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180 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Comprehensive (adj)
through; inclusive
Germane (adj)
pertinent; bearing the case at hand
Inconsequential (adj)
unimportant; insignificant
Civil (adj)
having to do with the citizens or the state; courteous and polite
Esteem (v)
respect; value; judge
Ignominy (n)
deep disgrace; shame or dishonor
Conscientious (adj)
scrupulous; careful
Exploit (n)
deed or action; particularly a brave deed
Implement (v)
put into affect; supply with tools
Discriminating (adj)
able to see differences; prejudice
Derivative (adj)
unoriginal; derived from another source
Fluctuate (v)
waver; shift
Cynic (n)
one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives
Hedonist (n)
one who believes pleasure is the sole aim in life
Emulate (v)
imitate; rival
Diverse (adj)
differing in some characteristics; various
Ephemeral (adj)
short lived; fleeing
Dutiful (adj)
respectful; obedient
Exalt (v)
rise in rank or dignity; praise
Dispassionate (adj)
impartial; calm
Acknowledge (v)
recognize; admit
Facilitate (v)
help bring about; make less difficult
Diffuse (adj)
wordy; rambling; spread on
Founder (n)
person who establishes (an organization or business)
Arable (adj)
fit for growing crops
Cacophonous (adj)
inharmonious; discordinate
Altruistic (adj)
unselfishly generous; concerned for others
Converge (v)
approach; come together; tend to meet
Authentic (adj)
Degenerate (v)
become worse; deteriorate
Benevolent (adj)
generous; charitable
Anecdote (n)
short account of an amusing or interesting event
Adversary (n)
an opponent
Flippant (adj)
lacking proper seriousness
Discredit (v)
defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve
Confound (v)
confuse; puzzle
Esoteric (adj)
hard to understand; known only to a chosen few
Distant ( adj)
reserved or aloof; cold in manner
Charlatan (n)
quake; pretender to knowledge
Receptive (adj)
quick or willing to receive ideas or suggestions
Buttress (v)
support; prop-up
Surpass (v
to exceed
Problematic (adj)
doubtful; questionable; perplexing; unsettled
Invert (v)
to turn upside down or inside out
Garrulous (adj)
talkative; wordy; loquacious
Abate (v)
subside or moderate
Expertise (n)
specialized knowledge; expert skill
Deprecate (v)
Oblivion (n)
obscurity; forgetfulness
Impetuous (adj)
violent; rash; hasty
Mundane (adj)
worldly as opposed to spiritual
Elusive (adj)
baffling; invasive; hard to grasp
Cursory (adj)
casual; hastily done
Ascendancy (n)
controlling influence
Iconoclast (n)
one who attacks cherished traditions
Incoherent (adj)
illogical; muddled; unintelligible
Lethargic (adj)
drowsy; dull (without sharpness; alertness)
Quiescent (adj)
temporarily inactive; at rest; dormant
Proliferation (n)
spread; multiplication; rapid growth
Remorse (n)
self-reproach; guilt
Opaque (adj)
dark; not transparent
Pithy (adj)
meaningful; sustantial; meaty; concise
Judicious (adj)
wise; sound in judement
Passive (adj)
Inimical (adj)
unfriendly; hostil; farmful; detrimental
Disparity (n)
differnce; condition of inequality
Founder (v)
fail completely; sink
Defiance (n)
refusal to yeild; resistance
Contract (v)
to compress or shrink; to make a pledge; to catch a disease
Composure (n)
mental calmness
Duration (n)
length of time something lasts
Indiscriminate (adj)
choosing at random; confused
Inaugurate (v)
to start; to initiate; to install into office
Gravity (n)
Hindurance (n)
block; obstacle
Impair (v)
to injure; to hurt
Enumerate (v)
list; mention one by one
Exacting (adj)
extreamly demanding
Facile (adj)
easily accomplished; ready or fluent; surperficial
Didactic (adj)
instructional; teaching
Inert (adj)
lacking powerto move; inactive
Pomposity (n)
acting like a stuffed shirt; self-important behavior
Hardy (adj)
sturdy; robust; able to stand inclement weather
Meander (v)
to wind on turn in its course
Perpetuate (v)
to make something last; to preserve from extinction
Insipid (adj)
lacking in flavor; dull (boring)
Accolade (n)
award of merit
Austerity (n)
sternness; servirity; strict economy lacking luxuries
Provocative (adj)
arousing anger or intrest; annoying
Sage (n)
one who is celebrated for his wisdom
Aloof (adj)
apart; reserved; standoffish
Skeptical (adj)
doubting; suspending judgement till one has examined the evidence supporting a point of view
Static (adj)
unchanging; lacking developement
Repudiate (v)
disown; disvow
Usurp (v)
seize another's rank or power
Apprehension (n)
fear, capture; discernment
Tirade (n)
extended scolding; denunciation; harangue
Paltry (adj)
insignificant; petty; triffling (a little bit)
Seclusion (n)
isolation; solitude
Reticent (adj)
reserved, uncommunicative; inclinded to be silent
Notoriety (n)
disrepute; ill fame
Intervene (v)
come between
Magnanimous (adj)
Misanthrope (n)
one who hates mankind
Preclude (v)
make impossible; eliminate
Curtail (v)
reduce; shorten
Confront (v)
face; challenge
Animosity (n)
extream hatred; active enimity
Virtuoso (n)
highly skilled artist
Discrepancy (n)
lack of consistency; difference
Abberant (adj)
abnormal or deviant
Substantail (adj)
ample; solid
Ascetic (adj)
practicing self-denial; austere
Sparse (adj)
not thick; thinly scattered
Chronicle (v)
report; record (in chronilogical order)
Tangible (adj)
able to be touched; real; palpable
Adverse (adj)
hostile; unfavorable
Benign (adj)
kind; favorable; not maligent
Trivial (adj)
unimportant; tiffling
Deride (v)
ridicule; make fun of
Divergent (adj)
differing; deviating
Insolvent (adj)
bankrupt; unable to pay one's debt
Florid (adj)
ruddy; reddish; flowery
Irascible (adj)
irritable; easily angered
Genre (n)
particular variety of art or literature
Embelish (v)
ornament; adorn
Haughtiness (n)
pride; arrogance
Espouse (v)
support; adopt
Levity (n)
lacking proper seriousness; lightness
Inexorable (adj)
relentless; unyeilding; implacable
Implausible (adj)
unlikely; unbelieveable
Incongruous (adj)
not fitting; absurd
Medley (n)
Explict (adj)
clear; definate; outspoken
Idiosycrasy (n)
individual trait; particuarly odd in nature
Ponderous (adj)
weighty; unwielding (importance)
Munification (adj)
Proclivity (n)
inclination; natural tendency
Surreptitous (adj)
secrete; furtive; hidden; sneaky
Torpor (n)
sluggish; lethargy; dormancy
Proximity (n)
Paradigm (n)
model; example; pattern
Oblivious (adj)
inattentive or unmindful; wholly absorbed
Steadfast (adj)
loyal; unswerving
Slacken (v)
slow up; loosen
Recluse (n)
hermit; loner
Perturb (v)
disurb greatly
Rescind (v)
Sanction (v)
ratify; approve
Vacillate (v)
waver; fluctuate
Ramble (v)
wander aimlessly (physically or mentally)
Miserly (adj)
stingy; mean
Paucity (n)
scarcity; lack
Intimidate (v)
Justification (n)
good or just reason; defense; excuse
Novelty (n)
something new; newness
Gregarious (adj)
Incense (v)
enrage; infuriate
Hoard (v)
stockpile; accumulate for future use
Indolent (adj)
Precocious (adj)
advanced in development
Pivotal (adj)
key; crucial; vital
Impartial (v)
not biased; fair
Initiate (v)
begin; originate; recieve into a group
Magnate (n)
person of prominence or importance
Opportunist (n)
individual who sacrafices principles for expendiency by taking advantage of circumstances
Turbulence (n)
state of violent agitation
Prolific (adj)
abundantly fruitful
Renegade (n)
deserter; traitor
Retiring (adj)
shy; modest
Sectarian (adj)
relationg to a religious faction or subgroup; narrow minded; limited
Spendthrift (n)
someone who wastes money
Substantiate (v)
establish by evidence; verify; support
Tantamount (adj)
equivalent in value or effect
Advocate (v)
urge; plead for
Antagonist (adj)
opposed; hostile
Aspire (v)
seak to attain; long for
Bequeath (v)
leave to someone by a will; hand down
Abrassive (adj)
tending to grind down; rubbing away
Virulent (adj)
extreamly poisonous; bitter; hostile