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72 Cards in this Set

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In colonial Latin America, American born spanish gentry.
Oliver Cromwell
Leader of the English Revolution that deposed the Shuart monarchs in favor of a short lived Republic.
Eurpoean Christian military expeditions made between the 11th and 13th centuries to retake the Middle Eastern Holy Lands occupied by the Muslims.
Cuban Missle Crisis
Crises that devolped as a result of Cuban dictator Castro's decision to allow the Soviet Union to base nuclear missiles in Cuba.
Cuban Revolution
A political revolution that removed the United States supported Fugencio Batista from power.
Cultural Diffusion
The spreading of ideas through contact such as trade or war.
Cultural Revolution
Political policy started in China by Mao Zedong to eliminate his rivals and train a new generation in the revolutionary spirit that created communist China.
The shared beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people.
Culture System
A system of labor used by the Dutch in their South East Asia colonies.
One of the earliest forms of writing.
Marie Curie
French scientist.
Pierre Curie
French scientist.
An alphabet created by Eastern Orthodox monks for the Slavic language.
Title of the ruler of Russia. Taken from the word Caesar, which means emperor.
Czar Nicholas II
Czar of Russia. He was over thrown during the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Vasco Da Gama
Portuguese explorer who, established an all water route to India.
Leoardo Da Vinci
An Italian painter, sculptor, engineer and inventer. Painter of the Mona Lisa.
Gottlleb Daimler
German inventer.
Land owning feudal lords in Japan.
Dalai Lama
The spiritual leader of the Tibetan sect of Buddhism, and is considered to be the reincarnation of the bodhisattva.
A structure built to hold water in place.
Italian poet and Renaissance writer.
Darius I
King of Persia who expanded his empire to extand from the Mediterranean to the Indus River.
Miquel de Cervantes
Spanish Ressaissance writer.
F.W. de Klerk
The white South Afrian president who ended Apartheid in the early 1990s.
Jose de San Martin
Latin American revolutionary.
Decimal System
Numeric system based on ten.
Declaration of the rights of man
Revolutionary document of the French Revolution.
the wide spread destruction of the world's forest.
a system of government in which the citizens hold the legislative, judicial and executive power, based on majority rule.
democratic republic
a political system in which a country is ruled by law, has representative government, and is democratic in nature.
Deng Xiaoping
Chinese communist.
French intellectual who challenged traditional ideas.
the process in which land slowly dries out untill little or no vegetation exists becoming a desert.
a policy during the Cold War which was aimed at relaxing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Developing nations
Nations that are economically and technologically less developed than industrialized nations.
The act of fulfilling one's duty in life.
Bartholomeu Dias
Portuguese explorer who was the first person to round the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.
The enfored spreading out of a group of people
a system of government in which a country is ruled by a single person with absolute power.
Emperor of Rome who was responsible for dividing Rome into different provinces and districts.
To treat unfairly due to a persons ethnic backround, gender, religion, or age.
Godlike, or coming form, or having to do with a god.
The Divine Comedy
An epic poem written by Dante during the Renaissance.
divine right
the justification of monarchy through the word of God.
the legal act of ending a marriage.
a hemispherical roof.
Dome of the Rock
First Islamic religious shrine.
to tame an animal to live with, or close to humans.
Domino theory
The idea that countries bordering communist countries were in more danger of falling to communism unless the United States and other western nations worked to prevent it.
Don Quixote
a comedic book written by Miguel de Cervantes during the Renaissance.
Name of Russia Parliament.
Dutch East Indies
A group of islands in South East Asia claimed by the Dutch.
a drainage ditch used to help control flooding.
Dynastic Cycle
In china, a dynasty would remain in power only as long as it was providing a good governmnent.
a succession of rulers from the same family.
A contagious disease in Africa.
Economic Rights
owning property or the choice to employed.
Edict of Milan
Proclamation by the Roman Emperor Constantine outlawing the persecution of Christains.
Thomas Eddison
American inventor.
Eight Fold Path
code of behavior for followers of Buddism.
Albert Einstein
American scientist best known for his theory of relativity.
Elizabeth I
Queen of England and Ireland.
political ruler of a country of nation.
a collection of nations or peoples ruled by a single authority.
Enclosure Movement
During the Industrial Revolution, it was the consolidation of many small farms into one large farm.
Economienda system
A system of production in Spain's New World possessions which granted permission to conquistadors to enslave people as needed to work a plantation.
Friedrich Engels
German socialist and co-author of the Communist Manifesto.
a person who plans mechanic structures for a variety of uses.
English Bill of Rights
written after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which created a limited monarchy and established Parliament as the ruling body of the nation.
Enlightened Despots
a monarch who retains absoute controll while also enacting reformed based on Enlightenment ideas.
a movement in the 18th century that stressed the importance of reason and science.