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120 Cards in this Set

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I'm so spacey today

Hoy estoy como en una nube

I can't focus

No puedo enfocarme

I'll handle the calls/take care of the phone

Me encargo del teléfono

I'll take care of the clients

Me ocupo de los clientes

There are still a few formalities for us to deal with

Quedan algunos trámites con que ocuparnos

Have you dealt with the printer?

¿Ya lidiaste con la impresora?

A lot of my books have to do with language

Muchos de mis libros tratan CON los idiomas

The video's still buffering

Todavía está cargando el video

To upload something to the computer


I already uploaded it

Ya lo subí

Has it been uploaded?

¿Lo subieron?

The heater

El calefactor

She's not a therapist per se, but...

No es una terapeuta de por sí/que digamos, pero...







A container

Un recipiente/contenedor/envase

It helps me get through the day

Me ayuda a pasar el día


The kitchen sink

El fregadero

The bathroom sink

El lavabo

You don't have far to go

No está/s lejos, no te falta mucho

To make up for

Compensar (no "por")

My passion makes up for my lack of experience

Mi pasión compensa mi falta de experiencia

Let me make it up to you

Déjame repararlo

If all else fails...

Si no queda otra...

He struggles to communicate

Tiene dificultad para comunicarse

If it seems like he's struggling to communicate...

Si parece que tiene dificultad para comunicarse...

To donate platelets

Donar plaquetas

Messy (soup, sandwich)


I deleted it

Lo borré

It's a real bitch to (verb)

Está bien cabrón para

It's a real bitch to get rid of

Está bien cabrón para quitar

It'll last you all day long

Te quedará todo el día

Day-to-day conversations

Las conversaciones DE día A día

It means that...

Significa que...

What does it mean?

¿Qué significa?

What do you mean?

¿Qué quieres decir?

It means "difficult"

Significa "difícil"

I didn't know what it meant

No sabía que significaba

That's what I read, but I didn't know what it meant

(Eso) es lo que leí, pero no sabía que significaba

Do you know what it means?

¿Sabes qué significa?

Do you know what this means?

¿Sabes qué significa esto?

Right away I told her that...

De inmediato le dije que...

Immediately, I could see the problem

De inmediato pude ver el problema

It just so happened that...

Sucedió que...

It just so happens that we have...

Resulta que tenemos...

Are you going to go (to the party)?

¿Vas a venir?

Yeah, I'm going (to go to the party)

Sí, voy a ir

Is he coming to the meeting?

¿Viene a la reunión?

Yeah, he's going

Sí, va a ir

My mom is a compulsive shopper

Mi mamá suele comprar las cosas de forma impulsiva


We were both confused

Los dos estábamos confundidos

We were both wrong

Las dos estábamos equivocadas


What does he look like?

¿Qué aspecto tiene?

What color is it?

¿De qué color es?

A substitute for

Un sustituto de

To have time to do it

Tener tiempo de hacerlo

If you can get here a little early, that'd be (even) better

Si puedes llegar un poco temprano, mejor

Actually, if you could get here before 10 that'd be better

De hecho, si llegas antes de las 10, mejor

If you could come a little late, that'd be better

Si llegas un poco tarde, mejor

No, we should (it's better that) we go

No, mejor que nos vamos

No, it's be better to wait a little while

No, mejor que esperamos un ratito

No, we'd better leave it as it is

No, mejor que lo dejamos así

Wouldn't it be better to...?

¿No es/sería mejor que...?

To look somebody in the eye

Mirar a alguien a los ojos

Debo darme una vuelta por las gallinas

I should check on the chickens

Esperamos verlo allí

We look forward to seeing you there

We look forward to seeing you there

Esperamos verlo allí

Looking back now...

Mirando hacia atrás...

She looked away

Miró por otro lado

Échale un vistazo

Have a look, give it a look

Have a look, give it a look

Échale un vistazo

Let's give it a look

Vamos a echarle un vistazo

His looks

Su apariencia

She only likes him for his looks

Sólo le gusta por su aparencia

I like it's look

Me gusta su aspecto

Well, based on the (book) cover, I'd say...

Bueno, basásandome en la portada...

I shouldn't choose based on the cover

No debería escoger basándome en la portada

This implies that...

Esto insinúa que...

What was he implying?

¿Qué insinuaba?

What are you implying?

¿Qué quieres insinuar?

That would imply that...

Eso insinuaría que..,

Bettar than expected

Mejor de lo que esperaba

It went/turned out better than I expected

Salió mejor de lo que esperaba

It passed in front of me

Pasó por delante de mí

It's underneath the deck

Está debajo de la terraza

They live underneath the deck

Viven debajo de la terraza

In the Winter they live under the deck

Durante el invierno viven debajo dr la terraza

It's under the chair

Está debajo de la silla

They're behind the chairs

Están detrás de las sillas

It's not behind the chair

No está detrás de la silla

I couldn't get through (lit and fig.)

No pude pasar

She couldn't get through

No pudo pasar

She couldn't find it

No pudo encontrarlo

She couldn't find the entrance

No pudo encontrar la entrada

We couldn't open the door

No pudimos abrir la puerta

They couldn't come

No pudieron venir

The name was eacaping me

Se me escapaba el nombre

The term is escaping me

El término se me escapa

They couldn't stop dancing

No pudieron dejar de bailar

Pasar por

To pass by, to make a quick stop at

To pass by, to make a quick stop at

Pasar por

To storm

Haber tormenta

It's going to storm

Habrá tormenta

They say that it's going to storm

Dicen que habrá tormenta

It's supposed to storm on Thursday

Se supone que habrá tormenta el Jueves

In the last few days

En los últimos días

I haven't slept a lot in the past few days

No he dormido mucho en los últimos días

Have you had something to eat in the last few hours?

¿Has comido algo en las últimas horas?

Have you seen her in the last few hours?

¿La has visto en las últimas horas?

I've learned a lot in the last few years

He aprendido mucho en los últimos años

In just 5 months I've learned so much

En los solos 5 meses he aprendido mucho

That was about 3 weeks ago

Eso fue como hace tres semanas

I donated blood about a month ago

Doné sangre como hace un mes

Easter was about two weeks ago

La Pascua fue como hace 2 semanas

Her birthday was about 6 days ago

Su cumple fue como hace seis días

A one-time thing

Algo único

She knows her stuff

Ella sabe de lo suyo

You really have to know your stuff

Realmente hay que saber de lo suyo

My weight fluctuates a lot

Fluctúa mucho mi peso