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20 Cards in this Set

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Interest Group
an organization of people with similar policy goals who enter the political process to try to achieve those aims.
Pluralist Theory
argues that intrest group activity brings represnention to all.
Elite Theory
argues that few groups(primarily wealthy) have most of the power.
hyperpluralist theory
asserts that too many groups are getting to much of what they want.
in American political system that excurise in great deal of control over spefiec areas
potential group
is composed of all people who might be group members because they share some common intreast
actual group
composed of those in potential group who choose to join.
collective good
somthing of value such as clean air, that cannot be withheld from a potential group members.
free-rider problem
faced by unions and other groups when people do not join because thaey can benefit from the group activites without offically joining.
Olsons law of large groups
a principle stating that the larger the group the further it will fall short of providing an optional amount of a collective good
selective benefits
goods that a group can restrict to those who pay there yearly dues
single-issue group
a group that has a narrow intrest, dislikes compromise, and single mindly pursues its goal
communication by someone other than a citizen acting on his own behalf directed to a governmental decision maker with the hope of influencing his decision.
aiding candidtes financially and getting group members out to support them
Political Action Committees(PAC)
provide a means for groups to participate in electioneering
amicus curiae briefs
consist of written arguements submitted to the courts in support of one side of a case
class action lawsuits
enable a group of people in a similar situation to combine their common grievances into a single suit
union shop
requires new employees to join the union representing them
right-to-work laws
outlaw union membership as a condition of employment
public interest lobbies
organizations that seek a collective good the activists of the organization