容易倾斜的

Franklin sat on his bike. ‘It’s tippy!,’ he cried.

(be) unsure (of yourself)

lacking confidence in yourself没有自信的; 缺乏信心的 (/ˌʌnˈʃʊr/)

He felt unsteady and very unsure. ‘I’m going to fall,’ he said, and he stopped pedalling.
Like many women, deep down she was unsure of herself.


牛津 (/ˈɑːksfәrd/)


a piece of clothing like a shirt, worn by women女装衬衫 (/blaʊs/)




牙膏 (/ˈtuːθpeɪst/)


a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, for smoking (/ˈsɪɡәret/)


a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh冰箱 (/rɪˈfrɪdʒәreɪtәr/)


= refrigerator (/frɪdʒ/)


a large piece of electrical equipment in which you can store food for a long time at a low temperature so that it stays frozen 冰柜(口语中也可以用作一般的冰箱) (/ˈfriːzәr/)




women (/ˈwɪmɪn/)

abbreviation (of/for sth)

a short form of a word, etc (Saint for St.) 缩写;缩写词 (/әˌbriːviˈeɪʃn/)

What's the abbreviation for ‘Saint’?


a short form of a word (he’s for he has) 缩写式 (/kәnˈtrækʃn/)

‘He's’ may be a contraction of ‘he is’ or ‘he has’.


a test in which students write down what is being read to them, especially in language lessons听写 (/dɪkˈteɪʃn/)


A ~ is a bright object with a long tail that travels around the sun. 彗星 (/ˈkɑːmәt/)


n. 推荐 (/ˌrekәmenˈdeɪʃn/)

Did you like the food at Paul’s Café? Yes. I had never eaten there before. Thanks for the recommendation.


辅音;辅音字母 (/ˈkɑːnsәnәnt/)


any of the units into which a word is divided, containing a vowel sound and usually one or more consonants音节(/ˈsɪlәbl/)

a word with two syllables


pale in colour (皮肤)白皙的 (/fer/)


a container with a lid, handle and a spout, used for boiling water水壶;水壶 (/ˈketl/)

an electric kettle


done in a way that was planned, not by chance SYNONYM intentionally SYNONYM on purpose故意地(/dɪˈlɪbərətli/)

She's been deliberately ignoring him all day.


If you ~, you become ill. 患病;得病;生病 (/ˈsɪkәn/)

Many of them sickened and died.他们中的很多人都患病身亡。


spread or carried by water 由水传播的; 由水运送的; (/ˈwɔːtәrbɔːrn/)

waterborne disease /illness etc waterborne diseases such as cholera 霍乱等由水传播的疾病
waterborne traffic 水上交通


to show sth in a public place so that people can go to see it 展出,展览 (/ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/)

Her paintings have been exhibited all over the world. 她的绘画作品在世界各地展出。


~ is a chemical substance that is used to kill insects. 杀虫剂;杀虫药 (/ɪnˈsektɪsaɪd/)

Spray the plants with insecticide.给植物喷洒杀虫剂。


a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land 海湾(/ɡʌlf/)

the Gulf of Mexico
Hurricane Andrew was last night heading into the Gulf of Mexico.昨晚,飓风“安德鲁”进入了墨西哥湾。

engulf (sb/sth)

to surround or to cover sb/ sth completely吞没;吞噬 (/ɪnˈɡʌlf/)

He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.
The vehicle was engulfed in flames.

engulf (sb/sth)

If a feeling or emotion engulfs you, you are strongly affected by it. 使陷于(/ɪnˈɡʌlf/)

Fear engulfed her.


The ~ of a nut or egg is the hard covering which surrounds it. (蛋,坚果等的)壳

They cracked the nuts and removed their shells...他们砸开坚果,剥去硬壳。
Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behind.一旦鸡蛋孵化后,蛋壳就没用了。


The ~ of an animal such as a tortoise, snail, or crab is the hard protective covering that it has around its body or on its back. (龟,蜗牛,蟹等的)壳
snail shells


~s are hard objects found on beaches. They are usually pink, white, or brown and are the coverings which used to surround small sea creatures. 贝壳

shell (sth)

to remove the shell or covering from nuts, peas, etc. 剥皮

She shelled and ate a few nuts.她剥了几个坚果吃了。
...shelled prawns.去了皮的对虾


vi.to break into small parts or pieces and be destroyed碎裂;解体;分裂 (/dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt/)

The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea.
The wall just disintegrated in a shower of fragments and dust.


vi. to become much less strong or united and be gradually destroyed 崩溃;瓦解 SYNONYM fall apart (/dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt/)

The authority of the central government was rapidly disintegrating.
During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate. 在1918年10月间奥匈帝国开始瓦解。


disintegrate 的名称形式(/dɪsˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃn/)




simple and not very accurate but giving a general idea of sth 粗略的;简略的;大概的 (/kruːd/)

In crude terms, the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
a crude estimate of the population available for work 对可用劳力的人数的粗略估计


[only before noun] ~ oil, rubber etc is in its natural or raw condition before it is treated with chemicals (石油,橡胶等)天然的,未加提炼的(/kruːd/)

...8.5 million tonnes of crude steel.850 万吨粗钢


(of objects or works of art) simply made, not showing much skill or attention to detail 粗制的,粗糙的: (/kruːd/)

a crude drawing of a face 脸部的略图
a crude wooden bridge 粗糙的木桥


offensive or rude, especially in a sexual way 粗俗的,粗野的;粗鲁的(尤指涉及到性) (/kruːd/)

Nev! Must you be quite so crude?尼夫!你非得那么粗俗吗?
...crude language.粗俗的语言


(crude 的名称形式) (/kruːdnәs/)


vi. to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it介入;干涉;调停;斡旋 (/ˌɪntәrˈviːn/)

She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.
The President intervened personally in the crisis.


to interrupt sb when they are speaking in order to say sth插话 (/ˌɪntәrˈviːn/)

‘But,’ she intervened, ‘what about the others?’


vi.to happen in a way that delays sth or prevents it from happening阻挠;阻碍;干扰;打扰 (/ˌɪntәrˈviːn/)

They were planning to get married and then the war intervened.


if people, things or situations are ~, you feel fear and/ or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult令人敬畏的 (/ˈfɔːrmɪdәbl/)

In debate he was a formidable opponent.
Somehow the small but formidable woman fought her way through the crowd to reach her son.


If you ~ sth that is valuable or important, you give it up, usually to obtain sth else for yourself or for other people. 牺牲;舍弃;献出(/ˈsækrɪfaɪs/)

She sacrificed family life to her career...她为事业舍弃了家庭。
Her husband's pride was a small thing to sacrifice for their children's security...


To ~ an animal or person means to kill them in a special religious ceremony as an offering to a god. 献祭;以…为祭品 (/ˈsækrɪfaɪs/)

The priest sacrificed a chicken...祭司用一只鸡作祭品。
Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held.献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴。


to be destroyed gradually by natural processes; to destroy sth in this way SYNONYM rot腐烂,腐败,腐朽 (/dɪˈkeɪ/)

decaying leaves/teeth/food


if a building or an area ~s, its condition slowly becomes worse (建筑,地方等)破败,衰落,衰败 (/dɪˈkeɪ/)

decaying inner city areas


to become less powerful and lose influence over people, society, etc失去权力﹑ 活力﹑ 影响等 (/dɪˈkeɪ/)

decaying standards of morality


a stage in a process of change or development 阶段;时期 (/feɪz/)

This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project...
The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase...目前危机正进入决定性的关键阶段。


a liquid; a substance that can flow 液体,流质 (/ˈfluːɪd/)

He is not allowed solid food yet, only fluids. 他还不能吃固体食物,只能进流食。
a powerful cleaning fluid 一种强力清洁液


When animals or plants ~, they gradually change and develop into different forms 进化;演变 (/iˈvɑːlv/)

The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females... 很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽毛是为了吸引雌鸟。
Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.玉米是从墨西哥的一种野生禾本植物进化而来的


If sth ~s or you ~ it, it gradually develops over a period of time into sth different and usually more advanced. (使)逐步发展;(使)演化 (/iˈvɑːlv/)

...a tiny airline which eventually evolved into Pakistan International Airlines...
Popular music evolved from folk songs...流行音乐从民歌演变而来。


(biology)the gradual development of plants, animals, etc. over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment进化 (/ˌiːvәˈluːʃn/)

the evolution of the human species
Darwin's theory of evolution


the gradual development of sth演化(/ˌiːvәˈluːʃn/)

In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution (= gradual development to sudden violent change).


aggressive and violent; causing great harm SYNONYM brutal野蛮的; 残暴的;野性的; 凶猛的 (/ˈsævɪdʒ/)

savage dogs
She had been badly hurt in what police described as ‘a savage attack’.


involving very strong criticism猛烈抨击的 (/ˈsævɪdʒ/)

The article was a savage attack on the government's record.


[only before noun] an offensive way of referring to groups of people or customs that are considered to be simple and not highly developed SYNONYM primitive野蛮的; 未开化的(/ˈsævɪdʒ/)

a savage tribe


(technical) connected with heat热的; 由热引起的 (/ˈθɜːrml/)

thermal energy


(of clothing) designed to keep you warm by preventing heat from escaping from the body保暖的 (衣服) (/ˈθɜːrml/)

thermal underwear


(of streams, lakes, etc.) in which the water has been naturally heated by the earth天然温热的 (/ˈθɜːrml/)

thermal springs


done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular group全世界的; 普遍的; 全体的;共同的(/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl/)

Such problems are a universal feature of old age.
Agreement on this issue is almost universal.


true or right at all times and in all places普遍存在的;广泛适用的 (/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl/)

universal facts about human nature


a place where waste or rubbish/garbage is taken and left 垃圾场;垃圾堆

...companies that bring their rubbish straight to the dump...将其废弃物直接运送至垃圾场的公司
The walled garden was used as a dump.带围墙的花园被用作了垃圾场。


a necessary or typical part of sth 要素;基本部分 (/ˈelɪmәnt/)

Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.现在健康已经成为我们生活中的一个要素。


An ~ is a substance such as gold, oxygen, or carbon that consists of only one type of atom. (化学中的)元素 (/ˈelɪmәnt/)

the elements

the weather, especially bad weather 天气;(尤指)风雨

The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.大多数难民等待救济的地方都不能挡风遮雨。
sailors battling against the elements 与恶劣天气搏斗的水手


to get rid of sth you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable 丢弃 (/dʌmp/)

Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
The dead body was just dumped by the roadside.


(informal) to get rid of sb/ sth or leave them for sb else to deal with丢下;抛弃;推卸 (/dʌmp/)

He's got no right to keep dumping his problems on me.


(business) to get rid of goods by selling them at a very low price, often in another country (向国外)倾销,抛售 (/dʌmp/)


to put sth down in a careless or untidy way随便堆放;乱放 (/dʌmp/)

Just dump your stuff over there—we'll sort it out later.


a group of young people who spend a lot of time together and often cause trouble or fight against other groups 一群朋友(尤指年轻人) (a group of friends who meet regularly) (/ɡæŋ/)

We still hang out with the same gang.
The whole gang will be there.


(adj) lacking some of the physical or mental abilities that most people have, which restricts their life残疾的(/dɪsˈeɪbld/)

He had a motorbike accident and now he is disabled.
physically/mentally disabled/ severely disabled

the disabled

(n pl) people who don't have all the physical or mental abilities that most people have残疾人 (/dɪsˈeɪbld/)

We have invented this technology to help the elderly and the disabled.
It's not easy for the disabled to find good jobs.


n) a man who serves as a sailor 水手;海员;水兵 (/ˈsiːmәn/)

He's an experienced seaman - he's been on a voyage around the world.


a person employed to manage another person's property, especially a large house or land管家 (/ˈstuːәrd/)

I travel a lot, so I need to hire a steward to take care of my properties.


(n) a person who owns shares or stocks of a company股东;股票持有人 (/ˈstɑːkhoʊldәr/)

I'm a stockholder in my dad's company.


(n) a group of people e.g. servants, hairdressers, advisors, etc. who usually accompany VIPs (要人的)一批随员,随从 (/swiːt/)

She was always accompanied by a numerous suite.


sb who brings you information, a letter etc 送信人;捎信人 (/ˈbɛrәr/)

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


person employed to carry things, eg equipment on an expedition; porter 脚夫; 搬运工人 (/ˈbɛrәr/)


(n) a state of being fully developed emotionally and mentally and behaving responsibly成熟 (/mәˈtʃʊrәti/)

Despite all his maturity, he behaved like a 3-year-old child.
to reach maturity


If you describe sb as a ~, you approve of the fact that they are able to carry on with their life even though they experience many difficulties. 能在艰苦环境中生存的人;挺过困难者(/sәrˈvaɪvәr/)

Betty has dumped him, but he'll be all right - he's a survivor.


(n) a person or a company that sends goods 承运商;发货人,货主 (/ˈʃɪpәr/)

Have the shipper already sent the goods? We've been waiting for so long now


the series of families that sb comes from originally 世系;家族 (/ˈlɪniɪdʒ/)

a French nobleman of ancient lineage
It was a family of royal lineage.


North American English usually pants (/ˈtraʊzәrz/)


short trousers/pants that end above or at the knee (/ʃɔːrts/)

a pair of tennis shorts
He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.


a narrow space or opening裂缝 (/kræk/)

From the crack in the closet door, I saw the thief as he ran outside with my computer.
She peeped through the crack in the curtains.


a device that makes a long loud sound as a signal or warning警报器;汽笛 (/ˈsaɪrәn/)

Soon I heard sirens as the police sped to my buiding.


to move along quickly (/spiːd/) (speeded, speeded; or sped, sped) 加速,迅速前行

Soon I heard sirens as the police sped to my buiding.
The car sped along the road towards the village.

shake (with sth)

(of sb's voice) to sound unsteady, usually because you are nervous, upset or angry (/ʃeɪk/) ( shook /ʃʊk/, shaken /ˈʃeɪkәn/) (声音) 颤抖

My voice shook as I told the operator there was an intruder in my home.


a person who works on the telephone switchboard (总机) of a large company or organization, especially at a telephone exchange电话接线员 (/ˈɑːpәreɪtәr/)

My voice shook as I told the operator there was an intruder in my home.
Dial 100 and ask for the operator.


a person who enters a building or an area illegally入侵者;闯入者 (/ɪnˈtruːdәr/)

My voice shook as I told the operator there was an intruder in my home.


vi. to go or be somewhere where you are not wanted or are not supposed to be闯入;侵入 (/ɪnˈtruːd/)

I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to sb.
legislation to stop newspapers from intruding on people's private lives


to cry, usually because you are sad哭泣 (/wiːp/) (wept, wept /wept/)

She started to weep uncontrollably.
I could have wept thinking about what I'd missed.

shrink (sth)

to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way缩水 (/ʃrɪŋk/ shrank /ʃræŋk/; shrunk/ʃrʌŋk/)

My sweater shrank in the wash.


to move back or away from a place or situation; to make sb/sth do this SYNONYM pull out (使)撤回,撤离(/wɪðˈdrɔː/) (withdrew / wɪðˈdruː/; withdrawn /wɪðˈdrɔːn/)

Government troops were forced to withdraw.
withdraw (sb/sth) (from sth)


to stop taking part in an activity or being a member of an organization; to stop sb/ sth from doing these things (使)退出 (/wɪðˈdrɔː/) (withdrew / wɪðˈdruː/; withdrawn /wɪðˈdrɔːn/)

withdraw (from sth)
There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.


vt. to take money out of a bank account (从银行) 取 (钱) (/wɪðˈdrɔː/) (withdrew / wɪðˈdruː/; withdrawn /wɪðˈdrɔːn/)

I'd like to withdraw £250 please.


to say that you no longer believe that sth you previously said is true 收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话) (/wɪðˈdrɔː/) (withdrew / wɪðˈdruː/; withdrawn /wɪðˈdrɔːn/)

The newspaper withdrew the allegations the next day.


vi.(of a person or an animal) to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position so that you are not standing or sitting (/laɪ/) (lay /leɪ/; lain /leɪn/)

to lie on your back/side/front
The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire.


(of a town, natural feature, etc.) to be located in a particular place位于 (/laɪ/) (lay /leɪ/; lain /leɪn/)

The town lies on the coast.


a loose jacket and pants/ trousers worn in bed 睡衣 (/pәˈdʒæmәz/)

Yes, she kept her pajams on.


adj/adv. not wearing anything on your feet赤脚的;赤着脚地 (/ˈberfʊt/)

Yes, they ran barefoot on the sand.
poor children going barefoot in the street


(in English) a word formed from a verb, ending in -ing(= the present participle ) or -ed, -en, etc. (= the past participle ) 分词 (/ˈpɑːrtɪsɪpl/)

present participle


linking verb: to become or develop into sth; to be suitable for sth成为;适合

A cat makes a great pet. Jay likes to hug this cat.
He likes to pet its soft fur. She would have made an excellent teacher.

pet (sth)

to touch or move your hand gently over an animal or a child in a kind and loving way爱抚

A cat makes a great pet. Jay likes to hug this cat. He likes to pet its soft fur.


痒 (/ɪtʃ/)


to send out a liquid 流出

Day says that cats make his eyes itch. They make his nose run.
Who left the tap running?


a clever action that sb/sth performs as a way of entertaining people 戏法;把戏 (/trɪk/)

A bird might be a good pet. Jay could teach it tricks.
He amused the kids with conjuring tricks.


a large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views (/ˈkɑːnfәrәns/)

She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education.


a meeting at which people have formal discussions会议 (/ˈkɑːnfәrәns/)

Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week.


西班牙 (/speɪn/)






荷兰人 (/dʌtʃ/)

(the) Netherlands

= Holland (/ˈneðәrlәndz/)


巴西 (/brәˈzɪl/)


巴西人 (/brәˈzɪliәn/)


瑞典 (/ˈswiːdn/)


瑞典人 (/ˈswiːdɪʃ/)


委内瑞拉人 (/ˌvenәˈzweɪlәn/)


希腊 (/ɡriːs/)


希腊人 (/ɡriːk/)


a person who is making a telephone call打电话者 (/ˈkɔːlәr/)

The caller hung up.
an anonymous caller


a person who goes to a house or a building来访者; 来客 (/ˈkɔːlәr/)

You had a caller this morning.

tame (sth)

If sb ~s a wild animal or bird, they train it not to be afraid of humans and to do what they say. 驯化,驯服(野生动物或鸟) (/teɪm/)

The Amazons were believed to have been the first to tame horses.据说亚马孙人最先驯化了马。


A ~ animal or bird is one that is not afraid of humans. (动物)驯化的,驯服的 (/teɪm/)

The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.



She's not likely to stand by and tamely accept defeat.




~ are cows and bulls. 牛 (/ˈkætl/)

...the finest herd of beef cattle for two hundred miles. 方圆两百英里内最好的肉用牛群


A ~ is a type of cattle that has long hair and long horns. ~s live mainly in the Himalayan mountains. 牦牛 (/jæk/)


A ~ is a South American animal with thick hair, which looks like a small camel without a hump. 羊驼;美洲驼 (/ˈlɑːmә/)

domesticate (sth)

When people ~ wild animals or plants, they bring them under control and use them to produce food or as pets. 驯养;驯化;培育(植物或农作物) (/dәˈmestɪkeɪt/)

We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting.我们驯狗来帮我们打猎。
...sheep, cattle, horses, and other domesticated animals.羊,牛,马及其他驯养的动物


sth that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc. 负载;重荷 (/loʊd/)

He drove by with a big load of hay...他载着一大车干草驶过。
He was carrying a very heavy load.他身上背着沉甸甸的东西。


~ is the soft part of a person's or animal's body between the bones and the skin. 肉

...maggots which eat away dead flesh.食腐肉的蛆虫
...the pale pink flesh of trout and salmon.淡粉色的鳟鱼和鲑鱼肉


~ is flesh taken from a dead animal that people cook and eat. (供食用的)肉

Meat and fish are relatively expensive.肉和鱼相对来说比较贵。
...imported meat products.进口肉制品


公鸡 (= cock) (/ˈruːstәr/)




鸡叫声 (/klʌk/)






母马 (/mer/)


马驹 (/foʊl/)




(马)嘶鸣,嘶 (/neɪ/)


A ~ is a young dog. 小狗;幼犬 (/ˈpʌpi/)


a child's word for a dog. (儿语)狗狗 = doggy


狗叫 (/bɑːrk/)


meat from an adult sheep that is eaten as food. 羊肉 (/ˈmʌtn/)


A ~ is a young sheep. (/læm/)


meat from a young sheep 羔羊肉 (/læm/)


When a sheep or goat ~s, it makes the sound that sheep and goats typically make. 咩咩叫 (/bliːt/)

worship (sb/sth)

to love and admire sb very much, especially so much that you cannot see their faults 崇拜;景仰;热爱 (/ˈwɜːrʃɪp/)

She had worshipped him for years...她仰慕他已有多年。
They worship James Brown, Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix.他们崇拜詹姆斯.布朗,鲍勃.马利和吉米.亨德里克斯。


巴格达 (/ˈbægˌdæd/)


苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号) (/ˈsʌltәn/)


A ~ is a bird of the pigeon family but is smaller and lighter in colour. ~s are often used as a symbol of peace. (/dʌv/)


鸽子 (/ˈpɪdʒɪn/)


An ~ is a very large African bird that cannot fly 非洲鸵鸟 (/ˈɑːstrɪtʃ/)


a large farm, especially in N America or Australia, where cows, horses, sheep, etc. are bred (尤指饲养牛,马,羊等的)大农场,大牧场 (/ræntʃ/)

He lives on a cattle ranch in Australia. 在澳大利亚靠一个牧牛场为生。
ranch hands(= the people who work on a ranch )


land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on 牧场;草地 (/ˈpæstʃәr/)

The cows are out now, grazing in the pasture.牛现在已经放出去了,正在牧场上吃草。
...mountain pastures.高山牧场


A ~ is the young form of a Chinese moth and it produces silk. 蚕 (/ˈsɪlkwɜːrm/)


If there is a ~ for sth, it is very popular for a short time. (一时的)狂热 (/kreɪz/)

...the craze for Mutant Ninja Turtles...《忍者神龟》的风靡一时
Walking is the latest fitness craze.散步是最近非常流行的健身方式。


马戏团 (/ˈsɜːrkәs/)


to have one of the main parts in a film/movie, play, etc (在戏剧或电影中)担任主角,演

She starred opposite Cary Grant in ‘Bringing up Baby’. 她和加利格兰特在育婴奇谭中联袂出演男女主角.
The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra...


if a film/movie, play, etc. ~s sb, that person has one of the main parts (戏剧或电影)由…主演

a movie starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan
The studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year's hit.


A ~ or a ~ dog is a dog with long hair and a long, narrow nose. 柯利牧羊犬 (/ˈkɑːli/)


A ~ is a person, especially a man, whose job is to look after sheep. (尤指男性)牧羊人,羊倌 (/ˈʃepәrd/)


~ is the area beyond the Earth's atmosphere, where the stars and planets are. 太空;外层空间

The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.飞船上的 6 名宇航员将在太空度过 10 天。
...launching satellites into space.发射人造卫星进入外层空间


~ is the whole area within which everything exists. 宇宙空间

She felt herself transcending time and space...她感到自己正在穿越时空。
The physical universe is finite in space and time.物质世界在时间和空间上是有限的


You use ~ to refer to an area that is empty or available. The area can be any size. For example, you can refer to a large area outside as a large open ~ or to a small area between two objects as a small ~ 空间;(空余的)地方

Under the plan, bits of open space — fields, golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved.
...cutting down yet more trees to make space for houses...砍掉更多的树,腾出空间来盖房子


A ~ is a space vehicle that is shaped like a long tube. 火箭 (/ˈrɑːkɪt/)


(also informal chimp) a small intelligent African ape 黑猩猩 (/ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/)


Sb who is ~ is unable to hear anything or is unable to hear very well 聋的;失聪的 (/def/)

She is now profoundly deaf.她现在已经严重失聪了。
Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf.许多常规的电视节目都为耳聋者配了字幕。

deaf (to sth)

not willing to listen or pay attention to sth 对…充耳不闻的;不愿听…的

He was deaf to my requests for help.
The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。


a very large powerful African ape covered with black or brown hair 大猩猩 (/ɡәˈrɪlә/)


~ is a hard cream-coloured substance which forms the tusks of elephants. It is valuable and can be used for making carved ornaments. 象牙 (/ˈaɪvәri/)

...the international ban on the sale of ivory.禁止销售象牙的国际禁令
...intricate ivory carvings.精致的象牙雕刻品


either of the long curved teeth that stick out of the mouth of elephants and some other animals (象,野猪,海象等的)长牙 (/tʌsk/)


If you refer to people as ~s, you dislike them because you think that they do not have an advanced society and are violent. 野蛮人;未开化的人(/ˈsævɪdʒ/)

the development of the human race from primitive savages
...their conviction that the area was a frozen desert peopled with uncouth savages.


a person who is in the same family as sb else SYNONYM relative 亲戚;亲属(/rɪˈleɪʃn/)

a close/near/distant relation of mine 我的近亲/较近的亲戚/远亲
a relation by marriage/law 姻亲.


[U] family connection; kinship 亲戚关系;亲属关系 (/rɪˈleɪʃn/)

Is he any relation (to you)? 他(跟你)是亲戚吗?
He's no relation (to me). 他(跟我)不是亲戚.


a man who is in charge of a group of workers 工头,领班 (/ˈfɔːrmәn/)

If you want to leave early, you have to ask the foreman.
With experience such as yours you should be a foreman here.


女工头,领班 (/ˈfɔːrwʊmәn/)


an agreement to marry sb; the period during which two people are engaged 婚约;订婚时期 (/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmәnt/)

Their engagement was announced in the local paper.
a long/short engagement


an arrangement to do sth at a particular time, especially sth official or sth connected with your job 约会;约定 (/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmәnt/)

I have a business engagement on that day.
an engagement book/diary


a vowel sound in parts of words that are not stressed, for example the ‘a’ in about or the ‘e’ in moment; the phonetic symbol for this, /ә/ (/ʃwɑː/)


pronounced without emphasis OPPOSITE stressed不强调的;不重读的 (/ʌnˈstrest/)

The schwa /ә/ is an unstressed vovel sound.


a speech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is not touching the top of the mouth, the teeth, etc vowel sounds (/ˈvaʊәl/)

Each language has a different vowel system.

future perfect


Tom will already have eaten when his friend arrives.

present perfect progressive


Tom has been studying for two hours.

past perfect progressive


Tom had been studying for two hours before his friends came.

future perfect progressive


Tom will have been studying for two hours by the time his friend arrives.

phase (sth) in

to introduce or start using sth gradually in stages over a period of time逐步采用;分阶段引入

The new tax will be phased in over two years.

phase (sth) out

to stop using sth gradually in stages over a period of time逐步淘汰;逐步取消;分阶段停止使用

Subsidies to farmers will be phased out by next year.

stand up (to sth)

to remain valid even when tested, examined closely, etc 經得起(檢驗,審查等)

His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.
I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.

stand up for (sb/sth)

to support or defend sb/sth 支持;維護

Always stand up for your friends.
You must stand up for your rights.

stand up to (sth)

to remain in good condition despite rough treatment 能承受,經受得住,耐(…)

Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales? 这座楼能经得住最强劲的大风吗?
Will this car stand up to winter conditions here? 这汽车经得起这儿冬天的气候条件吗?

chimney sweep

(n) a person whose job is to clean chimneys 烟囱清扫工 (/ˈtʃɪmni/)

The chimney got blocked, so we called a chimney sweep.

sliding door

a door that slides across an opening rather than swinging away from推拉门

The sound woke me up. I heard the sliding door open, so I reached for the phone by the bed and called the police.


near sb/sth; at the side of sb/sth; beside sb/sth靠近;在…旁邊

The sound woke me up. I heard the sliding door open, so I reached for the phone by the bed and called the police.
a house by the river

take one’s temperature

measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument量体温 (/ˈtemprәtʃәr/)

past participle

过去分词 (/ˈpɑrt̮əˌsɪpl/)

present participle




This dog likes to play tug-of-war. He pulls one way. Jay pulls back.



Next Jay sees a tan-and white cat.

Las Vegas


Sao Paulo


How far is it from…to


How far is it from Houston to Miami?

What’s the population of


What’s the poplulation of Cairo?

make do (with sth)

to manage with sth that is not really good enough 湊合;將就

Can’t you make do with five pounds.
We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.

stone age


postal system

邮政系统 (/ˈpoʊstl/)

be (all) the rage

to be very popular and fashionable 风靡一时;非常流行 (/reɪdʒ/)

Fax machines in cars are all the rage in California.
The 1950s look is all the rage at the moment.目前,20 世纪 50 年代的装扮正流行。

wipe (sb/sth) out

to destroy or remove sb/sth completely 摧毁;毁灭;使灭绝

Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.
Last year's profits were virtually wiped out.

die out

If sth ~s, it becomes less and less common and eventually disappears completely 逐渐消亡;灭绝;绝种 = become extinct

How did the dinosaurs die out?...恐龙是如何灭绝的?
I want to teach Irish so that it won't die out.我想教爱尔兰语,这样它就不会彻底消失。

turn...into dust

化为尘埃 (/dʌst/)

"The nature of his popularity rating is that it looks solid, but could turn into dust very quickly, " says Kirill Rogov, a political commentator.”这种高支持率看着坚固,但却可迅速地化为尘烟,” 政治评论家克里尔•罗格夫如是说。

a German Shepherd


Giant Panda

大熊猫 = panda (/ˈpændә/)

A panda or a giant panda is a large animal rather like a bear, which has black and white fur and lives in the bamboo forests of China

San Francisco

圣弗朗西斯科(即旧金山, 三藩市)(美国港市) (/sɑ:n frænˈsɪskәʊ/)

the northern lights

(also aurora borealis)北极光 (/ˈnɔːrðәrn/)

savage environment

恶劣的环境 (/ˈsævɪdʒ/)

surf the internet (Net)

to use the Internet (/sɜːrf/)

I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.


n. a learning activity in which you behave in the way sb else would behave in a particular situation

Role-play allows students to practise language in a safe situation.

role-play (sth)


Role-play the interview with a friend beforehand. 事先和一个朋友进行角色扮演操练面试。

yes and no

used when you cannot give a clear answer to a question說不準;也是也不是

Did you find a parking space? Well, yes and no. I parked my car illegally.
‘Are you enjoying it?’ ‘Yes and no.’

a traffic ticket

罚单 (/ˈtræfɪk/)

run a red light
run the lights

to fail to stop at a red traffic light闯红灯

crack his knuckles

压手指关节 (/ˈnʌkl/)

He’s always cracking his knuckles while I’m trying to study.

flight attendant

(n) a person serving meals and looking after passengers during flights (客机的)乘务员 (/әˈtendәnt/)

She is fed up with travelling since she became a flight attendant.
A terrorist took one of the flight attendants hostage during the hijack.

New Orleans

新奥尔良(美国港市) (/nju:ˈɔ:liәnz/)

melting snow


hold (sb/sth) back

to prevent sb from doing sth, or to prevent sth from happening. 阻挡;阻止

Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery...国内销售的停滞不前正阻碍着经济复苏。
Jake wanted to wake up, but sleep held him back.杰克想要醒来,但睡意使他又沉入梦乡。

state legislator

州议员,州立法委员 (/ˈledʒɪsleɪtәr/)

Senate Bill 347

参议院法案 347 号 (/ˈsenәt/)

security concerns

安全考虑,安全考量 (/sәˈkjʊrәti/)

once highly traveled road


traffic congestion

交通堵塞 (/kәnˈdʒestʃәn/)

economic loss

经济损失 (/ˌiːkәˈnɑːmɪk/ /lɔːs/)

during the morning and evening commute hours


the federal government proposed granting limited road access to cars and motorcycles during the morning and evening commute hours

heightened terror alerts

高度恐怖警报 (/ˈhaɪtn/)

ongoing efforts (to do)

不断的努力,持续努力 (/ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ/)

Through ongoing efforts, we hope to set up a complete, modern circulation system for agricultural products, to guarantee market supply and avoid price fluctuations.

make the best of (sth/it)

to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can充分利用;尽量利用

We've had to make the best of it ever since dad died last year.


英亩-英尺(体积单位 about 4050 square metres)


rain, water or other liquid that runs off land into streams and rivers 径流,溢流(指流入河流中的雨水)

The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.
...runoff water flashing down a gully.从沟渠中奔流而下的径流

be at risk (of sth)

to be in a situation where sth unpleasant might happen. 境危险;有风险的;在危险中

Up to 25,000 jobs are still at risk...多达 25,000 份工作仍受到威胁。
An estimated seven million people are at risk of starvation...估计有 700 万人面临着饿死的危险。

massive flooding

大洪水 (/ˈmæsɪv/)

shore (sth) up

to support part of a building or other large structure by placing large pieces of wood or metal against or under it so that it does not fall down 用撑柱支撑 (/ʃɔːr/)

Timbers were used to shore up the tunnel.

shore (sth) up

to help to support sth that is weak or going to fail 支撑 (/ʃɔːr/)

The measures were aimed at shoring up the economy.

disc jockey

(n) a person who plays music on a radio show or in a club (电台)音乐节目主持人;(舞厅)舞曲唱片播放员 (/ˈdʒɑːki/)

Music is my life, so I want to become a radio disc jockey.

film maker

a person who makes films/movies 电影制作人

Stanley Kubrick is one of the most admired film makers

hose down

to wash sth using a hose 用水管冲洗 (/hoʊz/)

I'll just hose down the car.
In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine...

sign up (for)

If you ~ for an organization or if an organization ~s you, you sign a contract officially agreeing to do a job or course of study. (和…)签约;雇用;报名(参加课程)

So where do I sign up for the time machine?那么我到哪里报名参加时光旅游呢?
He signed up as a steward with P&O Lines...他签约了 P&O 航运公司,成为了一名乘务员。

make a comeback

If sb such as an entertainer or sports personality ~s, they return to their profession or sport after a period away. (娱乐圈,体育明星等的)复出,东山再起 (/ˈkʌmbæk/)

Sixties singing star Petula Clark is making a comeback.60 年代的歌星佩杜拉•克拉克复出了。

take pleasure in


Many Americans hate big banks and take pleasure in seeing them attacked.许多美国人痛恨大银行,喜欢看到它们遭受攻击。
But while we take pleasure in living with these animals, they can present inconvenience and even danger.

hand grenade

a small bomb that is thrown by hand手榴弹 (/ɡrәˈneɪd/)


a pumpkin with a face cut into it and a candle put inside to shine through the holes 南瓜灯 (/ˈdʒækә læntәrn/)


yellowish brown in colour 棕黄色,黄褐色 (/tæn/)


produced without moving your vocal cords. For example, the consonants /p/ , /t/ and /k/ are voiceless. OPPOSITE voiced 清音的 (/ˈvɔɪslәs/)

Final –ed is pronounced /t/ after voiceless sounds.
Final –ed is pronounced /d/ after voice sounds.

vacuum (sth)

to clean sth using a vacuum cleaner用真空吸塵器清掃 (/ˈvækjuәm/)
Have you vacuumed the stairs?

blink (sth)

when you ~ or~ your eyes or your eyes ~, you shut and open your eyes quickly眨眼 (/blɪŋk/)

He blinked in the bright sunlight.
Lucy blinked at him in astonishment.

mop (sth)

to clean sth with a mop用拖把擦乾淨 (/mɑːp/)

She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.

mop (sth)

to remove liquid from the surface of sth using a cloth用拖把擦乾淨 (/mɑːp/)

He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow(= to remove the sweat).


to clean furniture, a room, etc. by removing dust from surfaces with a cloth擦去…的灰塵;擦灰 (/dʌst/)

I broke the vase while I was dusting.
Could you dust the sitting room?


to remove dirt from sb/sth/yourself with your hands or a brush撢去;擦去;刷去 (/dʌst/)

She dusted some ash from her sleeve.


to leave a place, especially to start a trip離開;離去;起程;出發 (/dɪˈpɑːrt/)

The airplane departed at six and landed at eight.


to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface OPPOSITE take off落;降落;着陸

The plane landed safely.
A fly landed on his nose.

land (sth)

(of pilot) to bring a plane down to the ground in a controlled way使(飛機)平穩着陸

The pilot landed the plane safely.

land (sth)

(arrive in plane/boat) to arrive somewhere in a plane or a boat(乘飛機或船)着陸,登陸

We shall be landing shortly.
Please fasten your seatbelts. The troops landed at dawn.


a drug or another form of medicine that you take to prevent or to treat an illness 药;药物 (/ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn/)

When I asked the doctor about some medication, he suggested a new one.
Are you currently taking any medication?


to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime, etc. to find out the truth about it or how it happened調查,偵查(某事) (/ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/)

When Mrs. Chu heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate.
The FBI has been called in to investigate.


to fall or allow sth to fall by accident 意外地)落下,掉下,使落下 (/drɑːp/)

When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap. The climber slipped and dropped to his death.


happening or done at the same time as sth else同時發生(或進行)的;同步的 (/ˌsaɪmlˈteɪniәs/)

There were several simultaneous attacks by the rebels.
The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.


a light wind微風;和風 (/briːz/)

A cool breeze was blowing.
a sea breeze

shovel (sth)

to lift and move earth, stones, coal, etc. with a shovel鏟;鏟起 (/ˈʃʌvl/) (shovelling, shovelled)

A gang of workmen were shovelling rubble onto a truck.
They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow.


a tool with a long handle and a broad blade with curved edges, used for moving earth, snow, sand, etc铲;铁铲 (/ˈʃʌvl/)

The children took their pails and shovels to the beach.
compare spade


the part of a large machine or vehicle that digs or moves earth (推土机,挖土机等的)铲,铲形部分 (/ˈʃʌvl/)


a garden tool with a broad metal blade and a long handle, used for digging鍬;鏟 (/speɪd/)

Turn the soil over with a spade.
(British English) The children took their buckets and spades to the beach.


a meeting at which sth, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people展示會;介紹會;發佈會 (/ˌpriːzenˈteɪʃn/)

The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.


the language of the Arabs阿拉伯語 (/ˈærәbɪk/)


the use of movement and the expression of your face to communicate sth or to tell a story SYNONYM mime 哑剧 (/ˈpæntәmaɪm/)

Watch a classmate perform a pantomime.
Then in pairs, in small groups, describe the actions in the pantomime step by step.


the feeling of being slightly angry惱怒;生氣;煩惱 (/әˈnɔɪәns/)

He could not conceal his annoyance at being interrupted.


all the time; repeatedly始終;一直;重複不斷地 (/ˈkɑːnstәntli/)

Fashion is constantly changing.
Heat the sauce, stirring constantly.


used with verbs in the progressive tenses to say that sb does sth very often and in a way that is annoying to other people (与动词进行时连用)老是,没完没了地 (/fәrˈevәr/)

In addition to always, the words forever and constantly are used with progressive verbs to express annoyance.
I am forever picking up Mary’s dirty socks!


to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have don e吹噓;自吹自擂 (/bræɡ/)

He bragged to his friends about the crime.
I'm not bragging but I think I did very well in the interview.


any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hand 指節;指關節(/ˈnʌkl/)


to make a sharp sound; to make sth do this(使)發出爆裂聲,劈啪作響

He’s always cracking his knuckles while I’m trying to study.
A shot cracked across the ridge.


a group of people who decide who is the winner of a competition (竞赛的)评判委员会,裁判委员会 (/ˈdʒʊri/)

She is in the jury of a prestigious singing competition


(n) a person who holds the money that is bet by people on a race or competition, etc. and afterwards pays it to the winner 赌金保管人 (/ˈsteɪkhoʊldәr/)

A stakeholder must be a trustworthy person because you entrust him with your money


a person or company that is involved in a particular organization, project, system, etc., especially because they have invested money in it (某組織,工程,體系等的)參與人,參與方;有權益關係者 (/ˈsteɪkhoʊldәr/)


the age at which you are legally considered to be an adult 法定成年年龄 (/mәˈdʒɔːrәti/)

This year he reached his majority so he's going to vote in the elections in the autumn.


a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc. (男)房东 (/ˈlændlɔːrd/) (女:landlady)

The landlord didn't let us paint the door blue


a man who owns or manages a pub or a guest house (酒吧的)店主,老板,(家庭旅馆或客栈的)店主 (/ˈlændlɔːrd/) (女:landlady)


the colour of sb's skin showing which race he or she belongs to(人種的)膚色 (/ˈkʌlәr/)

He felt that he wasn't chosen because of his colour.
Discrimination on the grounds of colour is still a serious problem.


a person who established a company, institution etc. 組織,機構等的)創建者,創辦者,發起人 (/ˈfaʊndәr/)

John was not only the leader, but also founder of that party.
The company's founder decided to retire.


n./adj. a group or class of people enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status (社会)精英;上层人士 (/eɪˈliːt/)

He has always wanted to be a member of the elite, but with his working class background it's hardly possible.
an elite group of senior officials


a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio (a group of people gathered for a special purpose) 專家咨詢組;(廣播,電視上的)討論小組 (/ˈpænl/)

There was an interview with a panel of experts on Islam.
an advisory panel


a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments are fixed (汽车或其他机械的)控制板,仪表盘 (/ˈpænl/)

an instrument panel
a control/display panel


a person who inherits money, property etc. of a person who died 继承人 (/er/)

His heir sold all the inherited paintings.


(n) a person or group of people that are criticised, laughed at or treated in an unpleasant way (攻击的)目标,对象 (/ˈtɑːrɡɪt/)

The author of the article has become the target of harsh criticism.


(n) a large group of people singing together 唱诗班;合唱团 (/ˈkwaɪәr/)

I love going to Sunday masses because I just adore how our church choir sings


an enemy 敌人;对头 (/foʊ/)

We've been political foes for 13 years.


(n) all the people collectively 人类 (/mænˈkaɪnd/)
Global warming is one of the greatest problems facing mankind.

Leaving Africa was a very important event in the history of mankind.


(n) a person with a natural ability in some field 有才能的人;人才,天才 (/ˈtælәnt/)

There are many singing talents in that class.

successor (to sb/sth)

a person or thing that comes after sb/sth else and takes their/its place 继承人,继任者 (/sәkˈsesәr/)

I'm currently training the successor to my post when I'm retired. He was President's successor.


路易斯安那(美国南部的州名) (/lu(:)ˌi:ziˈænә/)


参议员 (/ˈsenәtә/)


adj. near in position; not far away 附近的;鄰近的 (/ˌnɪrˈbaɪ/)

Her mother lived in a nearby town.
There were complaints from nearby residents.


adv. a short distance from sb/sth; not far away在附近;不遠 (/ˌnɪrˈbaɪ/)

They live nearby.
The car is parked nearby.

demand (sth)

to ask for sth very firmly強烈要求 (/dɪˈmænd/)

Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education Secretary...
Russia demanded that Unita send a delegation to the peace talks...

demand (sth)

to need sth in order to be done successfully需要 (/dɪˈmænd/)

This sport demands both speed and strength.


to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc. so that sb/sth can go through it 在…上打開缺口 (/briːtʃ/)

The dam had been breached.
Demonstrators breached police lines around the embassy.


to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc. so that sb/sth can go through it 在…上打開缺口 (/briːtʃ/)

The dam had been breached.
Demonstrators breached police lines around the embassy.


the ideas and opinions of a person or group. (群体的)观念,态度 (/ˈkɑːnʃәsnәs/)

her newly-developed political consciousness
The Greens were the catalysts of a necessary change in the European consciousness.


清醒状态;知觉;意识 (/ˈkɑːnʃәsnәs/)

She banged her head and lost consciousness...她撞到了头,失去了知觉。
He drifted in and out of consciousness.他时而清醒,时而昏迷。

downstream (of/from sth)

adv. in the direction in which a river flows OPPOSITE upstream順流而下;在下游方向 (/ˌdaʊnˈstriːm/)

downstream of/from the bridge
There's a village about a mile downstream.


adj. in a position along a river which is nearer the sea OPPOSITE upstream 在下游的 (/ˌdaʊnˈstriːm/)

downstream areas


a member of a group of people that has the power to make laws 立法委員 (/ˈledʒɪsleɪtәr/)

...an attempt to get US legislators to change the system.旨在推动美国的立法者进行制度变革的努力


on top of; at the top of 在…顶上;在…上面 (/әˈtɑːp/)

Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.在报纸下面的一张纸上放着一个信封。
a flag high atop a pole


to begin to happen; to begin sth 开始 (不能接不定式) (/kәˈmens/)

The academic year commences at the beginning of October...学年于 10 月初开始。
They commenced a systematic search...他们开始进行彻底搜查

start (begin/ commence)

The meeting is ready to begin (会议可以开始了)/ an alternative to commencing the process of European integration
He tore the list up and started a fresh one (他把清单撕碎,然后另列一张)

start 和 begin 三个词意思相近,不过 commence 一词更为正式,通常不用于对话中. 注意 begin, start 和 commence 都能后接动词的 -ing 形式或名词,但只有 begin 和 start 才能后接不定式。


If you give money ~ sth, you give it to help pay for that thing. (钱)用于 (/tɔːrd(z)/)

He gave them £50,000 towards a house...他给了他们 5 万英镑用于买房子。
71 percent of the entire budget went towards the military…整个预算的 71% 用于了军备。


The ~ of a piece of writing is the person who wrote it. 作者 (/ˈɔːθәr/)

Jill Phillips, author of the book 'Give Your Child Music'.吉尔•菲利普斯,《给孩子音乐》一书的作者


An ~ is a person whose job is writing books. 作家 (/ˈɔːθәr/)

Haruki Murakami is Japan's best-selling author.村上春树是日本当红的畅销书作家。


the person who starts a plan or an idea (计划,主张的)创始人,发起者 (/ˈɔːθәr/)

the author of the state reforms 州政府改革的发起者

author (sth)

to be the author of sth. 创作;撰写;发起 (/ˈɔːθәr/)

Then he opened a restaurant, authored a book, and landed his own radio show.
a proposal authored by subcommittee chairman Quentin Burdick专门小组委员会主席昆廷•伯迪克提出的建议


If you ~ a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it. 估算;估价 (/ˈestɪmeɪt/)

Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object...
I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500..


the state of being crowded and full of traffic 堵塞;拥堵 (/kәnˈdʒestʃәn/)

The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry...交通拥堵问题不会一下子就消失。
Energy consumption, congestion and pollution have increased.能源消耗,交通堵塞以及污染状况愈加严重。

seek (to do sth)

try to do sth. 試圖;設法 (sought /sɔːt/)

He also denied that he would seek to annex the country...他还否认会试图吞并该国。
Moscow is seeking to slow the growth of Russian inflation.俄罗斯政府正力图遏制本国的通货膨胀


to agree to give sb what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do sth (尤指正式或法律上)同意,准予,允许) (/ɡrænt/)

My request was granted.
I was granted permission to visit the palace.


to admit that sth is true, although you may not like or agree with it (勉强)承认,同意 (/ɡrænt/)

She's a smart woman, I grant you, but she's no genius.


(cause sth to) become higher or more intense (使)提高,加强 (/ˈhaɪtn/)

heightening tension 越来越紧张的情况
her heightened colour, ie the increased colour in her face, eg caused by emotion 她那绯红的脸庞(如因激动所致)


A ~ is a lake that is used for storing water before it is supplied to people. 水库;蓄水池 (/ˈrezәrvwɑːr/)

The road would be closed during heightened terror alerts and if reservoir water rises above a certain level.


to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth 批准;授权 (/ˈɔːθәraɪz/)

I can authorize payments up to £5000.
I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.


continuing to exist or develop 进行中的;不间断的;继续存在的 (/ˈɑːnɡoʊɪŋ/)

There is an ongoing debate on the issue...对此问题的争论一直没有间断过。
That research is ongoing.那项研究在进行中。


萬聖節前夕 (/ˌhæloʊˈiːn/)


a drink of medicine or poison; a liquid with magic powers 药水;毒液;魔水(/ˈpoʊʃn/)

It’s Halloween. My potion is done. It’s time for some fun! There’s so much to see. Come fly with me. I've tried all sorts of drugs, creams, pills and potions. 我已試過各種各樣的藥物,藥膏,藥片和藥水。


the clothes worn by actors in a play or film/movie, or worn by sb to make them look like sth else (比如 Halloween 穿得吓人的服装) (/ˈkɑːstuːm/)

Here are some colorful costumes!


the height of sth in relation to the ground or to what it used to be(與地面或過去位置相對的)高度

the level of water in the bottle 瓶中的水位
SB 347 authorizes the state to participate in ongoing efforts to raise the level of Folsom Dam.


a violent storm with very strong winds, especially in the western Atlantic Ocean 飓风(/ˈhɜːrәkәn/)

hurricane-force winds 颶風級大風

Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida. 颶風貝蒂正在逼近佛羅里達海岸。


extremely large or serious巨大的;非常嚴重的 (/ˈmæsɪv/)

The explosion made a massive hole in the ground.
a massive increase in spending


a very sad event or situation, especially one that involves death 不幸;灾难;悲剧(/ˈtrædʒәdi/)

They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy...他们遭逢了巨大的个人不幸。
Maskell's life had not been without tragedy.马斯克尔的生活亦有过变故


a serious play with a sad ending, especially one in which the main character dies; plays of this type悲劇;悲劇作品 (/ˈtrædʒәdi/)

Shakespeare's tragedies
Greek tragedy


a person who is the official head of a country or region that is governed by another country 統治者;管轄者;總督 (/ˈɡʌvәrnәr/)

the former governor of the colony
a provincial governor


a person who is chosen to be in charge of the government of a state in the US(美國的)州長 (/ˈɡʌvәrnәr/)

the Arizona governor
Gov. William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.


a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time 重逢;團聚;聚會 (/ˌriːˈjuːniәn/)

a family reunion
the school's annual reunion


very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do SYNONYM keen熱切的;渴望的;渴求的 (/ˈiːɡәr/)

eager crowds outside the stadium
She is eager for (= wants very much to get) her parents' approval.


(n) a person who used to serve in armed forces, especially during a war.退伍军人,老兵 (/ˈvetәrәn/)

My grandpa is a Vietnam veteran.


(n) older people as a group 老人(/ˈeldәrli/)

Special arrangements were available for the elderly.


(adj) advanced in years (used as a polite word for ‘old’) 年长的;上年纪的 (/ˈeldәrli/)

Elderly residents could remember the construction of this building.

succeed (sb/sth)

to come next after sb/sth and take their/its place or position YNONYM follow接替;繼任;隨後出現(/sәkˈsiːd/)

Queen Elisabeth II will be succeeded by Prince Charles, whereas he will be succeeded by his eldest son Prince William.
Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure.


(n) the person in command of a ship or plane船長;機長 (/ˈkæptɪn/)

The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.
This is your captain speaking. We expect to be landing at London Stansted in 20 minutes.


(often in compounds) a person who is in a position of authority in the government or a large organization (政府或大機構的)官員,高級職員 (/ˈɔːfɪsәr/)

an environmental health officer 環境衞生官員
a customs/ prison/ welfare officer 海關/典獄/福利官員


a book, film/movie or song which is well known and considered to be of very high quality, setting standards for other books, etc(書,電影或歌曲的)經典作品,名著,傑作 (/ˈklæsɪk/)

English classics such as ‘Alice in Wonderland’
The novel may become a modern classic.


a thing that is an excellent example of its kind優秀的典範;經典 (/ˈklæsɪk/)

That match was a classic.


the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture, especially their languages and literature古希臘與古羅馬的文化研究(尤指對其語言與文學的研究) (/ˈklæsɪk/)

a degree in Classics


[C] any of the large systems of stars, etc. in outer space 星系(/ˈɡælәksi/)

the Galaxy

the system of stars that contains our sun and its planets, seen as a bright band in the night sky 銀河;銀河系 (/ˈɡælәksi/)


[C] (informal) a group of famous people, or people with a particular skill 群英;人才薈萃(/ˈɡælәksi/)

a galaxy of Hollywood stars 好萊塢影星的薈萃
A galaxy of celebrities is expected at the film festival.


n) a person who sells goods賣者;銷售者;賣方 (/ˈselәr/)

I paid £20 to the seller.


(n) a person who really loves and defends their country爱国者,爱国主义者 (/ˈpeɪtriәt/)

Not all soldiers are patriots.


a meeting, especially one that is sudden, unexpected or violent(意外,突然或暴力的)相遇,邂逅,遭遇,衝突 (/ɪnˈkaʊntәr/)

The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of South Vietnamese soldiers.作者讲述了和一群南越士兵的奇遇。
Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police.他們中有三個人後來在與警察的衝突中被殺死。


An ~ is a particular type of experience. 特殊经历;特殊体验 (/ɪnˈkaʊntәr/)

It was his first sexual encounter (= first experience of sex). 那是他的第一次性經歷。
...his first serious encounter with alcohol. 他第一次正儿八经喝酒的经历


a person who spends a holiday/vacation living in a tent or at a holiday camp 宿营者;露营者 (/ˈkæmpәr/)


野营车 (=RV, recreational vehicle) (/ˈkæmpәr/)




a truck, or a container with wheels, that is pulled by another vehicle拖車;掛車 (/ˈtreɪlәr/)

a car towing a trailer with a boat on it


a vehicle without an engine, that can be pulled by a car or truck or used as a home or an office when it is parked(拖車式)活動房屋 (/ˈtreɪlәr/)

a trailer park(= an area where trailers are parked and used as homes)


A ~ is a journey during which you visit several places that interest you. 旅行;游历;观光 (/tʊr/)

It was week five of my tour of the major cities of Europe.那是我在欧洲主要城市游历的第 5 周。


A ~ is a short trip that you make round a place, for example round a historical building, so that you can look at it. (短时间的)游览,参观,观光(/tʊr/)

...a guided tour of a ruined Scottish castle.由导游带领游览苏格兰荒废城堡


an official series of visits made to different places by a sports team, an orchestra, an important person, etc 巡迴比賽(或演出等);巡視 (/tʊr/)

The band is currently on a nine-day tour of France.
The band is on tour in France.


in or connected with a suburb 郊区的;城外的(/sәˈbɜːrbәn/)

...a comfortable suburban home.城外舒适的住所
...a suburban shopping centre in Sydney.悉尼城郊的购物中心


An ~ is a large reptile with short legs, a long tail and very powerful jaws 短吻鳄 (/ˈælɪɡeɪtәr/)


(v/n) to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way 散步;溜达;闲逛(/stroʊl/)

He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window...
People were strolling along the beach. / People were strolling along the beach.




The ~of an animal or plant is the natural environment in which it normally lives or grows. (动植物的)生境,栖生地,产地(/ˈhæbɪtæt/)

In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft...在原生境中,木槿能长到 25 英尺高。
Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此多样化的动植物栖生地。


to become, and continue to be successful, strong, healthy, etc. SYNONYM flourish 欣欣向荣;茁壮成长;兴旺发达 (/θraɪv/)

Today his company continues to thrive...今天,他的公司继续蓬勃发展。
Lavender thrives in poor soil.薰衣草在贫瘠的土壤中茁壮生长。



a thriving industry

present (sth)

If sth ~s a difficulty, challenge, or opportunity, it causes it or provides it. 引起;导致;带来;提供 (/prɪˈzɛnt/)

This presents a problem for many financial consumers...这给很多金融消费者带来了一个问题。
The future is going to be one that presents many challenges...未来将会面临诸多挑战。


a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a gun 榴彈;手榴彈;槍榴彈 (/ɡrәˈneɪd/)

rocket-propelled grenades
Aunt Bunny put a dozen grape grenades in Max and Ruby’s jack-o’-lanterns.(在这里是一种手榴弹型的糖果)


sticky黏性的;塗有黏膠的 (/ˈɡʌmi/)

Mr. Huffington filled their jack-o’-lanterns with gummy toads.(一种黏性糖果)


to fill a space or container tightly with sth 填滿;裝滿;塞滿;灌滿 (/stʌf/)

Mr. Huffington filled their jack-o’-lanterns with gummy toads. Then he stuffed a few extra toads in Max’s costume.


an African wild pig with two large outer teeth called 疣豬 (/ˈwɔːrthɑːɡ/)

“Trick or treat!” said Ruby to the Warthog sisters.


either of the two organs that produce sperm, located in a bag of skin below the penis 睾丸 (/ˈtestɪkl/)

(be) enmeshed

(formal) to be involved in a bad situation that it is not easy to escape from 使陷入,使捲入(困境等) (/ɪnˈmeʃ/)
He was enmeshed by financial difficulties.他陷入了重重财政困难之中。


to give sb more control over their own life or the situation they are in (Bredan: to make yourself powerful) 增加(某人的)自主權;使控制局勢 (/ɪmˈpaʊәr/)

The movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves.


sexual activity between a human and an animal獸姦 (/ˌbestʃiˈælәti/)

manifest (itself)

to appear or become noticeable 顯現;使人注意到 (/ˈmænɪfest/)

At some point, would love manifest.
The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later. 十天後,這種病的症狀顯現出來。






behaving in a dishonest way by telling lies and making people believe things that are not true SYNONYM dishonest 不誠實的;騙人的 (/dɪˈsiːtfl/)

The government were accused of being hypocritical and deceitful.


a state of complete confusion and lack of order混亂;雜亂;紊亂 (/ˈkeɪɑːs/)

economic/political/domestic chaos
Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.


大麻 (/ˌmærәˈwɑːnә/)

(a) sucker

If you call sb a ~, you mean that it is very easy to cheat them.容易上当受骗的人;傻瓜;笨蛋 (/ˈsʌkәr/)

But that is what the suckers want so you give it them...但那就是那些笨蛋们想要的,给他们就是了。
Keep giving us your money, sucker!继续把你的钱给我们,傻瓜!


unable to express yourself clearly, often because of emotion 口齒不清的;語無倫次的 (/ˌɪnkoʊˈhɪrәnt/)

She broke off, incoherent with anger.


to become or make sth greater, worse, more serious, etc (使)扩大;(使)恶化;(使)升级 (/ˈeskәleɪt/)

The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
the escalating costs of health care


if sth goes ~, it does not happen in the way that was planned 出错;出岔子 (/әˈraɪ/)

All my plans for the party had gone awry.


a person who admires people in the higher social classes too much and has no respect for people in the lower social classes 勢利小人;諂上欺下的人(/snɑːb/)

She's such a snob! 她竟是這樣一個勢利眼!


a person who thinks they are much better than other people because they are intelligent or like things that many people do not like 自以為優越的人;自命高雅的人 (/snɑːb/)

an intellectual snob
a food/wine, etc. snob 自命精於品味美食,葡萄酒等的人

crowd (sb)

to stand very close to sb so that they feel uncomfortable or nervous擠,靠近,擠在一旁(以致使人不舒服或緊張) (/kraʊd/)

It had been a tense, restless day with people crowding her all the time. 这是紧张,忙碌的一天,每时每刻都有人围在她身旁。

crowd (around)

When people ~ around sb or sth, they gather closely together around them. 擠滿;塞滿;使…擁擠 (/kraʊd/)

The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors... 饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。
Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded around.


~ is loyalty to a person, organization, or set of beliefs. (对人,组织或信仰的)忠诚,忠实 (/fɪˈdelәti/)
I had to promise fidelity to the Queen. 我必须承诺效忠女王。


the quality of being faithful to your husband, wife or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else(對丈夫,妻子或性伴侶的)忠貞,忠實,忠誠 (/fɪˈdelәti/)

marital/sexual fidelity


the act of not being faithful to your wife, husband or partner, by having sex with sb else(夫妻或伴侶間的)不忠行為;通姦 (/ˌɪnfɪˈdelәti/)

marital infidelity
She could not forgive his infidelities.


sensible; that you can rely on and that will probably give good results 明智的;合理的;正確的;可靠的

His logic is sound.
a person of sound judgement


sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions. 明智的 (/ˈsensәbl/)

It might be sensible to get a lawyer.找个律师可能会是明智的。
The sensible thing is to leave them alone.明智的做法是不理他们。


~ people behave in a sensible way. 理智的 (/ˈsensәbl/)

She was a sensible girl and did not panic.她是个理智的女孩子,并没有惊慌失措。
Oh come on, let's be sensible about this.哦,得了吧,关于这事我们还是理智一点吧。

vitalize (sb)

to give sb vitality, energy, to make them feel alive. 使有生气;给予活力 (/ˈvaɪtlˌaɪz/)

The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man

fruit bat

a bat that lives in hot countries and eats fruit 果蝠

One of the Warthog sisters hid a fruit bat in Max’s costume.(这里是一种果蝠型糖果)

look back on (sth)

to think about sth in your past回顾;回忆
to look back on your childhood

a ball-breaker

a demanding woman who destroys men's confidence (ball: means testicle) (使男子甘拜下風的)女性魔

She had many suitors, Nando said. “She was a real ball-breaker.” 她有很多追求者,南多说:“她可真是朵刺玫瑰。”

grow a pair

Telling sb they don't have the balls that they SHOULD have to do sth "manly" (Usually a conversation between 2 or more guys.) 有点种

Jake: I really like Mikayla, but I don't think she would go out with me...
John: Stop being a pussy, grow a pair and ask her out!



collapse under pressure


take a hike

a rude way of telling sb to go away滚开;哪凉快那歇着去

If you're going to stand here insulting me, just take a hike.如果你站在这儿只是侮辱我,你最好(早点)滚开。

sweep (sth) under the rug

to try to stop people from finding out about sth wrong, illegal, embarrassing, etc. that has happened or that you have done 掩蓋某事

An earlier report, implicating the government, had been conveniently swept under the carpet.
If you are reading this post, you probably aren’t sb who just sweeps problems under the rug.

at some point

在某一时刻 (point: a particular time or stage of development)

At some point, would love manifest.

shrow up your hands


But you don't have to throw up your hands in defeat. 但是,你不用不得不向这种让人沮丧的状况投降。

either sth you have, or you don’t


Chemistry is either sth you have, or you don’t.

one and only

唯一的, [美国俚语] 指多年(唯一)的对象, 爱人,情人,心上人(girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, partner)
His wife is his one and only.

act on (sth)

to take action as a result of advice, information,feeling etc 根據(建議,信息等)行事

Acting on information from a member of the public, the police raided the club.
Why didn't you act on her suggestion? 你為什麼沒有按照她的建議去做呢?

let (sth) go

to stop taking care of a house, garden, etc 不再照看;撒手不管(房屋,花园等)

I'm afraid I've let the garden go this year.
Let the house go in order to spend time with the kids.

be susceptible to (sth)

very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth易受影響(或傷害等);敏感;過敏 (/sәˈseptәbl/)

He's highly susceptible to flattery.
Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others

take stock of (sth)

to think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order to decide what to do next (to examine a situation carefully) (對某情況)加以總結,作出評估,進行反思

It was time to stand back and take stock of his career.
After two days of record snowfalls, millions of Americans began digging out and taking stock of storm damage.

take (sb/sth) for granted

to be so used to sb/sth that you do not recognize their true value any more and do not show that you are grateful (因習以為常)對…不予重視; (因視為當然而)不把…當回事

Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. 她丈夫隨時都在身邊,她只是認為他理應如此
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.

take it for granted

If you ~ that sth is the case, you believe that it is true or you accept it as normal without thinking about it. 理所当然地认为

He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative. 他似乎想当然地认为他应该以代表的身份发言。

a vicious circle

a situation in which one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse 恶性循环 (/ˈvɪʃәs/)
This can cause a vicious circle as debtors are forced to sell assets, driving prices down. 由于负债者被迫抛售资产,导致价格下跌,这可能会导致恶性循环。

present inconvenience

带来不便 (/prɪˈzɛnt/ /ˌɪnkənˈvinyəns/)

emasculate (sb)

to make a man feel that he has lost his male role or qualities 使缺乏男子气;使柔弱 (/iˈmæskjuleɪt/)

Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend. 托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖了。


energy and enthusiasm 生命力;活力 (/vaɪˈtælәti/)

She is bursting with vitality and new ideas.


a person who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less 完美主義者 (/pәrˈfekʃәnɪst/)

He was a perfectionist in his art and could be difficult to work for.
perfectionist standards


完美主义 (/pәrˈfekʃәnɪzәm/)

Her perfectionism is evident at work and at home.


If you describe sb as ~, you mean that they have attractive qualities, and are easy to like. 可爱的;讨人喜欢的 (/ˈlʌvәbl/)

His vulnerability makes him even more lovable.他的脆弱反倒让他更加讨人喜欢。
a lovable child 討人喜歡的小孩


You can refer to a short journey as an ~, especially if it is made for pleasure or enjoyment 短途旅行;远足 (/ɪkˈskɜːrʒn/)

In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier. 在百慕大,萨姆的父亲带他到附近的珊瑚礁去游玩。


~ are acrobatic movements. 杂技;杂技表演;杂技技艺 (/ˌækrәˈbætɪks/)

acrobatics on the high wire 走鋼絲雜技
Acrobatics is hard to learn but beautiful to watch. 杂技不好学,但很好看。


a person who takes an active part in the protection of the environment 自然環境保護主義者 (/ˌkɑːnsәrˈveɪʃәnɪst/)

a meeting of local conservationists


The ~s of an animal that lives in water, for example a seal or a penguin, are the two or four flat limbs which it uses for swimming. (海豹等的)鳍状肢,鳍足 (/ˈflɪpәr/)


~s are flat pieces of rubber that you can wear on your feet to help you swim more quickly, especially underwater. 脚蹼;橡皮脚掌;鸭脚板 (/ˈflɪpәr/)

put on

When people ~ a show, exhibition, or service, they perform it or organize it. 上演;举办;展出

The band are hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year...那个乐队希望年底之前在英国举办一场演出。
British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow...英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。

eating out of your hand

If you have sb ~, they are completely under your control. 完全听命于;完全受..支配

She usually has the press eating out of her hand.她通常都能将新闻界抓在自己手心。

a matter of time


They are not quite there yet, but it's a matter of time. (华为)要成为行业领头羊还有相当一段距离,但那只是时间问题。
But when both partners in a marriage seriously question the arrangement, divorce is only a matter of time.

in reality

used to say that a situation is different from what has just been said or from what people believe 事实上;实际上 /riˈælət̮i/

Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.表面上看,她顯得信心十足,而實際上她緊張得要命。
In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time.

dozens of

If you refer to ~ things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them. 许多;很多

...a storm which destroyed dozens of homes and buildings.摧毁了许多房屋和建筑的暴风雨

come in

If information, a report, or a telephone call ~s, it is received. (信息)传来;(报告或电话)接收到

Reports are now coming in of trouble at yet another jail.另一所监狱也发生了骚乱的消息正在不断传来。

come in

If you have some money ~ing, you receive it regularly as your income. (钱款)定期收到;有收入

She had no money coming in and no funds. 她没有收入,也没有存款.
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. 她每月從自己的投資中得到超過一千英鎊的收入.

vacation spot

旅游景点 (/veɪˈkeɪʃn/)

Would you prefer to spend it at your favorite vacation spot where you've always been able to relax? 你会更想待在你最喜欢的度假地点,因为那儿你总是可以放松心情?

human contact


Because they have few natural predators, they quickly become accustomed to human contact.

turn on (sb)

to attack sb suddenly and unexpectedly 突然攻擊

The dogs suddenly turned on each other. 那兩條狗突然互相撕咬了起來。
Why are you all turning on me (= criticizing or blaming me) ? 你們怎麼突然都衝我來了?


an animal that kills and eats other animals 捕食性動物 (/ˈpredәtәr/)

Some animals have no natural predators.
the relationship between predator and prey


an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another 被捕食的動物;獵物 (/preɪ/)

The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
birds of prey(= birds that kill for food)


doing sth well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy 效率高的;效能高的 (/ɪˈfɪʃnt/)

efficient heating equipment
With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.

hospitalize (sb)

to send sb to a hospital for treatment 送(某人)入院治療 (/ˈhɑːspɪtәlaɪz/)

Eight people were hospitalized after receiving bullet wounds


n. 住院 (/ˌhɑːspɪtәlәˈzeɪʃn/)

a long period of hospitalization 長期住院

(be) hospitalized

If sb is ~, they are sent or admitted to hospital. 使住院,送…入院 (/ˈhɑːspɪtәlaɪz/)

Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.大多数哮喘或肺炎患者无需住院。
One woman was hospitalized for a week after she had rip her leg out of a dolphin’s mouth.


to tear sth or to become torn, often suddenly or violently (突然或猛烈地)撕破,裂開

(When sth ~s or when you ~ it, you tear it forcefully with your hands or with a tool such as a knife.)
I ripped my jeans on the fence. 我的牛仔褲在柵欄上劃破了。
The flags had been ripped in two. 旗幟都被撕成了兩半。


a short piece of thread, etc. that doctors use to sew the edges of a wound together (縫合傷口的)縫線 (/stɪtʃ/)

The cut needed eight stitches. 這道傷口需要縫八針。

gash (in/on sth)

long deep cut in the surface of sth, especially a person's skin 深长的伤口(或切口)

He needed an operation to close a nasty gash in his arm.
The explosion left a wide gash in the rock.

contaminate (sth with sth)

If sth is ~ed by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful. 污染;弄脏 (/kәnˈtæmɪneɪt/)

Have any fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?北冰洋的鱼受到过污染吗?
...vast tracts of empty land, much of it contaminated by years of army activity.

contaminate (sth with sth)

to influence people's ideas or attitudes in a bad way 玷污,毒害,腐蝕(人的思想或品德) (/kәnˈtæmɪneɪt/)

They were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people. 他們被指控毒害我們青少年的心靈。